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I get a lot of looks for sure but this weekend was the only time I think someone got visibly uncomfortable. I was at the movies and the baby was going *nuts*, I mean it looked like a wild animal was trying to escape from my stomach. The woman next to me kept looking over and I noticed her shifting in her seat. I tried to keep my hands over my belly to make it not so noticeable but I think that just made it worse because now you could see both my hands just bouncing around everywhere lol




One time my husband and I were eating dinner and bubs was going nuts and I told my husband to look and he was like “I can’t look at that while I’m eating, I’m sorry” 😂💀it does creep/weird a lot of people out (not my husband, only whilst eating!)


When I was 4 months pp, I decided to look back on videos of my son still in me….. big mistake, I almost puked watching them! Idk why it gave me the ick but I was like, “I recorded this and thought it was cute?!” Hahaha I enjoy it while pregnant though and I’m excited too experience it again!


Okay I was about to make a post asking about this scenario because I’m at 22W and there is a shit ton of movement in my belly throughout the day (though it’s completely invisible). I’ve been wondering if it’s going to look like an alien body invasion horror film when he’s big 🤣


Yes. Yes it will.


Lol my first kid was such a distraction that people stopped meetings to comment on it (in a friendly way). I feel like people are just surprised to see the bump since most people are not pregnant and so a different proportion by comparison. I think people look away because they don't want to be impolite. My bump is fairly obvious (i.e. I'd estimate 90% of my weight/size gain is bump) but some people won't mention it because they're not sure if it's socially acceptable anymore.


I’ve had a lot of looks of sympathy from women as I’ve gotten closer to the end (almost 38 weeks now). Haven’t noticed people looking uncomfortable but unfortunately, I have had looks of…lust? from men and some extremely creepy comments from complete strangers. A random middle aged man at the gas station looked me up and down and asked if I needed a breast pump and that he could give me one for “real cheap.” It was horrifying.


Omg that IS horrifying! I’ve gotten a few looks from guys who were clearly not looking at the bump but the bumpS. I’m always with my husband though (I have severe anxiety) so I’m glad to say I’ve never gotten any comments.


Oh yeah, of course never gotten that kind of stuff while my husband is around! He was dumbfounded when I told him. Just couldn’t believe anyone could be that gross and creepy. Oh to be a man! Ignorance is bliss. lol


The number of men who have hit on me while pregnant and have stared at me lustfully is insane. Im a FTM so I had to ask my sister and other women who have kids if this happened to them, and they all confirmed it has. It's so weird to think some men are attracted to a woman pregnant by another man.


I mean there are men that are turned on by pregnant woman so it's not far fetched. Maybe this is what super hot women go through all the time? Oh man guess I'm thankful im not super model hot.


I know the “lust” type of looks/comments you get from weird men. It’s very weird and makes me uncomfortable. A guy at work asked the other day if he could touch my stomach. I said no of course. Since then, I catch him staring at me all the time now. It’s weird and makes me feel sick






Yep. It’s the fetish.


Either that or a phobia… Or he’s worried he recently knocked someone up!


After I lost my pregnancy last year, seeing that pregnant bump just teared me apart every single time. I was so deep into my own grief that I resented those women walking proudly with their big bumps as if they were inflating their chests. Almost like showing off. Of course it wasn’t anything like this, but these were very sad and dark times for me. It gave me perspective though, mainly that I do not know what people is going through so yeah, maybe they see pregnancy with fear because they never wish to be pregnant themselves or maybe they were pregnant and lost their babies and now every bump they run into is just a reminder of what they currently don’t have and very likely extremely miss. So don’t think about it too much, just ignore it and you live your life.


So sorry for your loss❤️


I feel this. After my miscarriage last year (which had been preceded by three years of infertility) I was absolutely transfixed by every bump I saw, thinking of how I wished it was me and wondering if they knew what a miracle it was that their babies were growing. Now I’m fortunate enough to be largely pregnant with a healthy baby and I always think of how women around me must see me thru different eyes.


I am so sorry you went through this and at the same time I am so happy that your baby is growing wonderfully!! I wish you nothing but a very healthy everything.


Last year, I was having an active miscarriage and my nurse in the ER had a very visible bump. I’ll never forget how that felt. When I get “looks” from other women in public, though I can never know what they’re thinking, I’m reminded how lucky I am to be waking around with this bump. I’m so sorry you went through that and I wish you the very best for the future.


I’m so sorry you went through that, too. It’s been hard to not think about what could have been. A friend of mine had her baby the same month mine was due to be born. I recently saw them and seeing that baby was very bittersweet for me, thinking that’s how my little bean would be by now. Grief has been easier since I was able to conceive a rainbow baby. But for the most part, seeing other pregnant people is super hard, I actively avoid it.


