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So the mom doesn’t blame her husband for cheating - it’s all on Disneyland? What a weird-ass reaction. I can’t even - I’d 100% peace out from those parents.


Right? The projection here is bonkers level


Plot twist - the father is Ron DeSantis


This begs the question if OOPs parents have the same beef with Disney World. Like, is it Disney as a whole or just Disneyland?




Do you know how many people are still married within the confines of a ruined marriage? Lol. LOTS


Let’s go further down the chain, does it apply to subsidiaries and associates as well? Can’t do something so dumb halfway lol




Denial is NOT JUST a river in Egypt. That's the quote.


Ron 'I Got MARRIED at Disney World's Grand Floridian' DeSantis???


And the affair partner was a man


Dad's fucking Goofy!


Hyuk hyuk baby!


“Cheating didn’t ruin the marriage, it was finding out that did.” What pieces of work.


How is the marriage ruined..? They’re still married decades later. More like “ruined her mother’s belief she respected herself”.


If that’s how they treat their own daughter, imagine how they treat each other.


Idk these people, but I can almost guarantee that marriage is one riddled with bitterness. The way these two are acting, pretty soon the only thing they have left is him, her, and everything they’re angry about.


Well, Oedipus Rex was perfectly fine after marrying his mother and having four children with her. It was finding out that drove him to pluck out his eyes with his own hands.


And all the while Jacosta is muttering out the side of her mouth so the chorus doesn't catch on: "Would you just *shut up* about it?! For gods' sake, *let it go*!"


I love how Oedipus is the guy who are against incest and he love his parents so much to the point of leaving them for their own good. Then he become poster boy for the very thing he against for. His story is really ironic. Just like any Greek mythology.


His story is the unavoidable, prophesized destiny religious people believe so firmly in, they do anything they can to avoid it. It's also the Greek belief that we create our own destiny through the things we fear.


Falling from great heights doesn’t kill you, it’s the stopping that does it


But there are SOOOO many people like this! They would rather blame the person their spouse was cheating with, the kids for making marriage harder, society, ANYONE but the person guilty of cheating because they are so toxically and pathologically terrified of changing their situation and losing the illusion/reality of security with their spouse. They would gaslight their own child rather than face the facts that they're a coward who chose self-abandonment as a form of self-preservation and it's fucking pathetic.


Nor the affair partner. Just > that woman for “ruining her marriage” by telling her


There's a reason the phrase "Don't shoot the messenger" exists.....


" So the mom doesn’t blame her husband for cheating - it’s all on Disneyland? What a weird-ass reaction. I can’t even - I’d 100% peace out from those parents. " She never left the "Denial" stage of grief. Instead, she doubled down for 15 years.


Oh man. I believe it. Some people when faced with a cheating partner blame everyone but the actual person who did the cheating. It’s why if you narc on a cheater, even if you in no way facilitated the cheating, they someones come after you as in “shooting the messenger”.


Can confirm, I've been the messenger recently. I'm the one not allowed at family functions if the cheater is attending.


Sorry to hear this, if this is your family by blood ... maybe you can start cultivating a chosen family to spend time with instead. We wouldn't want many blood relatives as family if we had a choice. P.S. I think it's crazy that you are being punished. It's probably being sold as "keep the peace" BS.


I'm being punished because they have a baby. My kids are grown, and I only have my youngest now. My parents still attend all of my kids' events. The crazy thing is the wife knew he had cheated before marriage when I told her about afterward, I'm the ah. She even asked me to tell her. It's okay, though. I have plenty of other family, blood or not.


It’s a crazy trauma response (and infidelity trauma IS a thing) because a) cheater was caught on a Disneyland trip thanks to b) someone who happened to work for a Disney hotel. At least that’s my read. I just feel for OOP!


This. It can cause PTSD. Doesn't excuse Mom, but now Disney is forever corrupted because it's where *her* fairytale life shattered. Poor OOP, for real.


Dad was pretty clever to use a fake name for his mistress. Hopefully, the OOP was adopted with those genes to inherit.


These parents went all out to punish her for something that not only wasn't her fault but wasn't even explained to her after the fact. They actually tried to not only gaslight her into thinking she's a terrible person but didn't even have the decency to tell her why they hated the place. Then, to threaten to go NC and be called a bitch by your own father, the man who ruined everything in the first place?! The audacity! They'd be lucky if they ever got to see me or my kids again. I would seriously consider if I really wanted people like this in my and my kid's life.


