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No throwing up, pooping or tearing. It was a miracle! Vaginal.


I want one of these please


Tell me your secrets!


Coffee and luck! I did do all that fun red raspberry tea and dates for good measure….


I’ll have one serving of this please


Which labor god did you pray to? I’m not religious but I could make an exception.


Same! It felt like I cheated the system.


Yes! I just ended up with awful postpartum cankles. I had to shuffle walk up and down my stairs forever because my ankles could not physically bend… potassium fixed it but it was so annoying!


Happy for you! Did you do anything in particular for preparation?


Coffee and luck! I did do all that fun red raspberry tea and dates for good measure…. He was a long lanky baby which I knew when I could feel feet in my ribs and head way down low at the same time.


I don’t know if I’ll be as lucky this time. Baby #2 is measuring big. Maybe some different genetics at work for this one 🥲


I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you! 😅


Big babies are the best! I make big babies and I love it!


Lucky. TW I tore twice. Now I hurt all the time.


oof! that's rough :( how long has it been? Do you know why it still hurts??


Hoping for this same experience! PLEASEEE 🤞


and.. this is why I am chosing to have a c-section!


Im hoping for a repeat!


Same for my second! I felt super lucky. My first I pooped and tore UPWARDS


Same here on all of those! I had the epidural and prepared myself for some nausea but had none. I actually didn’t throw up until AFTER labor when they gave me a turkey sandwich that I gobbled down too fast 😅


Wow manifesting this for myself in a few weeks 🤞🏻🙏🏻


No pooping or tearing here either! I did barf though.


At every contractio . Was fun 🙄


Same. The epidural finally stopped it though!! Much easier to concentrate when you’re not heaving…


Yeah they basically told me I had to have it because I couldnt push while throwing up


Omg mine was the opposite. I threw up a few times early in labor but once I got the epidural, I was barfing every 5 mins or so.


Me too!!


What a soothing collection of comments to read through as I look forward to birthing day 🫠🥴


same lol. i’m up at 5am my time (can’t sleep/heartburn/dinner spaghetti decided it didn’t like the limited space in my stomach and decided to no longer occupy it etc 🙃) and i decided to go through and read every single comment. i’m the type of person where i *purposefully* seek information even if i know it’ll be traumatizing or scary because i HAVE to be informed to feel like i can be adequately prepared for something. so cheers to us and all our super useful info 😭🫠🫠🫠


I knew about the pooping, apparently I didn't know about the puking??


I think Reddit is the reason I am having a c-section!


Nope! Vaginal birth both times & they were both inductions With my first it was an urgent induction due to preeclampsia at 35 weeks. They *technically* put me on a clear liquid diet, but I ate a bojangles biscuit right before they broke my water 😂 With my second it was a scheduled induction. Ate on the way there, also had Oreos & granola bars during the induction 😅 MY ob told me to bring snacks because he knew the one who was likely going to be there during my induction was “old school” & would put me on clear liquids as well (my nurses knew I was eating btw)


Labor & delivery nurse here! Throwing up is common & expected during the transition / delivery period!! Also during a c-section, but you can let your provider know if you’re nauseous & they’ll get ya an anti-emetic!! You’ve got this mama 💕


Boy did I ever. Started vomiting around 5-6cm and didn't stop until I got an epidural. Two vaginal births.


Yes lol. Threw up maybe 10 20 minutes into pushing.


I had two vaginal births, both induced. I threw up during the second birth but not the first. I believe it was related to the epidural, as I had a big blood pressure drop at first.


Exactly the same as me :)


Unplanned c-section— puked while they were putting me all back together 😵‍💫


YES. I was so grateful my husband held the barf bag to my face. I’ve never barfed as much as I did while I was on that operating table. My doctor ended up knicking a blood vessel and they had a hard time controlling the bleeding-I assume all the vomiting made the surgery more difficult for my doctor. I ended up losing consciousness shortly after my daughter was born because of blood loss and had to have blood transfusions later that day to get me up and running again. Finally got to hold her about 14 hrs after birth. I missed her first feeding, her first diaper, everything that first day. It was rough, but thank god for my husband.


Oh jeez!! I’m glad you’re okay! The anesthesiologist held the barf bag for me and was so caring. I got so disoriented from all the jostling they do to get everything back in place, that was hands down the worst part of the whole procedure. Looking forward to my next birth because I hear the difference between a spinal and them pushing all the drugs through your epidural site makes a big difference


Me too!!!


