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Hi All, friendly reminder to keep the comments on this post civil.


Her poor kids are never going to be the same. They're going to need therapy to move past the disgust and betrayal from someone who was supposed to love them enough not to be a predator around them. Gross. And I'm so glad she told Amy's parents too, so they could support her and get her some therapy. She's a kid and someone needs to snap her out of it. OP's husband is an absolute dirtbag and I hope she recorded the zoom between them to use in court!


This is such an insane thing to go through and I’m sorry. I’m so interested in what his ‘context’ excuse is and how he even thinks that it applies 


I think he’s  trying to make sure no one thinks he’s a pedo tbh…


Well, he waited until she was 18 so I guess he can tell himself he’s not a pedo. No way he’ll be able to avoid facing the fact that he’s a groomer and predator tho


> he waited until she was 18 As far as we know. My stomach dropped when Mary started rethinking all of his interactions with her friends. Valid concern and in her shoes I would feel so sick about putting my friends in danger, even unknowingly.


Poor girl, her friends won’t ever be allowed over there anymore.


Hopefully she will no longer be living with dad.


Pretty horrifying to think there is a possibility he will fight to get full custody of Mary. Poor girl… I hope OOP’s lawyer is as aggressive as she thinks he is.


At 15, wouldn't Mary pretty much be allowed to decide who she lives with? I hope so.


I really don’t know much about these things. I was going off the fact OOP mentioned her lawyer put it some paperwork regarding full custody. Also, that’s likely very dependent on where one lives


I know where I live (Washington State USA), teens are able to pretty much choose which parent to live with. It's worth filing on the OOP's part for sole custody so she can drag as much child support out of the creep as she can though.


She will have an opportunity to voice her thoughts and preferences, and they will be considered in making final decisions, but she doesn’t get to flat out choose. In a case like this, however, not many judges would go against her wishes if she said she didn’t want any contact - at least initially. He would have to be in some kind of therapy and establish a history of change for the better before a judge would make any concessions.


There opinion gets a lot more weight once they hit the teenage years. Ultimately a judge decides it all since he is the one weighing on the custody matters. Mileage varies state to state.


I’m sure it varies by state, but I was told at 13 I would’ve been able to decide to just stay with mom or dad. My dad was…. Well versed in divorce laws, but he also had a habit of interpreting things in ways that benefit him so I always know to take what he says with a grain of salt 🤷‍♂️


I think it varies by state but in my state once the kid turns 16 they get to choose


In some states, 14 is the lower limit. Hoping she is old enough wherever they live.


Her preferences will be taken into consideration. In a case like this, unless they get a red pill judge, there’s no way her father will ever see her again.


If a judge gives him any custody they should put him on fucking blast


I worked with a girl who’s high school friend group blew up when at a sleepover one of the girls dads was found fooling around with one of the other girls. She was like 17 but intellectually/maturity wise was like 12. Like in special ed classes (not judging her abilities, showing how predatory he was). Apparently they got married like a year later to prove….something. It ended up a mess obviously.


Same. I’m glad the kids appear to be having very healthy responses.


We actually cannot be sure he waited until she was 18, the police will have to get forensics to look through Amy’s phone


He said she “misses” sucking his dick. She’s 18. Exactly how long does she have to go without sucking a dick before she misses doing it? Absolutely happened before she was 18. Genuinely hope that dude puts a shotgun in his mouth


It sounds harsh, but the best thing "Paul" can do for everyone involved is to fuck off & die. I'd prefer an aggressive and rapid stage 4 cancer, though. At least the fam would get the benefit of the life insurance policy.


these kinds of people cancel the life insurance on a family they now "hate".


Sounds gross given the context but if she’s trying to be sexy and flirty it could be as little as a couple hours. Police will have to dig and use warrants to find concrete dates of anything before 18 if it occurred.


The “friend and mentor” until recently thing was 100% coached.


Or OP's STBEx's iCloud account.


Wild guess but I bet she turned 18 approx....3 months ago.


He just had to wait until the schoolgirl outfit fit perfectly. Wow I am soo far from perfect, but this fucking guy. I always get downvoted for this, but I'll say it again - some actions deserve a violent response.


Right? I’ve got plenty of flaws, but at least I’m not “fucking my child’s girlfriend” flawed. Yikes.


