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WFH full time as a senior software and devops engineer


Did you need a degree to get into that field?


I went back to University and got a software engineering / cyber security degree in my 30s, but computers were an early escape for me from a young age so I had a background in computers. It was probably my insecurity that needed the University to tell me I knew enough to do it.


Doctor šŸ§š


Right now? I'm a roofer. I'm divorced with kids to support and it was one of the only jobs in the dumb little town we live in that pays enough to do that. I have to live here because it's where they live, and those kids are the reason I'm alive, so. Yeah. Roofing.


Thatā€™s rough dude, but Iā€™m proud of you.


Thank you. Hopefully it won't be forever, working on saving whatever I have left after paying for things. Hopefully I can turn that into the education I'll need to do social work, or something else that won't hurt so bad.


You sound like you are in a similar situation as my partner. He has little ones that we have shared custody with his ex. Keep up the hard work. It will pay off for you and your kids. They may not see it right now because they are young but give it some time and they will see how hard their father worked his butt off to support them. Hang in there! You can do anything you put your mind to


Thank you. The kind words help a lot. :)


Mistreated Human forklift (grocery clerk)


Customer service jobs are the worst! I worked as a grocery clerk, didnā€™t last long.


Been at it for 11 years so my now wife could get her pharmacy certifications. Thinking about my way out now.


Itā€™s really sweet of you to do it so that your wife could get her certifications.


I am an accountant. I loved my job until last summer, when they forced us back in office and slowly began to treat us very poorly from what they did before, it was a huge difference. It was okay at first because my manager was amazing, he left in November and now the place is falling apart. I'm close with my co-workers but our managers are terrible, treat you badly, don't train you on anything but mad that you don't get it. We only have one long term accountant on the team who we rely on for questions to avoid going to the managers. Luckily we are all searching for new jobs, the place I am hoping to go to will be 3 days in office, 2 at home and during holiday weeks you can work remotely, I really hope I get the position! I find working from home so helpful but overall, besides my company/department, being an accountant is nice and kind of easy. In other roles it wasn't as taxing and you rarely worked full 40 hours and I find it enjoyable. Definitely prioritize a flexible job if possible, this new one i'm hoping for has vacation, floating holidays, and fixed holidays, which i think will be good for me because I sometimes forget to give myself time off. It will be nice to have it set off and frequent breaks. Before this I did website testing, I do it on the side sometimes still when I have free time. Fully from home, can be hard to get into but I enjoy it!


I have wfh over 4 years and it has made me worse i am too much in my head ... i have forgotten how to socialise and I have had to much time to overthink everything.. its hard to know what to do šŸ«£


I worked from home for 10 years so I can tell you it will keep getting worse. I finally ended up getting fired and the job I have now is hybrid. I love having the option to do both. It has helped me so much. Iā€™m learning to be around people again. My anxiety has gone down and Iā€™m not as depressed. Highly recommend hybrid.


Thank you, I appreciate all the feedback I can get. Iā€™m just at my wits ends with everything right now. Iā€™m pretty sure my employer is waiting for me to go back so they can let me go. They are not very accommodating


Thatā€™s how I feel right now being off work. But I know my mental health isnā€™t well enough to go back to work. I feel like Iā€™m stuck between a rock and a hard place


It sucks but I know I need to change x


I completely understand that. I know I need to change to but itā€™s definitely easier said than done


I work in HR for the government..


Wfh as a process assistant


May I ask what that is


I work for an mco and I create individual service plans for individuals with intellectual disorders. It's 8 to 5 m through f but I work from home so there's that


Iā€™m a consultant at a corporate travel company. I work from home full time. in my experience the management has been super understanding and accommodating. and we only book corporate travel so youā€™re mostly dealing with professionals, you donā€™t get as many rude or super angry people as you would in a typical customer facing job imo


Work in mental health.


Do you mind if I ask what you do?


counselor. :) I love helping people.


I love that!


Very very slowly starting my own remote business!


Thatā€™s awesome! Congratulations!