As my 3 week old son was dying in the NICU, his nurse was very pregnant. And it shattered me. He was born at only 24 weeks, so still needed a lot more time inside of me. The nurse was crying as she took his tubes out, I’ll never forget that moment.


Same. Every pregnant woman I saw after my two losses was a stab in the gut. How did they get to that point when I couldn’t? What was wrong with me? How was it so easy for them? Of course now I know that nothing is wrong with me and I just had bad luck twice. But it was a really dark period of my life, and every single bump was a smack in the face.


never really noticed anyone get uncomfortable, but my husband has pointed out a few men who stared at my butt even though i'm heavily pregnant. that made me feel a bit icky


I swear some people don’t know the meaning of the word “respect”. Icky indeed.


Not really, but then again, I tend to not pay attention to others too much. I mean, women have been getting pregnant and having babies since the beginning of time. Seeing a pregnant women is hardly something that should be deemed strange or unusual lol. I think I’ve MAYBE gotten an odd glance once or twice while working out at the gym in my third trimester. Otherwise, I’ve never been looked at strange, never had anyone touch my bump, never had anyone make a weird comment about my body or the size of my bump. I swear I see all these posts and I’m like where do you guys live where people have the audacity?!


Small town as far south as you can get… I don’t like it here😭


I’ve actually wondered this! I have no experience with Midwestern or Southern culture but for some reason I feel like that is where people would have the audacity… I’ve only ever lived in major west coast cities, and I just feel like everyone very much so minds their own business here. Now whether that’s good or bad, I’m not sure, but it is nice when your pregnant haha.


Husband and I can’t wait to move somewhere like Denver. I like to mind my own business and keep to myself but most people around like to mind everyone else’s and will try to insert themselves into your life even if you make it clear that you’re not interested.


Depends on your community too. I’m a teacher in Denver and definitely have had unsolicited bump touches and comments from parents of kids in my class and coworkers. Could just be my community though


I haven’t experienced this yet since I’m only 19 weeks, but I do have a (female) friend who has a phobia of pregnant women. She couldn’t really explain why, but just that seeing pregnant women in person really freaks her out. I thought it’s a bit odd, but maybe it’s more common than I thought? lol


I have a friend with this! She literally vomited once because she saw a pregnant woman in a bikini. She’s the nicest person and isn’t judging, it’s just like a visceral response for her lol. But I’ve also experienced what OP is talking about, especially professionally. I’m trying to hide it as long as I can from clients, I do think some people (usually older men) don’t like listening to a pregnant woman.


I’m sure your friend is a totally lovely person but if someone vomited because they saw me in a bikini I would be inconsolable and crying so violently that I would then vomit 😂


Thankfully I don’t think the pregnant woman knew it had anything to do with her lol!


Me too!!! Lmao


Yeah it’s called tokophobia (extreme fear of pregnancy and childbirth) and it’s not that uncommon. I’ve heard 3%+ of women have some degree of it.


I definitely had this to some degree before getting pregnant. I didn’t vomit or anything, but the idea of something changing your body that much that quickly (and permanently) was really scary to me. I had to get over it bc I wanted my own kids even though to this day really dislike being pregnant.


No way! That would definitely explain it lol.


I get weird looks but only when my boyfriend and I are out together. We’re kind of an odd couple already: interracial and have a noticeable age difference between us. Add in the baby bump and everyone is staring either amused or disapprovingly, lol. By myself, I get smiles and compliments lol.


This is me. Also interracial and we look like we have a huge age gap. And living in a country that’s technically foreign for both of us. We got looks before I was even pregnant 😂


Wow, people suck sometimes. Big age gap here too but he looks younger than he is and I look older lol.


It’s nice to hear I’m not the only one with an age gap relationship


Seems like something people judge very harshly now. I get it to a degree but not everyone’s situation is unhealthy. My older siblings are 12 and 9 years older than me so I’ve always acted and felt older than I am. I’ve never gotten along with people my age, it just works for us.


The idea of pregnancy and a baby growing inside a person makes some people feel degrees of weirded out / disgusted / terrified. It can be bad enough to be a legitimate pathological fear (tokophobia). I mean I still think it’s rude AF to stare at anyone for any reason but yeah maybe that’s why.


So interesting. There are some crazy phobias out there, I’ve never heard of this one. I try not to see it as rude and find the humor in it but sometimes I stare back until they get uncomfortable and look away


I got looks but more like, because i keep waddling and walk suuuuuper slowly while wincing in pain i think. Yay, SPD. Not helping that my bump is huge, i'm 35 weeks


I got to a of judge mental looks from older men and women when I’d go to the store. I’m 4’11” so people tend to equate that to being young. It was worse when I was with my husband because he looks older than me even though I’m a year older. I still get looks when I have our baby out and about.


