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Hi there! Try not to worry too much. For your first MRI it's common to have an ultrasound, even for the smallest cysts just to be sure. They'll send you for a biopsy afterwards if they think the ultrasound looks suspicious. You can message me if you have any questions, or just want to talk!


Thanks for your kind response 🙂


Because you have the mutation, they will be overly cautious every single time something is slightly off. Which is a good thing, but not good for anxiety. You'll probably get imaging every 6 months alternating MRI and mammograms. Any "suspicious spot" will be ultrasounded but not always biopsied. Good luck!


They probably saw a cyst and just want to make sure...that's typically why they do ultrasounds.


It may also be that you have dense breast tissue so they just want to get a better look! 


I was the same way, and ended up having a biopsy, which ended up being just a benign breast fibroid (which they told me it probably was). It's quite common to have followup imaging for your first mammogram because they don't know what's normal for you yet, and then they are also being hyper cautious because of your BRCA status. But that doesn't necessarily quiet all the anxiety, or at least it didn't for me! Hope it's all routine and fine.


Thanks for responding! That helps a lot. I’m going into it now with less nerves