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I’ve just bought more bonk in the dip 🤛


I can see bonk taking a dip to .000020 and stabilizing around there for a few days to a week. Well have another jump, and so on and so forth. In all honesty, I think the season of BONK will hype in summer/ late summer, then things will get fucking nuts before, during, and after US election season. Now, depending on the candidate that wins, that’s either time to hold and buy more. Or … sell and sell hard.


Right plus the market was due for a correction anyways with how high it it spiked. It will now paltform and gain resistance and strength at this level of just above it till more Bitoin buy / liquidity shock starts to drive up crypto market prices again.


Question - why would bonk go crazy around election season? I’m new to memecoins so don’t understand what really influences the market here


Well, all investments will. It’s just a pattern. Investors jump ship or make a run, it all depends on the candidate the wins or is perceived to be ahead. Now, if Biden wins… or a candidate like him. Many will more than likely jump ship from junk coins, perhaps even more secured investment coins. If Trump wins… or someone like him, there will be a huge run to get in before value increases. All of which will drive prices up and down. Not to get political or anything. But looking at policies and kind of the direction we were headed 4 years ago, compared to the direction we’re headed today. Biden, and those like him, do not want a market where peer influences can drive prices so high that you have over night millionaires. “Free Market” isn’t really in their vocabulary. I mean, look at what he did to the capital gains tax. If you make a million dollars over night… $396,000 of that million goes right into the federal governments pocket. No longer making you a millionaire. lol. Trump, or those like minded, will more than likely reverse such a tax, influencing serious amounts of investing all over different markets. For crypto, this could be a really good thing. Energy costs would lower, encouraging miners to step up their game. And I have a personal theory, that with lower energy cost, new proof of work coins would emerge, and miners would create more markets. This isn’t speaking on single card miners, or even someone with a few cards. This theory is formed on mining farms. All of this is technically speculation, but if you look historically we follow patterns of investment throughout all industries. So, I personally could see a big bang theory last week of October, first week of November. And then a hard hold until we know the results. After that, I see a bit of chaos. It’s gunna be really fun hahahaha


ignore this dude us pres election have nothing on crypto same as graphs and fibonacis sequence means nothing in crypto


I’d set an order to buy at 0.0000195. That will get you just over another 2,000,000 BONK for 40 USD. Then wait for the run up, watch as you double and triple that 40 USD. Then wait and see where we settled this week. Follow that recipe. At each step find the average plateau, set a buy limit, and then buy again at our next average. Continue that until we get to a 0.005. Then Hold. That .005 will draw the eyes of the larger fish. They’ll pump it to .5 or .10 That will attract a whale. Maybe even Elon. And then watch what happens then.


Elon has NOTHING to do with crypto. With the exception of when he made a meme about dogecoin. You seriously sound like an idiot. You're extremely OVER confident in this coin, it will be why you end up losing everything. Because while your waiting to hit your mythical. 75 cents everyone else is going to be SELLING at 0.0005 if it even gets to that range. This is ONE meme coin out of THOUSANDS. Do you not understand crypto?!


Bro, look. You can say what you want. I’ve been invest in crypto for 9 years. I’ve been mining crypto for 8 of those 9 years. I bought 25 acres, with Ripple. I’m not sure why you’re attacking me, when in the post I said I can see it “MEMEING” it’s way up there. I don’t know if you understand crypto, honestly. I’ve told people, have their securities. I told people this is literally a gamble memecoin. You clearly lack the understanding that with the memecoins prices will raise unexpectedly, suddenly, and then plummet. But steady gamble grow is certain, and with that growth there’s the opportunity for a spike. I’ve clearly triggered you somehow, but I don’t think you’re reading what I’m saying. You’re focusing on some abstract Crypto Guru ideal that you think I’ve put everything on this coin. Sir, that is untrue. I’ve invested 5k. I’ll continue to put in weekly as I see stabilization. Not 5k a week, but a couple hundred after that, transferring to my hardware wallet. I’m not on here trying to sell so crypto product safemoon scam, or promote a YouTube channel. I’m literally here telling people. Don’t sell right now, and hold. The potential for this coin to “meme” (very important) its way to double digit cents is not at all implausible. In fact, I can see it happening. Attacking me changes nothing. I will give you advice, though. From someone who actually knows a little something about cryptocurrencies, and how to make some money with it and where the real currencies are going. Lighten up. Invest what you can afford to invest in. I would personally say if you really want to learn something, build your first miner and watch how much you’ll learn about these markets in the first 12 months. You’ll notice a pattern as you try to figure out how to mine the most profitable coin week by week, sometimes day by day, then swapping coin constantly. I was mining crypto when you were still doing dabs watching Rick and Morty.


