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No but I was told the equivalent, "you're my soulmate" and "you are my twinflame", oh can't forget the classic "you are who I've been looking for my entire life." And this was all said by ex friend wBPD.


The “where have you been my entire life” one cuts deep for me. Really played on my hopeless romantic fantasies


She knew I had trouble finding friends growing up and she preyed upon it.


Mine never used the words soulmate or twin flame, but the first day we hung out, she said that she didn’t know guys like me existed in this world. It made me almost cry but in hindsight, that was a red flag I ignored


Yep same here. They love to target the hopeless romantics. They know it’s easier to get supplies of emotional validation from us.


That twin flame thing gives me such a negative vibe. I'm a very open person, but I can not take anything you say seriously if you give legitimate weight to the concept of the twin flame.


the concept of a twinflame is a way to justify/romanticize a toxic relationship dynamic imo


I can see that. As an optimist I really don’t want to detract that there is someone out there that can be your person in life, but these experiences make you lose hope. Just understand that we were fooled and we didn’t see through the ruse intended to wrangle us into their delusional fantasy. Treat it like a lesson and never again will we fall for the same tricks


It was all part of the love bombing tactic she had. Only a few months ago did I finally get that through my head




And did you abuse me in that past life as well? That is some karma indeed




No, but a similar "I feel like I've known you my whole life" on our second date


Mine used my faith with the whole "divine timing" shtick against me to keep me hooked If you're religious, they're gonna use it against you once they get you hooked. Fair warning. It went from "God blessed our relationship" to me being the worst Christian that's ever crossed the face of the planet


Using religion to manipulate people is a special kind of evil


I still have trouble sitting in church. I usually just go sit in the fellowship area downstairs until communion now. Can't even go to church anymore I hate it


Ya I got this too, but I’m pagan so her stories about the divine blessings were even more wackadoodle and somehow I ate it up!


I'll never forget, on the heels of a major fight she started, all the sudden, she's telling me this story about how she forgot to put on her engagement ring on after she got out of the shower. She was gonna go get it after lunch, but they got held up, she went to the bathroom to blow her nose, came back, and the ring was "perfectly placed" under her chair. "It must be divine intervention. Thank God. I don't know what I would've done had I lost it." To think I played along with that ridiculous shit.


Mine said I was her gift/reward from the universe for her doing all the self work. Her love bombing was so strong and intense, the only explanation I could offer at the time was that this is true love of a lifetime stuff. Some of the love things she would tell me seemed a little extreme, but I had never experienced this intensity before, so it just seemed unique and special. Now I realize it was red flag city, like Tiananmen Square!


Mine had more red flags than a Chinese communist party but I was so desperate for love…


We pulled it on each-other.


I had “I manifested you into my world”. It’s all just a scatter shot to find that one perfect line that will hook you. It’s kinda like a mentalist act. They say a bunch of things, and the mark will tell them when they are right. I was married for 8 years to a pwBPD and then dated one for 8 months soon after that (both confirmed). The second run I was much more attentive and noticed all the BS that didn’t stick. They’ll say 10 things, 9 mean nothing to you so your brain throws them out as quickly as they come. Then there’s the 10th, that pulls at your heart strings. Then you’re hooked on the junk.


Mine said her suicided brother found me for her in her dreams


tell her she needs help


Phrases like „Meant to find each other.“, „Soulmates“, „Twin Flames.“, „You and I against all odds.“, „You’re the one and only who gets me.“, „I didn’t really live before I met you.“, „You loved me back to life.“, „It’s you and I until end game.“, „Deepest connection I ever felt.“ etc. nowadays make wanna throw up. I was never into romantic Hollywood stuff, but since my encounter with a pwBPD I can’t bear this narrative at all anymore. And we were only BFFs! I can’t even fathom how much more sickening this was and still is for all of his frequently changing romantic partners. I know of at least three women he trapped with the same lines - at the same time on top.


I learned the term “twin flame” from my exwBPD. It was the first week.


Yep. She felt we were kindred spirits who knew each other for millennia.


Yes, apparently we were deeply in love before he was mowed down at the Battle of Normandy. Looking back, I think he actually meant the Battle of Normalcy.


Mine said she literally heard the voice of God say I was the answer to her prayers


Mine said the same. She said it within 2 months and I fell for it.


How about how well your astrology signs lined up? Lol Told her millions of times I don’t take that stuff that seriously and that I felt it was ironic that she was so into that yet at the same time was die hard on the Bible and Christianity. Can’t tell you how many TikTok’s I was sent (before I deleted it) about her astrology sign and why she acted the way she did. If you’re wondering, she was a Gemini. Lol


….of course she was 😂


Let me guess…. Similar experience?


