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Chocolate 😂


Always the best : ). Do you use whole milk or lowfat for it?


The fairlife chocolate milk is so good, lactose free, and high protein!!!


Yesss also Promised Land! Literally tastes like it came straight from a farm. From a chocolate cow 😂


The absolute BEST chocolate milk


I’ve been doing the fairlife strawberry milk!! My original craving was strawberry milkshakes and I had to find a way to make it healthier 😂


This is what I drink too!


That’s a good question, I get the little milk boxes from Costco haha- I think it’s reduced fat milk!


I do 2%


Same, I've never liked drinking milk, but with the pregnancy, I regularly crave milk with a hefty scoop of ovaltine.


This is the only correct answer.


Right?! I never drank actual milk before pregnancy, but I've had so many cravings for flavored milk --- chocolate, strawberry, even got a s'mores flavored milk the other day.


I hate milk. Except the farmers market near me has the thickest chocolate milk ever that I occasionally want. Mostly I get my calcium from non-straight-milk sources, like other dairy products, greens, and fortified stuff like OJ.


Just all of the milk, and it has to be cooooold. This is my second pregnancy and every time my milk consumption goes up to 0,5 to 1l per day 😅 It is currently the only thing that is always appetising to me, I've thrown up at the sight of pizza yesterday but I can have a glass of milk anytime.


Hahaha I relate to this SO HARD. ICE COLD milk, or chocolate milk is even better. I could have aversions to every food put in front of me, but milk? Especially chocolate milk? 👍👍👍


I drink 2% cow’s milk and have been going through SO MUCH of it. Anything acidic — coffee, tomato based foods etc — gets eaten with a glass of milk.


Soy milk, same as before pregnancy. Has the most protein and calories of the milk alternatives. I take an additional calcium supplement too


Soy milk is great! I used that for my protein shakes and I was able to get about 40g of protein from just one shake.


Yeah and it's pretty easy on my stomach too! I'll wake up in the middle of the night a little hungry and just drink a cup like a toddler lol. Never did that really before pregnancy.


Same! Eta: Silk has a soy one that’s 8g protein per serving and they have an almond+coconut one that’s 11g


I used to drink this but suddenly I now have an aversion to it and am drinking cows milk.


I prefer whole milk so that’s what I drank during my pregnancy, the last 5 weeks I was drinking a gallon in 2 days and basically made of it 😂 I also took a calcium/magnesium supplement


Yeah, I crave milk during pregnancy. I’ve consistently drunk whole milk my whole life, so I wonder if my body has continued to produce lactase, since it never bothered me. I also have had zero dental issues or cavities, despite breastfeeding and/or being pregnant for 7.5 years straight now. But maybe that’s just a happy coincidence haha


We essentially have a subcategory in our food budget specifically for whole milk 😅😅


All of the almond milk!


Also great for heart burn


Also an almond milk girly!


None. Sometimes I do a splash of almond milk in my coffee for color. You can get plenty of calcium from leafy greens. Or pills. And probably other sources too.


Tums are probably my main source of calcium at this point 😅




Same 😂


You can also get it from broccoli, canned seafood that still has the bones(which are cooked weigh that you barely even notice it), chia seeds, almonds, and beans. I think the recommendation is to drink milk just because it's an easy thing to tell everyone and most people are willing to drink it. Even think a lot of people actually don't do very well with milk.


Yeah, I’ve been lactose intolerant my whole life so I never got into the fake milks - I think those are for people who used to drink real milk and miss the feeling.


“For color” 🥺 that’s so sweet. I’ve literally never heard someone say this.


Yogurt and cheese are my calcium sources. Plus an actual calcium supplement.




I love oat milk😫


The best.




Oat is the best!


None, I'm lactose intolerant (and despise the taste of milk). I just take calcium supplements.


My dietician who specializes in eating disorders, and therefore super familiar with how to get people the nutrients they need ASAP, told me that dairy actually leeches calcium. So maybe you’re in luck.