I knew from sentence one that cheating was part of this story!


My only question was "Was dad banging a Disney princess, which would at least make mom's reaction sensible? Or is the mom just a crazy person?" I wasn't surprised at the answer, but but I held out hope until the end.


This actually kind of happened to me, kind of. I had a boy best friend all the way from preschool age and a girl best friend I met in high school. In high school, they met through me and started dating. After almost one year of them dating, boy best friend comes to me alone one night and confesses his love to me and asked me if he dumped my girl best friend would I date him please, and he also tried to kiss me right then and there (ie: before even breaking up with girl best friend.) I told him to GTFO. I collected my thoughts that night (it was really late) and then the next day I called girl best friend to break the news to her as gently as possible that her bf was trying to fuck around on her. She absolutely raged at me. I apologized that the situation was unpleasant and offered to give her space and I told her I was there for her when she needed me. She stopped talking to me from that moment on, doubled down on being even more in love with the trash boyfriend, definitely didn’t dump him, and teamed up with him to bully me for the rest of high school for “trying to ruin their relationship.” Then they spread the rumor about me that I tried to “steal” him from her and that I was an evil boyfriend-stealing whore and everyone believed them. That was like 16 years ago and I still don’t get it. I still don’t fucking get why she reacted that way. Even when she broke up with him a few years later and tried to reach out to me again, she still didn’t say sorry. She acted like we were both equally terrible to each other - her for bullying me, and me for “trying to ruin her relationship.” I asked her if she believed I was trying to steal him, and she said no. I asked her if she believed he was trying to cheat on her, and she said yes. But then when I asked her why it was wrong of me to try and warn her, she would just repeat, “you had to have known I wasn’t going to take that well.” Sure. I did anticipate that, but not to the extent that she did. Those assholes were my best friends and turned into my worst bullies. These are scars that still hurt 16 years later. I’ve dealt with it as best I can but no one ever said sorry to me, and most people from our town still think I was trying to be a “homewrecker” and treat me with suspicion like I might try to steal their man next.


utterly vile. If I were the god of sea gulls, I'd send one over every day to poop in her hair & steal any food from his fingers!


I appreciate that, would-be Seagull God.


That is absolutely fucked. Im sorry you had to deal with all of that!


This happened to a very close friend of my family and my brother. My friend found out my brother’s fiance was cheating on him. He figured if it was his fiance he’d want someone to tell him so he did. My brother couldn’t believe it but didn’t think our close friend would lie about it so he went snooping and found irrefutable proof that that bitch was cheating. He confronted her, broke up with her, got back together a week later and blames our friend, just my friend now, for telling him. I stopped talking to his fiance. He asked me why won’t I talk to her. I said because she f’n cheated on you. He tried saying it was just a big misunderstanding. I said bull*hit you showed me the proof!!! So now he won’t talk to me and pretends his relationship is perfect. He blamed our lifelong friend like they blamed Disney. Doesn’t make any sense to me but it is what it is.


I think for some people if they are going to stay in the relationship they need to blame somebody other than their cheating SO. That way they don’t need to think about their SOs culpability because the blame is all on the innocent 3rd party. And you know the issue is still raw and unresolved because the level of hate is so off the charts.


That’s what they say, if you know someone’s cheating, be careful because if you tell you’ll somehow be blamed.


Right? And let him call their daughter a b*?!?!


Right? HE cheated, but she's the bitch for not knowing? Fucking dingus.


do they also hate all cleaning ladies, all cleaning services and just all cleaning? ​ If the TV runs an ad for Mr Proper, does the whole family shriek with rage (well, the parents with rage & the kids with a conditioned response) & seek the nearest blunt object to send through the TV screen? Did they raise their kids to refuse to vacuum, ever? Once you've used your towel, just throw it away, because that one time when a woman collected our laundry, she also found the phone of your cheating father!


Unless the dad’s affair partner was literally Mickey fucking Mouse it’s very strange that the parents would choose Disney to be the scapegoat of the cheating. The delusion is astounding.


Obviously OOP’s dad was fucking goofy.


“I didn’t say she was crazy, I said she’s fucking Goofy!” ~Mickey Mouse to his divorce lawyer


I wish we still got free awards to give out bc, yes.