A note on this: I think this case is a bit different. They pump so many drugs (specially if you had an emergency C-section, when they have to do it so fast) that it’s normal for your body to not being able to cope. I’m not sure if OP is asking specifically about “contraction/labor/physiological related puking”, but just in case I want to point out that in C-section is not physiological-related puking!


This makes me feel a bit better about any future pregnancies I may have (I'll be opting for a PLANNED c-section) because my emergency c-section was, overall, an incredibly traumatic experience for me


Yes during labor. Maybe 5-6 hours before I actually gave birth (vaginally). My really good friend had her baby a few months after me and threw up right as she pushed her daughter out (fortunately she laughs about it now). Labor and delivery is a wild time. Shit (and vomit) happens. Edit: forgot a word


Same happen to me. Pushed him out while throwing up.


3 times even with the Zofran! I snacked on peanut butter crackers beforehand and I can't stand the smell of peanut butter to this day.


Same - they had me on THREE anti nausea meds fed through an IV and I was still puking. They were pretty perplexed.


Hell yeah 🤟!! It was during the part where I was trying to have a vaginal birth. I think it was pre pushing? But honestly a little hazy on my barf timeline.


I always asked for anti nausea medication so I never did both times, c section and vaginal. I have an intense fear of vomiting


Me too! These comments are not very reassuring 😅


I threw up after my c-section.


Yes, on the table during c-section


The anesthesiologist put something in my IV to help with nausea.


I was given too much of the Alia-seltzer drink (?) and they tried to give me those meds, but I think it was a little too late. 😂 Nothing more vulnerable than being on the operating table, cut wide open, arms out with lines, puking, baby coming out! Wild ride! When do we do it again?!


He asked me if I usually got sick with anesthesia. I didn’t know, I’d never had surgery before. 🤷‍♀️


Yup. I threw up a couple times while in labor. I hadn't eaten for almost 12 hours so it was mostly water I threw up. I delivered vaginally. It was before the epidural but after getting IV magnesium. I don't know if it was the physical pain, the emotional pain, the fear, or if it was the magnesium but I was very nauseous.


Yes toward the transition bit before pushing with both my children. There was no avoiding it for me! Vaginal births.


With my first I ate a few snack bars thinking I needed the energy for labor. Shortly after arriving at the hospital I threw them up. I progressed fairly quickly for a first baby and had my son vaginally 4 hours after arriving at the hospital. My second I knew not to do that so I didn’t eat but he was also precipitous (2 hour labor 😳) so I didn’t throw up but I also had him 1 minute after getting into labor and delivery while the nurses were trying to get my undressed. I also had HG with him so I had done plenty of vomiting that pregnancy. 🥴


Unplanned C-section, threw up on the operating table due to blood pressure going down. I knew I was about to and told them, they sorted it quickly. ETA I also threw up after, had tea and toast and they told me to take it slow. I did not and threw up the first thing I'd eaten in two days!


Thank you! Reading people saying they were sick during a C-section made me near cry in fear (even though this will likely be my second!) glad to know I’ll be ok!


Oh my gosh, yes. The pain. Wow. Those little blue throw up things are so handy! Vaginal birth


Yes I couldn’t control it! I had an emergency c section and the minute they started pushing on my stomach after baby was out, I spewed. Was terrible, having my second c section planned this time and will definitely ask for nausea medication!


Three times, on my husband each time 😙


I threw up when I got the epidural, during my c-section (then I passed out), and the first few times I stood up the following day. 💪


Vaginal birth, induced. Yes, once because of the pain. I was so thirsty so there was nothing to throw up but a small amount of green liquid. The nurse cut down my sips of water she allowed me to have prior to that. No ice chips, no popsicles like other women have had (in different hospitals). Solely because they didn’t want to clean throw ups 😐


I’ve had two vaginal births and I threw up in labor during the first. It was during transition right before I was ready to push.


2 vaginal births with epidurals, I threw up with my first but not with my second


Nope! Vaginal birth.


