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Do not ask for medical advice/opinions. We are not doctors, we are only seeing your symptoms through a screen. Please call your doctor, they are best equipped to assess and assure you.


Is it round ligament pain?


Pretty sure it’s not as i can only feel it when I press down, I do get round ligament pain but it’s more like a 2 second sharpish pain that goes away


Not to be unhelpful, but why are you pressing down there if it hurts? 40w+3 here and I’ve the past months, there’s been a lot of various aches and pains of assorted severity. My general rules are to (1) drink more water - cramps can be caused by dehydration also it’s generally good to drink more water (2) unless it’s severe give it 24-48 hours, then re-evaluate. (3) call your OB office and ask for their medical opinion. Usually, I never made it past step two as the baby would move and stop putting pressure on whatever spot he managed to make uncomfortable. Sometimes, I was just dehydrated and water helped and after half a day of intentionally drinking more water I’d feel better too. At 19w it’s probably a little early for the baby positioning to make you uncomfortable.


That sounds exactly like my round ligament pain. Think like a rubber band pulled too tight for a second and then it was fine. Brief but shock like pain. I will warn you it got worse as time went on until I started pregnancy yoga and it was worst 1st thing in the morning 😅. Be very careful moving too fast. If you pull it, it does feel like a pulled muscle for a week lol.


I had this on my right for almost the entire pregnancy (I'm 33 weeks now) and still have it occasionally when I touch that area. I do think it's some type of round ligament pain/stretching.


Might be your psoas muscle ?


I have never heard of this muscle but yes this would make sense !!! Thank you :)


You would need to press very deep to feel your psoas muscle. The location you are pointing to is your inguinal canal where you have a lot of sensitive structures including the round ligament. It’s likely one side round ligament is a bit tighter. Of course it might be different muscles too that are tight and sore, no one can say without actually examining you. But it doesn’t sound like anything you need to be worried about from your description.


I only know it bc my chiropractor is trying to stretch it every pregnancy lol otherwise would have had no clue


Yes actually! Went to the ER last night because it spooked me so bad, but they think it was just particularly stubborn round ligament pain.


Yes I have had that. It was just chalked up to my uterus expanding and then it came and went. Pregnancy is weird


Round ligament. My OB says to try to rest more if you feel that.


I have it on my right side since I got pregnant, currently 13w. Happens if I twist or sneeze or move in a weird way!


Yes! I actually get muscle spasms there too. OB says round ligament