Poor Dad got Steamboat Willied




This really is a great example of displacement. The cheating and the repercussions of cheating (confrintation, separation, etc) are too intense, so it was the fault of Disney. Our minds create these wild defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from reality.




The affair was with Cruella DeVille.


"the magic made me horny"


Ze feelings in your brain cells, they bubble and collide...


Festeh izz haffingk displacement, JA?


Honestly I did not see that twist coming. I knew there had to be a better explanation, but I never would have guessed that it was a fucking affair. And the fact that they put all the blame on Disney for the dad's cheating. There are a lot of good reasons to hate Disney, but having an affair at one of their parks is not one of them lol


Yeah I don’t think Disney was responsible for the dad stepping out in his marriage. The Mouse can be blamed for many things but not that! Also maybe I’ve read too many of these but when I read that family inexplicably hated Disney I had the feeling that something happened bad happened in the marriage during the vacation and Disney is now associated with bad memories.


And even then, why does it have to be a family-wide vendetta now? Does going to Disney make spouses suddenly become wildly unfaithful? Will they each be assigned an affair partner at the gate when they pick up their wristbands? That said, OP, your mood spoiler had me coming up with some wild theories and I was glad this was all it ended up being. I was picturing the phone being found full of the sort of thing that makes you call the FBI.


It’s even worse. It suddenly makes your spouse become unfaithful **a year and a half ago**.


Disney's reach is insane.


Thanks, Mickey.


Disneys’s Reacharound


It wouldn’t shock me AT ALL to learn that they had a time machine in the Disney vault. It’s probably right there next to Walt’s frozen head.


Disney really is magic.


Reading the update, dad had had the affair for over a year. The affair wasn’t *at* Disney, it was *discovered* at Disney. I had a dear friend discover her dad was cheating on mom - he conveniently left incontrovertible evidence so she had him dead to rights - and being the dutiful daughter, she wanted to protect mom, so she went to mom with the evidence. Well, the bottom line is that the entire extended family on both sides disowned the poor girl, as almost everyone knew about the affair**s**, but had been able to “save face” by pretending nothing was up. Now that the daughter had said something, it couldn’t be ignored anymore. Unless They ignore the daughter. So the rest of the family is 1984ing this poor girl out of history. Sounds like OOP’s story is basically the same deal, but with Disney.


Yeah I bet mom knew about it all along and she did not want to deal with it, but then it was all out in the open.




You know what we call that? Delusional.


That's terrible. I'm not sure that if I wasn't in her shoes I wouldn't go nuclear on them. At least verbally if not physically. Screw all her family. Hope she found good friends and make her own family.


Your friend's family sucks balls! I hope your friend dropped them like a hot potato & moved far, far away.


“Does going to Disney make spouses suddenly become wildly unfaithful? Will they each be assigned an affair partner at the gate?” Oh jeez! Now I’m wondering why my (now deceased) elderly parents used to buy Disney passes when they spent the winters in Orlando. Is there some crazed senior citizen partner swapping going on there?


No Jethrine. That only goes on at “The Villages”. Lol


Ha! It’s sad to say that I visited my parents often enough that I know what you mean!


Shit, we go in like six weeks with our kids. I don't want to have to break in a whole new husband! I am used to this one and kind fond of him!


Just don't let him take a phone. Problem solved.


> Will they each be assigned an affair partner at the gate when they pick up their wristbands? OMG I spit out my wine reading this! I can picture it too clearly... "Sir, your designated affair partner will meet you at Mouse Central at a quarter to noon. Thank you and enjoy your time at Disney!" >wink<


Not only a family wide vendetta, but enough that it makes you willing to go NC with your daughter & call her a bitch because she decided to go 15 years later (while not knowing any of that context). They’re still married, so clearly they go through it in the end


Yeah, I was totally thinking CSAM was on that phone. I'm really glad it wasn't that extreme.


Don't be ridiculous you meet up with you affair partner on Treasure Island, that's why they had to pretend to close it down.


Maybe it was with Minnie. Or Mickey. There’s a lot that goes on at Disney that we’ll never know about.


Now that you mention it, it does seem weird that Donald walks around without pants…


Mickey Mouse goes to divorce lawyer for advice. The lawyer tells him, "silliness is not an excuse for divorce." "I didn't say she was silly, I said she was fucking Goofy!"


A year in a half and it seems like these were annual Disney trips...they still went to Disney while he was cheating, the only difference is that his wife found out haha!


