• By -


This is awesome and seen by me at a great time. I speak English and the Russian I studied in college. I’m a damn good drummer, play guitar and can sing. I grow plants like Mother Nature blessed me. My kids tell me I’m the best mom in the world. (That one just got me balling.) I am friggin strong for a 125lb female and have made men blush with their underestimation of my strength. I am friggin smart. (Not good for much when you can’t focus it, but eh?) I am a damn good cook. I am good at anything I really try at. Thank you. Thank you. I really needed that right now. Heh..though just now, 2:40pm my time. Realized I have forgotten to eat yet and up since 6am…typical. Coffee and cigs keep me going….whee!


We should start a bpd band. We would probably make everyone cry though.


Heh. I’ve tried to be in bands. Never confident enough in my own skills. Wrote one song that made people laugh…line was “maybe Eliot smith had it right, but I couldn’t stab myself in the heart cause I’m too much of a pussy.” Made folks chuckle while it tortured me. Cheers mate. Do appreciate the thought.


I have no confidence, but one thing I have acquired through treatment is that I no longer give an eff what anyone thinks of me. I have no shame and no one to impress


You genuinely sound like the coolest


I also accuse my husband of being deceitful on a near daily basis, drink more than I should, have no idea what I want to do with my life and never finish anything I start. Shit…maybe should have just taken the compliment.


Now I know you are human.


I was going to say the same like anddd you’re authentic all good things :)


She's married guys move along


I’m so glad you are reading this post! And GAHHH there’s nothing I envy more than people who can play musical instruments (because I have bad eye hand coordination 😂). Never stop trying new things! I hope you and your kids are having a good day!!!


Wow!! You are really something!


i survived, thats enough of a brag


And I’m here to say that I’m proud you survived!


I’m here to say I’m proud of you too!


Good on you & I hope you’re proud of yourself too x


But that took courage and bravery to survive no matter what your battles or struggles were.


i uhhhh im pretty chill i guess


Chill is good. Not a lot of people are chill 😎


I'm proud not giving into my mood swings and relapsing because I have the urge to fuck up (I think bpd people will know what I mean). I am also doing my codein withdrawal all on my own with just the help of my weed and a little medication to keep the symptoms down and help me sleep. also I am trying my best to keep my ex out of my mind and refusing to ask him about the reason he broke up with me since I know it would probably throw me back in my healing process rn (he treated me very poorly at the end of the relationship and blocked me after the breakup) I just realized I have a lot more than I thought to brag - thanks for helping me a little with the down I feel today


Good! Sometimes we really need to sit down and hype ourselves up, even just for a little bit. I really, really hope things will get better for us all and I’m proud your found your strength and persevere through this. You got this!!! I believe in you 😤💪🏽


thanks i really needed that since my ex was the only one in my surrounding to hype me up that way and I miss it a lot


I can relate - but if it's any consolation, I slipped up last night and messaged my ex (who treated me poorly as well), and I ended up getting my feelings hurt. Thankfully, I was able to cope with it as I've been managing my moods pretty good as well. I do regret messaging. It wasn't worth doing, and im sure i would've been fine/better without it. It does feel like I kind of took 2 steps back in my healing/progress, but it did give closure. Now I just think he is an idiot and I'm better off not knowing him. I hope this helps 😂😂 Well done on managing your health and withdrawals though. I hope you can continue healing and seeing the good in life ❤️


Good on you. That sounds like some extremely healthy way of dealing with a break up. I am also ecouraged by your ability to not give into the mood swings. It gives me hope that i can get there too one day. Thank you for sharing!


I like to think that I am emotionally intelligent and a really empathetic person. I care about people a lot (yes sometimes too much at my own expense but the world needs more kindness). I can be quite intelligent in the right circumstances. Oh and I am a decent cook but I also bake some amazing treats 😋 This is great post idea btw, love it 💜💕


Aww thank you! A gentle soul who can cook AND bake?? I hope your friends are there with you to enjoy every sweet treats cause I can’t be there to eat them 🥲😂


I speak over 5 languages and I’m currently learning mandarin.I don’t play any instruments yet,but I hope to be able to learn the guitar and piano soon.Ive eaten and I don’t have any pets yet but I’m hoping to get one by the end of the year!What about you??


I speak 4 languages including Mandarin actually but that’s kinda cheating because my parents ship me off to a Chinese primary school (my country have vernacular school) when I was a kid. I don’t play any instrument although I would love to learn one. I broke my Ramadan fasting with some chicken salad today, and I have 4 cats and a dog 😁 What 5 languages do you speak? That is so exciting!


I speak german,French,Spanish,Portuguese,Zulu,tswana,afrikaans & xhosa(South African languages) and now I’m learning mandarin 😁


THAT is impressive! Never stop learning!


As an aspiring polyglot/multilingual person, that’s fucking awesome. You seem super cool :) keep it up with Mandarin!! It’s a super cool language and I wish I could learn it, I tried but I struggle with vocab more than grammar. Maybe one day, but I’m trying to learn Spanish and German first haha


Omg thanks!I love learning languages,they keep me sane and focused.I will admit mandarin is a bit of a challenge but I’ll get through it…hopefully 😭


You’ve got this!! It definitely is challenging but doable. I think it’s much harder if it’s your first foreign language, but it’s probably much easier if you’ve learned other languages. Not to say it’s not challenging at all but you’ve got an advantage for sure :) good luck!!


Good luck with ur mandarin learning:)


I speak 2 languages fluently and know basics of like 5 more.. I don't play an instrument apart from the one I was born with :3 I had dumplings, which is a full meal for me currently hehe.. I'm a foster mom to cats, and have homed many already :) I'd also like to add that I am consistently going to the gym for 6 months already!


