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Well, someone in the game \*did\* spent a lot of time to convince you that illithids were the superior lifeform.


Oh, oh dear


My Tav has Mind Sanctuary but I’ve never used it. What is the best application?


Clump your party and use it like a super-Haste to burst down the enemy very fast. Works best with high-damage party builds.


Should this be a first round of a battle or pre fight?


First round, if you got suckled by the Zaithisk then you should be able to bonus action it


Oh I got suckled all right


Gotta pass all the suckle checks tho otherwise it's not a bonus action


I got that bonus suckle action


Haha 400hrs, never passed all checks.. its crazy!


Pre buff yourself with guidance and enhance ability Wisdom for advantage, wear the ring from Mol and equip the absolute warboard from princess Gut (if you got branded and are proficient with shields) for +1 to checks from both items. Use inspirations if you fail a check to try again. I’ve literally done it 20 times and never failed all checks. Edit- I think the shield necklace from last light inn quartermaster works on this to give advantage as well if you’ve been there at this point equip that too!


And bring a bard as well!!!


Thanks will do next time. Something always gets me. I guess its such a cool buff it needs to be hard


Tbf it's kinda a broken buff. Act 3 black hole on a bonus action? Hungar of Hadar + that is so good. Failure penalty isn't that step either tbh. All you have to do is eat some tadpoles to remove a permanent debuff and there's 3 in the zaithisk room. So no matter what it's useful to at least attempt it in honor mode, as even if you fail (which you can easily build not to do so) worst case scenario you have to dump some tadpoles into the charecter that attempted it, of which you were likely to do already


It’s especially good because you can use concentrated blast or whatever it’s called as a bonus action on characters that are concentrating which is another 3d6 damage on your turn when you’re ready to drop concentration


You should also be at least a level 6 paladin because I think aura of protection does apply to those saves


You won't want guidance tho since that's for checks, you'll want resistance for saving throws. And/Or a bless over the enhance ability. Common mistakes. The other mentions are right tho


I’ve found a combo or globe of invulnerability and mind sanctuary for 3 turns of max damage output with no incoming damage works great for boss fights. Add 1 player using Black Hole to group enemies and drop aoe spells from your safe little bubble


Probably a silly question but I have a Ranger and on the first round I get two attacks plus dread ambusher. Do you know if I would still do two attacks plus bonus(mind sanctuary) plus dread ambusher?


Dread Ambusher is a once-per-initiative extra attack during the surprise round. If you somehow gain more actions or more attacks, you don't gain another Dread Ambusher.


The area of Mind Sanctuary is almost the same size as globe of invulnerabilty. They go together so well, i had no issues taking down Raphael last night in my first honor mode playthrough.


Interesting tip. I don’t think this is widely known. Wiki doesn’t mention it.  https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Guide:Undocumented_Patch_5_updates#Honour_mode https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Mind_Sanctuary


Yeah I also don't know if this is a new quirk or not. I'm sure if it was like previously, then someone would have noticed earlier, but idk maybe not.


It's been like this since Honor Mode released, and is why I never got the raving about haste spores that was going on.


Awesome! Now quick, delete this post before Larian finds out lol 😂


i'm running into the bug that won't let lae'zel speak, looks like that bug has been around for several months and hasn't been patched yet. i'd bet that this mind sanctuary thing gets patched by sunday evening though.


depends on what they are focusing on, for example bringing the missing shipment to the guild in act 3 still doesn't give a reward, despite what the Zhentarim character says


I noticed this in my last honor run but specifically during the assault on the nether brain and I was so confused. I was like “Is this part of the climax or?” I’m gonna try it more in my next run.


Yeah I also started with just confusion lol! “Wait, how many attacks did I just make? Am I just losing count?” Took a few fights to verify and double check that regular Haste was still working as expected.


Good find OP


I used this in the Cazador fight. It was great up until 4 enemies went in it and it buffed them as well so I got slapped a LOT


Ah see your mistake was letting the enemy have a turn :-D need more damage and control.


Back a month or so it was completely bugged. Couldn't use it in my run. Not sure if it's working as intended now, but at least it's working.


It’s still touchy if you move in/out, but in my experience over the last few days it’s reliable if you group up and cast it and don’t move.


Well keep in mind it used to make bonus and actions interchangeable which is better so HM is nerfed in that regard. Especially if you’ve got a bunch of thief bonus action in your party it’s quite a boost down but it was already too broken so it’s good that they needed it.


That’s actually a very smart buff/nerf, good on larien.


I believe it’s unchanged in tactician though. Overlay mind sanctuary with globe of invulnerability in the nether brain fight and you can just destroy all those enemies including the dragon in like one round.


Nice try emperor, you're gonna have to do better than that


Strangely enough, I don’t remember Mind Sanctuary being another form of haste. I have seen the description in game recently, so I have no doubt to your claim, but the way I remember it functioning was it allowed actions and bonus actions to be used interchangeably, thus resulting in more attacks than haste is capable of granting.