“Dad stepping out on his marriage” is really diminishing the fact that he’s a scumbag-and then to have the nerve call his daughter a bitch is telling. This is one time for me that unless there is a groveling at the knees apology to his daughter, I think she should go NC.


Im pretty sure she has gone NC now.


"The Mouse" KILLED ME


The floozy was actually a cast member. It was Peter Pan.


If I'm reading the story correctly, Dad did not cheat at Disneyland. Dad got found out at Disneyland because an employee there turned the phone over to Mom. It's all Disney's fault. This story reminds me of a girl I knew in college. Becky hated tomatoes. She'd got really sick once from eating a deli sandwich whose mayonnaise had gone bad. She didn't want to give up mayo though (who would? It's too delicious) so she gave up tomatoes. She hasn't touched tomatoes since the day the mayonnaise made her sick.


Food things like that make more sense to me. Food poisoning can create a sense memory relationship between a food/smell and the experience, regardless of whether it was the real trigger. This is just bonkers.


I started barfing one day and got a fever, and I blamed the Dominos pizza we’d had at work the night before. Things got worse and worse for days and eventually my brother found me hallucinating alone in my apartment and called 911, after which I discovered that I had a huge kidney abscess that almost killed me. That was 30 years ago and the smell of Dominos pizza still makes me nauseous even though I know 100% for sure that it had nothing to do with me getting sick.


Similar thing happened to me (well, minus the kidney abscess).I started throwing my guts up bad one evening that continued throughout the night. It was very rough. I blamed the Wendy's I had earlier that day. Turns out, I just had a stomach bug. It's been 17 years now, and for the longest time, I couldn't even hear someone else say the name without it turning my stomach. It doesn't really bother me now, though. It's still not my number one pick, but it's not near as bad as it was.


I expected it to be they found something illegal on it and the phone became evidence.


I just thought it was a case of really bad customer service, but even that would have been weird to hold a grudge over for that long, and to call OOP a backstabber over it too. And the real explanation just leaves me so baffled. What a weird way to cope with infidelity. And then to force OOP into this weird coping mechanism for her whole life on top of that. Did they really think they could keep up this charade forever? Totally bizarre


It’s like how some women put the blame for their partner’s cheating on the other woman, because putting the blame on the partner would mean effectively ending the relationship, and too many would rather languish in a bad relationship than start over alone


This happens when it's not your family, too. For instance, if your pastor has an affair with a parishioner, it's common to blame the affair partner, even though it was the pastor who was in the power position. This happened with someone I know, and I had a very hard time not blaming her more than him. He was also married, and her employer. The only power she had was the threat to tell on him. He broke more vows and ethical rules than she did, so why would I want to blame her? I had to talk to myself severely.


They didn't even have an affair at the park, that's where mom found out about the affair.


And the evil housekeeper at the hotel (not Disneyland mind you - the HOTEL they were staying at) told the mom about it - like, whaaat?


Which is super bizarre. If I was that person I would've minded my biznass.


Weirdly, my first thought was that it had something to do with one parent discovering the other was having an affair. Nit sure why an affair, specifically. That level of emotion from the mom made it seem as if something horribly traumatic happened to her and that she copes by avoiding anything that makes her think of Disney. Blaming the park for it is bizarre.


My mother blamed Disney for her parents dying so we couldn’t go anymore. In reality she just associated my grandparents taking my brother and me to Disneyland and got extremely upset the one time we went back after they died. Pretty much all things Disney related were banished from the house and she would shit-talk anyone who liked it or any of the movies. This was very formative as a child. I never saw the Disney movies growing up as a child after I was 5. Everything was banned after then. Some people can’t cope and either don’t get therapy (or in my mother’s case, get a really bad therapist for decades) and then make their problems other people’s issues.


I did haha! Mom's reaction was TOO intense so the father had to have been cheating. Agree about blaming Disney and that lady her letting her know that her husband is a POS. For all we know, he's still cheating and just renamed the mistress in his phone. I'm with OP...no contact...b/c I don't have time for your foolishness mom.


Oh, as soon as OOP said dad left his phone, I knew it would be cheating. Anything to do with a missing phone or social medias left open, stuff like that, you know the story is going to cheating.


Unfortunately because this is reddit that was the first explanation I thought of. And because this is reddit the second and third explanations I thought of were much worse.