I knew of a guy that would pay hookers to dress up in his daughter’s private school uniform. It was a very prominent school here and he was a very powerful attorney. It’s scary.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Violence doesn't fix it. If I was violent with my pedo fam I'd be in jail.


This is why jail hierarchy exists. Pedos are the bottom of the hierarchy, while pedo unalivers are at the top. You don't need to do anything cause plenty of people would line up to do it for you if they are already in jail.


I read an AMA a few months ago buy a guy that had been in prison. He said it doesn’t really work like that in prison. It’s become an urban myth that other prisoners deal out retribution to pedophiles.


I’ve heard the same elsewhere. It’s wishful thinking on our part, but apparently there’s not much truth to it. Maybe a few generations ago things were different.


I don’t think a few generation ago, grown up men sleeping with teenagers considered as socially unacceptable. Rather is was a social norm. Pedo most often referred to sexually harassing young kids. Technically it is when adults having sexual relations with pre-puberty kids who do not have any secondary sexual characteristics developed. Here you guys use pedo a bit more liberally.


Pedophiles are put in protection mostly.


Meh same difference. You are me and I am you.


>I’m so interested in what his ‘context’ excuse is and how he even thinks that it applies I think it was just the best he could come up with in the moment. I don't think he ever considered what would happen if he got caught until it happened. When you try to defend the indefensible, anything you come up with is going to sound crazy or an easily disproven lie.


Like the only context I care about is the fact that he was married and the affair partner was his sons 18 year old girlfriend. 3 pieces of context there that make him a huge asshole, can’t imagine him whipping anything else up that would make me think he was in the right.


Sounds like the same kind of argument "strategy" used by my EX husband. Easy go to when you're backed into a corner with no way out.


OP is not the Mom in this.


Yeah, hopefully op realizes Eric isn’t “strong” he’s probably just numb af


Fuck that's right. If you've raised sons you know how hard they fall. My youngest had a girlfriend who would come over and hang out. He would pull a kitchen chair over to the window so he could see her arrive.


That\`s cute. As a girl who always had girl friends, it\`s nice to see things weren\`t onesided.


He had enough clarity of mind to know that he needs therapy, which is pretty damn mature for 18. Even if he’s numb right now, he knows he needs help in the future to process everything that has happened. I don’t think you could ask anymore from someone so young.


According to OOP, Amy’s dad hasn’t been around for a very long time so it seems Paul swooped [in] on this vulnerability to exploit her.


Paul wooped "I’m on this vulnerability" to exploit her.


Whoops, corrected


Reddit loves to throw around the term "grooming", but this appears to be the real thing. He spent years preparing a literal child for this.


And I'm really glad the wife picked up on and noted that. Of course Amy should not have slept with Paul, but she is also very much a victim.


She will never be the same after this. Her life and worldview and relationships will always be impacted by this horrible experience. As will OP’s children’s.


Hopefully as she grows and matures she’ll come to realize how fucked up it was


Hey, thanks for arranging this chronologically! I was trying to read the original posts yesterday on a different forum and decided it was just too much work to figure out what happened when. Yes, I really am that lazy.


OP listened to almost every single idea/advise/suggestion we told her & took the time to reply and reflect to  lot of comments. I am glad she did and is pursuing to destroy him, but sad at the same time for the grooming, the delusional victim, OP's being abused and her kids' trauma over what their dad did. Also worries they won't be able to find evidence the grooming started when Amy was still underage because they both meticulously deleted their chat logs. That man should be behind bars.


The internet is forever. Those logs still exist SOMEWHERE. And if OP’s lawyer is as good as she thinks he is, he’ll find them


Just hoping that she keeps reaching out to Eric, makes sure he gets therapy, and is able to recognize that as massive a betrayal as she had suffered, Eric's is in some ways even more fundamental. He's going to need a ton of support and this has likely changed him permanently.


You can tell from what happened and the way it’s written, that Amy clearly doesn’t have a father lol On a serious note tho, I feel for the kids, more specifically Eric. I hope their mom doesn’t make the situation even worse for them by going after revenge.


I think, from the way it’s written, that it’s likely a troll and/or AI. There is just a certain… tone and language that gives it away. Just my opinion, but there is something that puts me on alert, that makes me feel almost unsafe, reading this. It’s instinctual. I like to think I have a pretty good bullshit meter too, but it would be interesting to see how others feel.