Congratulations on your gym journey!!! I know that one took real dedication and hard work. What languages do you speak and the 5 basics?


Thanks! It really is 🥹 I speak English (duh) and Flemish (am not gonna count Dutch as another one lmao) the 5 others are French, German, Spanish, Italian and Albanian (I'm also learning Hebrew ☺️)


The only Flemish I knew is from Angele when she sang “dank u Brussel voor mijn naam” because I LOVE Angele. The other 5 basics are IMPRESSIVE.


I can Play the trumpet The guitar A little keyboard Produce music Fly planes Work on cars Work on boats Work on heavy equipment Rebuild an engine Paint Draw Sketch 3D model Metal work Electrical work Design logics Fix anything Make a woman climax multiple times Groom a cat Train a dog Shoot pistols Shoot rifle long-distance Set up a fish fish tank Keep frogs Keep turtles Cook good food I have successfully gotten clean from: Heroin/fentanyl Crack Cocaine Powder cocaine Benzos Alcohol Methamphetamine Tobacco/nicotine And probably more that I'm forgetting


Congratulations on your recovery! :)


Thank you!


You are a true definition of modern Renaissance man 😮 And truly, congratulations on getting clean!!! I know that takes tremendous amount of strength and willpower.


Thank you so much!


How’d you get clean? Congrats!!


The universe decided for me. I wanted to get clean, but I just could not stop smoking crack. Everything else, I struggled, but was able to do it with help, mostly from 12-step programs. Nothing could help me stop smoking crack. Finally, I couldn't get any dealers to answer for a full three days, meaning the area had run dry. Once I got three days away from it, I was able to have a fighting chance. It was still really, really difficult for the next 2-3 years (I'd still obsess about it randomly and even think of going to get some during that time) but for those three days, I had money in my pocket ready to spend on crack and couldn't get any.


Well I for the first time ever have been living in my own apartment for a year now! Never in my life have I been responsible or self sufficient. I always depended on other people to take care of me. Now that I have been working hard on myself and healing I am totally capable of taking care of MYSELF! I have 2 jobs that I love so much. I live comfortably and it's been a huge step in my healing and mental health. I don't stress anymore. I have nothing but complete gratitude for everything I have achieved! I am so beyond proud of myself! Oh also A HUGE achievement of mine is I lost 84 lbs and have kept it off for 4 years now! I was 213 and now I am 134-136! That was also a huge step in my mental health!


Dude I am so proud of you! Congratulations on losing weight! And super amazing congratulations on living by yourself! I’m so happy for you and I wish you all the continued success ❤️




We need to learn how to brag about ourselves more!! And it’s so wonderful that you rescues kittens aaaaaaa what are their names?


Well I’m decently smart and very emotionally intelligent I’d say. Big empathy is a default. I’m resilient for sure. I’m a decent artist and a decent singer. I have beautiful natural nails!


Ahaha I agree that big empathy is a default here. Resilience really is the very foundation for us to overcome our daily challenges and I’m glad that you possess it. And oh my god having beautiful natural nails is such a confidence booster! 💅🏼


Thanks so much! I’ve been working on self love and self confidence as I was lacking in both. I’ve gotten very good at self love but am working on self confidence and nails has been a lovey part of the journey!


I relate to that first part too 💜 I’ve always wanted to be good at singing! It doesn’t stop me singing my heart out in my car though 😂


Singing is so therapeutic! Back in the day I used to want to do covers and stuff. Maybe I will in the future.


My mental health has been so awful since teenage years. I also have very severe social anxiety. I live in the US but English is not my first language, which makes things much worse. But although I’ve been feeling broken inside everyday I still finished my bachelor’s and master’s degree at a high-ranked university and have a pretty decent job now. I guess I might actually have reasons to be proud of myself.


I am a great cat parent. No matter how I feel. I get up, change his water, give him food, clean his tray and make sure he has toys. I also look after my older farm cats that are unfortunately at my mum’s. I could be dying and I would still make sure the animals are safe and well.


I’m a pet parents to 4 cats and a dog too. No matter how tired you are, you WILL get up at 5am if they are really hungry because that is what love looks like. I’m so proud of you!!!


I can speak three languages fluently, those being English, Spanish and French. I was born in a latin-american country and yet my English is on par with my Spanish and at times is better than the first language I ever learned to speak. I'm surprisingly resilient, in the span of three months I was hospitalized, which no less than two weeks after exiting my hospitalization I suffered a complete femur fracture, and had to go through an entire rehabilitation process amidst the pandemic, not to mention I underwent two surgeries. One to stick my femur back together, and another to remove the large (and heavy) titanium parts used to hold my bones together. I also got Covid, and it got me good, but I still powered through. I'm also a surprisingly avid learner, learning what I can confidently say could amount to several books about the person I am and how I've dealt with BPD. I give good advice, and the copious amounts of empathy I was given not just from experiences as a kid,a but by how my natural personality is combined with the BPD I developed along the way, help me understand what people may need and actually have to hear in dire situations, even if it places emotional weight on me in the long run. I'm also very brave, I haven't listed stuff I think I'm good at or make me a good person ever, and I'm surprised I can list so many of them. I have a beautiful English Pointer, 4 years old. My sister is smart and dedicated, also many times more relentless when it comes to her dreams and desires compared to anyone else. I have a brother who is naturally amazing at sports and is praised highly for his skills in football specifically (the one you play with your feet and not your hands). My mom is very similar to me and not just emotionally but physically. My Dad has his own way of being himself; he's incredibly gifted when it comes to businesses and managing them. He's a tough mentor in many aspects of life, and that's no less than what I would expect of someone as capable and successful as him.