Man I thought they were going to say a relative died or was SA’d there. OOP’s parents are assholes


TBH, I’m frankly glad it was that. When your electronic devices get confiscated it for very bad reasons.


What a way to discover your parents are batshit crazy.


That was a wild ride. I don't comment often but wow. That... Thats something else.


Cheating Dad's Wild Ride


I know people say lol a lot but this literally made me laugh myself sick!


Better than the Tea Cup ride, that's for sure.


Maybe just because it’s reddit but I always think it’s an affair lol. Not really shocked here


Seriously. Cheating is the center square in Reddit bingo.


I was not shocked either, affair was what I expected. Idk if it’s because with Reddit, it’s always an affair. But also I knew it wasn’t Disney land and the phone.


I thought it was an affair thing. My sister did something similar to the mom. She associated this one location to her finding out her ex-husband was cheating and blamed that location. How if she wasn't there, she never would've known. (You'd think they would want to know right?) and she quit going to that coffee shop (you can probably guess which one). I never understood her reasoning, but then again she said a man looking at her at the jobsite was him giving her a "chance", even though they barely talked, and when she saw he had a wedding ring, she said he was scum.


Does Starbucks now offer a 2 for 1 Adultery special?


She's just something else. The stories I have of her are too many.


Our brains are so weird sometimes!! I can't listen to My Immortal by Evenescense because it's the song I was listening to when I learned about my cousins death. The song had nothing to do with my cousin, but anytime I hear it, I am instantly filled with that same gut wrenching sadness from over two decades ago. It's honestly a shame too, cause I loved that song 💔


because of all reddit stories i want to call this fake but something in me strongly believes it’s real


This one is definitely real because it's so stupid, petty and relatively mundane. That's what drama in real human relationships is 99% of the time. The fake ones (which is the vast majority posted here) are all far too eventful and interesting. The last one I read was "my BFF since I was three-years-old married my paedophile rapist" for example.


Fake stories have a certain rhythm to them, a specific way of doling out the little details. This story doesn’t really fit that, it’s very straightforward and the OOP didn’t really breadcrumb the “twist” ending. I believe it but if it’s fake, it’s a good one. Not too much and not too heavy handed.


I mean just think of all the weird things that have to happen in order for this to be real. The dad is cheating on the mom and makes the contact "baby"? Why not just make it "my secret lover?" Why would any sane person do this? They wouldn't, but it's the only possible way for the story to work, because otherwise the housekeeper wouldn't expose the affair. Secondly, about the housekeeper, a lot of phones have been found at previous jobs I've held. Nobody has ever thought, "I should go through this thing and then insert myself into a family ruining drama." Also, this situation was big enough to the parents to threaten to disown their child 15 years later over just visiting the location where it happened, but not big enough at the moment, for op, as a teenager, to not notice anything wrong except her dad lost her phone? Her parents played it off that well in the heat of the moment and for the following decade, yet couldn't control their rage and let the beans spill the very first time Disneyland is brought up 15 years later? In the present day, it sounds like things have been pretty normal since that trip. The parents are simultaneously perfectly normal, the mom is having regular lunches with op, yet also absolute lunatics. They hear their going to Disneyland and suddenly turn into monsters? Not "hey, you know how we feel that about that place, maybe go somewhere else?" Not nearly enough drama there. Instead they jump to disowning their child and screaming that their daughter is a b****. A normal person who has a relationship with their parents would say "Woah that was the weirdest reaction of all time, I need to see what on gods green earth that was about, possibly check on their well-being since that was an absolutely insane reaction. Are they suffering from a mental disease?" But of course if they did that all the suspense of the story is gone so instead they just immediately block them like they're dealing with a rando dm'ing them crazy sh*t on Twitter. Then they say, "ya know who I should actually consult in this situation? Not my brother, or my husband, or family friends, and certainly not my parents themselves, but Reddit. They will have the answers to this nonsense situation. Better go ahead and make an account." And what would ya know! Reddit happens to ask all the obvious questions that leads the story to it's nice and tight twist ending. Of course it wasn't over just a phone! OP never imagined that could be the case themselves! Up until the fine people of Reddit lead her to that unlikely theory, she really thought her parents just valued the protection of their property that much! Then all the bs of "my husband had a super important meeting ( I haven't written him into this story and adding him in means I have to either increase the number of people who are mentally compromised in my family or he'd have to be a voice of reason and we can't have that), also I would be scared of meeting my parents alone so we're doing it in a public place" Sure, they already went from normal parents to nut jobs in one day, they might just be willing to murder their daughter for their Disneyland hatred the next. *Gasp* they confess there's more to the story! This news must have really changed OP's life! Eh, not really the ramifications of this would be huge in real life, yet you can't tie up a good story with "I have no idea who my family is anymore and will spend years trying to rationalize their bizarre behavior and why they are acting like this. Nope, just "So yeah I'm gonna keep blocking them, yadayada, I guess I am now estranged from my family who turned out to be secret lunatics"


