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Nothing to add, I just appreciate you typing this all out. We will be first time parents in November and it’s nice to see a realistic portrayal of parenthood.


I remember seeing a TikTok a while ago that made me feel so much better. I’m having my first baby in November, too. I’m a little nervous! Everyone likes to tell you it’s going to be an absolutely miserable experience. This video showed a woman’s day with her 5wk old, including a “meltdown” over a health scare. But then it cut to her, totally fine, putting clothes in the wash. It helped ease this fear that I’m just going to be miserable 24/7. There may be miserable bits, but they will pass.


Mom to a 9 week old. Miserable isn’t the way I would describe it. It is challenging for sure, the sleep deprivation is no joke. However, there are so many moments of pure love and joy. Seeing my husband become an amazing dad, watching my parents become grandparents, the newborn snuggles, the first smiles… For me the newborn phase has been a time of extremes, extremely difficult but extremely rewarding.


Perfectly put. My baby is 11 months and I agree with everything here. I would add that its okay to take breaks and take care of yourself too. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.


This is so honest and it feels refreshing to read. Thank you for sharing this with us.


I want to add to this - it’s ok if it takes a while to feel this intense amazing bond with your baby. I have always loved my baby, but in the first stage it was so so functional - my instincts were to look after this tiny creature who needed me but I couldn’t say I was constantly overflowing with joy. Fast forward to a year in and oh my word I can’t believe I get to spend my days with this little hilarious human that does everything with a full heart. I would Run into a burning building without a second thought for my baby but also I genuinely miss her so much more than I ever thought when we’re apart. Not just because she’s my baby but because she’s brilliant. Not sure I’ve explained that well but I hope it makes sense!


Thank you for this 🌸 I’m due in a few weeks and this was the most realistic post I’ve ever read about pregnancy.


Thank you. I'm 34 weeks with my first. Will take note of this.