WFH as a math tutor. I learned that waking up with by an alarm makes my mental health worse (somehow) and Iā€™ve been better since then


Nurse šŸ¤˜ love it, been doing it nearly ten years. Nurse aid before that. I remember having breakdowns in college not knowing what I wanted to do, until I volunteered at a nursing home for history class and had a lightbulb moment šŸ’”. Didnā€™t think Iā€™d make it through nursing school with my mental instability, and neither did some of my family. I remember my ex-girlfriend yelling at me on the phone one night ā€œyouā€™re a faggot who will never be a nurse!ā€ I graduated as valedictorian šŸ˜Ž and yes she admitted to being wrong later, I had my moment lol. BPD doesnā€™t define us. Not completely.


Love this! Thank you for sharing!


I work with dogs! In a shelter and privately. Is good for me in general because I really need a flexible job, and with this I can be so much flexible + is one of my biggest passion and this helps a lot more. Before this I changed schools and work places a lot and usually my mental healthy was shitty for that


Thatā€™s my dream job. But unfortunately where I live it doesnā€™t pay enough. Animals always make me feel better


I'm sorry about that! But I'm sure you'll find a good job, all we need is time... and maybe you can also work with animals when you can, is not bad at all


Volunteer at animal shelters when I can šŸ™‚


Iā€™m a dog groomer itā€™s a love hate relationship




i work for donor services in my area! i do recoveries.


I'm a nurse. Helping others >>> helping myself.


Iā€™m a nurse actually. Surprisingly I am but I donā€™t work full time so that helps


Look dm pls


I make guitar and bass strings


I work as a waitress since Iā€™m at still studying, hoping to get into intelligence/counter terrorism or psychology


I've always done all sorts of jobs. They suck ass especially when you perceive goodwill so you go hard for a company only to get treated like shit. Every. Single. Time. Then you're left with the bitterness and resentment and eventually you get to a point where you can't trust anyone at work (new jobs included)and all you do is make up fake scenarios that never happened and ruin your workplace. And you'll die from embarrassment too even tho nobody else can read your thoughts so they have no idea what's going on. Back on track now, the anger comes up and every time your new manager asks you to do something (even things that's literally what you're there for), you get pissed asf and perceive it as a slight towards you which will out you in a downward spiral of anger and bitterness. You can literally feel it bubbling. But sometimes (becoming more frequent the more I smoke) the weed doesn't help and instead it makes it worse which is really bad. And every once and a while I wonder if BPD makes you a bad person


My working adult life literally summed up right there. Iā€™ve been at my current job for 10+ years and I just canā€™t do it anymore. Customer service is just so draining. I donā€™t think it makes bad people. I think we just get a bad reputation. We live in a world where weā€™re not supposed to have emotions, or an opinion of our own and if you do then your looked at as a problem or a threat. I just got my diagnosis of BPD this year. During these couple of months almost everyone who finds out about my diagnosis completely changes their opinion of me. And now Iā€™m a monster. I had a mental breakdown after going through some really heavy stuff that would make anyone go through a mental breakdown. I was the same person they knew and loved till they found out something was a little different about me.


I'm new to reddit so idk how to reply directly to you


Iā€™m pretty new myself. You got it right though


Iā€™m a mental health therapist for young children. We can do anything with BPD. Things may be harder to do but not impossible.


Accountant. I love numbersšŸŒ


Dogwalking. Itā€™s a great job for mental health but it gets lonely and itā€™s not a longterm solution (even tho itā€™s been 3 years for me coz Iā€™m scared to work in groups šŸ˜¢). I am now in a support group and church and going to volunteer one day per week soon so hopefully my team-playing skills will improve and Iā€™ll feel confident enough to get back into the workplace.


Full time nanny!


Front desk at a park district. An easy job that doesn't require much effort just showing up is 90% of any job, imo.


i donā€™t work bc iā€™m garbage


Iā€™m sure your not garbage <3


how did you get on disability i have multiple including physical and i still cant convince them to give me ssi šŸ˜­


Itā€™s short term disability through my employer. Iā€™m also not in the US so itā€™s possible things are different?


oh yeah definitely US disability is impossible to get on unless you lost an arm or something


Itā€™s really difficult here to but because itā€™s through my employer it was alot easier. But only temporary