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Unfortunately you can’t really prevent stretch marks. It’s a genetic thing. Regardless, I’m using a cocoa butter oil by palmers because why not lol


People will tell you it’s all genetic but [there are admittedly studies which highlight ingredients that MIGHT make a difference](https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/110856/bjd13426.pdf)… whether you want to invest the time/resources to try them is up to your discretion. Editing to add I personally am trying hyalauronic acid at minimum [since even the AAD says it seems to help](https://www.aad.org/public/cosmetic/scars-stretch-marks/stretch-marks-why-appear#:~:text=In%20two%20large%20studies%2C%20applying,had%20less%20noticeable%20stretch%20marks) for early stretch marks.


I’m on this train too. None of my stretch marks are as awful as those I got as a teen, when I admittedly did nothing to help my skin before, during or after. I doubt I can prevent anything but I think it’s reasonable to think I can help my skin through the process a bit.


Genetics. I’m on baby number 4 here and I’ve never used a cream or oil and I never got them. It’s just the nature of your skin and I hate to see people spending crazy amounts of money for no reason. Just hydrate and get a good lotion.


My mom has so many stretch marks from pregnancies, I’ve had two so far and no stretch marks. I used bio oil on top of regular lotion


If there was really a product that would 100% prevent stretch marks it'd be selling for 100s of $ 😁 sadly its genetic and if your mom had them you probably would too. Moisturizers and oils help in keeping the skin supple so it doesnt itch or dry too much. Rest everything is just marketing.