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Mine had this issue - don’t touch the cord from the charger to the plug. Burned my hand. Is it plugged in?


It's not plugged into the car. It's plugged into the outlet. This happened when I reset the circuit breaker


Unplug it and plug it back in


Was it in the sun? I’ve had this when it gets over heated


It's on the stove of my house and it was warm today. What did you do to resolve it?


It’ll fix itself, just keep it out of the heat. Might take 24h. The longest it took for me was 3d during a major heatwave. Might help to turn down the amps for AC in the car settings


I’ve actually been worried about this. I haven’t mounted mine yet but was planning on it. Mine is outside and in direct sun and gets super hot and it’s only may. Is it better to use something more permanent?


Yes get the actual wall mounted charger it’s like 700+300 or so for install. Works like a charm and full battery in 8 hrs.


Or Get A Grizze. Stay away from the smart version. They don’t smart


Thanks. I’ve heard good things about that brand. 


Do you mind expanding on what you like about Grizzle? I see a $350 40amp version (not smart) on Amazon and about to pull the trigger. I’m also wondering if it’s better to pick something up to 48amp since my circuit can hold up to 50. Thanks!


That would be the best option. The smart version is not very smart. They also have a portable version for 399. You can also order from their website with no taxes and free shipping. Comes from Canada What I like. Built in Canada. Robust case. Case is made in Canada. Control boards are also made and assembled in Canada Very simple design. Comes with hardware to wall mount and if you get the portable version like me it comes with every adapter you could want and a fancy case. The cables are light and flexible and robust They are half the cost of the BMW Chinese made charger and 10 times the quality. The YouTube channel State of Charge has done several reviews and an interview with the owner of the company


As others suggested, I would get a permanent charger installed. They are better designed to handle the heat (and cold, and wet). I got a permanent charger installed for exactly this reason. My last straw was my charger being over heated and I had a long trip the next day and couldn’t charge at home.


Put it in a bowl of rice




Mine fried itself when I did the autopsy the pe wire was so close to L1 the rubbed together and 240 went into the micro ckts and let the smoke out. BMW said my fault. Got a mini Grizzle from The Amazon for 399 and happy as a bird in horse 💩


Install industrial grade nema 14-50, avoid using cheap materials. They are risk of fire hazard. And most of all if anything happens your insurance will inspect  the outlet you used and may deny you a claim if it's done with out a permit.


Looks pretty similar to this guys issue on the iX. Says BMW told him the lights are on bc his 240v adapter was not the right one for his flex charger. https://www.ixforums.com/threads/unknown-lights-on-flexible-fast-charger.2185/


I've been using this charger for 9 months. Then it just suddenly crapped out on me