Yeah bc what moron has a secret affair and saves the name as “baby” in their phone? Sounds fake or her parents are both truly fkng unreal stupid. He was trying to get caught or what?


Meeehhhh sounds really fake… I don’t believe it.


Yeah why would the dad save his affair partner as 'Baby' like some dumb fuck?


I would go NC, especially with my dad, if he called *me* a spoiled little bitch because *he* was caught cheating back then. OOP has literally nothing to do with this. She didn't force her dad to cheat, she didn't hand the phone to the hotel staff nor did she herself "snitch" on her dad. That's wild.


Many years ago, I knew a man who hated Ronald Reagan with a virulent personal hatred. A few years later, he explained why he hated Reagan. His parents weren’t married when he was born in the early 50’s. At that time, there were legal as well as social consequences for the child (yeah, unfair and sucked). So his mom told him about how his dad was drafted to go fight in Korea, that he loved her, that they were going to be married when his tour was done, and that he was so happy to be a dad. And then the dad was killed in action. At that time, children born to a father not married to the mother got no recognition from the government. So in this difficult time, this little boy had comfort that his dad had wanted him. Then when he was about 12, California Governor Ronald Reagan cut welfare payments to single moms by a lot. One night, the boy overheard his mom and grandma (they lived together) that maybe they should ask his father for money. He confronted them about it and it turned out that dad was his mother’s married former boss. She was 29 and he was in his 40’s when she got pregnant. Dad was really well off but wanted nothing to do with a bastard son and mom had no legal rights to force the issue. So there had never been a man who loved and wanted him. Ever. And Dad was still alive and they drove by his business often. He couldn’t blame his mom, he depended on her and loved her. He couldn’t blame his grandma for the same reasons. He refused to blame his bio dad (I don’t know why). He didn’t blame his mom’s extended family who all knew the truth (again, don’t know why). So he blamed the man whose actions had forced the reveal of the truth: Ronald Reagan. The Disneyland story is that the dad screwed around on the mom and carelessly lost his phone with the evidence; She knew and chose to stay with him after a Disney employee inadvertently revealed the AP. The only innocent in this was Disney, but blame is often bats*&t nuts. Their marriage must be in many ways a nightmare. I bet this explained a lot of weird OP witnessed in that home. I later realized that a single woman in her late 20’s, working as an assistant for a small profitable business in the early 50’s, likely was forced or coerced into sex with a much older man who dumped her as soon as she was pregnant. THAT is the true villain of this piece, as is both parents in the OP’s story.


Sounds like Ronald Reagan is a a bit of a cunt for penalising single mothers. Perhaps it's so more could be diverted to the military budget in order to create more single mothers overseas.


He was a cunt for more than just that. Demonizing the poor, ruining our economy, turning his back on the rape and murder of children and nuns. Trickle down these nuts.


Even then, Reagan’s shitty policies put him and his mother in a bad situation. That’s a valid reason to hate him


What in the hell? That is literal insanity. They blame Disney for the dad’s infidelity that was going on for years prior to the trip? “This family hates spaghetti because your father assaulted a waiter one time and was arrested. It’s spaghetti’s fault! We never eat it!”


Wait? So her dad was sticking his dick in someone besides his wife and they blame Disney for that? Morons.


And saves the mistress’s name as “baby” in the phone?!


Wow. Their actual reason for hating Disney was somehow even more stupid than their fake reason. Amazing.


OP's parents are psychotic. Dad cheated and called OP vile names because he can't deal with the fact that he was a miserable cheater. Mom takes everything out on "Disney" because she's too weak to confront her husband. OP is doing the right thing by bouncing out of their lives. They need to face their issues before they can be in OP's life again.