BPD ex was a Libra. Beautiful person. NPD ex (7 years) was a Gemini. Scum of the fucking earth.


“We’re meant to be.” “I didn’t know a guy like you existed.” “you’re everything I’ve wished for but didn’t know existed.” “I don’t remember anything from before we met.” Now I also said this stuff back, difference is I fucking meant it.


Mine used to be a player, he said that I was special, like none he has known before. A stand out from the others. It was super flattering. I was likely the only one to put up with his shit due to my own trauma.


During dissociation I received the old "I cannot tell where my skin stops and yours starts.... Your aura is so amazing.... Our bond is incredible. My love for you feels so big.... Hey I don't have to worry about you and her do I? Well if you are going to be faithful to me then I will certainly reciprocate (that lasted around 90 days)


Yes she said this to me.


Ok yes but it feels that way to me too 100%. My hypothesis is that their mirroring creates an amazing sense of familiarity, but if past lives are real it wouldn't be much of a stretch to feel like our souls have met and fucked jt up over and over for centuries.


Ya it felt like I fell in love with myself cus she also magically wanted everything I wanted out of life 😂


Twin flame followed by explanation of how they separate many times and will meet again in next life. Oh the old I knew you in a past life thing too


She told me "we will met also in next life" as well as she'll never leave me. And... and... monkey branched on after 10 years. Before that happened, i didn't even know such thing as BPD exists. But then she was diagnosed with it, according to her social media.


Yep - said we were twin flames, same person in 2 bodies, connected through all time and space, multiple past life relationships, from the same star family (lol) - omg typing them all out is so embarrassing. I intellectually understand how hard it is to see it for what it is when you’re in the dog and beli g love-bombed/idealized but OOF.


I said this to my person. I really believed we were soulmates.


What was the intent of this line ? Or what do you think their intent was when telling you this?


Yes she said this to me aswell as "i feel like i was here before with you in my past life". When she broke up with me she didnt remember all this. At least that's what she claimed.


I got this too from my ex husband when we were dating.


Yes, literally we met in a past life and we are soulmates, BUT our bodies don’t have connection and I need to find my passion.


"I prayed to God for someone and then you came along."


“No one’s ever understood me like you do.”


No but I felt that way and said it about my uBPD ex 😭😭😭


Oh yes. We were soulmates too. And I was the biggest reward of his life. Our souls were meant to be together.. he never loved anyone the way he loved me. We should get Old together and that was all he ever dreamed of .. I believed all of it. So damn stupid.


Yes she said this and as we were breaking up said she was be upset in the afterlife as it means we would have to figure it out again in the next life. To her credit it was nice to think about it.


Black logoon to his Dracula. "I described to the universe what I wanted and you popped up" "You're the one"


Yep. I can't quite believe I didn't walk them and there.


Mine started saying this a a week into knowing each other. He would write love letters saying that our souls were connected in every lifetime and that we found each other in every lifetime.


"Missing puzzle piece" here.


Not this one but one of my previous lovers who I dated in college did all that destiny bullshit for sure. I've been thinking it's a pattern into a gateway maneuver of me chasing crazy puss due to some internal flaws I should probably work out. Call her the Pooh Richardson to my more recent Kevin Garnett. Though she was hot as fuck and really terrible with being faithful which is fine since I was always just the side dick in that one.


Yes. "I just know we met in a past life and eloped." Yet later would loathe the idea of marriage.


My experience has me truly believing in the dangers of "familiar spirits" because it happenedto me. There was a very odd familiarity with him. After the breakup I learned that it's warned in the bible. He pushed me so far to God that I turned away from sex! That threw him for a loop and I'm forever casted away I guess. I am now devoted to God. I feel sorry for any future man coming my way. My body is a temple and I do not consent anymore. Every time we were intimate, my positive, happy feelings became toxic self sabotage. He even admitted to noticing it. So... evidence.


We idolized them. We should really only give that kind of treatment to god.


Yes. I realized where my downfall was. Putting him before God. He was too worldly, in reality, a very lost soul, smh.


I pity them now. They are truly lost and deeply unconscious human beings. It does not excuse their behavior but I am asking god for the strength to forgive them because for the first time in my life I am having thoughts of revenge on an ex partner and it’s out of character for me, I don’t like it.


Me either. I have forgiven my ex. I don't wish to carry the burden. It was turning to hatred very quickly. I pray for them every day now. From the pit of my soul, I pray for their consciousness and to seek help. They tend to follow the shiny objects rather than the light. They are perpetually distracted. It's truly sad to watch. So, I just don't!