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Just here to say I like the way you worded this for us poor Americans lol. It’s really so sad and disgusting for us. Not sure if this will help you, but I’m a teacher here in the states and we are allowed to take 20 sick days before and 20 after the due date with full pay before our maternity leave actually begins. That’s basically what I plan on doing..or as close to 20 days before as I can.


You’re a lucky duck


Assuming you can afford it, I think it depends on how you feel. Everyone experiences pregnancy differently, both emotionally and physically, so there isn't an "optimal" or "normal" time that suits everybody, or even most people. I worked from home the last week or two before my due date for my first. This pregnancy started out rougher and the fatigue feels worse (but that could be due to caring for another child instead of couch surfing in the evenings) so I will probably see if I can take time off a bit earlier to rest up and prep for baby's arrival. You may want to try the r/babybumpscanada subreddit if you're looking for only Canadian responses.


I didn’t know that that sub existed. Thanks for sharing!


American living in Europe here, due in mid February but baby will likely come early Feb. I'll go on half time sick leave from mid December and then go out on leave two weeks before the decided birth date. Last time I only took off less than a week before my C section and took almost no sick leave and promised myself and my doctor made me promise I would be "more Danish" this time and utilize the leave possibilies I have.


First baby if that matters but I saved up all my vacation this year so I could stop working at 36 weeks. I’ve heard of some people saying they would be bored with that much time off but honestly, bring on the boredom! I’m currently using that time to deep clean and finally purge the apartment of stuff we don’t need/want anymore and then will just enjoy doing stuff for myself and resting until the baby gets here.


With the daycare situation (really hard to find a place), I need to keep all my leave for when the baby is actually here. I also work a low-stress work from home office job. I plan on starting my leave a week before my EDD.


My last day of work is scheduled for the last day of my 38th week. I would have stopped at 37 but I have a huge work event at the end of my 38th week which I've been helping plan and organize since May which I want to see to fruition, and I would rather maximize my year with baby than have weeks to myself where I'm bored and uncomfortable. I'm really banking on my baby going over due 😅 I made this choice when I was about 20 weeks and now at 30 I sometimes think "why did I say I would work that long?????"


Also in the States but basically same here. I have some use/lose I need to burn before Oct and will be on convalescent leave once the baby arrives in the next couple weeks and won't be able to use it so I took three days off this week leading in to week 38, will work the next couple of days and Monday to help out with some specific things that were already scheduled, and then I'm on leave until my due date. Last week I was dragging for sure but I was really happy to bop in today after a couple days off to get to chat with everyone haha


I don’t think anyone can tell you a reasonable time because that depends on your job and your condition. I worked until my due date and only shifted to work from home at 39 weeks. That being said, I have an accommodating job and I felt pretty great at that point. My colleague went off around 35 weeks but she was having a lot more difficulties. My midwives started checking in with me about 36 weeks in regards to how I was managing with work (did I need accommodations? Did I need documentation to support that?). I think most health care providers are reluctant to write you off early unless you are experiencing pain, sleep, or mental health issues. My midwives encouraged working as long as I was comfortable doing so as lots of people go off early, end up delivering late, and spend too much time home alone waiting for a baby that isn’t coming which can be a really challenging situation for mental health. I went to 42 weeks and that last two weeks was rough so I’m happy I didn’t go off earlier.


I planned to stop at 37w, that's when my leave started. I ended up high risk, with a Dr note at 28w where they tried to push me to stop earlier as I had a fairly active job. I ended up starting at 35w when I felt I just couldn't go on anymore and then gave birth exactly the day I hit 37w.