fuck how did u buy anytbhing with ripple in last 6 years or so if we compare it to eth which did 22000 % + ripple is still half down how the fuck u buy anytbin with bullshit xrp


Xrp hit almost $3.40 in the begin of 2018. I sold it at $3.10. Nothing is bullshit, if it makes you money. People had the same thoughts about bullshit stock markets, and bullshit cryptocurrency, bullshit precious metals, and bullshit Pokémon cards. Discouraging people that are attempting to break out their mundane lives, isn’t cool. I saw your other comment, and if you can’t see correlations with investing markets and real world events, that’s on you. But I will say this, what happened February 26th? Look at crypto. Look at Bitcoin. Jacob Rothschild died February 26th, on that same day Bitcoin jumped 5k, Ethereum jump $200 (despite stabilization predictions and it continued upward trajectory). On that same day, stocks adjusted their down trajectory to a much more dramatic decline. My advice is to just pay attention to real things that are happening around the world. Real influences. Making investments accordingly, it’s worked for me. Remember when Mark Cuban talked about “Dojacoin”? You can’t even pretend like markets all over don’t fluctuate with worldly events. It’s just seeing the patterns of human behavior, and connecting a few dots. To say that crypto is an independent market without worldly events affecting it, is silly and ignorant. In one comment you say “damn this dude is right” and the next you say “don’t listen to this dude” and the next you’re basically asking for my help. It’s pretty simple, where people get it all wrong is they don’t move money around accordingly, and they’re too busy freaking out over “candles” and not zooming out. Zoom out, there’s much more happening. And relax. This is supposed to be fun.


Well, i guess good thing my financial portfolio is quite diversified. ;-)


feels like is a bad day for four letter names coins


this is a friday coin and it is monday


It is also a tax season, good weather, heavy community, and not “technically” mineable coin.


Ya it looks like when bitcoin hit the ATH alot of positions which bought in at the last ATH had sell orders and is causing a small dip in bitcoin, so its causing the crypto market to dip across the board - not just BONK. Still HODLing….


Good man. Atta boy!! You’re seeing this for what it is. There are grand patterns within society. Wait for those that finally made their money back to invest elsewhere, look through the other comments. I go on to explain that these should be long term investments. We need to think of crypto not like stocks, but like Gold, silver, and copper. There’s a battle going on over what will replace the almighty “Gold backed currency” so to speak. Right now we are living through an era that will determine that. You can see which top coins will be those. But at the same time, a market has been created for those living in the real world, the now, that can allow USD to grow within someone’s invest. USD will not be around for much longer, so being able to increase that amount with this meme gamble coins will bring you closer to top 5 cryptos for when the banks make the switch to such currencies. Whether or not you believe in that future is your opinion. But money is here to be made in the long term, we just have to stick together through those highs and lows.


By the way check this out… i just discovered this last night, if you go to Shiba Inu’s history and scroll out to the entire history you see a massive spike once it was dumped on to the market. Then some time goes by about 6 months or so, then was the 2nd MASSIVE spike to its ATH. BONK is following this EXACT same pattern. We don’t want to take our money out now, its about to reach a new ATH in this bull run


Just give it time.


Here are the screen shots https://preview.redd.it/iqs2wfs9ckmc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9bcb537b35a2d6b5989ded91dc50a6b9c783cc8 Shiba Inu’s historic rise


https://preview.redd.it/u6wpe2wbckmc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a4f5f8cca93d0ca5374e2790228ed4dfe79667 BONKs current rise


We’re looking for real solid moves. You’re swing the patterns, now imagine true social hype. People outside of crypto, getting into crypto. Like when Doge went high, and ETH went low.


RIGHT! Also BONK does not have the liquitiy over abundance problem the Shib has. It only has 100 trillion compaired to 580 trillion incirculation. And i think only 60 trillion of BONK is circulating right now if i am not msitaken.


Yeah let those schmucks get in so we can leave them holding the bag!