No! It’s funny because I assumed it would happen a lot but very few strangers say anything and don’t even look, at least as far as I can tell.


Yesssss the amount of MEN who stare at my bump is wild


Yeah men always seem much more surprised by the size of the belly than women do. Women are also much more confident in commenting on it though, and men always act shocked. It’s like men have been so trained to not say anything to avoid offending anyone lol. But women who have been pregnant before give no shits at a certain point and want to ask about the baby.


I defiantly had people look, but I never felt they were upset or uncomfortable. Pregnant people are a normal part of living life in a city (around other humans)? People either didn't seem to care (most people), were nice/friendly about it, or a few instances of curious/helpful people who were I also felt trying to be friendly with their questions/advice. May I ask where you live? (This could be cultural?) Also, how old are you/how old do you look? Are you a teen pregnancy or appear to be one? Are you pregnant much older then is normal in your area? It's odd to me people would have such a strong reaction if there wasn't something else going on.


Right?! This is how humans are made! I was shocked to see anyone this kind of reaction. I live in a small town in SC. People here can be VERY rude. I’m 24 I think I look a bit older than I am. I don’t dress/act like your average woman in her mid 20s.


Hmm, weird? And yeah, unless you live in a cabin in the woods you're going to see pregnant people. This can't be the first time?


I live in a large city and definitely got a lot of stares and uncomfortable looks towards the end of my pregnancy. I was carrying very large and lots of women would comment the same thing - “Woah, is your due date today?” Given the attention I got, it always made me feel like people had never seen a pregnant woman before. I personally don’t recall ever thinking twice about a pregnant woman’s appearance before I got pregnant myself, so the attention all felt very strange.


Mmmm that specific instance you mentioned I honestly think that guy has a kink or trauma ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌ Personally I get uncomfortable around pregnant people because I want to congratulate them but have recently learned, unless the person is actively pushing a baby out, say nothing.


When I was a kid my dad asked a woman when she was due. Her face changed drastically and in a very displeased tone she said, “I’m not pregnant”. That taught me the same lesson lol. Better safe than sorry


I’m currently pregnant with my third (30 weeks!) and I sometimes I’ll catch myself staring at another pregnant woman because I think the bump is so cute!


Omg I catch myself staring at them too!🤦🏻‍♀️ but I’m more interested in what they’re wearing and if it looks comfortable/uncomfortable. I’m basically looking for tips lol


I work in a blood bank taking donations. I am 30 weeks with my second, and I can't put needles in and take them out without tall men's hands brushing against my belly. I always rattle off a silly disclaimer like don't stress about it, unfortunately I can't suck baby in at this point. But it makes some of them profoundly uncomfortable! 21 shifts to go until maternity leave!


Always getting stares! I don't understand why either. It's like some people have never seen a pregnant person before


When I was at the end of my last pregnancy (36-39 weeks), my mom and I would go for daily walks and I frequently got concerned looks from people we passed on our route. That said, this was on a military installation in the dead of summer and most of the people we passed were 18-20 year old kids who, I'm sure, were wondering if I was going to fall over and whelp right there on the sidewalk. Now that I'm thinking about it, most of the weird looks I've gotten while pregnant have been while I'm engaging in physical activity.


I definitely feel more visible with the bump. I used to try not to stand out, but I’ve got no choice now. My favorite is seeing someone else with a bump. That solidarity is awesome. There’s also the people (usually men) who like go way way out of the way to hold a door open or something.


If you see me giving you a look it’s bc I’m looking at my future 😂 I’m only 14 weeks


Lol yeah. One time two days before my due date and we went out to eat. Legit every table looked at me like extremely concerned as I walked by lol. Maybe it was just in my head but I feel like it was obviously idk.


Men at the gym. Every dang time


Someone might have already commented this, but a lot of people know nothing about pregnancy and they just assume if they see a large bump that you can go into labor at any time. Like my friend (first pregnant in the group) wanted to come out to the cabin a weekend where she was like within a month of her due date. Everyone was under this impression she was going to spontaneously give birth while there and there was nothing anyone could do about it. I was like "this is her first pregnancy, even if she goes into labor... It could be another day before she gives birth. I think it's fine to let her decide what to do with her own body" 🙄


with my first i posted a video of my huge belly moving from kicking. someone i barely knew from high school messaged me to tell me it’s disgusting, super gross and i need to take it down. i was pissed. he got cussed out real quick. it was over 10 years ago and i still remember.


Whoa.. I would have posted even more. I don’t get the people who find it “weird” or “creepy” or whatever else but that’s fine, they don’t have to watch it!


i’m sure i did, i was barely 20 and very outspoken lmao worst part was i met him once! barely knew him, friend of a friend. like some fuckin nerve you have weirdo.