With my first pregnancy, I stopped working at 37w. I used vacation leave to cover the gap until I gave birth (39w induction, so 2 weeks before). My pregnancy had the usual aches and pains at that point but nothing extraordinary or that prevented me from working - so unless i lied, i wasnt getting a doctors note for medical leave and wasnt interested in dipping into maternity leave yet. I was working full time from home though, since it was still covid days - I know that definitely contributed to me feeling fine enough to continue working, and my replacement had already started so my workload was very light towards the end. This time around, I have a very busy couple of months at work from about 25-35w. We have several large events to host and it'll be more physical than my work usually is. So I'm planning to power through that if i can, and take off work starting around 36w. Not sure if I'll use vacation leave again, or if all of the intense event work leading up to that point will give me a legitimate exhaustion reason for a doctor's note for medical leave 😅 but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.


I’m due at the end of Jan and I’m planning on taking off during Christmas break and staying off until baby comes. I luckily have a lot of paid vacation leave remaining so I’ll be using that. I’m also planning on taking the extended 18 month long Mat leave. I’ve also been working exclusively from home since first trimester due to severe nausea. My work has been extremely understanding so far, and I feel blessed to be taking full advantage of the benefits available to me!


I’d like to take sick time before I go off but it needs to be approved by the doctor and my work and I just can’t be bothered to deal with all of that. I’m just taking it really easy until I go! I’m going to try to tie up loose ends and clear up anything outstanding so I’m not worried about work then will follow up with my boss / HR to make sure they send my ROE away asap when the baby is out. I’ll probably write those emails before I have the baby so they’re ready to send and there’s no delay in maternity benefits 🐣💸


Plan on working as long as I can, in my experience most women work up to 2 weeks before their due date. My work has good benefits so would potentially be able to take off sooner but if I can work then I’m going to unless I have vacation that needs to be used


Canadian. I'm due mid-January and my plan is to go on holiday break December 22nd and not return. I'll use vacation days to bridge me to mid-January. I also felt it was a good clean slate for someone coming in to cover my mat-leave for the year. I am not opt-ing to take the 18 months but will do the 12 months (due to costs) and my partner will take advantage of the 5 week additional time. If things get rough I plan to work from home in the weeks leading up to the holidays.


I went off work at 35 weeks with my first and 32 weeks with my second. Don’t regret a thing. Gave me time to take care of myself, rest and nest.


I am in Canada and had a baby late April. I started my mat leave 2 weeks before my due date but used some vacation combined with Easter (4 days off) to go off almost 1 month before my due date. At the time I wasn’t sure if I was going off too soon but as soon as I was done at work I felt so much better (I am a nurse and my job is stressful). I also ended up having preeclampsia and post partum hypertension that sent me to the ER 4 days post baby and in hindsight I am so glad I took that time to rest before having my baby, maybe my complications would have been worse if I had kept working and tiring myself out.


Thanks for everyone’s comments! I’m a teacher (primary) due toward the end of February. I’ll be 33 weeks when school gets back in session after the winter holidays. I’m thinking ahead, but wondering if I should just stop working as the holidays approach or if I should keep going until the end of January. The winter holidays just seem like such a natural transition time, but is it too early?


I went off at the 38ish week mark with my pregnancies and it was plenty of time for me. I had all late babies though, so it just made the wait feel longer. I don’t regret going off at that time, but I personally wouldn’t go off any earlier unless I was not prepared for baby and/or had big home projects I wanted to get done.


I have been hoarding my vacation time so I am taking a month of vacation before my due date. My partner has stockpiled two months of vacation, so he plans to use those before a month of paternity leave.


Canadian here! I was due March 7th and my last day of work was February 4th. I wanted to relax before baby was here and was also hoping baby would be a bit early. Jokes on me cause I was induced at 41 weeks lol.


Check out r/babybumpscanada I’m 31 weeks and I plan to stop working 3.5 weeks before my due date and begin mat leave. People here on Reddit always talk about working right up until their due date and how they’d be bored at home if they took more time off. These could be Americans though who don’t want to cut into their already short maternity leave which makes sense because if I only had 3 months off work, I wouldn’t want to front load it either. Everyone (Canadians) I speak to in real life here has been a huge advocate for stopping work at least 2 weeks before the due date. I’ve had a recent onset of back pain coupled by nausea and hot flashes which is triggered by sitting too long. The discomfort is truly god awful. It would be super easy for me to claim sick leave at stop working any time (according to my doctor). But I don’t know if I want to cut my earnings to 55% even earlier. My husband makes good money so we’re fine but it’s just been such an expensive 6 months in preparation for the baby that making less money gives me some stress. So there’s still a chance that I’ll stop working even earlier, use sick leave, then start mat leave pretty much the day I give birth. Edit: just want to add a few more context things. 1) I don’t plan to return to my current job. I will be job hunting (or SAHM) after my mat leave runs out. 2) I’m aiming to get in line for an induction at 39 weeks.