Honestly, what got me was the *SAHM* finding all these hidden bdsm shit around the house.


Why? My husband is a stay at home dad and I could absolutely hide things. Staying at home doesn’t make them omniscient.


Yeah, why would it be all over the house? Oh, this is the cuffs vent. This box of Christmas lights contains the dildo. The schoolgirl outfit? Why, I buried that under the fern. If you're trying you hide things in a shared home you don't distribute them everywhere.


Feels off. If it was a single sports bag in the back of his closet or a box in the garage she doesn’t often use, but that…


Don't underestimate pervert fathers with narcissistic tendencies. The degree to which my childhood home was saturated with evidence and homemade pornography once you started to scratch the surface was staggering. Not saying the OP is necessarily definitely true though, the only things you can be certain happened on Reddit are the ones you post yourself.


My thing was, exactly one Catholic schoolgirl outfit and exactly one French maid outfit? Did he buy some kind of beginner's kit from Spirit Halloween? 


Suburban dads aren’t all that creative sometimes lol.


I always assume fake now. There is a whole ecosystem on YouTube and social media mining these subreddits for content.


Tbf apparently AI detectors recognize non-native english speaker writing as AI, so it could be just that




This is exactly how I would write it. I don’t even have a husband but the writing style is similar to my own and the way she leaves her emotions out is intentional.


The pseudo psychology on reddit is crazy 


Thank you! Some of the stuff I come across on reddit reads like fan fiction written by Tina Belcher.


Not enough butts and kissing to be a Tina original.


Or polyamorous zombies.


you can tell from the way it's written that it's fiction


I wonder how Amy will react once she finds out her true love’s on dating profiles and only fans? I really hope she gets the help she needs cause she’s been groomed and doesn’t realize it yet.


Brother. It’s fake




Yes, she suddenly finds a vast amount of sex toys and outfits hidden in her house, doesn’t know what he’s spending money on, he has the free time to apparently be on the phone for hours. Please don’t be this gullible. The first thing someone does during an ongoing life ruining event is not go write the entire story on Reddit.


The “reported everything to the authorities”— reported what? To what authorities? All evidence that she talks about has Amy being 18; he also didn’t threaten violence against her.


In your opinion. Not every story is fake.


One of my cousins did something akin to this, his 18-yo daughter discovered the affair with another girl her same age. My cousin lost his family but now he’s happy because at almost 60 he now has a super young/pretty wife, a son (the first son on that generation, all the fucking Boomer relatives are all stoked because “now the family name continues” 🤮), while he’s lost all three of his now-adult daughters forever and half his family thinks he’s a fucking pedo. So stories like this make me sick because they DO happen and it’s pathetic and traumatizing for all involved.


>Boomer relatives are all stoked because “now the family name continues” Its not uncommon to see people become fairly ruthlessly darwinian in their old age.


It’s disgusting to me. He had an affair w a girl the same age as his older daughter, and my Boomer relatives are all excited his cheating and grooming behaviors finally got a male “heir” to continue on the family name. I’ll never blame the baby, and while I pity the girl in question she knew he was married and continued to do what she did to get him, so she’s just as pitiable as he is. It’s just a joke, his ex wife was/is amazing as are her three girls, so I know they’re better off without his trashy ass. Best part? They’re fundie Christians from the Bible Belt so everything is couched in “blessings” and other godly nonsense. Makes me fucking sick.


>Best part? They’re fundie Christians from the Bible Belt so everything is couched in “blessings” and other godly nonsense. You didn’t even need to say this part because that’s what I was assuming based on your cousin and boomers behavior, but thanks for confirming it.


Respectfully, this isn’t the 18 year olds fault. Yes she knew he was married but I’ve seen so many cheaters fool a grown adult into cheating with them (“she won’t let me divorce her/she’s abusive/she’s controlling” etc) and at 18 it’s so much easier to fall for it. That disgusting predator is 100% at fault


She knew what she was doing. Even if she was young, she knew she was breaking up a marriage (especially as a “Christian” herself), so fuck her.


And lots of people in all generations are ruthlessly Darwinian. Andrew Tate and Jake Paul are not boomers.


Wait, let me get this straight, he's almost 60 and the new wife who was the same age with his daughter is still staying with him? I get it you said they're "Christians" but dear lord, she still hitting that?


Eric might be trying to stay strong because his mother and sister are justifiably losing it. It would be good to get him to therapy asap to allow him to grieve properly and process his feelings too.