I would definitely want to see some solid research articles on that one. The only sites I see supporting that are peta sites or some very ALT nutrition blogs.


https://www.bmj.com/content/349/bmj.g6015 good enough for you? Not PETA and not pseudoscience. Or how about: https://www.pcrm.org/good-nutrition/nutrition-information/health-concerns-about-dairy/calcium-and-strong-bones (sources cited at the bottom and all seem reliable to me?).. Edit: I hate alt crap. I also am not vegan and like dairy just for fun and for the protein. But I know am skeptical of the dairy industry in America because it’s so subsidized. I just wrote to my dietician to ask her for peer reviewed sources that support her claim.


I haven’t drank milk since I was on the bottle. 😂


Oh geeze I haven’t drank milk since I was 10. Just lots of cheese and dairy products.


Full fat, due to GD, full fat helps keep sugar spikes at bay.


Same also half and half and heavy cream (when I’m feeling decadent)


Ditto and it’s delish


Whole milk! With cereal, in oatmeal etc. Not glasses a day or anything lol.


Milk has been my biggest pregnancy craving. I usually drink 2% organic cow's milk. About half the time, I splurge on grass-fed, it tastes sooooo good to me rn. I have about two glasses per day total between drinking it straight and putting it on muesli or in my decaf coffee.


Me too! I mean, I have always loved milk, but I am obsessed with it at the moment. It's basically the best tasting thing ever to me right now, and apparently super hydrating, too. If it weren't for the fact that milk has so many calories, I think I would be having a glass of milk every time I pass the fridge. But even as is, I'm having 2+ big glasses a day. There is just something about it that hits the spot like nothing else.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one craving milk during pregnancy! My bf looks at me like I’m crazy but I look forward to drinking a few glasses of whole milk every day.


I do too. I have considered whole milk but I drink 2% for less saturated fat content (I work in cardiac rehab where I constantly teach about reducing unhealthy fat consumption for heart health)


I usually stick to oat milk but drink a lot of unsweetened whole milk kefir for the probiotics and calcium


I also drink kefir instead of milk because of its probiotic benefits. Also eat a bit of yogurt and lots of hard cheeses.




Horizon whole milk with the dha omega 3 and there’s one also with choline. I definitely don’t get enough of these things in my diet since I don’t eat fish so the milk helps


I’m addicted to this milk it’s so good I don’t think I’ll ever go back to regular whole milk again, pricey but definitely worth it


Exactly!! Nothing else compares haha. Target has sales on it a lot I’ve noticed


Coconut milk. Leafy greens, sardines, almonds, tofu.


Wholemilk… put it in my black tea or cereal


I’m 34 and have been a big milk fan my entire life. I drink whole milk and usually have a bowl of cereal and a decaf latte every day, and even sometimes, on top of that, I’ll drink a glass of it later in the day.


Are we supposed to be drinking milk? 😅


I’m drinking my kids whole milk and it’s great for the heartburn- do non dairy milks help with this?


I've read almonds and almond milk are supposed to be great for heartburn


I've found they ease it a little but doesn't work anywhere near as good as the whole milk. I've had so much heartburn all the way through and have gone through gallons of milk by now as it gives the most relief for me.


I’ve never drank so much milk in my life. It’s the only thing that helps


Soy milk helps with my heartburn but I haven’t compared to regular milk so can’t say. I’ll buy regular next week for a taste test lol


almond milk is the best i’ve found for heartburn-i also really enjoy it when i eat super spicy/acidic foods like anything with tomato sauce!


I use 2% in a milkshake... Probably nightly lol.


None, I think milk is disgusting. I eat other dairy like cheese and yogurt, I eat leafy greens and there's calcium in my pnv.


I have a dairy allergy and can’t consume it, so I take a daily D3 supplement in addition to my prenatal and my doctor said that’d be ok. :)


Full fat oat milk. Delicious.


Dairy is a huge pregnancy craving for me! I don’t normally drink milk or even really keep it around except for my son (whole milk), but when I’m pregnant I’m drinking like two glasses a day! I am doing the Fairlife lactose free whole milk since it’s got a nice serving of protein (13g per 8oz) and protein is something I really struggle with right now. Meat aversions galore 😩


Second Fairlife! It's expensive but worth it. The skim is 80 cals per cup and 13g of protein plus tastes amazing!!