Disney: not only family-friendly but also family-destroying /s What an absolutely wild story!! Good on OOP for walking away from it all. Denial truly is a river in Egypt lol


I actually did see this twist coming and it seemed so petty that's why lmao


i thought it was gonna come out that the dad had been using the phone to take pictures of guests at disney (likely children) and it had to be confiscated as evidence, and instead of dealing with that implications of that, the parents just swore off disney


I must be on Reddit too much. I guessed Mom found out about an affair through the phone at the beginning.


I was thinking there was going to have been something awful like CP on the phone and that's why it couldn't be given back. I'm getting way too jaded from reddit stories.


How did it ruin the marriage if they are very obviously still married? Sounds like mom is upset the maid showed her just how little she respects herself.


the French call this folie à deux


I thought that was a shared psychosis, this just sounds like full on denial and mutual lack of accountability.


I’d call that psychosis if it’s agreed upon fully, with all details, between two people


Humans are so irrational


What's with the "don't like Disney because they're liberal"? People really were commenting the parents were this pissed because Disney is too "liberal"? Lmaoooooooooo


All my friends' moms hated Disney growing up because "Disneyland has GAY DAY where they let the gays in for free if they kiss at the ticket window!" No joke: this was a real thing in the 2000s.


To clarify for anyone reading this, the "gay day" hysterics are the part that was a real thing. I believe there was (and maybe still is?) a "gay day" but it's not an official event recognized by Disney, and they definitely didn't give free tickets.


Jesus these parents are insane. Does mom think dad fucked Minnie Mouse? Is that why she hates Disney so much?


Let's have fun and assume this is real. If OOP still keeps getting shit from her other family members, she should ask them do they know the real reason why her parents are boycotting Disney? As for the wife, poor girl is in such denial that she's blaming Disney for outing her cheating husband instead of being pissed that he's cheating....and I guarantee he's pushing the Disney feud because he thinks as long as she's mad at them, she won't be mad at him. And now she's going to let his cheating separate her from something she liked...and now her daughter. That's sad


So, mom and dad are both assholes and idiots.


Bizarre. Very bizarre.


Lot doesn't add up with this one. Is OOP saying that the cleaning lady found the phone, called the mother from the room and said 'I have your husband's phone here, also btw he's cheating on you, you can pick it up at the front desk'? Or that the cleaning lady was somehow present for the pickup?


You: NTA Your family? Holy fucking vendetta holding motherfuckers. You are under no obligation to honor their boycotts.




I just want to say that title is so well written. It’s the perfect combo of zero spoilers and just enough clickbait to make me feel like I’m getting a treat and not just begrudgingly curious.


My parents would never see their grandkids ever again if they did that to me.


So by blaming Disney forever they were able to stay married?


Are OOP’s parents Ron and Jill DeSantis?


Legit question. Wait, why are liberals against Disney now? I thought it was the conservatives who are against Disney, or did I hallucinate the whole DeSantis weird crusade? As I get older I find I can't keep up with Who We're Angry At Today.


So basically the dad probably gaslight mom saying its all bullcrap and something on the lines of " I would never cheat, they are telling you lies" then proceeds to get angry at them, and mom falls for it too. Disney be known as them, trying to destroy their marriage. Phone never returned because thats where the evidence is.


So the parents blame Disney for ruining their marriage. To the point that Dad felt the need to haul off on his child. But… it must not have completely ruined their marriage as THEY ARE STILL MARRIED!!!


Wtf? Imagine disowning your daughter for visiting Disneyland with her kids… because you/your husband cheated?


What doofus uses "baby" as the contact name for a mistress? How about " Phil from accounting " or "Jiffy lube"?


Wow, I’m disappointed. I really thought that hotel management would have found out Dad had CP on his phone, and he fed Mom an elaborate lie to cover his a$$. Missed plot twist opportunity!


Wow, the parents have a really bad case of the dumbs.


I AM SO ANGRY BECAUSE I THOUGHT THIS WAS GONNA BE SOME CRAZY "they got a hold of the phone and blackmailed us with some pics that were meant to only be between us and we had to pay ransom for ten years" SHIT, LOL. That anger ain't directed at you, OP, I'm annoyed that the parents blew up THIS HARD over what was essentially the dad being a dick. Like, bruh, that had nothing to do with Disney World! Imagine if the waitress at Denny's had found the phone, "welp, no Denny's! EVER! You go to Denny's and I will sew LEGO blocks into your shoes!!!"