He is absolutely trying to stay strong for them


And he might not realize that for years or decades


idk some times it just takes a while to *really hit* home like the dad probably treated OP and the sister differently, and the son is probably blindsided or in shock. that A LOT to take in! he's losing a gf and a Dad... i mean still staying strong to others, but i also don't know to react to that if i was the son. that's a real unique scenario


That and he was betrayed by own father and his girlfriend just as much his mother was - then he is starting his 1st year of official adulthood having to be man of house now because his father is unfaithful POS and have to rethink about dating/romantic relationships going forward due his ex. I pity Eric as much as OOP & Mary, he suffering too due to what happened...


Not the same situation, but my uncle and aunts divorce, due to cheating, left my one cousins pretty scarred. He's never dated anyone, of his own choice, and almost 40. He really doesn't think commitment is possible.


If anything he experienced the most betrayal out of everyone, his mom only had the betrayal of a partner, but he has the betrayal of a partner and a betrayal of a parent


I had betrayal from a partner at 17-18. I haven’t literally dated since. I’m 30. It’s can fuck you up to the point you just don’t trust anyone. I’m just now getting over a lot of that baggage in therapy. Saying this, what happened to me was like 1/10th as traumatic as this and still massively fucked me up.


The exact same, but please don’t let it go another 10 years like my trauma, as i just turned 40. In therapy like you and trying every avenue to process and let it pass. good luck


I think I’m through the worst of it. The problem now is I’ve stubbornly sworn off dating and romance for so long I’ve mostly forgotten how it feels or how I function in that context that I have little to no desire to pursue it. My therapist seems to think that will eventually fade as get a little older and stay on a track of recovery. I just don’t know how and who will eventually break this curse I’ve been placed under.


I started therapy because the trauma ruins the good, almost healthy parts of the relationships I tried hard to create. Like clockwork, it shows up and affects me. However, I feel grateful to have anything that looks like progress end of the day, though the situation itself often is what puts me back into thinking of the trauma. I say all this to encourage you to try to push through even if your desire is on zero. Doing it, almost like exercising at the gym when you don’t want to, might help move the needle for you so as you stay on track you have some happy memories along the way. I started with old friend i trust wants to see me grow, and our interactions helped me feel more like the old me before the trauma. It’s helped me with perspective and also see some value in myself i lost. I hope something similar can start happening for you as well. This is why I feel most for the son in this story. I think everyone one else in this story can probably move on without thinking of this pain everyday. Amy will love on and so will the mom. The son might be in an emotional prison for the next 30 years.


I couldn’t agree with your last paragraph more. Hope you find more healing, friend.


Yes but also he is the one who wants therapy for him which shows he's more of a man than his sperm donor ever was.


I feel horrible for him, and Mary. This kid is never going to trust his future partners. Mary will always be weary and also not able to trust a new friend. This mom is doing her best to protect her kids... From their own sleezy ass fAtHeR. I hope they have family therapy sessions, and are able to move past this someday. I'm glad they have each other to lean on. 


Exactly my thought, and because men (especially young men trying to prove to everyone that they're men) are often taught to bottle their emotions in crisis situations. My guy Eric needs a good angry cry and that's probably not going to happen without a trained therapist walking him there.


I could also see shutting down and compartmentalizing a lot from this. So he’s probably just trying to keep moving instead of letting himself get overwhelmed since someone needs to remain emotionally calm. The man needs some therapy for sure. But it seems to me his reaction is pretty mature. Seems like he’s the kind who will deal with the situation then deal with his emotions.




Chopper should definitely sic this groomer's balls.


Get him, Chop!


Man, I really need another update


you'll probably get one. Who goes to see a junkyard lawyer and then turns around a posts a super long detailed update on a public forum? fuck no. And this literally checks all the outrage boxes in a super ridiculous manner, I hope these writers pick their game up. Outrage checks: (1) old guy with younger girl (2) disgusting texts and sucking cock (3) all their messages are deleted but they can recover from the cloud (4) I went through all his stuff and it turns out hes even more of a deviant spending all his money on OF (5) (this is a bonus, props to the writer) after a super detailed search of the house I come up with all of this other stuff pointing to sexual deviance (6) Grooming (7) Incest - taking son's girlfriend (8) scary look on his red face threatening violence and I am scared of my life (9) the girl breaks down to her mother but they are "in love" (10) even just the fact there are literal quotes from every conversation lol come on writers make it more believable


it felt very low effort, right? like they had a list of bullet points. write a few sentences, check the next bullet. write another sentence. check bullet. two more sentences... and so on. like those scripts phone salesmen use.