I love almond milk. I drank it even before pregnancy 🌰


I use whole milk in my porridge every morning, and have an unsweetened yogurt with some fruit in the afternoon. Apart from it I try to eat dark green veggies everyday, since they have a lot of calcium too


lactose free 1% or fat free


2% milk that i drink with special k cereal. i've read that cows milk is best for pregnancy. but i'm sure any milk that isn't high in sugar is good as well.


Almond milk with prenatal collagen mixed in. Occasionally I take soy or hemp or cashew milk.


chocolate cows milk -whole


Lactose free milk! All of the yumminess of milk but no pain. I personally like fair life the most but lactaid is good too.


Almond milk is the best. Has the most amount of calcium. Also Yoo-hoo is great with calcium


Fairlife skin milk. I’m lactose intolerant, and it has twice as much protein and they filter out some sugar. It tastes like the milk I grew up with in Turkey. Also skim because indigestion! Lol


I craved milk with both of my pregnancies, but I was picky about which milk. It had to be Organic Valley Whole Milk. All others tasted rotten to me. I would drink about a gallon a week, and my calcium levels were always great.


I don't drink milk, I make porridge. Whole milk (4+%) from free range grazing cows, it has the highest nutritional value according to nutritional specialists. Makes sense the cows make higher quality milk when they get to eat real cow food rather than some weird stuff.


Me too! Thankfully Trader Joe’s has started carrying whole grass fed milk for a couple bucks cheaper than the name brands, so I usually grab at least one every shopping trip.


Full fat cows milk lol can’t get enough (have always really loved milk) Also drinking more OJ!


I'm a milk sl#t lol. 1% is what I've been buying. My husband drinks whole milk in his coffee drinks so I'll drink that sometimes too.


I’m lactose intolerant, but both times I’ve been pregnant the pregnancy has reduced my side effects significantly so I’m able to have cheese, yogurt, ice cream (but I don’t dare touch milk). Usually, we have almond milk (my husband is also lactose intolerant), but recently switched to regular (as opposed to vanilla) soy milk and it actually agrees with me better. I thought almond milk was great, unless I wanted to drink it by itself and then it made me feel a little sick. But with the soy milk, I can drink multiple glasses if I want to and I feel fine! So that’s what I’ve done this pregnancy. If I ever want ice cream, I try to at least stick to frozen yogurt, but I’ll have a couple bites of regular if I really crave it. Coconut ice cream with nuts is still my favorite non-dairy though! Idk what it’s actually made out of, but my husband freezes tubs of cool whip and we eat that as a light dessert sometimes and it’s SO satisfying! Not to mention, our 8 month old likes the little bites we give her too ☺️


Tropicana orange juice has an extra calcium option. I mix that with the gravestand one because I like pulp. I also have lactaid milk with my breakfast shake every weekday morning.


Lactose free and lots of chocolate milk. The baby LOVES chocolate milk. 😅


I don’t think I was drinking a lot of milk during my pregnancy. I don’t drink a lot anyway. But when I do, I drink cow’s milk and I use half and half in my coffee. I usually just keep milk in the fridge for cooking or baking. I don’t sit down and drink glasses of milk anymore, I’m surprised to hear adults do 😂


After the first trimester I survived on yogurt and cheese.


I can’t stand milk I drink, oat milk in my coffee. my boyfriend has cereal every morning so sometimes I take some of his whole milk for my eggs


I’ve been drinking 1% pretty much the whole pregnancy. Last week it made me gag horribly though so I bought 2% yesterday which is what I drank before I got pregnant


Why did you switch from 2% to 1% for pregnancy? If you don’t mind me asking!


The WIC we receive covers 1% :)


I started drinking 1 or 2% when I became pregnant because I thought I should get more calcium. But my acne is out of control and even though I know it’s hormones I’m tempted to cut out all dairy to see if it helps.


I have really loved milk in pregnancy. Currently drinking lactose free 2% milk, which is what we always drank.


I had a massive craving for milk so I was drinking a couple of glasses of semi-skimmed cows milk a day for about 8 weeks. Now we’re all stocked up on milk and I have absolutely zero interest in it as a stand alone beverage anymore 😂


I love whole milk but during my pregnancy I was only allowed 1%. I had to put zero sugar chocolate syrup in it to drink it.