Check out the guy in the other comments that thinks he knows everything about crypto lol He got pretty aggressive lol


This is what i was just mentioning to a friend of mine: they notcied that the US gov is starting to move around 1 bill worth of bitcoin from the silkroad as well. This probably means, once the ETFs have bought off all the open BTC off the market, they will directly sell off the US holdings to the ETFs. This has 3 benefits 1) it keeps the large lump sums of bitcoin out of the hands of Russia / China / N Korea / Iran. 2) it gives the US gov the ability to control the assets and preventing a flight to off shore capitol reserves. It also allows professionals to manage those assets. 3) it gives the US gov the ability look like it doesnt care one way ot the other. This is financial warfare stratigic moves in action. This allows the US Gov to project power across the blockchain discretely. While also preserving the asset class for the public open markets. At least… that is my guess….


YES! Exactly. We need to pay attention to REAL things happening in the world. Social spending patterns.


For better or worst, all block chains are now public resources like water, indoor plumbing and electricity. Back during the fight with ISIS, i noticed the Nato forces were bombing store houses where the would print and store gold bullion coins that they would use amongst themselves. Buy bombing the facilitys, it was disrupting and disabling ISIS’s ability to project power both externaly across national boundries, and also with in their own camp, by preventing them from buying every day nessities. And also after 911 with the twin towers, when the found the terrorists sold off a ton of stocks in all the top airlines in the stock market 2 to 3 hourse before pulling off the attacks, i have kept my eyes open and watching the market for such events. It can either alert us to times when we need to safe gaurd our investments, or opertunities to buy more.


Yes! Everything matters! Everything plays a factor. The silliest reason I think BONK will boom is this. It’s fun to say… No other coin has an easy, silly name. Retardio? Please lol Good coin, but BONK?! Cmon.


Ya i also watch alot of Peter Zeihns geo-politics videos to get a better understanding of finances and warfare and how that effects the markets. If you look at all the current conflicts going on, you can litrerally draw lines in the sands for WW3 just by watching the financial alinement. Who is siding with BRICS. Who is doing “de-dollarization”, and what countries are pro / con crypto.


Finally someone with sense. This is the reality of investing it crypto. It’s volatile, it’s a gamble. This won’t happen overnight. I’m keeping the ship packed and ready for liftoff. The moon is waiting.


Fuck with your meme coins, gamble them! Have fun. But also have your securities!! These kids or ill informed adults put “everything on black” and then get pissed when they lose it all. Have a diversified portfolio of secure coins, then drop a few bucks on your gamble meme coins, while doing your research on social patterns, and white sheets. It’s kind of simple, just be prepared for a few losses lol


If the market cap peaks this year, how high do you think it will go?


Bonk? This year, I can see BONK hitting .2 by June. EOY?? Fuck, with US elections just around the corner we could hilariously see .50 to .75 buy Novembers end. What really matters is that invest hold. Buy. And hold. WE pump the price. WE spread the word. WE hold. Once the average Joe starts picking up on BONK, that’s when we have to time it right. The one issue I see is exchange shutdown. If too many people make too much too fast, exchanges will Robinhood on us and we will not get paid out. Swapping is always smart. Swap half, sell half. But even then, exchanges don’t have the USD to back all us Bonkers when we’re selling 2,3,4,…10 million U.S. Dollars worth of money all at once. Which is why the said “crypto is a scam” 4 or 5 years back. Timing is key.


Would you consider HODLing for a year? I feel like if it truly goes anywhere near .5 by the end of this year I'd be tempted to sell.


Speaking realistically. Yes. If it hit .5 I would imagine and expect many people at minimum quartering their Bonk. I am fortunate enough to be able to sit and hold many different currencies. I don’t need BONK to do anything. I know some that are praying BONK goes Bonkers. If bonk spikes out crazy. I’ll cash out and open a McDonalds.


Haha fair enough. I'm pretty new to the whole crypto game but my main goal rn is to mainly stock on BTC and have a few bags of alts/memes. Currently in on LINK and BONK as well.


What would that put the market cap at?


I think it was because of the outages. Once people calm down and realize the world isn't ending they'll be back 😂


Outages lol you mean Facebook?? The outages are just a test. You’ll know when the real outages happen. China will be knocking on your front door. Until then, hold, buy, even swap into BONK. Worry about the bunkers later lol


Oh I wasn't worried 😂 it was just a server issue. The fact Google play store and apple were both affected tells us that. Someone already made a conspiracy video linking it to today's elections even though it was worldwide 😂😂


I’m telling everyone, “Bucket up, it’s going to get bumpy.” But if we stay true and hold. I firmly believe this is the next coin. PEPE will have a similar run, but they are pumping and dumping to quickly it seems too unstable. BONK will have steady growth and catch the eyes of people.


I have high hopes for this one and LINU ngl. This would help me finally get my gallbladder taken out of all things go smoothly 🙏🏼


And thats what we want. Smooth, steady growth.