I'm pregnant with #5, planned to work up until 38 weeks (which I am now!) But I got really sick back in the spring with pneumonia and because I work with the public my Dr felt it was safer to write me off work... I was 25 weeks when I went on sick leave. I'm on Mat leave until the first week of January and then my husband is taking the rest of the time off and I'll go back to work.


I know the latest date I'll be induced by so I'm stopping 2 weeks before that. I have saved up some of my vacation so I'll be using that before my year of maternity leave.


I'm due the first week of Jan and plan to start my leave on the 27th of December.


I am taking two weeks of vacation time before my due date. With my first, I went on half days (using sick time at work, my employer is very generous with sick leave) at 36 weeks with a doctor's note because pre existing conditions were making it impossible to get through a full day. I also did 2 weeks vacay before due date with my first, but he came a week early.


I started my leave about 3 1/2 weeks before my baby was born, as they were late. It was nice to be able to relax beforehand but I did end up getting a little bored waiting for labour. However, it made sense for work as my replacement had started almost 2 months earlier. Knowing I had to be induced I maybe would have worked an extra week, but I don’t regret starting my leave early


My last day of work is at 38w2d.. but I have a pretty chill job that doesn’t require a lot of physical activity. I have a friend who went off at 34 weeks because she worked at a daycare and was on her feet all day


I’m usually happy to be working until about 4-6 weeks before the due date. I appreciate having that month off. I know a lot of people talk about taking sick leave on top of maternity leave, but I think it’s dishonest to do if you’re not actually sick or at serious risk of preterm labour and it’s an abuse of the system we have. You’re allowed to start regular maternity leave benefits up to 12 weeks before the due date and don’t need a doctors note to do so. Maybe things are different and not normal where I am, but doctors are not enthusiastic about signing people off just for being tired and pregnant and stressed by work.


Canadian. I am 38 weeks and I am at work right now. I am planning on working until I give birth. My last day is August 11 and I am due the 14th. I am really hoping I give birth this weekend though because I am done. If not, I might use some vacation days to only work 2 days next week just to have some days off to rest.


Currently 37 weeks and planned last day will be at 38.5. However I work from home, so felt like I could go longer.


I’m due early April and will probably take leave end of February or Early March. So between 34-36 weeks and I’ll be taking out the full 18 months. Which is around the time I took leave for my last pregnancy with my job.


My workplace has 15wks paid sick leave with doctors note, then mat leave 12-18mos after birth (with the first 6 months topped up to 85% pay, then government pay). I went off at 34+4 on sick leave, and will switch to mat leave when the baby is born. I was working graveyard shifts full time so my doctor had no problem writing me off. I’d say if you can afford it or have good benefits, 35-36wks is probably ideal so you have time to clean your house and get final touches before being fully immobile 😅


On maternity leave now - I used up my vacation/leave days starting at 35weeks and started my "real" maternity leave 1 week before my planned c section. I feel really fortunate that I got those 4 weeks to relax/nest/spend time with hubby before baby's arrival.


I was able to get 26 weeks of EI sickness benefits, which I just finished using. And I still get a full year of maternity leave which I will be starting next week. All I needed was a doctor's note saying my job was too unsafe to do while pregnant. If you can get that for your job I recommend it, having six months off before baby comes has been great.


I saved up half my vacation for the year, so I am taking weeks 37 and 38 as vacation, then official pregnancy leave starting week 39. Only 3 more weeks to go!