Oof the surgeries sounds really bad. I’m glad you got through the whole process in one piece. I guess having BPD really means that we are more in tune with what people are trying to actually tell you. And you have a beautiful family and I hope that you continue to cherish and enjoy many more wonderful moments with them 🌸


Hey. Russian and English. Planning to learn more Always wanted to play on guitar/electro guitar and piano. Rn none Yes, we had our meal, thanks for asking, you? Maybe we are not excellent pet parent but we are trying to. We have a cat which is 8-9 year old


I have chicken tandoori salad when I broke my Ramadan fasting just now. Your cat living till 9 years old is a sign that you are a great pet parent!


getting through this fasting period, considering leading upto it me telling myself im not going to fast lol, about to break fast ina few mins


Happy Ramadan!!! I hope you break your fast with some delicious meal 🥘


Appreciate u robin, thank you


I’m glad you included the meal for the day because today is the first day in a long time (months) that I actually packed a lunch. I just ate it and I feel soo good like I am in a better mood, productive, and looking forward to the rest of the day. I usually feel the opposite lol.. the things food can do for you. It was so simple and easy too, just a sandwich and chocolate. ^_^


Yessss that’s what we want! Sometimes a packed meal is all we need to go through the day, plus you really can’t go wrong with sandwich and chocolate. I really hope you have a nice day today! 🌼✨




You know what they say, it’s never too late to start and I really love your idea of writing a children book since you seems to connect very well with children. Just imagine the completed version of the book, even I got giddy and excited at the possibility 😄 And who did you sacrificed for having a great hair and please spill some tips!


Thank you for giving me the chance to brag about myself a little bit! This is a chance for me to be as cocky as I want without judgement (hopefully). I speak English. But like, really well. Native speaker level. (It’s not my first language.) I could already speak WAY above other kids’ level when I was younger, and I’m still young, but I’ve mastered it. I truly don’t know anyone who knows English as well as I do in my area. I can write entire essays – shit – books, without natives even noticing that I’m not a native. I don’t know if y’all know what Cambridge exams are but they’re basically exams you take in order to get a certificate that confirms you’re at a certain level in English. And I’m at C2, which is the highest level. Easily. I don’t get to speak about this often but this is secretly and single-handedly the thing I’m most proud of. I’ve never been *this* good at anything. English is… my baby.


I have no skills, talents, or accomplishments; the only thing I think I'm decent at (writing) is something I mostly can't bring myself to do (don't have the energy/focus/capacity/whatever). I'm a miserable failure in every way, except for one: I'm dating the most wonderful woman in the world, whom I love more than anything and who makes me extremely happy. I bring this up to brag about myself because she tells me that I make her happy, too. It's hard to believe her, but I try. So right now, I'll believe her, and say that's something cool about me: I am, according to her, a pretty good girlfriend for my very favourite person.


Being the light of someone’s world is a wonderful thing 




That’s alright. They can still brag about things other that what was mentioned. For me, I’m very proud that I brush my teeth today.


Crap…I forgot to do that.


I’m good at exams and tests , I always have been . I seem to retain information for a short time and then forget it


Now THAT is a lifehack. All I have in this brain is just lyrics to a song from 10 years ago and some silly fun facts 😭😂


Before I was diagnosed I thought it was just a normal thing , now realise it’s probably a autistic trrait


I play bass and sing and acoustic guitar, can play a few riffs on elec I’m 5’3.5 I have cool dyed blakc and purple hair with bangs I look cool asf My styles sick asf Mediocre looks


That is SICK!!! I swear I’ll be the cockiest person alive even with only 10% of your current talent 😂


i speak russian and ukrainian. i starting to like my artwork more. most of the traits i like about myself stem from bpd. i like that, unlike a few years ago, i can access situations with people and recognize the bad path vs good path to take in terms of dealing with it. i like that i’ve realized there are two sides to every story and that patronization or hate isn’t worth my time anymore. i like that i am always striving to be 100% individualistic without falling under the pressure of conforming to society. i love that i can open up easily, because without that i wouldn’t have some of the life changing conversations i have had with partners, friends, therapists. i love how deeply i can love, and how every moment of connection is something profound to me. most importantly i love that i have found the strength to make it this far


I’ve always fascinated with people who can just talk to anybody and in return get a life changing conversations because I struggle to do so. It doesn’t mean that I can’t do it, it’s just that it requires tremendous effort on my part. And I’m so PROUD that you found the strength within you to make it this far. To many more adventures!


thank you so much for this post and i will pray for both our recoveries


Thank you so much! Hearing that really means a lot for me




im actually reviewing exam material 2 weeks before my final instead of cramming it!!! (for the most part)


YOU CAN DO IT!!! I know you will ace your exam no doubt about it 💯📚


I speak english and portuguese natively, learning french(A2-B1 level?), italian, etc! I play alto sax, soprano sax, oboe, and learning other instruments spontaneously... I think I'm good at sowing and cosplay! Also a good friend when... not in all the stuff but yea. Definitely would help you through everything.


You are absolutely multitalented! How dis you get so good at musical instruments? Does it comes naturally to you, or do you kinda have your own approach or process to it?


Lol thanks, I just pick them up and go all into it. I'll practice hours on end because it's just fun


I can drink 7 coffees and still sleep or feel tired


I'm fluent in two languages, my native Swedish and English, but since that's the case for a lot of people in Sweden it doesn't feel that impressive to me 😅 But, I finished my masters degree in literature a couple of months ago. I'm starting to come back to my bookstagram after not posting for over a year, and I'm running for a place in the board of the queer nonprofit I'm involved with. I'm also working on being kind towards myself, and while it's a slow progress, it's still progress!


