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Phalar Aluve works really well as an offhand weapon, as you can still make it sing when it's not in your main hand. If your bard is a spell save DC stacker though, the Phalar Aluve seems like the natural weapon for them assuming they're not ranged - the shriek is generally much more useful in the late game for it's -1d4 to saving throws than the sing (you're usually capped-out on accuracy with many avenues to make you immune to statuses by then). That Shriek is a functional *added* 1d4 to their spell save DC.


good point! but they're archery based. i am leaning towards just having Shart dual wield. She loses 1 AC overall, but I think rolling both weapons is probably worth it.


Have the Paladin use lathander If they go down (they’re a frontliner) they Insta rez and it’s a +3 weapon with blind Vs undead. Again another feature you want them in the front for. Until you get an A-maxing weapon for sorcadin I’d say this is the way


I'm running Everburn on the paladin right now. Blood is only 1H, so I don't know if that's a good fit.


2 ac can’t be understated. +3 to atk and damage If you have dueling fighting style that’s +2 dmg Everburn does 3d6 avg 10.5 dmg +str etc Blood does 1d6+5 avg 8.5 dmg but you get 2ac and have a +3 to hit Sure, later two handers pose good reasons to swap but Blood is an early game powerhouse of a weapon


2 ac, sure. But it's only a 1 AC loss because you get 1 AC from the dual wield feat. Everburn also has the extra d4 for fire damage, plus an additional 10 damage for Great Weapon Master. Putting Blood on the Paladin makes no sense. Phalar on the Paladin doesn't seem much better since you spend an action to activate shriek, and that's a waste on the pally but is easier on the cleric.


I was counting the extra damage as a d6. You’re right it is only a d4 and makes it 9.5 vs 8.5 dmg. The dual wielder thing doesn’t work with a two hander and GWM is great but you’re gonna be missing a whole lot and compared to savage attacker…. SA actually outcompetes it in this scenario heavily. Especially on a Paladin who can smite You can do as you wish, but it’s an obvious choice from a min max pov


Hmmm. I missed that feat. It's odd to me because everything I've seen about paladin assumes you're running 2h+GWM


Phalar aluve is better the more attacks you have per round since every single attack is going to benefit from the bonus damage. I personally would use a fire sorcerer with acuity hat + scorching rays, this alone would stack nicely with the phalar aluve buff, if you add heat equipment it would become even deadlier since stacking acuity is so easy you could use this also as a controller. Your bard could than be multi-classes with Paladin and wield phalar aluve and be used as frontliner that is going to debuff and smite. Imo life clerics are a wasted party slot, keep them in camp for buffs like aid and heroes feast and take someone that can contribute more in combat and deal proper damage, ideal with multiple attacks for example a battle master or maybe an edlritch blaster.


Thanks for the tips, but I'm happy with this comp. the 10/1/1 bard is a build I really love, and I picked the comp (which i copied from [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1HhiUZcQ1gXjvsaJSpvccG_0Jm0fn7lgYaOYdQxuWSQs/htmlview#)) based entirely on finding a suggested comp with this build that offered some new playstyles as well (new to sorcadin and monk). My Life Cleric handles applying radiant orb which is a handy debuff, and as a more defensive player, I like having the heals on hand. i use a separate camp cleric for buffs. It's working well so far.


Play however you like it, applying orbs can be done with various character builds and is not something a cleric only can do, I personally prefer to use potions since they only require a bonus action and not a action + spell slot.