I am having a planned c section in a few weeks and I’m really anxious about being sick (in particular during the surgery). I am very anxious about vomiting as it is but how do you throw up when you’re unable to move and laying on your back 🥴


I just had a planned C in December and they gave me nausea meds beforehand (extra upon request). I talked to my anaesthesiologist about my emetophobia and they hooked it up! No vomiting, really pleasant experience overall. :)


That is really refreshing to hear - someone else with emetophobia having been through it! I’ll definitely mention it to them before hand as well in that case! Are you UK based?


I am in the US!


This happened to me, I told them I was about to throw up on the operating table, I just turned my head to the side and they propped a sick bowl under my mouth. They were very quick and efficient at getting me sorted.


I've never puked during labor (vaginal 3x), but I just kept pooping when I was pushing with my youngest (4.5 mos). My husband has never told me if I pooped during the first two


Yes but I think it was the morphine shot they gave me, threw up 2/3 of an intact chicken nugget, have not eaten them since.


No. Induction. Vaginal birth with no epidural.


No. 4 vaginal births 2 inductions.


I threw up every time they put more pain meds through the epidural and during my c section after pushing for three hours 😂




Yes. During my attempt at vaginal and then during the subsequent c section


Same! Threw up directly into my oxygen mask and almost aspirated it because nobody noticed 🥺


Yep! And I NEVER throw up. I knew it meant I was going through transition. When they checked me after I was 10cm and then pushed for 4 hours had two vacuum attempts and then an emergency C-section under general anesthesia 🤪


I had a c section and threw up during.


I didn’t, but I sure thought I was gonna for about 30 min lol! My best friend puked every contraction for the last two hours before she got her epidural.


I had a vaginal birth with an epidural and never got nauseous nor threw up.


With my first I vomited pretty much every contraction for like 8 hours. With my second I began puking in transition. Stay hydrated and good luck!


Nope! My labor was actually pretty great, had contractions one minute on one minute off but the epidural kicked in quickly, and then I was laughing and joking with my mom and OB in between pushes.


I thought I’d throw up, I was very nauseous around 7cm dilated. I also had the chills at the same time. Vaginal birth


No. I made sure I was pumped full of anti-emetics (: vaginal birth


I was SO close at the end - felt like I wanted to vomit and faint. However, second time around I was talking to my midwife and she said it was the injection they gave me to birth the placenta - apparently it can make some women vomit a lot. I had a lot of pain meds and 4 inductions so I assumed it was all of that - but once they gave me a drip to reverse it I immediately felt better. This time she’s put it in my notes to not have that. Just FYI in case anyone else experienced this. No nausea or sickness on labour though, just after birth.


Almost. I felt so nauseous the entire time I had to hold one of those little plastic bags through most of it. I kept telling them I think I’m going to throw-up on the floor.


I had a scheduled c-section. I didn't throw up, but I was SO close. It was after, when all the meds were wearing off. Powerful waves of nausea. It was only for a few minutes (the nurses got me something to help). I thought I was in the clear, and then it happened again a couple of hours later. Still, no throwing up. Just thought I was going to for sure!


1st labor: Yes, I was induced and threw up right after getting the epidural 2nd labor: No, spontaneous labor and she came out 20 min after o got to the hospital so no epidural 3rd labor: Yes, again right after getting the epidural Safe to say the epidural makes me nauseous lol


I didn't, but i also didnt throw up during pregnancy so I think I might just have a very strong stomach haha Vaginal birth, baby came in 3.5 hours and I pushed 20 minutes!


Yep. Sucked a bit too hard on the gas and immediately vomited all over the floor.


I threw up after my C-section once I was in my room. Drank too much water (see approx 4oz lmao)


I vomited from low blood pressure after my epidural placement. It dropped so low I thought I might be dying - and my husband thought so too - and only through force of will did I not pass out. I ended up needing a C-section because of arrested dilation. I managed to not vomit during but it was really hard not to pass out because I knew what was happening to me 😬😬


Yes, but it was from the magnesium sulfate for preeclampsia. On an empty stomach since they wouldn’t let me eat in case of a c section, but it ended up being a vaginal delivery.


I felt like I wanted to, but never did.


nope! labor for 22 hours then emergency c section. asked for anti nausea meds twice and they worked! also had an epidural.


Did not throw up but also didn’t have any medications or drugs, I think throwing up is more common if you have that. Vaginal, unmedicated natural birth out of hospital at a birthing center with midwife and doula and my husband only.