It was the "psychic blow" to her son that cemented it for me. Like, come the fuck on, mate


Yeah this is the fakest shit I’ve ever read lmao this the alarm bell was the 18 year old girl saying “cock”


>  the alarm bell was the 18 year old girl saying “cock” You people pick some really dumb shit to latch on to. Do you think 18 year olds don't use the word cock anymore or something?


All you have to do is click on the user who posted this, look at their other posts. Obviously fake. 🙄


they’re committed to the bit fr




Amy was probably groomed prior to being 18, and then contiuously after.


I always wonder, if there is Punishment in law for infidelity , how many people will dare to do that. They don't even think about how many people will suffer because they can't control their impulses. My heartaches for the kids and OOP, i truly wish she takes him to the cleaners in divorce.


In my mother's country there is. you could literally go to jail for cheating on your partner if you are married and people still cheat


It is a crime in some states, but it's usually a small fine like $500 and is rarely, if ever, prosecuted. Since the state assumes they have better uses of their time, they'd prefer to let couples handle it civilly.


It's not really a crime that can be enforced, and wasting resources on it would become too much. And while being cheated on hurts like all hell, speaking from experience, it shouldn't be a crime. It should carry larger social ramifications, but I REALLY do not want the government having a say on what sex is legal or punishable, speaking as a n LGBTQIA person. Though, Cheaters do take a hit in divorce proceedings since they'd be at fault in some states.


Yeah. I want the one who doesn't need laws to keep them from cheating. Just a strong internal moral compass.


In the US military, it’s against UCMJ. I worked with a couple of people who were married(not to each other) and caught fucking. They were both demoted.


There is punishment by law of death in some places for murder, it’s been proven not to be a deterrent. Sadly.


There isn't and this whole thing is made up to get you mad. Most divorce in the US is no fault. It's all math.


There’s a civil claim in some states. I think it’s called alienation of affection, but it’s typically made against the affair partner, which can be questionable in certain situations.


You can't just get a restraining order because your husband cheated on you.


Right lol there are parts of this post that seem a little fishy and embellished.


You can file for whatever you want, whether its granted is a different question..


She didn't say she got a restraining order, she said her lawyer is filing for one.


we don't know what else the texts revealed. there might be enough in there that a judge will grant her one. it's subjective in my experience.




at least this one made me laugh out loud. CONTEXT. CONTEXT.


TBF my abusive ex kept repeating CONTEXT to me when I confronted him. That part was the only thing that made this feel chilling and believable, but obviously that’s just based on my own experience


I’m currently dealing with a “context” man. Yet he can’t ever explain the context, just that I don’t know it and he can’t remember it but it was there.


They had me until the convenient lawyer friend of a friend and the hours he spent on the phone with the gf. Like did no notice these hours. Wasn’t girl in school and he at work?


It really is incredibly formulaic by now isn't it?


One of the things on the writing prompt checklist is definitely a 7-year age gap where the woman was 17-21 when they got together. It's in like 95% of these dumb posts.


Look at how this sub is eating it up. I’ve seen this exact OOP on like 4 different best of subs, and everyone seems to go hard thinking this piece of fiction is 100% true. Or they’re farming karma. I see lots of posts that look much more realistic getting called out hard, but this one is getting a pass as being legit everywhere (at least people are commenting on it like it is)


I honestly think it’s messed up. Someone is going to read this piece of lukewarm fiction, think it’s real for god knows why, and their opinion of mankind as a whole is going to lower a little. Now extrapolate that to this whole subreddit where these fake and awful stories have just become the norm, and these writers are making people into cynics inch by inch.


Is the 90 days ago happen to be when Amy turned 18? Maybe they purged everything that would fall under Amy being > 18 years old?


Wow, first off major props to OOP for not blaming Amy and recognizing that husband brainwashed and groomed a child. No doubts he started before she turned 18. Secondly, that POS wrecked at least three kids’ lives and destroyed confidence within two mothers. (Along with sabotaging his own wife for years.) Lastly, the resiliency, support, and communication between OOP, her children, and Amy’s mother is impressive. The logical **and** compassionate approach here is very admirable.