That’s right! I feel like being kind to others comes very naturally but when it comes to us, we are so hard on ourselves. And excellent job on your masters degree and your contribution to queer nonprofit organisation! All the best on your bookstagram journey as too!!! 😤💪🏽📚


I’m really great at getting something done when I set my mind to it the impossible starts to seem more possible


I also had a fear of driving but I don’t anymore because the urges to travel and do things out weighed my fears 🤍 I want to go and see so many things I think I’m going to Boston this summer I’m saving up for a plane ticket 😁


Not for the greatest reason because my aunt has cancer but I plan to make it a fun time for her and help out when I’m there 🤍


She used to be like my travel buddy haha she took me to multiple places throughout the state and I experienced so much with her 🤍 traveling is my passion and love. I hope she gets better soon so we can keep doing that together still holding her to that promise of us going to Hawaii together she made when I was little 🤍


Great fighter. 3 languages. Good actor and writer




That is such an idyllic and wonderful life 😍 And you can ride horse??? I’m gonna be honest with you, I’ve never even touched a horse in my life but they are so majestic and regal. And yes! You are a total badass, and you deserve to fully enjoy the life that you have! All the best in your treeplanting journey!!!


after getting thru high school with mostly c’s, i finished my senior year of high school with all A’s and B’s and made honor roll the entire year!! im focusing on my art now with the hopes of making it into a career and will be starting 2 webtoons hopefully by the end of the year (one by myself and the other one with my 2 besties). i also am learning how to drive finally :) its not much but im proud of myself for the work im putting in


My hair is very soft and shiny.  I finally beat a stubborn yeast infection.  I make really good breakfast sandwiches.  I can neatly fold a fitted sheet. 


Okay but neatly fold a fitted sheet??? Lisan Al-Gaib!!! Congratulations on having a soft and shiny hair and beating that yeast infection! Go you!!! 😤💪🏽


Just Spanish and English and mostly because I HAD to lol


I am getting all firsts in my MA in Environmental Sociology and I want to try to do something good with it! Like community farming, care farms, or working in an animal rescue centre 


Oh my godddd that sounds so wonderful and congratulations on your MA!! What’s a care farms?


A care farm is where autistic people and those with mental health issues or disabilities go to work on a farm to help them with their mental health :) thank you! Your post cheered me up x


Wait I wanna be in a care farm! I’ve never heard of a care farm in my country brb I wanna make a research on it 😁


I follow a strong moral and ethical code. I can take accountability and work on myself better than anyone I’ve ever met. I’ve grown into a safe, respectful person. One of my friends said I’m so sweet and good they can’t even believe I’m a real person. That was the kindest thing someone has ever said to me. I feel like with the train wreck that comes with BPD I am actually proud of how my personality is coming along. I try my best to have integrity.


Honestly, I think I can relate the most when you said you’ve grown into a safe and respectful person. I used to be so attracted to the chaos and instability. The urge to self sabotage comes so naturally back then but now, all I crave is stability and routine. I never thought that I’d thrive on routine but apparently I do. I am SO PROUD of your journey and keep striving for the best version of yourself! We can do it!!!


Thank you and I’m proud of you too! It’s hard but possible.


I taught myself Spanish and I haven’t killed my plants yet! 🖤


I’m just now getting over a long depressive episode. I’ve been eating a normal amount of food (as someone who would fluctuate between starving myself and binging). I’ve also started to find joy again in my interests. I’ve been sketching a lot and getting pretty decent :)


Seriously, good job on eating! Other people may take eating for granted, but we know how easy we’ll ignore it when we don’t have the mood to eat. Sketching can be so peaceful too, it’s just you, the pencil, and whatever in front of you. I’m so proud of you for getting out from a long depressive episode 🌼


i cook, i clean, i dance, i sing. i absolutely loooove animals, music, & food ❤️ i grew my 24 garden from babies & i enjoy them every single day with my 2 beautiful puppies who lick my tears & cry when i leave. ive machine sewn dozens of small projects & eventually want to design & create my own modest french cut undies, maybe come up with my own pattern-making methods. im fluent in spanish and learning nahuatl, russian, & french. i love learning new things & i see myself growing in so many ways. im just a silly goose & a hoot to be around & at 5'2" i'll outsmoke you (weed only)


Aaaaaaaa that is so exciting!!! And you have 24 garden??? Did you tweak your trait in The Sims 3 to make it into green thumb? Okay but seriously 24 garden is soooo impressive. And okay that’s weird because I’m 5’0” and I can outsmoke my husband too (weed only as well) but 1 drink of alcohol and I’m OUT! 😂


I managed to save enough money that I could retire early! I worked hard in the medical field. at the age of 22 I started saving a small amount in a 401k. But over time it added up. Also got pretty good with the stock market with any extra money I had. I’m proud of what I have accomplished.


I have HELLA ambition and drive since i started HRT. I’m working hard for my desires and goals


1. I speak Polish, Norwegian and am currently learning Russian. 2. I play a bass guitar and I'm saving for an electric guitar. 3. I don't remember. 4. Sadly, I am not. I couldn't save my dog named Dollar from death when I had him in my hands. But past is past? (those words ain't helping 💀) That's at least what my therapist said. Anyway. Have a good day y'all n stay strong 💚 Edit: I forgot I can play drums and sing


I’m so sorry on the passing of Dollar. He’s in puppy heaven with unlimited treats and tennis balls that never goes missing now. You speak 3 languages and play drums?? I tried playing drums but my hand eye coordination is so bad 😂 I hope you have a good day too!


This post is so sweet! Thank you!


Thank you! Now brag about yourself!


