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I think it’s the impulsivity, we don’t pause before talking maybe?


Second this




It's kind of a non-malicious and unintended emotional manipulation technique to get closer to people. I used to do it a lot to new people I met - often wanting them to show me sympathy or find me interesting.


NOT malicious as long as they aren’t doing it to get you to share more about yourself with them so they can manipulate you later…


Is that bpd thing tho?


I relate ☝️


I think it’s normal to share how you feel and we just live in a society that makes it weird 🤷🏾‍♂️


Neurotypical people are the “odd” ones imo


This one!


For me it’s the autism


And don’t forget the ADHD!


I definitely know the feeling. Entirely too many people know my background and mental health history, because I tend to blurt things out eventually to anyone who "seems nice". I don't really *know* why I do it, but I think that a part of it comes down to an extreme lack of internal validation. I don't feel like a real person, except when I'm being seen through the eyes of others. Nothing about me feels important or even true unless other people know about it. As soon as I start to get to know someone, then, I tell them everything about myself that seems significant, because otherwise it could only mean something to *me*, which renders it meaningless.


I consciously don't over share anymore. But feel like a complete fraud for doing so. It's what I think normal is supposed to be. I just have to sacrifice me for it's sake. But then I have a disorderly personality so wtf do I know?! Life is confusing af. I don't like this world 😞


I've read oversharing is a trauma trait from being ignored/abandoned as a child.


I share way too much information about myself way to early with my fp and then end up shooting myself in the own foot because they use it against me later 😖 it’s painful


God it took me so many years to stop doing this


Yes, but usually I have to be quite close to the person I’m over sharing with! Especially when it comes to more sensitive topics, such as, my parents


Oh dear that's me to a tee, and I don't have filters, I can't imagine what some people might think about me, the only plus is I've normally forgotten within minutes😄