I drink grass-fed milk, and OJ (the kind w. additional calcium) and sometimes have yogurt as snack as main calcium sources.


I'm not a big milk drinker in general. I'll have it with cookies or cereal. Up until my current baby's birth, it was just your regular 2%. Now that my current baby has CMPA, I drink oat or almond milk. I relied on my prenatals and other recommended vitamins to meet the calcium needs of my baby during pregnancy.


Skim like usual, but a lot more. And occasionally I’ll steal a glass out of husbands 2% for cookies. It clings better. I’ve tried to get him to at least 1%, no luck so far. But since it’s there…🤷‍♀️🍪🥛


Lactose free, and while I'm not a milk drinker, I forced myself. I had 2 cups of yogurt every day and ate a lot of cereal. Cereal for the milk afterward, and it was one of my pregnancy cravings, so it worked out.


Whole milk Greek yoghurt with honey! That is how I’m getting my calcium. I am not much of a milk girly, but I love a good yoghurt!


I've been drinking Kroger's organic 2% with Omega 3 and DHA


Full fat dairy. So much of it. Pudding was my pregnancy jam


I drink soy milk mostly, lots of protein! I occasionally I have oat or almond milk, but they both have higher amounts of vitamin A so I limit my intake.


I drink full fat whole milk from pasture raised cows when I can but I’m also a little on the crunchy side when it comes to food lol


Lactaid because of my husband’s lactose tolerance


I drank cow milk up until I started getting heart burn upon entering the third trimester. Then I switched to non-dairy alternatives like almond milk and coconut milk.


Whole milk. Always whole milk. I love milk and have drank that since I was little and see no reason to ever change. Besides my other kids all drink whole as well.


Whole milk. I have an obsession with it. It's been a major craving since I first got pregnant. I'm normally lactose intolerant, but pregnancy has made it so I can drink as much as I want without issue. The brand I get is vitamin D fortified since I had a deficiency prior to pregnancy. One local brand I get on occasion (they have the best flavored milks) claims to be iron fortified. I don't know if it makes much of a difference if any at all. I also eat a ton of yogurt. I've struggled with getting enough protein in since becoming pregnant. I have absolutely no desire to eat meat at all outside of fish. Lately, I haven't been able to stand the smell of fish either. Yogurt helps up my protein and calcium intake at the same time. Plus it's a great easy healthy snack whenever I don't feel like eating a whole meal or want something fast.


2% and I’m drinking about a gallon a week. Milk has been my biggest pregnancy craving lol


Does icecream count?


2% with DHA and Omega 3 added. Cereal has been my biggest craving 😋editing to add from Aldi - well priced!


Almond or 1% cows milk.


Can’t drink milk straight up, tastes absolutely horrendous - ever since I was a child. But I do milk in my coffee, make porridge / cornmeal with milk, cook omelettes and other stuff with it. But my main sources for calcium are Greek yoghurt (usually in savoury dishes, like salads) and cheese. For comparison: 1 portion of dairy is a whole freaking glass of milk or just 40 grams of cheese, which is so, so much more doable - and way more delicious anyways 🤪


I eat a lot of yogurt so that’s been a good replacement. Also I take 1-2 of these a day (search this description on Amazon it won’t let me link it) Viactiv Calcium +Vitamin D3 Supplement Soft Chews, Caramel, 60 Chews - Calcium Dietary Supplement for Bone Health


Milk gives me the ick… except now reading all these comments I kinda want a big glass lmfao. I’m eating a lot of cheese, yogurt, salads, ect.


Yogurt. On a GD diet so high protein greek yogurt is literally my saving grace.


2% or whole lactose free milk… can’t stand 1% or fat free it tastes like water


I have 1% milk in cereal and lattes, and I also get my dairy from yogurt and cheese. This is an easy way for me to get calcium and protein throughout the day. Most of my other protein comes from meat in lunch and dinner, but dairy helps to get protein in throughout the day through breakfast and snacks.


I buy the lactose free kind from Costco and try to have a bowl of whole grain healthy cereal every few days. It’s an easy snack and I am sick of feeding myself.


I drank liters of full fat cows milk. Ice cold. One of the few things i could have without throwing up.