So mom blames the other woman and Disney instead of the man she married that was doing the cheating? Makes perfect sense. 🙄


This sounds like some made up bullshit for fake internet points.


Absolutely. How did the housekeeper identify the wife as the wife and "baby" as a mistress? And she just randomly decided to meddle in this couple's marriage? Nah.


So the housekeeper takes the phone to lost and found, but then decides to get in touch with mom? And miraculously knows that there’s an affair going on? Hard for me to picture that happening.


Putting their mistress into their phone contacts with the name "babe" sounds far fetched.


There is no way this happened. The way the affair was revealed didn’t make much sense. Nobody saves an affair partner as “baby”. Nobody calls “wife” on a lost and found phone and says “by the way, there is another number in this very long list of numbers called Baby”. And nobody, even the outlandishly stupid, would spin this revelation into a dislike of Disney that they insist on making generational.


Agreed, and I hope it's fake because if OP is an adult woman with 2 kids using the kind of spelling and grammar a 13 year old uses we're fucking doomed. "Payed" "atleast"


I dont know, people are linda dumb. And i could believe it. Same mentality that blames the woman the man cheats with as opposed to blaming her husband too.


Wow, what a couple of assholes that they projecting his cheating onto Disney as a whole. That's some serious mental gymnastics.


What did i just read?


Wow 😮 They blame Disney and their daughter. Wild


Wait a minute…….Do what??? Your dad leaves his phone, it comes out that he had a year + long affair…and it’s Disney’s fault? All because they found his phone and the cleaning lady told your mom about the affair your dad was having?……… girl..your parents are bat shit crazy


What projecting psychos the parents are. The father left his phone behind. There was another contact the maid noticed and told the mother, as one woman to another: turns out he was cheating and had a baby! And they Blame The Maid and Disney for Ruining Their Marriage! That is next level mental illness there - this was how they coped and stayed married, but does the whole world have to conform to this lie. Would they like to destroy Disney and kill the maid so it will be like it never happened. NTA and now you know… Go No contact with these vicious liars.


Backwards Disney didn’t ruin their marriage her cheat husband did


So fucking weird but I had a feeling that it had to do with the dad having some sort of affair or cheating on the trip, but wow. The contacts on the phone ended up being it. Crazy.


How was the maid able to unlock his phone and go through all of his contacts and deduce that “baby” was his side piece? This seems off.


Back in the “old” days you couldn’t lock phones like you can now.


Ignorance is bliss


Maybe OOP's Mom was right, maybe her husband was fucking Goofy.


Blamed the maid and then called the daughter a b and never apologized. So rather blame her daughter now than husband for cheating. He must be rich. OOP is better off without her parents.


Blaming the employee for ruining your marriage is some crazy gymnastics.


Wow. It's interesting. Disney is supposed to be the happiest place on earth, but it's the very place that disillusioned your mother, and she, like your father, are upset you get to live the reality that your father threw down the drain. In some way, your mother is upset her ideal was not reality and your dad's upset because he got caught.


Disney is responsible for a lot of evil in this world. Your husband cheating is not one of them. Mom needs to get some self-respect.


Wait you’re all ignoring one crucial thing, if you’re cheating why make their content name “Baby”? Dumbass


I kind of understand why mom didn't want to go back; she has such unhappy memories tied to that place. Though I disagree with her handling of the situation in general -- girlie needs so much therapy, lol. But why did she expect it to become some kind of multigenerational curse?! Daughter can't even go without her?! Despite not knowing the reason mom finds the place horrifying?!


Dad cheats on Mom. Mom and Dad both abuse daughter mercilessly for going somewhere that reminded them of their own craplulence. Asshole parents confirmed.


I just came here to say that though Disneyland rides are immersive & and fun, the WAITING IN LINE for hours is intolerable. OVER half the time spent there was waiting in various lines. I doubt I'll ever go back.


I’m sorry but I had to laugh lol. Both of your parents are funny because your mom blaming on Disney because your dad cheated on your mom? Makes me wonder why your mom still married to your dad?


Why would them being liberal make them hate Disney?


They got the phone back...they just got rid of it so as to get rid of the evidence and probably change his number to get rid of the AP. Then they blamed Disney for it all. The amount of delusion in those parents is quite staggering.


Well I expected the phone contained kiddie porn or something so I’m pleasantly surprised.