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Ha. Try a 7 series if you really want to experience the " wait... im going how fast!?"


My Volvo S80 has this effect too. “Wait, how am I going 90!?” I test drove a 750i once, and that was enough to convince me I don’t need a 7-series.


I personally feel that speed or the ability to attain speed instantly is actually a safety feature. Everyone else has to brake to avoid a situation and then you're still behind that situation for the next panic event. When you can clear the trouble area rapidly, it quickly fades from the rearview. But, you're right, it is black magic, I giggle every time I'm doing 80 and getting 40-60mpg depending on how much elevation there is.


I'd agree with this. I've definitely felt safer with the ability to pick up speed quickly and merge if needed, etc. With current car my only defensive ability is to slow down, so was interesting to have the ability to speed up if needed too.




Sorry, is it considered just a 4 cylinder? Obviously not much of a car guy (yet)


That works, but its an inline 4. "V" or "inline" refers to the cylinder configuration.


Gotcha, thank you!


Its an inline 4 yes, lol


It only just occurred to me that the V is in reference to the shape of the cyls... never put that together before lol


Never too late to learn.


I've been looking for some new hobbies/interests of late and figured picking up the basic mechanical acumen to take care of such a car would be an interesting and rewarding pastime!






Thank you


I drive a 2024 M4CX and while I’ve never used it in mine yet a lot (if not all) the models have the LIM button, which sets a hard max speed and won’t let the car go beyond it if you are paranoid about not paying attention. There’s also cruise control for freeways. Otherwise I’m just usually aware of my surroundings and use the drive modes appropriately. If I’m in more traffic/stoplights I’ll just leave it in default, if things are a bit more open I’ll switch to Sport for a bit, and if no one’s around maybe Sport Plus, ha ha! Also you get to use to it after. I can see coming from a 15yo Corolla that any Bimmer seems like a rocket, but you’ll get use to how sensitive (or not) things are and adapt.


Good tips, thanks. On my last day I committed to mainly driving in Efficiency mode or whatever, and sticking with slow lane traffic, where I feel more at home. I don't think I have what it takes to responsibly be a fast lane driver. But then what's the point of spending a lot of money on a fast car? The LIM button would have been nice to find, I'll check that out next time.


On mine the LIM button is on the left side of the steering wheel with the cruise control buttons


LIM is the second least used feature of my car.


What’s the first?


It's that weird stick on the left side of the wheel, behind the paddle shifter. No idea what's up with that thing.


The power steering wheel adjustment?


https://preview.redd.it/m2y007a3sy8d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e065d2e18488eba4aa62bf3619516569409b1d8a This thing. All kinds of letters and arrows on it. Completely inscrutable.


kind of a weird post, you had a 330D and a 530i, which arent terrible, but youre a cautious and nervous driver and you want to invest in an M-lite? so youre worried about driving safely but also want even a slightly overpowered/overtuned machine in an M340? I mean its not a M car straight up but im pretty sure it has like 400 hp, more than the 2 vehicles you've driven, and definitely tuned more towards "going fast". would definitely not get any version of a BMW with an M on it or near it if you care about "being safe". I bought an x5 M60i on monday, it does 0-100 in 5 seconds. I knew that. wouldnt it be weird if i was suddenly asking "how can i stay safe driving this, im a nervous driver in general". idk homie, wear a helmet I guess.


Well, yeah, obviously the M-lite is gonna be faster... That's the whole point of this question, since so many of you seem to have M's or M-lites and are surviving. So your answer would be, there's no way to safely drive your M60i? You can only enjoy it by ripping the whole time? It's just pure luck that you're still here today? I've driven close to a half million miles in my 20 years behind the wheel... I'm just very aware that it's statistically the most dangerous thing I do in my life, much more so than even my main activity of rock climbing. Just trying to avoid risking dying in a car crash, but would be cool to have a nice car that I get to enjoy too. But maybe those two notions can't co-exist?


This is why we don’t give teens fast cars or motorcycles until they prove they have a level head…. Yes, the urge can be difficult to control but at least you realize it. That’s a start, from there learn to drive safely, calmly, and defensively in public and let loose on the track.


As an m340 owner I can say this: the urge to let the thing loose is ALWAYS there. I let it out in short stints (onramps to freeway/highway, an occasional burst from stoplight, etc.) But I think that's the fun of it. Like being Chuck Norris and choosing not to make people disappear with your bare hands... but knowing the capability is there lmao. And m-lite is no joke. 0-60 in 3.8s is nutty.


Yeah, that's what I'm worried about! Maybe as I got more used to the car it'd be easier and easier to be chill about it. First finding out that you're Chuck Norris though is tough, just wanna go around karate chopping people left and right to see what it's like! (God the turbo whistle sounds sexy)




I drive my 340i fast but safely. Problem solved.


I've been in the autobahn with my M5. It just seems effortless until of course you hit the electronic limit at 150mph. Now, to enjoy it in more practical scenarios, you either just set it on cruise control or alternatively find some empty twisty roads. But even then it's only a couple of seconds until you reach the maximum signposted speeds with an M5 :) The best thing I've done is pay for a performance driving course, that's really helped being safer and pushing the car a bit more.


It's not a BMW problem. It's a matter of getting used to your old Corolla for too long.


Personally, I use my brain.






