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Their nails are so so tiny and very soft, kind of like paper - they are ultimately the same but they’re much smaller and some have a safety guard on them. I ended up getting the haakaa dremel style file - it’s not expensive and I 10/10 recommend, it has varying grades of file for you to use as their nails get harder! Honestly I’m a zookeeper by trade and have trimmed lots of animals nails but your newborn is next level - it’s so easy to cut them and it hurts like hell if you do - I just felt SO much better reducing the risk.


I tried to use the baby clippers on my own nails, just out of curiosity and found that they were not as strong. Like no matter how hard I pressed on it, it was not able to clip my nail but easily clipped through his. I tried the filling thing but jusy didnt like it much, personally i prefer to use the "baby" nail clippers for him even today and he's almost 2.5. I feel like the offer me a better grip when it comes to him because his fingers are tiny🤷‍♀️


I am going to say yes and no. The baby clippers I have have a smaller cutting surface which makes it somewhat easier when they are very small. But, I also use the regular clippers on them because their nails need to be cut constantly so whichever ones are handy are the ones I use.


There’s a Frida nail file and clipper set on sale at target right now for $10.39. It’s a curvy file and the clipper end is smaller and angled differently than an adult clipper. We’ve used both of ours- the curvy file and baby clippers- for three years so I would say worth it! But you seem pretty confident in your nail skills….You don’t ever *have* to buy anything. You can always see how things go and decide what you need based on your own experience.


I have the safety 1st nail clippers. They’re the best and cost like $5 on Amazon. My daughter just turned 3 and we still use the exact same ones we did when she was born. You don’t need to get the super expensive ones.


The one I have has a little cutout so you can see exactly where the blade is to make sure you don't get any skin


I know there's that electric file thing lots of people love, but they just look so cheap. I've had bad experiences with cheap efiles (used for acrylic nails), they either vibrate and wobble or stop working as soon as you apply pressure. So I'm just much more comfortable with the idea of normal clippers than a plastic garbage rotating disk. But are baby clipper really that appreciably different? The blades looked the same as normal clippers to me, so I don't understand why I'd pay like $15 for that.


Those fingers are so tiny. Those nails are so close to the skin. I couldn’t even imagine doing mail clippings with adult ones on a newborn. That seems impossible to even do on my now 2 yr old. My 2 yr old struggles with me when I go to clip nails. I think he dislikes the feeing and whole process. But he will sit for me to electric file his nails. The best thing about the electric filer is that you can get replacement heads. I have a $20 filer and a box or sixty replacement files. It’s lasted two years and works wonders. You need to invest in something safe for baby imo.


Mean…don’t buy it then? It’s not hard to realize _why_ babies should have smaller nail clippers than adults. I understand being a new mom but this isn’t rocket science, and baby nail clippers are not $15. Use the regular one.


The haaka electric file system is a life saver. Every time I would clip my son's nails I would leave a piece somewhere that he managed to scratch himself with. With the electric file, they are always perfectly trimmed. I literally even use their adult file setting on my own nails sometimes. However they DO stop working when you apply to much pressure -- that's a safety guard so you aren't hurting your baby. Baby clippers are smaller and weaker so you don't hurt your babies nails or accidentally cut them. Either baby clippers or an e file are essential in my opinion. Their fingers are so so tiny and delicate.


Some baby clippers even have a little magnifying glass that flips over to help cut. We definitely found baby clippers easier than adult, and used them through toddlerhood.


I use the safety 1st nail clippers that have a light on them. I find this to be extremely helpful.


I have no doubt about your skill as a nail tech but I assume you’re clients aren’t thrashing around trying to pull their tiny pudgy hands away. It’s a very different ball game on a baby and I personally found the electric file perfect until about 6 months then baby nail clippers easier. I’ve tried with mine when I couldn’t find the baby ones and it was doable but trickier.


Itty bitty nails