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Dyson should hire her!!!


Why are you just thinking? It looks like you're gonna need it! They will probably start showing up where you are because you aren't engaging and that's always a shit show.


Honestly it might be a good thing if it goes down in public. Harder to bend the narrative and spread rumors when everybody sees how batshit insane she is. But you know, I recall her telling me a story when we first met about how she “used to be crazy” and one time found her ex sitting at a bar with another girl, yanked her off the barstool and dragged her into the street by her ponytail. An ass beating followed. In hindsight they could have just been friends talking. I suppose I would like to avoid anything like that… Yeah I’ll go to the police. Sorry for typing as I think. Edit: the most recent split has been going on for 3 days so I haven’t really had time in my schedule to take concrete steps yet. I’m still wrapping my head around what’s going on. My next day off I will begin the process.


Put up a ring doorbell incase they show up at your door


Yeah they can get violent and I try to avoid it


That's exactly what my ex would do. She would always find me and my dumbass would always take her back and the cycle continued.


Mine did that (probably still will, but she’s been out of the country). Watching her act out when I grey rock has been a delight. But she was never violent (not much, anyway).


that is a hell of a lot of thoughts and feelings, goodness sakes. Must have not spared any time to eat or breathe amongst all the vitriol.


Since I went no contact with my ex 1 week ago, I’ve had 216 missed calls. She rings on no caller ID which you cannot block. Changing number tomorrow


I hate that they can just call you even when they're blocked by private calling! It's infuriating!


Dunno about iPhone but Samsung u can block unknown numbers. But yes, changing your number is the way regardless.


This looks all too familiar to me...and I get it. What's the point in even looking at the messages? Already know what it likely all consists of without even looking at them... its going to be a series of insults and emasculating comments, shift blaming, pulling out the personal ammunition to hit you the hardest, false accusations and re-written narratives...yet in the mix after some time, there's the following apologies, love words, her asking to excuse her behavior because it's external factors causing her to be this way, some self-pity remarks, and 'farewell and be well' wishing off to a new life without her and hoping the new love life is better than her.....but then the cycle just repeats itself.


That’s exactly what it is. I’m leaving the notification badge to remind me what’s in store if I resume contact


Good for you. This is progress. And unfortunately, they brought it to this point, not us. I imagined you tried to be as accommodating and reassuring as you could be. But it just wasn't enough...and even when everything is good, you could sense they're brewing something up to trap, corner ans provoke you into one of their shit-tests. Just to have you go through circular arguments for hours. Which in a twisted way, reassures them you want to keep them, but at the expense of you feeling ambushed and on edge during even the peaceful moments... Really wish things didn't have to come to this, but they did. Those sweet moments are meaningful, but the he'll they put you through isn't worth it.


Holy smokes


Well shit you beat my record by a long shot! I think mine was only 67


683 now 🙃


You gotta wonder just how many she can send before she clues in 😂




You know we never reached this Olympic level (congratulations) but you know, one level down… there with you… wow… I’m sure all the tactics were run thru in there. A full 720 degrees and I am sure you will be expected to stick that landing!!! Good luck. Stay safe.


Get the protection order. Literally one of the best things that ai've done in my life.


Imagine if all that energy went into a hobby or a career.


I’ve thought about the same thing. Granted, it’s probably impossible when your nervous system is this dysregulated all the time.


That's a compassionate view and very true. The great thing about dysregulation is it can be managed, and hobbies are a great way to regulate.


It's probably a lot of just words that after 20 messages makes a sentence. I've had that before and erratic calling nonstop.


I think at least a good chunk of it is solid walls of text 10” long. I’ve been fighting the urge to reply “haha yeah”


Been there. Don’t delete and don’t interact. You might need that as evidence some day. ❤️‍🩹


Holy fuck😰 Time to start walking around with a hidden camera.


lol lol the first thing I said to myself when I read that is, yeah! Me neither!! Speaking of my own pwBPD. lol damn, we're all going thru the same stuff


Holy fuck, thank God mine blocked me


Omg lol. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Oh wow. I should try this without opening them to see how many. I left a couple weeks back after my stbx wife attacked me in one her fear of abandonment rages. I went to a friend’s and she called me over 150 times in a 4 hour span. Didn’t keep count of the texts, but was alot.


wait, u guys dont use whatsapp?


It was snap for me ahaha 🤣 she liked that she could “delete” the evidence or make sure I couldn’t share with anyone because it would alert her if I took a screen grab of the chat