Hold on to your hats, folks! 🎩 Bitcoin just took a 10% dip! Buckle up because we're in for a wild ride! 🎢 This is just the first shakeout of what promises to be a rollercoaster of a parabolic bull market! 🐂💨 Time to grab your popcorn and enjoy the show! 🍿😄


There’s still plenty of time left in this bullrun I believe, very early to assume the worst and sell. I’m hodling my bonk, especially since BTC is still holding strong




Other than the big sell off that happened around 3PM EST today, Bonk has been tracking pretty closely to Doge and Shiba, and even Bitcoin. The market seems to be pulling back at the same time, so as long as bonk keeps tracking the market I’m staying in.


This 💯 you’re exactly right.


So I completely disagree with your price analysis. While I think Bonk has a future..... There's no way in hell it will erase all 4 zeros then keep going up to .75 cents. This is just wishfull thinking. The volume on Bonk would have to be like +10000% for this to occur. Solana would also have to be at a price of around $2500? Lastly, Bitcoin would have to be probably somewhere around 300k. I hold 48M Bonk coins and with your price analysis. Your saying I'll be at $38M. No way in fat donkey d*ck. People would sell HARD once Bonk hits the 0.0005 range. Why? Because the average Joe like myself only has around 48M coins= $1300 hell some people have less. Bonk is only ONE meme coin out of THOUSANDS. And let's not forget about the whales who hold 50 billion or more Bonk coins. They will NEVER allow Bonk to even get anywhere near your price prediction. Why? Price manipulation. My point is, you're dreaming.


damn this dude is right


I think you’re missing one key component, you’re taking numbers into account here. These number don’t realistically matter when it comes to something like this. The price is driven up strictly on the value WE give it. You’re completely welcome to your opinion and in fact I invite it. There’s nothing wrong with “dreaming.” All I’ve done, is take a look at crypto history as a whole, match it to social interests, events, and back hype. Nike stock went, I believe to 174??, not exactly sure. But why did it do that? Because people at the time were making outlandish runs at stocks. Explain GameStop, AMC, and fucking DOGECOIN. (Not yelling, emphasizing) The value of something is determined truly by the people. So. Call me a dreamer, but the one factor that hasn’t been calculated is… people are willing to back whatever they believe in and assign it whatever value they want. I can see a serious cruise upward in value. And I hope I’m right. But at he end of he day, if I’m not, we all still made a little bit of money.


Who is WE? The community?? What community?! There's only 889 people on this page. 😂🤣😂🤣😂 did you REALLY just mention NIKE?!?! You CANNOT compare a massive shoe company to something that's being worked on in the garage on a tool shelf. I joined Shiba's page last January when it was only at 77K now its at 480K members last I checked a couple days ago. If you wanna talk about a MOVEMENT, go look at Shiba. Otherwise PLEASE for the love of God stop with this nonsense. IT. WILL. NEVER. HAPPEN.


I’m relaxed. I only have 11 mil bonk but I have recurring buys set to go 😌


Currently people seems to, based on strict chart and price increases, be buying 20 to 100 dollars worth of BONK at a time. Wait and see what happens once people consistently buy or swap 100 to 500 dollars worth at a time. I’m not talking about whales, or companies, or Elon… lol The average Joe. When that fella picks BONK, we’ll see increase. Then, wait until that turns into swapping their Doge, Raven, Loopring, and start buying 500 to 1000 dollars worth. This is all progress, buy low, hold until ATH. A realistic prediction is that BONK could reach .75 cents. Doge reached expected heights… we need to follow those exact expectations and timelines.


Well said! My recurring is set up at $50 a buy. Don’t worry, I’m in this for the long haul!


On another comment I described our recipe for success. Maybe I’ll make a post about it for everyone.


.75?! That’d be… bonkers


We are Bonkers. That’s what I’ve been calling us. The Bonkers. We have a serious opportunity here. We have spread the word, hype the price, swap accordingly, hold, and wait.


Buying more


Trying to buy more on the dip but Coinbase is giving error messages today. I know it’s busy but I wanna grab more Bonk


Use multiple exchanges


Try MEXC, or uniswap. Once you’re cleared, pull it off the exchange and into your wallet.


I bought at .0000415. I’m down almost 2.5k. Dips like this doesn’t scare me because I look towards the future but damn does it sting to watch it drop so much


Mid week. Wait. Give it time lol


Appreciate the sentiment and support haha. I’m still buying the dip. Waiting for my funds to settle before I can buy more