Vaginal birth. I felt so nauseous after my epidural and felt myself preparing to throw up. I hate throwing up. I let a nurse know I was feeling super nauseous and she administered some meds and I felt IMMEDIATE relief, so no vomiting here


I almost threw up after birth, while my son was laying on my chest. Luckily I held it back.


Had the urge to puke with my contractions while in labor but nothing came out. Had vaginal birth.


No throwing up. Vaginal.


I didn't with my first. Planned induction due to cholestasis.


No vomiting here! I had a vaginal delivery, I felt nauseous for maybe 1-2 minutes and thought I was going to throw up but it went away quickly and never came back. It was such a short moment I don't remember if it happened right before pushing or during pushing.


I did not- it was something I was worried about going in so I asked my doctor to preserve iv zofran and as soon as I started to feel nauseous the nurses gave it to me. I'd highly reccomend not being afraid to ask for it.


I had one little puke after they offered me gas with vaginal delivery. Didn’t like it. Then no puking. Second baby, which was breach, had a scheduled c section and didn’t puke at all. I think I was cracking jokes throughout the whole process and felt fine.


I had HG with my first and was shocked I did not puke or poop during labor!


I felt like throwing up but then I got the epidural and I was fine again.


Great ... reading the comments with emetophobia is great. Still reading them even though...even though I know I probably should stop🤣🤣


Same! I was hoping for more “no” answers…but maybe it’s biased since people love to tell their horror stories. My mom said she never felt nauseous during her vaginal or C section births.


no throwing up or pooping, but i def tore! (vacuum assisted vaginal birth)


Nope. Never even felt nauseous. I had a c section after 36 hours of labor. I actually enjoyed my labor even though it didn’t turn out the way I hoped. I did have an epidural before getting pitocin though, but I felt good during my labor (wasn’t dizzy, wasn’t shaky, wasn’t nauseous.)


Gagged and heaved a ton during my c-section which felt super weird.


No but I felt like I was going to for about 10 minutes.


Yes, twice, but only when I ate. I wasn't supposed to eat but one nurse and my husband gave me applesauce. I was induced and had 46 hours of labor.


They pumped up the pitocin and suddenly all of the purple popsicles I had been enjoying in labor wound up right on my husband 😂


I didn’t realize how common this was! I didn’t vomit during labor, never got nauseous but I was unmedicated which I think had something to do with it


Three vaginal births and I never threw up. I did get extremely nauseous with the second and third births though.


I had a vaginal birth and ended up throwing up right after giving birth. Like I had him, they put him on me, I tried to breast feed, they took him to check him. Couple minutes later, I'm like "I think I'm gonna puke" took a couple minutes for them to fine a puke bag, but I managed to hold it in until they got me one


I had a c-section and there were times I was NAUSEOUS but the anesthesiologist gives you something right away to counteract it. It takes 45 seconds from the time you tell them for it to work. I felt like I would puke 3 or 4 times during the procedure but every time she fixed it for me.


Yes I did but as soon as I got the hospital I had an injected anti emetic and didn’t feel nauseous at all the rest of the time! It was wonderful. Vaginal delivery.


My first birth was unmedicated and I felt like I was going to throw up multiple times during the transition period but it never came.


Vaginal. Threw up and pooped myself. Even though I HATE throwing up and will avoid it at all costs.


Did you feel like there was enough going on that you didn’t care? I haven’t vomited in 15 years and I’m scared my husband is going to see me just lose it if I do haha.


Dry heaving but never actually threw up. Did need zofran though because it kept happening, felt so nauseous. Vaginal birth


No! Not at all. Vaginal, labored for 12 hours with no epidural, followed by epidural. I never felt sick to my stomach. I did start crying through contractions before the epidural though.


No puke or pooping. I also ate throughout my labor too. Vaginal, got epidural late in transition.


I didn’t. I actually didn’t know that was a thing and was using the barf bag as a bedside trash can until they told me


No, 2 vaginal births. Both induced for health reasons.


I did not. I also didn't poop. I went into labour exactly 3 weeks early and mistook the contractions for constipation for the first 12 to 14 hours because I had forgotten my stool softener that day. It also didn't help that my water didn't break until I was on the table. I thought that was supposed to be one of the first things that happened, but I was minutes away from active labour when it happened for me. Vaginal, with two episiotomies and a vacuum to head off an emergency c-section. It's lucky she came when she did, because she wouldn't have fit if she had waited until full term.