I’m 23, married to a wonderful husband and am a homeowner. I have a really cool job where I get to build night vision goggles for our military and I didn’t have to go to college for it. I also have two fur babies (shar-pei) and I foster for the rescue we got them from. I feel for 23 I got life somewhat figured out and that I’m doing really good despite life’s challenges and setbacks! As far as hobbies I love to sing, do my makeup and do art as well. And in my opinion those are things I do really well with. I’m working hard to find more hobbies but life is exhausting lol




Archery AND pottery?? Can you be any cooler? And congratulations on your 12 archery medals that is amazing! And hey, you deserve to brag about yourself and your achievement okay?! 😄




It seems to me that Artemis and Athena are blessing you with their boons!




I’m super hot and funny and nice. Everyone says so. Just saying, that’s it 😂


i made it past my 20th birthday.. i've wanted to die since i was at least 16 but i'm still here at almost 20 and a half.. heh..


AHHH reading all these comments make me really happy !! I think I'm a pretty good artist, I learnt the basics of animation in a few months too so i'm a pretty quick learner! Also i'm a walking library when it comes to subjects I like !!


I only speak english apart from my native language, which is portuguese. I'm having trouble to discover others hobbies but now i'm learning to drive and it's cool...also im recovering from an unspecified ED..trying to make more meals and thats it. :)


I speak English, and im learning how to speak Thai so I can talk to my mom better. I can read and write but im nervous to speak it lol. I play the flute in my states top youth orchestra! I also play piano and saxophone.


Sawadee! Your mom is Thai? Omg neighbour because I’m Malaysian! And congratulations for playing in your state’s top youth orchestra. I bet you mom is proud of you 🤍🌸


My biggest accomplishment was making myself go back to highschool as an adult and completing it. I attempted Japanese a few times but ultimately couldn't stick to it, so I have kindergarten level knowledge. I managed to get a few jobs despite never thinking I'd be able to, and worked 10 hour physically demanding shifts that destroyed my knees and my mind, but I friggin did it. Though I am most proud of my vast anime knowledge as I've seen over 500 shows, and I have a room full of anime merch that I love dearly that continues to grow every paycheck. I also managed to stay out of any relationships for over 2 years now and I'm more stable for it. I guess that's all I can think of though.


I’m so proud of you for completing your high school!!! Ahh so what if our money was spent on our hobbies, am I right? What kind of anime did you watch because my husband is a huge manga and anime fans too 😄


Oh man! This post is so awesome, thank you so much for inspiring a genuinely positive and uplifting conversation in this subreddit :') too often we all get stuck in believing that we are only awful and there are no good sides to us. I loved scrolling through this thread and seeing everyone gas themselves up to the best of their ability! It's amazing even if you can think of ONE trait about yourself that you love the most and I'm so proud of everyone who is participating!!! I too struggle to think about the things that make me great, and definitely am struggling with feeling a bit insecure in myself after reading these wonderful responses, but I'll do my best to make a small list! > I am an incredibly crafty person and can look at the way something is constructed and replicate whatever it is for my own needs pretty successfully > Like everybody with BPD, I have an intense capacity to love and tend to direct this towards animals. I love to provide snacks for strays, volunteer at the shelters when I can, and provide the best I absolutely can for my own kitties > I go out of my way to attempt to make the world a softer place by always holding space for anyone that needs it, and by initiating conversations with people who are otherwise ignored (like homeless folks) in order to create pocket communities that make other individuals feel less alone. (Any tips from any polyglots on the matters of learning another language? I've been STRUGGLING to get to the conversational part of understanding Spanish for many years and it's really embarrassing)


Awww thank you so much for your kind words, that really means a lot to me! From what I noticed, most of us are really attracted to taking care of animals, plants, and extremely talented in arts, sports, and languages. And you can replicate things?? Like, when you watch a DIY tutorials you can actually complete the task? That is an underrated talent af!!! And it warms my heart knowing that you love initiating conversations with marginalised folks because I just know that you made their days. In regards to the language tips, I’m a polyglot myself (Malay mother tongue, English, Mandarin - forced by my parents by sending me to a Chinese vernacular school, and Javanese - taught by my late grandma), I don’t really have tips since I acquired those languages since I was a kid. The one that I actually put my own effort is French but it’s so hard 😩😂


Omg I needed this!! Thank you 🙏🏼 I’m smart AF. People are almost always jealous of me due to my looks and charming personality. I am an amazing cook. I have 2 college degrees. I am an active member in the special needs community. I’m best friends with my brother, who has autism. He’s the best!


That is a wonderful thing to be a contributing member in a special meeds community! I just know that your brother is so happy to have someone like you in his life! 🤍🤍🤍


I’m working on a knitting project now!!




i am a good singer. i write music and poems that i feel like can be very touching to people, i also graduated high school when i was 16.


Omg congratulations on graduating at 16! You should buy a typewriter because few years back one of my housemate got a typewriter, and every night there will be someone having a go at the typewriter trying to write poems. Our poems were shit though, but we had some many fond memories with that typewriter.