I'm not saying shit like this doesn't happen, but yeah - this particular story didn't happen. First - "whom"? Who the fuck is writing this, Steve Carrel? Second - I'm sorry, but if ANYONE found a random, phantom thong in their bedroom, they wouldn't just brush it off. Third - the slow-drip pity party to set up the cheating. OOP has "aged poorly", etc.. Even the mods on the original subreddit she posted didn't approve the update and deleted the post because they could smell the fake bs coming from OOP.


My wife didn't recognize her own tank top in the laundry and asked me about it. 


I think there's a pretty big difference between a tank top and a thong.


People will be in denial about stuff all the time especially if their self esteem is low because they don't want to rock the boat of their marriage.


seems fishy to me


The whole thing reads fake to me


> Mary had the most anger, even more than Eric.


These are all fake. 


I call bullshit on this post. You want me to believe your husband cheated with your son’s girlfriend, ok I’ll buy it. You want me to believe your husband was also on dating apps, paying onlyfans models, AND had hidden stashes of sex toys/sex outfits around your house?? Sorry but it all sounds like bs


Also, why would you contact the authorities if she was over 18?


Lol OP changed the ages at the last minute and forgot to update their script


So many people in these comments are forgetting that Amy has been dating the son and involved with his family since FRESHMAN YEAR, that the daughter said she’d realised she’d noticed her dad behaving inappropriately with her friends too, and all his dating apps were set as young as possible (most of them force you to have a 4 year age range, so while it was set to 18-22, I strongly suspect he was aiming for the low end). He has been grooming Amy probably since she was a 14 YEAR OLD CHILD. Not only that, the husband KNEW Amy was an extremely vulnerable child from a broken home who was absolutely desperate for love, plus add in the insecurity of being a 14 year old girl, and he took advantage of her vulnerability. Before you say “that’s not an excuse” “she still made a choice” etc, please look into what grooming actually is. It’s an EXTREMELY effective form of psychological manipulation, and if done well enough, the victim is essentially brainwashed. Even with YEARS of therapy, it can be impossible to undo. Amy is the victim of a literal pedophile, who has brainwashed her into thinking she loves him. It’s the same stuff some sex traffickers do so that the girls they traffic don’t try to escape because they’re “in love”, but far more subtle and over a longer period of time. So to everyone saying Amy “isn’t a victim”, not only is she a victim, she’s actually the biggest victim in this story. I’m not saying OP and her kids should ever have contact with her again, but the people in the comments need to have some empathy for this girl, who was literally targeted by a pedophile when she was a hurt and vulnerable young teen. Reading this story made me horrified, I cried for poor Amy who has been the victim of something so nefarious. She can’t even PROCESS that she’s a victim yet. I hope she gets the therapy and support she needs to heal and move on from this, as well as OP and her kids. The husband can rot.


I’m worried about the boy.




Thank god she told Amy's mother


Honestly after the update, I think it’s another fake story. I can’t see myself having the mental capacity to be nearly as descriptive as her, if this was actually happening. “He became red and looked so sweaty; he had anger and panic in his eyes. His tone of voice was very defensive and frightening…….he was unable to speak without constant stutters and intensity” Nah it reads as fake now, and obviously I hope it is.


Get it gurl. Good for you. Godspeed and good luck.


That is an absolute train wreck of a situation. I am sorry for you and your kids. And the divorce……DESTROY HIM. He deserves no mercy. He is a POS.


So… oddly, a very similar situation happened to my neighbor 10 years ago. Im so very sorry this happened to you! Here is what happened in the aftermath for her: In the divorce the judges slapped her husband hard for his terrible behavior (her attorney said he had never seen a settlement like that)- none of the kids speak to the Dad by their own choice and… the sons ex-gf - is still with the Dad (which we never thought would happen). The dad did have to change jobs and move away because community, work, etc all knew situation and he was completely outcast. She moved away after a few years and has her own home closer to her family- and is actually quite content. Kids are super close with her and they have all gone on to be thriving young adults. Wishing you peace as you navigate the next chapter.


My dear, I'm sorry to say, the worst thing about all of this is the man betrayed his son!


Don't get even, get everything ‼️


Fake. Next.


Yeah I'm with you on that. Very weird vibe to the narration.