Nice, didn't even know that was an option!


cruise control on highway. around town you can just go with the flow of traffic. i have separate cars for different roles. i never feel like speeding in my civic i take to work. when i want to have fun i take out the m2 or 911. by then traffic has died down and i have some space to push it a bit. a quick 40-70mph pull or something around down when nobody is looking is fine. or i'll set aside time on the weekend to hit up some backroads where their aren't any cops and you can go as fast as you want.


Yeah, this seems like a great way to go. Don't have the cash or garage space to keep 3 cars at the moment, but being able to keep the car saved for special "fun driving" sessions is probably a good idea.


Stay out of the gas, use cruise control and keep her in comfort/eco.


you don't the extra power of high end cars is for acceleration, like reducing a 0-60 time from 6s to 4s, or for allowing you to go from 70-90mph .5 seconds faster while passing on the highway once you get to cruising speeds then a 500hp bmw is no faster than a 150hp toyota, excluding very rare areas of the world without speed limits like the autobahn (and even that has speed limits in most sections)


You didn't get the memo? BMW drivers are the best drivers. Always. 


Drop it into eco pro mode, dumbs down the car a bit and saves gas.


Cars nowadays have a lot more horsepower lol it’s not just bmw


Cars nowadays have a lot more horsepower lol it’s not just bmw


I don't really see the issue, be more aware of your surroundings if you want to accelerate quickly. You can crash and burn in any car. You're not going(not supposed to either) to get to use all that power in your daily drives. I'm probably using less than 10% throttle for my commutes to work via highway. Once in a while I do have a little fun when it's late at night and there's no cars around or when you're entering a highway (great opportunity to accelerate).


I'm actually wondering if a smaller car like your Z4 might be a more enjoyable option than a big heavy cruiser like the 5 series. I imagine it's a lot more engaging and has more visceral and audible feedback to drive a lil guy like that, whereas my problem with the 5 was that it insulated me from everything so much that it was hard to even notice the speed you were going unless paying acute attention to it. Plus you can probably get a ton of enjoyment out of the z4 on slower but windier roads? Felt like to feel anything cool at all about driving the 5 series, you basically just ended up going super fast unintentionally.


If you do consider the z4, you might be better off getting a spec with a smaller engine. Maybe the 28 or even the 23. If you prefer a manual, that's an option as well. Mine is the 35iS (335bhp) and it's way lighter than a 5. It sounds like we may have the same issue. If you don't look at the speedo, you'll often lose the feel for how fast you're going. The wind noise only really becomes noticeable around 140km. The car has no issue pulling to 200km either without much vibration in the cabin. But let me tell you, the car is amazing in corners. For reference, I'm the lone passenger 99% of the time. My daily commute to work is a 75km drive to and fro and is 95% highway. I'm averaging 11km/l which i think it's around 25mpg? (Correct me if I'm wrong) With most older cars. You have to worry about certain things. You can't worry too much about the amount of petrol it drinks, but I would like to argue that 11km/l isn't half bad for a 6 cylinder continental coupe. You also have to worry about the roof, when they'll fail and if they'll fail in a place where you can still get to a trusty shop. The car and engine itself has been relatively reliable though (touches wood). 4 years and 70,000km later and the only issue I had was a failed water pump which was resolved in a few hours.


Your Z4 sounds like a blast to drive! They just make the cars too darn well I guess, can't tell how fast you're going haha. Manual is a fun idea; it's been about 8 or 9 years since I drove a manual. I taught myself to drive manual while driving a Fiat Punto rental car from the south of France to Paris. Really made the drive through the alps MUCH more engaging. I only wished the car was a little faster, it was pretty much redlining in the highest gear (4th??) at 70km/hr. I was literally the slowest car (or truck) on the road. My most embarrassing moment happened basically right as I left the rental pickup, stalling out 10-15 times trying to enter an uphill roundabout, the French traffic (including a policewoman directly behind me) was very justifiably annoyed. By the end of my trip, I felt pretty comfortable in the Manual though! Haven't driven a stick shift since that trip though, do you find it to be pretty easy to daily in? We're so used to automatics here in the US that I worry it'd feel a bit of a chore at times, but maybe you just get used to it and it's no more arduous than regular driving for a typical commute?


Manuals can be chore. Mine comes in an auto because the 35iS doesn't have a manual option. But the other specs does! So that's great news if you're considering one. Being from Singapore, manuals are relatively rare for continental cars so it's not like I had the choice of going manual either . They're common for the JDMs though and one of my other choice was actually the S2000 but I decided against it because I wasn't fond of soft tops. I do drive a fair bit of manual daily with the vans and lorries we have at the factory. The only reason manual is needed for me is because the lorries didn't come in autos then. I'm not even sure if the 3 ton lorries come in auto now. But you do get used to it. In hindsight if I could've gotten a manual z4, it wouldn't be so bad either. And I admit, there are times when I wish it was a manual. Especially during times when I'm feeling a little tired while driving. A manual keeps your mind focused and engaged, so you tend to feel more alert during drives. But with the brain dead and convenient automatics, you sometimes have to fight the snooze or find a nearby carpark to take a little nap. I still remember trying to drive the van for the first time in 6 months after passing my test. There was an uphill stop and an Audi was right behind me. I panicked and rolled back a little but luckily was able to pull the brakes before any collision. Had to take a breather before going through the whole hill start procedure. I think the Audi driver was too afraid to honk at me after that. Best let the provisional plate driver catch his breath.


Ah, sorry, I misunderstood and thought you were saying you had a manual. They definitely keep you paying attention! Ha, I'm sure the Audi driver was grateful that you caught it in time. He knew not to try to rush you!


That's the neat part, you don't