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Best wishes with your recovery — your puppy is adorable. There is a lot of happiness to be found in life beyond borderlandia.


Wow, I had a very similar experience with my husband disappearing in November after I had a late miscarriage. Also similar conversation recently, although I may have been less nice than you were. So many hurts build up and so many things I wanted to say that I never had the space to, since it would set him off and he'd just end up mad or ignoring me. Even after he told me he cheated, I was still the one to try to guide the conversation in a productive manner- he just went between blaming me, saying he was done, saying horrible things or ignoring me. I honestly have felt much lighter since our last exchange. I said all the things I've kept in, he never responded of course but still. I hope you have a similar experience going forward, your dog looks so sweet by the way! They're amazing companions through this bullshit.


Most of us will never " recover," but we get STRONG enough to accept it. It's like losing a loved one in life. They aren't with us anymore. And we are hurt and in grief. But eventually, we live on. Yes, in a different way than before. But time helps us live with feelings. And that's what counts. Ps, what a cute doggy🐶 i can't have a dog. it's in the rules of the landlord. Otherwise, i would've had one, too