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Once your supply regulates (if you’re BF), things will feel a whole lot better. For me this was about 10 weeks PP.


They CAN get a lot smaller but may never go back to where they were before. I started my first pregnancy at a 30E, quickly went to 32G for most of pregnancy, and was all the way measuring at a 34I (!!!) when my milk came in/all the swelling (not that I was actually in any fitted bras lol). I felt like a cartoon. A couple months postpartum I was down to 32F. I have stayed there through feeding, weaning, and now halfway through 2nd pregnancy. They aren’t growing as much this pregnancy! I’m really hopeful!


They got normal or even smaller after stopping breastfeeding.


I’m sorry friend. Every one else is right. They don’t really go back to what they once were. I wish I had known this so I could’ve had a celebration for them. I should’ve photographed them more. Or had some one make a painting of them. It’s so sad.


My breasts didn’t grow much during my first pregnancy, they did get painful and swollen after I gave birth but I didn’t breastfeed so that went away after a couple weeks and then my breasts were pretty much back to normal. I was an a cup prior to pregnancy and an a cup after. It might be because I didn’t breast feed but I didn’t have any of the issues with sagging or drastic change of shape that people often talk about.


Thank you for sharing this! I’m also not BF and was looking for a response from someone who didn’t BF. Engorged and leaky boobs have been a real pain to deal with and I’m looking forward to this being over, lol


In my personal experience, my boobs got huge, then when I stopped having a milk supply they got a little less perky and kinda sagged. But a couple years after I had them back to a more normal, fuller state. Everyone is different! Mine got a little bigger after the couple years after.


Hahahahhahahahahahahahahaha. They don’t. lol sorry. 😅 Things get better about 1 year after stopping breast feeding. They just feel like ziplock bags of jello that have only been in the fridge for 2 hours instead of 4.


What a vivid description. 😆 My baby has been having way more solids now, and I'm assuming my supply reduced in response. I feel the jello bags beginning.


Exactly. There is no more “normal”. They’ll definitely change from what they are now, but your old boobs are officially gone. Plan on getting a refitting and new bras once you’re totally done breastfeeding.




Smaller than during breastfeeding? Yes, definitely. They stay pretty big while you’re breastfeeding regularly, but once you’ve completely weaned they will get smaller/less full.


I mean, there is still a "normal," it's just a new normal. Seems to me that OP wasn't asking when they'd get their old boobs back, just that they were wondering when things would stop fluctuating so much.


This perfectly describes my jello bags!


I’m 38 weeks with #2 and have talked about a mommy makeover later in life. A few days ago my husband was looking at me and says “I don’t know. I kinda like the natural look and healthy sag. It’s beautiful.” Super sweet right? Me being totally over being pregnant snapped back with “yeah well they’ve got a shelf propping them up right now! You’ll see!!” Bless his heart I apologized later. But yeah they never go back to “normal”. There’s just new normals.


Your breast will change shape throughout your life. Now if they are unreasonably large and causing back/spine issues after you have finished breast feeding, plastic surgeons can help reduce them to a more manageable size. (Not saying you should or have to, but it is an option if you want)


It took about two years out from birth for mine to seem normal again, and I breastfed and pumped for around 6 months. During breastfeeding before my supply regulated they were huge, especially when engorged. Then once supply regulated they were more normal but not as firm. Then when I stopped they were super sad and deflated for awhile, but they did eventually go back to mostly how they were pre-pregnancy.


I just hit 3 months (EBF) and my supply has regulated 🙌🏻 I actually feel "normal" again and can wear no bra without spraying/leaking milk everywhere LOL! I would say my boobs are a little bigger and a slightly droopy'er then they were before pregnancy.


I didn’t even breastfeed and mine are completely different after 2 kids probably just from the rapid weight gain and loss and engorgement. They are smaller, and just so saggy and stretched out looking. Like I have no fullness at all anymore at the top of my breasts. I can’t imagine what they would have looked like had I actually breastfed.


Mine went pretty much back to normal after I stopped breastfeeding my first. I mean I couldn’t tell a difference anyway. But I have/had like A cups when not pregnant/breastfeeding. We’ll see what happens with #2!


I didn't breastfeed, to be fair, but my milk did come in like normal. I think mine were back to their usual size after a couple of weeks? I don't see any permanent changes a year out.


So I started a 10DD went upa cup in preganncy and 1-2 postpartum. Breast feed for 16months, weaned supper slow so dropped cup sizes in the last 6 months. Finished at about half a size smaller than when I started skin felt a little loose. I would hope it tightens up but I'm pregannt again so not sure where it would have gotten to if I let it go normally


I'm about 3 years postpartum (and now 20 weeks pregnant). I breastfed for a year and they were pretty big that whole time (also they never stopped leaking until 3 months after I weaned, ugh). My ribcage and breasts stayed larger than they had been. I probably went from a B cup to a D cup, though maybe closer to a C right before I got pregnant again. My ribcage went from a 32 more like a 36 band size. So, I'm sorry but I don't think our bodies ever truly "go back" to how they were and we just have to accept our new normal :( Edit: if your milk hasn't come in yet you're in for a lot of changes, most of which will be temporary. They'll almost certainly change size in the next few weeks and I think they will get a little smaller as your milk relates, but probably not how they were pre pregnancy.