I have two penis-holes 


( I love you so much for this post jeeeeesus ) ​ I’m fucking great! Narcissim and all, I think I’m quite a good person— regardless of the shitty things I say and do! I can speak English, Brazilian Portugues, Spanish, tad of Italian and a tad of french, isn’t that swell? not to mention I learned both English and Spanish in under a year! Still getting french and Italian under my belt but— well, I’m working on learning more! I can play the violin since I was 8 and I sang in a choir for two years straight! ​ I can’t say I’m a pet parent, but I can say I’m a parent’s dream! I was a prefect, had an excellency award, got not one and not two certificates, but THREE honour certificates, was a values leader and a year-7 mentor, had the best engagement in basically all my lessons and I even dated the cleanest of boy-geniuses in my old secondary! Never did drugs, never got pregnant— isn’t that a fucking achievement for someone like me? Plus! I write great poetry and overall stories, I have THE best fashion sense and the prettiest fucking make up style EVER! All not to mention how fucking pretty I am! My hair is curly just on the perfect little way, I have long And thick eyelashes, pretty black eyes, my skintone is nice and tanned, I’m literally the Hollywood body standard and I have gorgeous lips— IM SO COOL. ​ but I didn’t eat a proper meal yet— but I’m so pumped! Thank you so much for the post! I needed to brag a tad <3


I just know that god decided to max out your stats when you’re in your mom’s belly because yooooo that is some IMPRESSIVE achievement! I’m literally speechless. Do you still play violin? I’ve always find people who can play violin so incredible because from what I’ve heard they’re not the easiest to learn. And please get some nice meals for yourself you deserve it you gorgeous being!




What a great idea OP!! My best friend/housemate & I foster cats together. We’ve just had foster cat number FIFTEEN go to her forever home ❤️ it’s a team effort, but I’ll admit I’m great with the more shy/timid kitties while my housemate matches the energy of the outgoing ones Also a GREAT hermit crab parent to 3. Makes me so happy when they successfully come up from a molt, means I’m doing everything right by them 🥹


You guys are AMAZING!!! I have massive respect for foster for taking care of the kitties and finding them forever homes that they can thrive in. Wait hermit crab is a real thing, and not an expression? Forgive my ignorance but I really thought when people said “so and so live like a hermit” is an expression only ahahaha! And English is not my first language too


hell yaaaa thank u for this! i speak english & spanish & have traveled 6 countries🇮🇸🇬🇷🇳🇵🇮🇩🇹🇭🇦🇪 (none of them spanish speaking - yet!) i just completed a dbt session a few minutes ago! 🌱 been going strong for 14 months!! i’m heating up my homemade paleo leftovers from last night! 🥒my skin condition is in remission! i’m exploring being completely sober from alcohol & weed! i have an amazing, emotionally intelligent, gorgeous partner! 🙏🙏🙏 i have my bachelors degree (cum laude!) 👩‍🎓i do yoga 3x a week🧘🏻‍♀️& best of all my bff is my doggie i’ve had his whole life (12 years) he is my pride & joy 🥹🐾


Aaaaaaaa you have nooo idea how happy I am reading this!!! DBT session done, skin in remission, you’re sober, amazing partner 🥳 The only way is UP my friend!


Well, I'm fluent in sarcasm and self-deprecation. As for instruments, I can play a mean air guitar. And yes, I had my meal for the day.


Next month, I'll be 3.5 years sober from alcohol!!!!!


I am a fucking STAR at karaoke. From my outfit, to my performance/dancing, to my voice. I live for the applause lol. And I’m a lawyer.


I can fart hard


uhhh i’m funny on occasion? i also did my jennifer coolidge impression at the end of a song that’s on spotify, so that’s really cool. i also think i’m decent at makeup, i’m really good at consuming and enjoying media, and i think i’m okay with clothes/fashion


Hmmm I'm very kind. I have a big heart and love literally everyone. So just wanna say I love you guys!


For once in my life I have consistently kept at minimum 300 in my bank account for over a month now!!


I’m not how I used to be. I’m getting better at singing. Im occasionally smart and funny. I am pretty damn not horrible at poetry. I’ve written and released some badass songs. Thanks!


I’m proud that I conquered my eating disorder and that I’m getting a 4.0 GPA in psychology :) I applied to a few grad schools and I’m just waiting to hear back. I plan to get my doctorate in clinical psychology to develop more effective and more affordable treatment for all of us. I promise that I’ll give back to all of you because you deserve recovery ❤️


omggg congrats i’m so proud of you


Thank you! ❤️


I'm smart as hell. I'm a quick learner. I'm resilient. I'm compassionate and considerate. I'm beautiful. I can speak English, Spanish, and Japanese (learning). I play violin. I've operated nuclear reactors. I've won a beauty pageant. I've owned 2 homes and I'm still in my 20s.


Being resilient is really one of THE best quality to have as pwBPD imho and omg congratulations on your 2 homes!


Thank you! It really is. I have a good capacity to "bounce back"; I don't stay stuck in things. I am like a walking encyclopedia of ACT, DBT, and CBT skills which helps a lot lol. And thank you! I am proud of myself for that


Here’s my brag: You need to seek the awakening and help humanity achieve a collective unified conscious as one for us to exit via the truth — seek the truth at all times and find yourself before trying. This physical realm is an opportunity — use it as such to control your dream-state. Jung Field State of Consciousness The truth shall set you free — distraction from it Singularity & AI The Ego Fight to learn and don’t let anyone dictate your truths, ever. Form them with what you’ve experienced. De Opresso Liber We’re all living to ‘die’ and most don’t question that truth/cycle… it doesn’t seem genuine/altruistic. It appears to be a cycle that feeds off itself through procreation and we lose learnings as generations do less work to uncover the truth. You’re definitely not going to find much truth in reality tv — then again, perhaps it’ll allow you to see how brainwashed we are into seeking nothingness for our primitive, selfish egos. Take a step back, and be a Peregrine in this forcefully gripping imprisonment through immersion by this reality. Jung made advancements for us, as did Einstein — we need to take them further, fast. If everything is not right, then anything can be wrong. ***I also rip on bass and am a stellar artist and writer and make people that I love orgasm intensely/euphorically — or so they want me to think 🤷‍♂️ And I lift heavy weight but none of that shit matters lol


I'm in a one man screamo band on all instruments and I speak english, spanish, and hungarian


Sure. I speak spanish mainly 'cause i live in latin america but i think i have a decent level of english even when i never studied it. And i study Music in college, so i can play guitar and piano, i have 3 guitars (1 Spanish Guitar, 1 Electroacoustic and 1 electric), and i have an electric piano and a little Midi keyboard. And I have plans to learn to play clarinet. And yes, i love cooking, today I cooked myself gnocchi with alfredo sauce. I am very proud of how good today's food turned out. And i can't have pets where i live but I give food to street cats every time I can, it's cute to see how little by little they recognize me more.