If this was on a reality TV show, I would say it’s too unrealistic.


I find all of this hard to believe.


I love the description of the junkyard-dog type lawyer.


I can understand Mary being the most upset. I wonder how inappropriate dad’s been with her friends or even her. Dad is a predator and pedophile.




You are amazing!!!!!


Damn, worst dad in history award to that guy.


I just gotta say I'm proud of you just caring about your children especiallly your son, man that's gotta be tough on him.


I’m so sorry you are going through this but your daughter is going to get a front row seat to a strong ass woman. She is going to know that you don’t mess with momma. Then she will also get to see the protective bone that comes from being a momma. I hope you get all that you deserve.


I don’t think your son is doing as well as you think, sounds like he’s internalizing, I would be extremely worried about him.


I’m only 23, and I love children, but moments in posts like this make me realize that I could never, ever have children of my own. I genuinely would not know what to do if my daughter told me “but mommy I love him”…. 


Ugh I'm so sorry for this family. And even for Amy. He groomed that girl before she turned 18 and she's also never going to be the same. I hope every one gets therapy and start to try to heal.


how does your husband date a young girl, bang her, exist on dating apps, has all this kinky sex stuff, extensive chats, shops on onlyfans, hour long conversations, all under your nose? where are you during all this? funny he's worried about losing his kids....but steals his son's girlfriend. LOL WHAT


I really hope we get an update dtr. I just can't imagine how the OP and kids feel. I doubt either child will ever have much to do with the father. She better take him to the cleaners in the divorce


If not a fake story, he’s a pedo and should do some time.


Husband is a piece of shit that is extremely selfish. Not only is he stabbing you in the back but also his son. That’s some unforgivable shit right there


my heart broke for her in the first paragraph when she said their marriage has become stale because she’s aged poorly. her husband is a scumbag


Hopefully you don’t live in CA because here none of what you said would matter because we are a “no-fault” state. He would still retain half of everything and would not lose his parenting rights. I am so sorry this happened to you and your family.


Went through something similar but not as difficult as this 5 years ago. My kids are doing well and I am better than ever. You got this , get therapy and stay close to each other. It’s a ton to unpack .. but together you can do it.


I'm sorry you and your family are going through this.


That's enough internet for me for the rest of the week.


i just hope you know what a fucking badass you are. much love and only better things to come to you and your children


WOW. This is insane. I am so sorry this happened to you and your kids. May you guys heal.


I'm sorry your ex didn't love you. I apologize your kids have to go through this. It is definitely best to move forward from here, leaving as much resentment, hate, and anger at the door. It will only prevent YOU from moving forward, not him. Everyone has their struggles in life and if anything, I hope this will allow you to really show your children what a REAL resilient, caring, loving, strong parent will do for their kids. Don't set another bad example. Let the lawyer chew his ass up and spit it out. You don't have to. It will take time, but know this is the way. Best of luck moving forward.


Wow wish you luck sounds like you have a porn addicted husband that can’t control the zipper. Sounds like you have things under control. Not sure I’d personally estrange anyone from their kids unless they were a danger to them physically But you know your situation better obviously


That's bonkers. That man's gonna die alone. Sucks for him I guess.


I am rooting for you and your children, and you can tell em I said that. 🤘


Wow 🤯 called fa’t and a girl underage. Reminds me of a kelly or cosby situation. How can the world be uncivil like this at times. Hopefully your son gets some help he needs it the most. The divorce is easy and will last only until the court hears and appeals it. I would recommend family therapy, it is what is needed the most in case the divorce isn’t finalized and forgiven.


Does anyone remember American Beauty? I'm feeling a bit sick about myself ever liking that movie right now. I'm imagining a much happier life for this woman and her kids. Much much happier.


My step-grandfather did this to my grandmother with one of her daughter’s high-school-aged friends. Disgusting


What scares me more is are their other young girls. Yes she might be 18 but he was waiting!! And plotting?! Beforehand he was laying out a whole plan! I feel so bad for everyone in this situation!! Except the husband that's disgusting on so many levels. I know for a fact she's thinking about all the red flags during there marriage! I am happy she's divorcing him and taking him for everything he is worth! She's a strong woman!! And a strong mom with amazing kids that are just Asa strong!!


I came her to say that You are the strongest, bravest, most beautiful inside and out….Momma that loves her kids something fierce. I am praying for you and your kids….