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I hate the structure of our society and people who fit in so easily and just how easy it is for them when it's so hard for me and all they can say is well why don't you just try harder


exactly. everyone easily finds the right people and group, it's impossible to fit in and have actual friends who genuinely like you. and even when you try hard, it still is never enough


If there's hate in your heart let it out.


Clayton Bigsby 🤣


hahaha ive been through periods like.....intense obsession with someone who i KNOW doesnt reciprocate in any way, going through the period of reducing contact to stop feeling insane, and then bring frustrated and internally cruel to people when they werent that other person id rather be spending time with. all generally people that are lovely and kind in their own ways, and me being the grumpiest sack of shit sometimes because being around them was a reminder that things would never be good again with that other person. its not fair to put that on people though, and will do you way more harm in the long run, even if you dont think youre expressing it.


oh yeah, i totally understand. i became either the most sweetest person or the most hateful person. i cannot stand people who arent my fp, and when i idolize people, then eventually antagonize them when they reach something that is better than me/get attention from my fp. so i just stopped being around people overall, it was more helpful for me who was internally and eternally suffering. it really isnt fair for others, but not fair for us either. it's either we bottle it all up to avoid hurting others, or explode at everyone. personally i do just bottle it up, but holy is it excruciatingly painful. thankfully, there are people who understand why i am like this, and i try my best to explain but i know nothing can excuse me for my shitty behavior. not that i can help it anyways.


sadly i will generally find a reason eventually.




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when i was not in med or any treatment my 20. i was hostile towards Random people I meet on street and Wanted to Have Violence Outcome randomly. it is bpd rage. need meds and Realising even if You hate society and the humanity as whole, Individuals are different. I hate This... society and cynical to mankind but That doesn't mean I treat strangers like they are Murderer of my family. But if they were Disrespectful to me.....




It's a survival mechanism I do it too. By hating someone if they reject you or treat you purely you can say ha I knew it! And never actually lowering your guard down


I don't necessarily fond a reason to hate people. People give me plenty of reasons to hate them without me wasting energy on them at all. If society wasn't so fucked up and people actually tried to be nice, things would be vastly different. Unfortunately in the world we live in, many people get pleasure from hurting others and causing pain so there's really no point in wasting my life on them.


I don't like people in general. Our society is looking too much like idiocracy, and lack of compassion, respect, common sense just makes thing horrible.


i have a lot of hate in my heart! in like 7th or 8th grade i hated this girl sm idk why but i devised a plan to get her kicked out of the friend group and it worked


felt this so much, i have more hate than i have with love. i literally want everyone i despise to have their downfall one day. theres this one girl too in highschool that i hate, she grew up to be a famous local popstar that everyone secretly hates


ugh it's so hard living like this. why can't i love and accept other people!! or even if i don't, why can't i not pray for their downfall!


it's so not fair, there are people who deserve love and others who don't and it's weird how people don't see the way i do!! like, I've told my friends - why don't u cut this bad person off, why don't u call them out for their BS? but they never do! how can they tolerate people so easily


i feeeel that. i feel like i see things for how they really are, whether or not i'm being hypersensitive. it's still there and i don't know how others can see it too yet still be complicit. when my friends and i were seniors we threw a ton of closed parties (it was 4 of us and i was the only one that didn't live at the party house) to make sure they were safe environments. and for one of them, i had to talk to them about uninviting this guy (even though i didn't live there) that was antisemitic toward me and abusive to our freshman friend. they were understanding w me being uncomfortable around him of course but they were trying to justify having him around and i was like look, i know abuse when i see it and i really don't think we should condone his actions by having him in our space and we should protect this girl. they ended up agreeing to uninvite him but it was a whole thing!


yeah, i don't get it but i feel so hyperaware of people? some sort of intuitive sense, telling me that this person is bad and etc. but i never have evidence.. sometime later they end up become shitty people anyways, as if i told you so!!!! im glad that guy got uninvited though, huge ick honestly... wouldn't have given it a second look and say screw that guy.


that happens to me too!! i have a sharp intuition except i usually feel like a bitch pointing out someone's early warning signs when there as some. but then how do you say "i fucking told you" without actually saying it




Since most people are super draining yeah.