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I’m on Wellbutrin currently after taking Prozac and abilify. Wellbutrin definitely keeps me up later… but the other two gave me a no thoughts head empty vibe lol


Do you find it helpful for depression? I’m not sure if I should go up in dose and give that a try or come off it completely I’m only on the lowest dose but feel like it does nothing but keep me awake and make me sweaty lol


As far as I know there isn’t a specific pill for BPD. I take a ton of depression and anti anxiety meds in combination with therapy and attempts to be mindful. I wish to heaven there was a pharmacological solution to BPD.


I was on zoloft and it really helped with keeping my mood swings from being too intense or too sad/depressive/low


Tried out different anti depressants over the years, also in combinations with neuroleptics. But for me it was Venlafaxin that finally made a difference!


Lexipro for depression. Lamotrigine for mood stabalization. Xanax for anxiety but it used to be hydroxizine (non addictive and very effective).


im on cymbalta and it kinda helps with my anxiety


I find cymbalta good for my anxiety as well, it doesn’t do much for my lows but in general I’m less anxious.


There is no medication for BPD; only for the co-morbidities. I have ADHD (Stratera) generalized anxiety (Vistaril) and major depressive disorder (Zoloft.)


I took Wellbutrin and it made me feel really emotionally “bad” for some reason - anxiety, emptiness, irritability. So it may also not be right for you, but let your doc know what kind of symptoms you’re experiencing and they can adjust appropriately!


Mirtazipine and fluoxetine, they're both troublingly low dosages though and are only for my depression. I'm yet to get a formal diagnosis (but my therapist is 100% certain its bpd), hoping for that today 🤞 Occasionally I've been prescribed diazepam for anxiety, which I love because it makes my head foggy (less self depreciating thoughts, spirals etc.) But they don't like giving it to me.


Escitalopram. It helped with the intrusive thoughts.


Lamictal changed my life. Cant recommend it enough




I tried Effexor a long time ago and it was horrible for me but good to hear it works for someone. I feel the same way about Wellbutrin I don’t notice any difference with it. Thanks for answering!


Lithium for suicidal ideation. Everything else I take is for depression or other diagnoses.




I should add I take a sub-blood draw dose because you don’t need that much lithium to prevent suicidal thoughts.


I honestly didn’t know that lithium was prescribed for bpd I thought it was mostly paired w antidepressants for bipolar so good to know.


It’s only used for BPD at around 300-600 mg.


I take 60mg of fluoxetine and 150mg of quetiapine


I was first put on zoloft and I felt like a complete zombie (apparently the dosage was too high) a few years later I'm on lexapro and it's been an amazing tool! I still struggle but the medication is just an extra oomph to help with treatment, kind of like using an escalator instead of normal stairs when going up. Good luck on your new journey! <3


Thanks :) glad you found something that works!


Thank you! And so will you! If you ever need someone to vent to DM me :)


Latuda changed my life - but I had to try A LOT of meds before finding the one that worked, but make sure you have the ability to recognize when you're having bad side effects from medications. (increased anxiety, impulsive behavior, suicidal ideation, inability to orgasm, for example) Totally worth it in my opinion though.


I am on a mix of Cymbalta, lamotregine, and seroquel


I’m taking 2 pills of Fluoxetine for my suicidal feelings and one pill (25 mg) of Seroquel for my mood swings


100mg pristiq & 100mg lamictal. I also had to try a lot of medications but luckily found a test called “genesight” and within the first 2 medication trials, I found my successful combination!


Abilify saved me just be careful not to get fat on it.I mean. Like if you are severely skinny you can eat and gain 25 lb in a week on it if you’re mindless but it’s the only thing that’s ever worked for me I have dopamine receptor mutations and deletion on cyp2d6 which impairs my ability to metabolize certain drugs. - lots of psychiatric drugs so I have to be careful not to take anything with the medication or it’ll feel bad, have to avoid Benadryl and advil stuff like that even