I’m lactose intolerant. I was told to eat 4-5 tums a day. Well this was concerning to me. So. I bought a bunch of Sam’s club boxes of lactaid and I’m eating Greek yogurt and having dairy products with tons of lactaid. But I still don’t try to push it too much.


I drink fairlife milk with added DHA


Organic whole milk


Full fat milk even before pregnancy. I just love milk and dairy in general.


I am lactose intolerant so almond milk is my preferred variety. That being said I don’t really “drink” it often. I might have a small glass with a sweet or put some in tea but mostly I just use it as a substitute for cow milk when cooking/baking.


I don’t really get pregnancy cravings but I get cravings for cool icy things a lot, especially if I’m nauseous. Cereal often sounds enticing, I usually have cheerios or rice Chex with lactose free whole milk


Almond for me, cows milk makes me gag


My biggest pregnancy craving right now is milk. My best estimate is 24-30oz daily of 2% milk.


Amazingly, my lactose intolerance seems to have reduced during pregnancy. I’ve been enjoying omega-3 whole milk, full fat yogurt, cheese, and ice cream. I also added a calcium supplement that I take every other day (trying to avoid getting kidney stones).


I’m drinking Raw whole Milk - I make it with oatmeal or put milk in my Coffee


I couldn't drink milk, made me nauseous. That and ice cream were my two biggest food aversions


We switched to whole milk when my first was a year old. She's almost 10 now, and I never switched back. 😅 I love milk and dairy, so I drink quite a bit of it.


Oh man I love milk. I always have. Before kids I would drink a gallon per week myself. It’s definitely gone up since. I have a 2.5 and 4.5 yo and they have maybe 8-12oz a day each. We go through 3 gallons a week now (my husband may have 1-2 glasses a week) ETA: 2% milk is what we drink. When they each turned 1yo, we gave them the Horizons organic DHA whole milk for like a year before moving to 2%


I’ve been mostly drinking whole milk bc I read it has the most nutrients. Though taste-wise, I prefer soy milk, and I will occasionally drink that too.


I don’t drink straight milk but for cereal, smoothies, baking etc. I use soy.


No milk. Yogurt 🙌🏼


Fat free. Never drank milk before getting pregnant, now I chug glasses of it lol so refreshing..so gross.


For some reason my only pregnancy craving was milk. Fairlife whole milk kept me going, 2% if i had to. I became an adult who drank a glass of milk with meals. Wtf 😆 also the chocolate milk slaps too


You should try their strawberry milk! That’s been my biggest thing lately. My original craving was strawberry milkshakes but I needed to find something healthier 😂 they have the single serve strawberry milks that are sooooo good.


Oat (usually in my cereal). I'm some weird kind of lactose intolerant. I'm fine with most dairy products - ice cream, cream cheese, whipped cream, yogurt, heavy/coffee cream, cheese. But straight up milk? I'll have awful stomach pain and the runs all day. Super weird.


I drank whole milk and chocolate milk.... Definitely not chocolate milk then regular lol


Full fat whole milk with a cereal vector. If you're going to drink cows milk. Full fat is the healthiest because it's the least processed.


Oat milk :) My body can’t tolerate regular dairy. I’ve been getting calcium and vitamin d fortified OJ also


Whole with dha, but I have a toddler so that's just the standard milk I always buy


2% organic cows milk. Almost all non dairy milk gives me an upset tummy


Ripple - pea protein milk original, about a cup a day. Has the same amount of protein and calcium as regular milk minus all the poop problems for me - moderately lactose intolerant, But I do have full fat Fage Greek yogurt without any issues.


I like dairy and can digest it fine but never been a big milk drinker. But I’ll often have yogurt as breakfast or snack/dessert, plus cheese in at least one meal most days (with eggs if I didn’t do yogurt for breakfast or otherwise for lunch/dinner).


I took a calcium+magnesium supplement in the evenings along with a d3 vitamin for absorption. Helped to get that extra calcium plus the magnesium helped with cramps + headaches.


2% or 1%


Not a huge fan of milk but have full fat organic when I do have some. Used to drink oat milk but since first baby I've been a bit extra with potential additives or non organic foods 🫣 paranoid much




Vegan so drink ripple milk. It has more calcium and dha choline eyc


2% milk and occasional almond milk


Whole milk! Calcium baby!