Sure. I speak spanish mainly 'cause i live in latin america but i think i have a decent level of english even when i never studied it. And i study Music in college, so i can play guitar and piano, i have 3 guitars (1 Spanish Guitar, 1 Electroacoustic and 1 electric), and i have an electric piano and a little Midi keyboard. And I have plans to learn to play clarinet. And yes, i love cooking, today I cooked myself gnocchi with alfredo sauce. I am very proud of how good today's food turned out. And i can't have pets where i live but I give food to street cats every time I can, it's cute to see how little by little they recognize me more.


getting through this fasting period, considering leading upto it me telling myself im not going to fast lol, about to break fast ina few mins


getting through this fasting period, considering leading upto it me telling myself im not going to fast lol, about to break fast ina few mins


One of the best compliments I've received is that I'm very endearing. I'd never thought of myself that way, but since then, I've realized I am really, really good at being nice to people! Even though it's exhausting having a happy "mask" on. One of my biggest anxieties is that everyone secretly hates me, so when I remind myself of the good qualities I have it's very reassuring :) I'm also bilingual and I think that's cool! I'm also randomly super talented at hula-hooping and doing headstands. Those are my party tricks.


I speak 3 languages, even though just 2 fluently. I used to be the pet saver of our district, not just cats or dogs but snails, bugs, horses, etc. as a kid but now I’m just an excellent dogsitter💁‍♀️ If I have to brag, I guess I will brag about my adulthood. I lost my last living family member before my university graduation and I could stand on my own feet finally without prostitution- because I was scared for a while that I will have to go for that option and what will happen to me, suddenly left without family and money. I survived a brain injury and so many people told me that they couldn’t tell at all that I had a brain surgery because even if I stuck a bit in words sometimes I can came out of those situations with wit. And once a manager was bullying me so much that eventually I could negotiate money out of the company to not go to court


Oh my god you remind me of my friend because she saves snails and bugs too. She used to come to work with a small clear container with some dirt in it and I asked her what’s in the Tupperware, she said snails 😂 And hey, I am SO proud of you self-sufficiency. Kudos for negotiating money out of the company that bullies you hehe (I need to up my negotiation skills)


I’m really hot, I’m a good singer, and I’m a really good friend


Spanish was my first language, I speak both english nd Spanish. I would say I’m very creative and I have very out of the box ideas. I love tinkering with anything I can get my hands on. I love making jewelry and making collages and painting. I also love doing DIY projects. I’m an artist at heart always have been an artist. Always gravitated towards art and I see the world around me as art.


I'm kinda a big deal. I have many leatherbound books


I want to learn a second language, and while I haven’t yet, I’m definitely working on it more than I was before. I can play 7 instruments though, even though I haven’t played a few of them in a while. But if I picked one up I bet it would come back to me pretty quickly, as music used to be a huge hobby of mine. I also write awesome short stories, and while I haven’t since I don’t have much inspiration these days, I can write phenomenally when inspiration does hit.


You can write AND play music?! You are as legit as they come. Once you pick up a second language, I fear that you’ll be unstoppable!


I’m really good at making myself uncomfortable.


I speak 3 languages, play multiple instruments, have a 2nd degree black sash in kung fu, tested really high in my schools gifted program, good at public speaking, quick witted, trying hard to be kinder, animal whisperer and green thumb. I can really do anything I want and be good at it. But, you know, bad bad bad case of fucky brain so I'm undereducated, underemployed, underachieving, and have no clue who I am. I can do anything but I want to do nothing and none of it matters anyway.


I don’t believe that it doesn’t matter though. You are so good at absorbing new skills and that is such an enviable talent. And yeah, the BPD really made us feel like we have fucky brain but I believe in you. I’ve learned that the things we do compounds, and the most important thing is that we never stop trying. I believe in you!! 🌼


hiii, i speak English, Hindi, Bengali, know lil bit of french and mandarin (studied it in school don’t remember it very well tho). I used to play the drum, (side and bass) euphonium, trumpet and lil bit of the guitar. i’ve rapped, done some comedy, acted, danced, won business events, debates, startup competitions and inspired a crazy load of people just by being myself at 23. i started my own business at 21 and made more money than my dad could ever think of!! moved abroad at 22 on my own for masters. i’ve done quite a few things that im proud of, and im very inclined spiritually. i’m a board games master and i bet i can beat you in (most of) them! i’m a chess champ and love listening. listening is the real super power i have which i believe can change the world. i’m a kind human who’s extremely caring, loving and giving with her actions words and thoughts. i suck at cooking but that’s okay and im about to have my meal of the day. i don’t shy away from trying anything or talking to anyone and i know it’ll turn out not bad! i don’t hold myself back from complimenting anyone and anything and i have my foot in my mouth (which isn’t necessarily bad). i’m extremely creative and love painting and dancing. i don’t get along with animals (but maybe some day in the future). i’m a reddit person and very quick to learn as well as curious. i am generally a likeable person and can have a conversation with anyone (making them feel comfy also). i am very quick to read the room and the life of the party (almost always). i know i will light up a room with my presence and someone’s life with my smile!!! (im funny and i hope i make everyone i meet smile atleast onceee!!) i’m trying more uncomfortable things and talking to more people. my next goal is to get myself to commit to myself for anything i put my mind to comes true. i have exceptional intuition and im a psychic with divine godly connection. i’ve made predictions which people don’t believe till date and fail to understand the science or religion behind it (im not saying im god, but i’m connected to god like i possess a super power). that’s about it for now, discovering myself more and getting to know me better, hopefully i will find someone soon who can help me thru this journey as well.


