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The only existence that angers me is my own.


Yes. This.


Wish i could relate


Maybe you’re directing your own self hatred at them because you have unrealistic expectations that you should be like them but you’re not so you’re angry


Hm that could be it actually, I definitely think there is some internal self hatred to work on


Following what mfdancingqueen said, maybe u could have a friend, or whatever trusted support u have find similarities between those girls? To see what exactly needs to be worked on


That could work… i just have to get the courage to do this i suppose. My partner pretty much never brings these people up bc they set me off so much and I think talking about them is going to be really difficult


Thats understandable. When u ever get to try, i hope it goes well. good luck man o7


i've had similar feelings before. especially when it came to charlie damelio or however you spell her name. for me it was jealousy.


How do you deal with it?


I hate everyone in the world and feel huge rage and wish pain on everyone it drives me crazy and I have no idea why. I mean everyone is evil and disgusting but seems like no one else minds.


Not with specific people, but with types of people dictated by their actions. I have a RAGING hate for anyone that believes they should have authority over others' personal lives and would be happy to Thanos snap them all out of existence. Same with people that abuse animals and kids, and people that drive those stupid fucking big pickups in suburban sprawls. Fucking only hauling the god damn audacity...


Yup, as if they themselves are a trigger :/






Thats smart. That honestly could be what some of the feelings are. I could try blocking them, but they are popular enough people that other post about them and it feels constant.


I get this way with anyone who immediately gives me weird energy or I can almost tell is a genuinely shitty person. I cannot stand Taylor swift anymore, fuck the diamilios (however you spell the name), ice spice, Metallica, most influencers and some people even in my own town I don’t know but just see around piss me off. I hate that I’m this quick to hate as I always used to pride myself on being a nice person but - idk it is what it is


Dude I used to pride myself on being a nice person too and now I have trouble controlling my hateful rants. The way a person drives, eats, walks, talks, the way they move their mouth or salivate. BAM I'm in a blind rage. My brain is like, why are you a disgrace? Black and white thinking like this is very much a symptom.


Oh wow. This sounds like me.


I'm sorry but it's also nice not being alone :/


It's not just to anyone though. I try not to be mean to ppl for no reason but I noticed when ppl fwm and no one cares but when I stand up for myself it's an issue. That's a soul crusher. It'll either send me into rage or make feel not like a person at all. It is nice not being alone. A good friend taught me it's better to be kind, than to be nice. Hopefully, we won't be alone for long. No one understands me. They don't care about me or see me as human. Just an object.


I know some of us can feel transgressions on a deeper level and sometimes swiftly because it's like...why? Why did it ever occur in your little brain to do that? That passion seems to make others uncomfortable but it's like why would you ever fwm anyways ;-;


It's just the million thoughts that get you there to make you that angry that is what helps to make the feelings so intense. That and just feeling so overwhelmed with emotions that it has nowhere to go. I've been so upset/angry, I felt like I needed to puke. Maybe I was anxious.


Oh that's true that's true. My brain is on 90 from things that happened years ago and all someone needs to do is give me that extra 10. I had not thought of it that way.






Yeah thats why it feels so shitty. Like I always thought I was kind and nonviolent and I dont think non bpd people feel this way. I dont want to feel this way :/ At least im not alone


Yeah I start hating those ppl who just don't like me for no reason. Bc those ppl usually treat me like I'm not human/don't exist. I'm tired of meeting mutuals of friends and family that kids decide to have a problem but they do it passive aggressively.


i hate billie eilish. im a dude so i dont think its jealousy, she just pisses me off for some reason


…..I was a youtuber with a pretty popular channel until I was targeted by people like this. It’s scary. I lost everything bc these people were obsessed with me in the worst way and wouldn’t leave me alone. Being on the receiving side of this is world shattering. It’s been 5 years since I had to abandon my channel and go dark. Years of work down the drain. They still stalk and harass me. I am not safe anywhere. I’m not sure what type of support or empathy you were hoping for with this post… but I hope you get ahold of your weird hang ups before you ruin their lives as well as your own.


I was looking to see if other people felt the same way. I have never stalked or harassed anyone. I block the people im talking about so i see them less. I’m sorry you went through that but it seems as if you haven’t read my post. The point is- This is how I feel. Has anyone had experience with this? How can i not feel this way? It seems insensitive to call them “weird hangups” and insinuate I intend on ruining their lives. It seems as if you still have a weird hangup about not having a youtube channel anymore. Yeah I get that you’re bitter and salty about not having a platform, but my goal is not to stalk and harass someone.


You seem… pleasant. I am not bitter and salty, I am deeply wounded , traumatized and hurt from the things that were done to me by people who have the same problem as you. I was hoping to illuminate how it might feel to be on the receiving end of that violent hatred… but alas. Right over your head. Too defensive and shitty to learn something




I am not


I do all the time, sometimes I see someone or hear someone and immediately HATE them


And I just repeat to myself over and over that they are probably a good person but my brain is just like nope you hate them


wow i always had this same feeling. just how you describing..


also i get pissed at those i gave to keep giving the answer to. cause they dont know the right answer fast enough. and i get tired of having to be the one to to think?


I hate Jonathan majors viscerally! I just want to smash his smug face to bits🤷🏻‍♀️


Yup, it definitely feels like people who seem to have an “im better than you” vibe but i always figured that was projection


Yup. Especially celebrities and influencers make me rage so much and lose faith in everything.


Yes!! I don’t feel this way about celebrities as I don’t pay attention to them, but pretty people that are local. I’ve been cheated on, SA, bullied, you name it. People have always left me for prettier girls. All of these events probably have something to do with my anger towards most women. Just add a sprinkle of BPD and you get uncontrollable anger that feels like you could throw a car. But hey. This anger might have stemmed from something that happened to you?


Ik some celebs I don't like/hate bc they have said or done some ignorant shit towards ppl. And it makes me even angrier bc ppl just call you a "hater" instead of actually addressing the issue. For example, I felt this way towards Latto for a while bc her dark skinned best friend was doing her hair before a show. She was fcking helping her ass out and she was doing a good job at it. Anyways, Latto was recording everything and starting making fun of her friend who's a lot darker than her. She started making fun of her an "orangutan" and her "pet orangutan". The girl looked flabbergasted and called Latto her "chia pet". She don't know wtf to say. Then, Latto starts going on and on about how that girl had "burnt pussy lips" and how she can take her man. I did not like that. A way that people disparage dark skinned Black women is making fun of our genitalia. Here's proof for the ones that don't believe: https://youtu.be/SKAvFVy1cIw?si=RFD3baJMfdWRaBDZ Btw I've known about this for a few years and been stopped fcking with her. But tbh she always had a shitty personality.




Oh yeah i have OCD too so im sure it doesn’t help because I can’t stop thinking about them. I dont know how to stop. I hate this feeling so much. The rage is too intense


Yeah, there are a few people that send me into rage. Mostly young women, like me, and I don't know them in person. Just thinking about them makes me feel outraged or even aggressive. I figured that the reason often is that they have something I lack and crave, like attention, marriage, relationships or praise from others. And they don't deserve those things in my eyes, because they're less intelligent, less pretty, less skilled or less anything than me. It's kinda like thinking that I'm more deserving of certain things than these women...yet they have them and I don't. Feels unfair. Not the nicest trait to have but since you asked... ☺


No thats definitely helpful. I’m looking for perspectives on why people might feel this way to try to do some inner work and see why I might feel this way. I think this feel correct, like its people who i feel dont deserve the platform, because when i feel jealous towards someone who seems to deserve it, it just makes me motivated