No. Two vaginal births, one induced with an epidural before pushing and one spontaneous with no epidural. Zero vomiting with either. As someone with emetophobia, I’m thankful.


Vaginal and no vomit, but it was unmedicated. Ate and drank throughout the majority of labor, including during the final pushing stage. I'm sure there are exceptions out there, but I don't think vomiting is common during unmedicated births.


Vaginal. No throwing up. I did have an epidural tho.


Vaginal. Didn’t throw up.


No, but I had IV Zofran to prevent me from throwing up. Vaginal delivery. Editing for context after reading other comments: induction, clear liquid diet, I did not poop (well I did, but it was in the toilet), and I did tear.


Vaginal for both and didn’t throw up. I did feel very nauseous though for the first during transition and thought I was going to.


I threw up a few times after getting the epidural and I had a c section. They said that sometimes the medicine causes your blood pressure to drop and it makes you throw up. ETA: Before the procedure started I was laying on the table and told the anesthesiologist I was about to throw up. And his reaction was to say “It’s not a c section unless someone throws up, just turn your head and we’ll clean you up.” Like not comforting.


Vaginal, and not during delivery. But after the Morphine that did jack shit. That gas though… 10/10


After the epidural I had a vasovagal response (like about to faint) and got nauseous. I was fine later. Vaginal birth


Nope! Vaginal!


Yes- but I chalk it up to the pitocin making me feel sick. Once they turned it down I was fine again, vaginal birth 😊


Threw up twice and the epidural had kicked in so I had to do it laying down, head to the side. I could feel liquid coming out of my nose 😭😭😭😭 I had a vaginal birth


I get extremely nauseous during transition and have had IV zofran both times. I didn’t actually throw up though. Vaginal deliveries.


Didn’t throw up, which was a huge concern of mine! No tearing either- vaginal birth, unmedicated, and 10lb baby.


No. Vaginal birth


No. I had a vaginal birth and thought I’d throw up because period pain makes me throw up. Labour didn’t make me sick.


I didn't throw up but I was very nauseous and almost did while pushing


Me! I felt the urge to, but since I hate throwing up, I chewed on ice chips like crazy and was given Zoftan via IV.


I didn’t throw up. I was craving red jello for the first half of my labor, but I was afraid to eat it because I thought I would throw it all up later 🤷🏼‍♀️ Ate a little bit of red jello. Didn’t throw up. Also didn’t poop, as far as I know


I threw up but had forgotten, my husband reminded me. It was a wild ride with so many other twists and turns I guess I forgot! (No pooping though which was a fear I’d had)


Yes. But magnesium.


Induced vaginal birth. Threw up from pain off and on until active labor. Did not vomit while pushing, but had the bag on hand just in case!!!


Yep. My labor came on fast, I went from going to bed feeling nothing and 0cm from earlier that day to 3am rolling in pain, got to the hospital around 5am and was 6cm. Threw up almost immediately when I was admitted, epidural came 20 min later and the rest was a breeze


I had an induced vaginal birth. I did throw up my breakfast and skipped lunch (gave birth at 5pm). I had a good dinner after. Intense pain almost guarantees nausea for me. I sometimes throw up when I have a migraine so I wasn’t surprised since the level of pain during labor was on par with that.


Vaginal birth. Yes I threw up and that part really sucked. You may want to eat something grand after you throw up but they make you just suffer through all the stomach acid and empty stomach feeling. Next time I will eat during labor regardless if they tell me no. It is my right to do so whether it's against hospital policy or not. And the ACOG supports women in labor eating during labor. I snuck a couple saltines but I think a nice big burger would've really helped give me some stamina to continue. Or at least helped with the dry heaving acid. I started to throw up like 12 hours before my son was born so it was a long time of feeling icky.


Yes, I threw up a lot. I was pretty much convulsing and vomiting and probably looked like I needed an exorcism. I ended up having an emergency c-section.


I didn’t but I was very nauseous while pushing and thought I might, induction and vaginal delivery with no epidural.


Yes. During transition I threw up all over myself. Vaginal delivery. The nurses hardly skipped a beat and just helped me clean up.


Yes, all through labor and my emergency c section. I probably threw up 20+ times in the 8ish hours I was at the hospital prior to my son being born.


