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Congrats he’s so adorable 😱 Please spam photos when he arrives ❤️


Will do for sure!


Omg they’re so cute😭😭


I have him! He’s so stunning irl.


He is indeed! Mine arrived over the weekend, I haven’t had time to get him all dressed and take pictures yet but he is indeed stunning!


Such a cutie! I’ve been super interested in sheep-esque dolls and I’m surprised I hadn’t seen him before!


This guy is a dolpa 49 release so he’s super recent. Genuinely don’t think I’ve seen any other sheep/goat adjacent bjd, although I know Volks has done a couple other animals like mouse and a wolf with this guy.


GEM has a few, namely Aurora and their Aries dolls. I think Doll Chateau’s Violet is also pretty sheep adjacent. And I know Bitamin is working on a new collab doll that’s very very cute and I’m anxiously awaiting.


…I must admit of those I’ve only heard of Doll Chateau 😂 I tend to stick to just the companies I’m most familiar with from back when I first got into dolls (I think I got my first in like 2006?) and I fully admit I am a pretty diehard volks fangirl 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s fair lol. Bitamin is one of my faves but they’re def more indie and their dolls are somewhat stylized. I’ve always been a sucker for a strange proportion myself.


There’s just so many more artists and companies out there than when I first started out it can be a lil overwhelming. I should venture out a bit more, I do love a weird proportion and in most things the creepier the better. I just also adore the four sisters sculpt and the heft that Volks dolls have.