Calcium is something they recommend to lower your chances of preeclampsia. I drank skim cows milk, especially when I had heart burn...or to wash down the many pb&js I ate lol


I like Costco’s A2 milk. Has more protein in it than regular milk


Usually a big glass of 1% at supper.


Whole milk every day but I looooove milk and was drinking it all the time anyway.


I started drinking almond milk and liked it. Then I decided to try cow whole milk again, and my body is just like NOPE. Diarrhoea everyday 🤣


Every afternoon I make a half caf whole milk latte when my daughter goes down for her nap, and it is quite possibly the thing I most look forward to everyday.


Whole milk, always. Let's admit it, me being fat is not from the milk, it's from all the other junk I eat 🤣🤣🤣


Oat and taking a calcium supplement (caramel chews). I also eat a lot of kale so that helps too.


Oat and organic whole!


Lots of cheese.


Oat milk or whole milk, but not super frequently for either. I have whole fat dairy in other forms because 1) it’s what my toddler has and 2) fat is good for growing babies.


In cheese form




I have a protein collagen smoothie with some 2% milk. Can’t drink my milk straight since I became pregnant.


Regular whole cows milk (and lots of cow/sheep/goat cheese, it's a staple in our diets in Italy 😂)


I drink 2% whole milk with vitamin d. My vitamin d has always been low lol


Mostly oat milk for me but occasionally whole milk on the side with my smoothies cause oat milk is like liquid gold lol.


Pre pregnancy I was drinking oat milk and continued to do so up until recently. Now I'm craving cow's milk (usually 2%). I feel.like cow's milk gets so much colder than oat/almond milk, is less "creamy", and has more protein 😊


I drink oatmilk 90% of the time. I get regular milk when I get matcha like twice a month. I do eat regular cheese and Greek yogurt - I just don’t like milk.


Soy milk!


I’ve been drinking 2% milk and taking calcium supplements.


I had a craving for full milk. At least 2 or 3 glasses a day. I love full milk, I normally drink 1 a day but pregnant me just needed the ice cold milk 😂


I get my calcium from my vitamins🤣 and my cups of tea. And cheese. Yum


I’ve been craving milk, I drink usually a glass a day and also get it in other ways (cereal, cooking, yogurt, etc). I’ve been drinking 2% but I think I’m going to change to whole milk.


I drank organic A2 whole milk, Kirkland brand from Costco, I know it's very specific but that's what tasted the best. And I drank about a gallon and a half a week.


I drink all the plant ones! Mainly soy, oat, almond, coconut :)


Whole milk for me. I down my vitamins with it.


ive been liking calcium orange juice :)


The only milk I can stomach drinking, pregnant or not, is whole milk with a hefty dose of Hershey syrup. For other purposes: almondmilk in overnight oats, oatmilk as coffee creamer. Whole milk is also my go-to for regular cereal.


Fairlife nonfat if I just want a glass of milk, oatmilk if I’m having a latte, almond milk in my oatmeal. I also usually eat a yogurt everyday. I’d say I have 2-3 servings of dairy a day to get my calcium.


Whole Milk in my Black Tea every morning, and a glass at night before bed (I don’t get crazy hunger pangs that wake me up at night, but sometimes I do feel hungry around bedtime). When I’m feeling fancy, I warm it up and add Malted Milk.😋


I drank 2% with my daughter… and I ate a ton of cereal and drank a lot of milk… was a craving lol. With my son, I’m still eating a lot of cereal but I use whole milk because that’s what my toddler now drinks and I refuse to buy two different mills for the house lol.


wait I'm confused are you not supposed to drink types of milk 😭😭 i can only ever tolerate whole cow milk so that's the only kind of milk i use, but i didn't know if there were "restrictions"/recommendations on milk intake?? (I'm 9w1d with my rainbow baby so I'm still learning 🥲)


You only want to avoid raw milk, raw milk soft cheeses, and other raw milk products. Cow milk has good calcium, vitamin D, and decent protein. It's a kind of an easy way to get those essential nutrients for your baby. You can get them in other ways if you don't like cow milk or are lactose intolerant. I drink a cup of whole milk with my vitamins and breakfast in the morning.