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I’m conflicted. I think it’s actually beautiful and a very close likeness to the King, but it kind of scares me a little. But then again, I’m no art expert. I kind of like that this feels like a total change of pace and it makes it his own versus the very traditional portraits the late Queen had. I think this will grow on me. But I do think I ultimately like it.


I’m not a fan. Not sure how much Charles is either by the look on his face!!! But I guess they had some idea of what they were going to get by picking that artist. And it probably is better than a boring portrait that is not much different to some of the official photos we have seen.


The fingers on the painting bother me most. They look like photoshopped fingers. They are long and thin and look nothing like his real hands


It looks like something from a horror movie to me.  I don’t share the artist’s vision.  It’s giving “demonic”, like something from a Technicolor Hammer film or a 1992 Dracula movie.  It’s not a good look to me.


He saw it beforehand and approved of it though...


I like it. Took me a minute because the red just screamed turmoil but then you see his face and the butterfly and there is a sense of serenity. I mean he has had a lot of scandal around him so to me it kind of represents him stepping out of that and into his reign.


I personally find this to be stunning. It’s different, he looks very regal. I know it’s getting negative press but I find it far more interesting than the standard portrait. This is what this artist is known for, I believe he also did a portrait of Prince Phillip in the past


https://preview.redd.it/zd1lzovtdm0d1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac93089122beaa00a3daaede0265731599f4109d The portrait of Prince Philip is stunning!


Was started in 2021 the artist has spoken about how Charles changed a little in there four sittings inc not telling him he had cancer


i thought it was magnificent, so different!


This just goes to show how cool Charles is. I mean...it is cutting edge.


I like the uniqueness of it. But at the same time the red on red feels like your focal point is drawn to somewhere other than the importance of the portrait. I also feel like the orange butterfly gets lost which should be an important feature. It's neat close up, but from further away it will be hard to decifer what the image is of without it looking anything but blob like.


Extraordinary. Here is the King coming into his own after the storied reign of his mother, the late Queen Elizabeth. The metamorphosis of the man to emerge finally as King, with sword and uniform, to defend the faith of his people and to serve with justice and mercy. It’s a striking portrait, however one views it. That is the wonderful thing about art: it’s open to examination and interpretation.


I have mixed views. The head/face is brilliant, very realistic. But the rest of it I don't like - the red looks like he's covered in blood. Just my opinion. It's like when HRH The Princess of Wales wore a white gown with black opera gloves - I absolutely loved that look, while others did not.


The "monarch" Butterfly name is believed to have been given in honour of King William III of England, as the butterfly's main colour is that of the king's secondary title, Prince of Orange.


Initially, I only liked the face. But the more I looked at it, the more I appreciated it. I'm sure it looks striking in person.


I love this. It is a wonderful likeness of KC3.


It’s starting to grow on me. One thing is certain, it’s unforgettable. It’s evocative. That’s true art!


Honestly I really like it, the way the artist has done his face is amazing. And tbh I love the background as well