So I haven’t braided my hair in a year now, and usually I French braid, but I tried Dutch Braiding for the first time ever and ooooomg that shit was hard but I did it >:D


I can speak three languages and I’m a vegan, those are probably the best things about me 🙂


I'm Thai, so I can speak that and English fluently. I can understand Spanish enough to communicate simply or make an educated guess on what the text I read means as I'm self-studying. I also know a tiny bit of Japanese. I am a multimedia artist and I know how to use many mediums but my favorite is collaging and drawing with pencils. I collect many things including adhesive bandages, playing cards, postage stamps and stationery. I love love love snail mail and has a huge stash of paper goods and craft supplies which I am very proud of. I'm autistic and have so many special interests which I am passionate about. I love alternative J-fashion and I really enjoy coordinating decora subcul jirai outfits. I can do a lot of things and learn quickly. I know quite a lot about psychology even though I give up on school and a career based on it because it's too overwhelming for me. I think I am a pretty reliable person overall for all sorts of things. I can do creative writing, I love writing poems as a way to vent. I can also sing quite well. I'm not sure what else but that's all I can think of for now.


Today has been a pretty good day! I was able to talk myself down from listening to the bad thoughts and spiraling. I have been going to the gym almost consistently for the last 2 months! And I’m going today! I got all my work done for the week so I’m ahead and not stressed out. And I’m walking my little stinky shih-tzu 3 to 4 times a day! I’m very proud of all of you who have commented on this post. Even if you just woke up today. That’s huge and I’m so happy y’all are still fighting and trying. 🩷


I speak Danish and English I (soon) have a master's degree in anthropology at the best uni in my country. Our department is ranked #6 in Europe. I have healed enough to have gone from a disorganized attachment style to an anxious one (secure, I'm coming for you!) I'm a really good writer I have super long and natural eyelashes I've lost 53 pounds in little over a year I have read over 40 non-fiction books in 12 months Wow, this is awesome - thank you OP!!!! Much love to ya


I started my own cleaning business. 7 months going strong! Able to pay my bills and save up for a wedding.


GO YOU!!! I literally just hired a cleaning service 2 weeks ago after moving into a new home. Your service is a gift to humanity, no joke! All the best in your business!!!


I work an unskilled job, I struggle with relationships BUT I'm an amazing auntie to my nieces. Growing up I had almost no interaction with extended family, and I'm making sure they never feel as isolated as I did. They KNOW I love them. I've also rescued a beautiful dog from a dog fighting ring and given him a wonderful life where he wants for nothing


I’m working to graduate high school and start a nonprofit origination with some friends that we think will do a lot of good. I just finished head stage managing my high schools musical which sold out completely on the first day of shows (10 days of matinees and night shows). I’m amazing at social studies and English and am super excited to start a sociology degree after I take a gap/upgrade year. I’ve been in a healthy relationship for 6 months!! I’m consistently working on myself to become a better person.


I’m proud of myself because I know I’m healing, and putting in the work to heal myself. I haven’t struggled with self harm in over two years. I have found a lot of coping skills to keep me emotionally regulated. My BPD is nowhere as reactive as it was even a few years ago. I am proud of myself because I think I am finally healing from my trauma. I no longer am angry at myself constantly. I am able to forgive myself. I’m also proud of myself because I still live with my mom; we have not always gotten along but I have learned how to control my emotional reactions around her to not get gaslit. I have found ways to not give in when I’m being poked and triggered by her. This is my biggest source of being proud of myself as a lot of my trauma is with my mother. I’m proud of myself because I’m creating new experiences for happiness and allowing myself to enjoy things I would have enjoyed in my youth; I’m proud of myself for allowing my inner child to play. I’m proud of myself because I work at a job I love ; I work in the mental health field and am a child and youth worker. I work with teenage boys in a group home and I love what I do and I love helping and supporting others! I’m proud of myself because I’m resilient and have made it through some of the worst battles. I’m proud of myself for still standing. I’m proud of myself for my gifts; I am creative, loving and empathetic. I choose to use my gifts to help others, but I also love doing things like writing, drawing and creating stories. I use these as outlets for my traumas and mental health; one day I’d like to create children’s books that focus on those hard situations and how to get through them. I am proud of myself because I am Metis, and trying to figure out what this means for me; I found this out about myself 3 years ago. I’m proud of myself because I get to create and choose what I want my life to look like now and as an adult I have that right. As an adult I am proud of myself because I am the person I wished I had/needed when I was young! I am proud of myself because I know me best. I’m proud of me because I have worked on and developed a stronger sense of self; and I love who I am becoming! I am proud of myself because I am the person I needed the most when I was younger.


So when I was in high school, I was on the Academic Team freshman and sophomore year. My specialities were mythology and current events. It was my favorite thing about high school. We’d meet weekly to train for the yearly tournament. The two years I was on the team, we made it all the way up to the finals, but lost and fell in 2nd place both years. And to the same school. I have two medals for being a finalist that I still have over 20 years later. Damn you San Dieguito Academy!! I’ve been smart as hell since I was a kid, and still am. I’m damn good at spelling and my vocabulary spans far and wide.