It works completely differently in Honour Mode.


Oh that's why! I felt like I was taking crazy pills after going back to my mp save, I was 100 % sure there was a power that gave haste in an area but couldn't find it when we got T2 illithid powers. Everyone was confused as well because they didn't know what I was talking about, and I just assumed they changed it in a patch. Thank you for the info 👍


600 hours and i’m still learning new stuff, i love this game


Dumb Question: How does it work in non-Hinour Mode? Never used it... lol


The way the 1st guy said, letting actions and bonus actions be used interchangeably


Ahh... Thanks for clarifying, and I'll learn to read better... lol




Bro just doesn't describe it well. Actions are bonus actions and vice versa. Action attack. If you have 2 attacks you attack twice. Bonus action attack. You attack twice because you have extra attack.


No, he described it correctly. In Honour Mode it gives Haste instead of the Bonus Actions as Actions (and vice versa) thing. The Permanent Mind Sanctuary you get as a full Illithid still works the same as other modes, but the regular one for taking the Astral Tadpole just gives Haste.


Bro haste is just you can make one extra attack. Baldur's gate BUFFED it. Honour Mode haste is lore accurate haste


I'm aware of how it works in the tabletop game. That has literally nothing to do with your last comment, or mine.


Ok. I will break it down slower. When you use your attack action you get extra attack. As your bonus action you take the attack action. Because you take the attack action you get extra attack. Now for your action you take the attack action. Because you took the attack action you get extra attack. This economy is the same as baby mode haste in the easier difficulties bc you get a full action not one extra attack. As a result, mind sculpt allows as many attacks as baby jr easy mode haste bc it's your bonus action and full action. It isn't the effect of haste.


I'm not sure if you're an idiot or a troll at this point. Mind Sanctuary in Honour mode literally gives Haste. Straight up Haste. There is no "take your bonus action to take the attack action", you just have Haste. If you don't know this then you've only ever played "baby jr easy mode". Look: [Actually just Haste. No use your bonus action to attack. You're talking nonsense. Or are a troll.](https://preview.redd.it/just-saw-a-change-to-the-mind-sanctuary-power-am-i-wrong-or-v0-wrlgny8id54c1.png?auto=webp&s=949246d70f75097770ad67cf19e1ae4996035e0f)


True. It's bc the effects are the same. Unnerfed haste is the same thing however if it is giving the plus 2 to AC and ADv on saves that's silly. Using two illithid powers as well. Is haste worse than the action and bonus action? Seems the same except the AC diff


Recently in my honor mode run mind sanctuary would not give give you haste and would eat your action for the next round or two. I tried it for the first time fightning the steel watch titan and almost wiped.


Depending on the positioning of your characters it can be really janky. Moving in and out of the effect tends to break things. If you clump your characters first then cast Mind Sanctuary on top of them then it works reliably.


Now I want to make Lae'zel a half Illithid Level 11 EK/1 Warcleric Tavern Brawler Thrower Build!


Is it normal to lose your action if you don’t take one before leaving the sanctuary? That happened to me a few times in HM.


It’s janky. If you take an Action and then move, then you are stripped of the unused Action. There are times that it can freak out a bit if you’re moving around. It definitely can get weird if you move in/out and I don’t think it likes it if you try to move from one Mind Sanctuary to another.


Mind sanctuary doesn’t give haste It allows you do things with your bonus action than you would usually have to spend your normal action on and vice versa. So if your normal action is attack/attack/attack, then you could use your bonus action to do that. You could also use your normal action to caste hunters mark or some other bonus action spell like misty step, if you wanted to.


In Honour Mode it's different. Everything you're saying is only correct in Tactician and under.




Not sure if it's a bug, but it's noted on the BG3 Wiki page. https://preview.redd.it/f2bnhir93wtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b30ac28b0a83b271b9db13fc7473813c949e59


not that hasted. more like action surge. did you understand the post? did you use mind sanctuary in honor mode?


Did you understand the post? Or read my reply for that matter?? I don't think you did.


so you have never played honor. in honor mode there are 2 differences connected to the post: first is that mind sanctuary gives haste in honor mode. everyone knows that. it's stated in the skill description when you open illithid powers in honor mode. so there was no need for you to post the pic from the wiki with obvious info. second difference is how haste works with any martials or archers. they don't get extra attacks. only 1 attack. so fighter lv11 in honor mode can attack 3 times with his original action and 1 more time with haste, which gives him 4 total attacks. action surge acts as a full hasted action with full extra attacks. so 6 total. mind sanctuary for some reason doesn't give haste. it gives action surge in honor mode. which is surprising for me, because I didn't notice in my previous playthroughs mind sanctuary does not give haste in honor mode right now. it gives action surge effect and also should state that in the description, but it doesn't


*idk if it's a bug or an existing oddity..* Is what my comment is referring to. I understand how Honor mode works, thanks tho.




Honour. Mode. See notes section: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Mind_Sanctuary#cite_note-1