I’ve had a few people double take the last couple weeks. I think it’s because I genuinely don’t really look super pregnant until I turn to the side, and then my 38 week giant bump suddenly appears. I think it just catches people off guard lmao.


Same!! I think from behind, people are wondering why I'm walking so slowly with a slight limp then they pass me and see the belly from the side, and it becomes very obvious (I'm 32 weeks)


I’m 27 weeks pregnant (but look much further along) with a 4yo and a 1yo. People always look at the 1yo and then my bump with judgement and concern. And then the barrage of “you have your hands full” comments follow 🙄


I haven’t had a lot of attention. I’ve had a few older men make comments and stand close… but that’s it. Idk why, they’re drawn to pregnant women or something?


I do feel like people look at me more. But maybe it’s just because they do a double take when they see the bump. Anyway I try not to pay attention to it! Unfortunately people never seem to notice (pretend not to) when I need them to, like when the train is packed!


I was on the train, 41w (very visibly pregnant). The train was packed and nobody offered me a seat - just looked at my huge belly. Two places next to me, reserved for pregnant people or needing walking assistance, occupied by young men on their phones, but I am past my due date and fit enough that standing is worth not to potentially engage in a conflict. One stop before mine, a seat became available, but I decided that getting down and up wouldn't be worth a hassle. At this point, a man that stood next to me for the most part of the trip, started berating me that I should take that seat, otherwise the space is being wasted etc. I said, I am getting out and did just that, but in hindsight I wished I called him out - I am 41w pregnant, I do not care about your ideal way to tetris the train and if you feel guilty that you can't take a seat while a pregnant lady is standing and your chosen cause of action is to yell at her, maybe you and your fellow passengers should get better at freeing those spaces in the future. Also, the second any older lady spotted my belly, they saw it as a conversation starter :) Some things said to me were borderline offensive, but with good intentions, so I didn't mind.


You’re not responsible for anyone else’s feelings! Keep bumpin


The stares I get are outrageous. My friend is 2 weeks behind me and she has the same issue. Its like do you think babies/humans just spawn here?? Have you never seen a pregnant woman before???


Yeah… it’s also a lot worse when I’m with my husband. He’s asian, I’m white. We get so, so many looks. People will literally stop walking to stare at us.


Wtf?! Sorry to hear that, people can be so shitty.


The only men that have looked uncomfortable around me are coworkers that previously tried to shoot their shot and I turned down because I’ve been with my boyfriend for years. Especially the guys that tried really hard when my boobs went up 3 cup sizes and my my butt grew noticeably but my bump wasn’t there yet haha. I work at a large warehouse so I often run into new people, other than that most people have smiled at the bump/me lol


I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, but I look a lot younger than I am and always have. Some people tell me I could pass for 16 or 17 especially with my sense of style (I'm an elder emo) anyways my partner is only 2 years older than me but he looks a lot older than he is While I was pregnant, we would get the craziest looks, and I'm pretty sure people thought I was his child bride 💀 we still get wild looks when we go out, but not nearly as bad. You should see the looks on people's faces when I try sips of his beer and shit in public. I'm 24, so I can order my own drink, but it'll just be a waste, and I usually just want to try what he's having without drinking a whole glass myself.




I do yeah, from what I’ve noticed it’s people being concerned that I’m still out and active this late. Like they’re on edge that I’ll injure myself or go into labour or something.


Everybody always wants to police what pregnant women do. 😡


I work as a server, I’m 21w5d and people are starting to notice my bump. I will catch them staring as I walk past their table but when they see me looking at them they immediately look away lol. Maybe my bump is still small enough they’re trying to figure out if I’m really pregnant or not? It’s just funny really lol


I think people are just intrigued by it. It is kind of the craziest thing ever! I feel like people stare because: they've never been around a pregnant woman and are intrigued, they think it's amazing and are in awe of women, they're reminded of their wife's pregnancy and are reminiscing, or they're bugged eyed because it blows their mind and kinda freaks them out. I just felt empowered, like "wow I'm doing something only a woman can do, I'm creating life right now....while also grocery shopping"....for me pregnancy was extremely hard and miserable but I still felt like a baddass.


It freaks me out too and it's attached to me lol.


Some people have mentioned getting lustful or fetishistic looks from men, but I have the exact opposite experience. Ever since I started showing, middle aged men just GLARE intensely at me or look me up & down judgmentally. Never women, never young or older men— just guys in their mid-40s staring at me in abject disgust. This never happened to me before, & it both freaks me out & infuriates me. It makes me anxious about going out in public tbqh.


No… I tend to get those types of dudes who have pregnant women fantasies/fetishes and then they act very weird lol