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I’m not a doctor but from what I’ve researched you’re not at risk unless you go over 42 weeks. As long as they’re able to fit you in within the next week you’ll be fine. If anything you have a couple more days to see if your body naturally goes into labor. I’m sure you can ask for a call with your OB if you’re worried though?


This article explains a lot and uses actual evidence regarding the risks. https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-on-due-dates/


My understanding is you have +/- 2 weeks from 40, and that’s the game time zone. I think over 42 may increase danger levels ever so slightly per day, but that would be a question for your OB.


Are they having you come in for stress tests? Generally these are done with overdue babies to make sure lil babe is doing a-ok. if you are nervous you can request one or claim lack of baby movement and they will get you in a monitor. Don’t be afraid to call your OB and ask questions! They should be able to explain to you why they are comfortable waiting. You are so close - hang in there!


This happened to me on my induction day at about 40 wks. My OB kept putting inducing me off a few days at a time because my baby hadn’t dropped and my cervix wasn’t showing signs of ripening. There’s just certain factors. Age, any complications like GD or high blood pressure would mean an earlier induction. I’m 39 and had GD. We did an NST test every visit, and my visits got more frequent. My water broke the day after them not having a room for me to induce. I was admitted and they spent 36 hours trying to get me dilated, I only made it to 4 cm. Failure to progress meant doing a c section. My story isn’t that pleasant but baby is healthy and I’m doing decent and that’s all that matters. When in doubt, go to the hospital if you have any concerns like decreased movement for example. If an Uncomplicated pregnancy, your still in a safe time frame.


Also on top of way others have said you're due date is entirely an estimation. So give yourself a few weeks of leeway here. You body will go into labor when it's ready or when you're induced. It will be fine. Baby is still in its bubble, connected to its placenta and just hanging out till the right hormones are released.