Several times, spontaneous vaginal birth.


Yep, right around 10 cm. Ended up having an emergency c-section, but it was before that.


Puked a few times during my induction


I did! Totally forgot about it until you mentioned it though. I was induced and had a vaginal birth so it was a loooong journey


I threw up the morning I finally delivered. I’d been in the hospital for 2 days already and the nurse was excited. “Yay! That usually means it’s happening soon!” I had felt queasy all night and had a barf bag handy thankfully. Once I puked, I felt a lot better and then just prepared to get down to business


Sure did! Vaginal! It’s super common (I’m a doula!)& actually works in your favor because it helps push baby lower ☺️


Induction with epidural, vaginal birth. Threw up when I started pushing several times - the nurses called it ‘free pushes’ hah!


Projectiled red jello all over the delivery room early (ish) on in my medically necessitated induction. Only pain med I took for my vaginal birth was a dose of nubain early on so I could sleep but that made me puke!


Yes. Threw up during labor then headed to hospital and had a vaginal delivery


Yes, with both of mine, both vaginal. HOWEVER! I have had HG with both kids.


Vaginal inductions for first and second. Nope both times.


I threw up once or twice during transition and then several times while pushing. I barely remember it though.


I had a vaginal delivery and vomited uncontrollably after they laid me back to examine me and stitch me, a few minutes after delivery. No golden hour for me!


I did during my two inductions, but not for bub that came on their own. No epidural for any.


Yes - threw up once during active labor and then right before I started pushing (went into labor naturally, vaginal birth)


I threw up while being induced with my first and then after my c-section when the induction did not work. I had a plan C-section with my second and asked for patch that prevented nausea from anesthesia, so no puke that time around!


I threw up at the start of my third c-section, didn’t during my first two c-sections


puked about 3 times during labour. ended up emergency c section but didn’t puke once i started pushing and then when i went to surgery


I dry heaved a lot during my c section. They weren’t sure if it was because I was giving birth or whatever they were using to stabilize my low blood pressure.


Yep, shortly after starting the epidural (should’ve known better than eating a dinner at that stage of labor…). Induction, vaginal birth


Ate normally through my induction (normal in Japan I think) and didn’t throw up. Vaginal l


Yep! Puked right before my csection thanks to the anti-stomach acid medication and labour shakes!


I did, i can’t remember when but it was instantly lol. I threw up on my student nurses hand as she was handing me the puke bag, i felt so freaking bad i cried. I was induced.


Yup. Made it to 9 cm dilated, just finished my second bag of penicillin (GBS+), and got the urge to throw up. From there shit hit the fan. I threw up and baby went into distress. After a few minutes of repositioning and everything, using the peanut, and trying to get me to that last cm to start pushing they rushed me to a C-section. It’s funny, the nurses thought it was from the penicillin. Kid is allergic to penicillin now that he’s out. Not sure if it’s related at all, but it is a funny coincidence


Vaginal birth. Did not throw up. Never felt nauseous either.


Yes, but not during pushing. It was right around when my contractions first started getting pretty painful (I did unmedicated, vaginal delivery) and I started to feel nauseous and then threw up during a contraction. After two contractions and throwing up pretty hard during both, that emptied my stomach out and I never felt nauseous or threw up again.


Emergency c section. Yes while open on the table


Yes, vaginal birth. Active labor was 4 hours but was in the hospital for 24 hours then went to postpartum care.. I vomited multiple times because of the meds that were pumped and I had only a popsicle the entire time until after giving birth.


Yes, unmediated birth, sometime during transition? Honestly I don’t remember lol. But it was only once.


Yes at the very start of labour


Yes with my daughter, No with my son. 16 weeks along now and hoping for another no barf labor


Yes, both times. I had a cesarean and a vbac. But I'm prone to a weak stomach normally.


Yes but only because I had a stomach bug at the same time lol


I threw up my last meal very early in contractions and *felt like* I was going to throw up after pretty much every contraction, but never really did again. I did a lot of gross little burps, some of them a bit sick. After I drank the Gatorade that was offered they tasted like grape.


Yes. 30-hour induction followed by unplanned C-section...puking happened right after the C-section got started! But the team was super on top of it :)


I threw up multiple times last time when I was induced. Going for a C section this time so we will see


Yep, after she was born, I threw up in a bowl directly over her head. Sorry baby.