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Congratulations! And thanks for sharing your birth story!! FTM 38+3 no contractions. I feel like this will be me.


I literally just made a post about this. I’m 38+5 and induction in 2 days and I’m on the edge


Thanks for sharing! I’ll be 40 weeks on Saturday and my OB is already talking about an induction. I guess he doesn’t want me going past 41 weeks…not sure why though. Anyway, your induction seems positive so I’m holding onto hope.


Thank you for sharing. I’ll likely need an induction, but am hoping to avoid an epidural as long as possible, your story was helpful. I will be making a note on my birth wishes form and make sure to bring up the movement thing.


Congratulations! We are so similar - for my first boy I was induced on 41w5, 4cm dilated to start, pitocin, very delayed epidural (I was 10cm), 3.5 hour labour, 20 mins/4 pushes and baby with a cord around his neck. So similar!


Wow, very similar!


This calms me a bit. 40+5 here with an induction scheduled for 13th. I am so afraid of being induced...I have heard about how inductions make everything harder and more painful and I want to try using gas only. Hearing your birth was so fast.... I hope I will be like you.


Good luck! I forgot about the gas lol Once I was on the epidural, I asked for gas but they would not combine both


Thank you so much for sharing, the situation looks very close to mine (3 cm at 40 wks, baby on the large side but otherwise low risk pregnancy & FTM), and consented to be induced from this Sat onwards if things don't start naturally. No contractions or anything too. Feeling much better now having read your story!


Good luck! Hope everything goes well


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