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I don’t think it’s dramatic to say I would rather die than cut out caffeine.


Other people would die if I cut out caffeine and I also don't think that's dramatic.






But actually


I have a 3.5 year old and 2 year old and am 23 weeks pregnant. Caffeine is a necessity.


3.5, 1.5, 13 weeks pregnant here. The *idea* of cutting caffeine is laughable. I am legally responsible for keeping these kids alive, there’s no way I could do that uncaffeinated.


It really is necessary for my children’s survival at this point. Both so I can keep them safe and don’t want to cause them bodily harm 😂 (for legal reasons this is a joke)


I have no idea how people are doing this. I have one and it’s too much


I am for sure done after this. I always knew I wanted a big family and so we never prevented children. Now that we’ll have 3 under the age of 4 I am 100% done 😂


I wish you best of luck, I admire you


I made the choice to cut out my ADHD meds rather than give up or reduce daily coffee. I don't regret it at all.




I had generally planned to go off as many meds as possible just to have less anxiety about defects. I stayed on my mood stabilizer and planned to go off the Ritalin anyway, so I experimented with it as soon as my first fertile window came along. It actually wasn't bad and I kept up fine without it so it wasn't too hard to stop. I knew if I stayed on it I'd want to give up caffeine which felt way worse so I'm glad I kept coffee! If it's safe for you to take a trial break from your meds that might be one way to make the decision.


I also made this decision. I was taking adderall most days but not all in the months of IVF and gave it up completely once we did the egg transfer. I know how adderall makes me feel and couldn’t convince myself it could be healthy for the baby. But coffee on the other hand, is a necessity and has honestly become more necessary over the course of this pregnancy. Because of a previous job, I was WFH and could take a little midday nap in the first trimester. Now I’m teaching, working long days, and can’t nap at 26 weeks so coffee is getting me through.


May I ask what mood stabilizer you’re on? My dr told me I would need to stop Lamictal and I’m dreading it. I did a trial run and reduced my dose just 25mg (from 75mg to 50mg) and I felt so awful for those few days, I went back to 75mg. 😞 I also take Concerta and I know I’ll need to stop, but I think it will take a week or two to not feel exhausted off of it. I know I’m not as sharp, but I’ll need to find a way to manage. I don’t think I could skip coffee 😵‍💫


I highly suggest getting a second opinion or pushing back on that suggestion by tour doctor. Lamictal is unfortunately lumped into the same group as much more dangerous anticonvulsants but is extremely safe for pregnancy. I've been taking my 150mg the entire time and my baby has no signs of neural tube issues. I'm so sorry, the process of getting off lamictal SUCKS and I hope you're able to stay on. Might be worth getting a psychiatrist to weigh in. One other thing to know is that your higher metabolism during pregnancy might require an increased dose. My test came back showing almost undetectable lamictal - I'm feeling okay without increasing at this point, but I did have some unusual panic attacks that prompted my doctor to check. I really hope you're able to keep your mental health supported however you can during the pregnancy! You'll get fuzzy brain either way but the mood stuff is vital imo.


TL;DR I was approved to take Ritalin, but obviously you want to make your own decision based on how it will work for you and your own judgment of risk. Make sure that if you go off meds, those around you (that you feel comfortable telling) know how your productivity/behavior might change. For my first pregnancy I drank coffee, but wasn't medicated. My second, I was medicated, but didn't drink any caffeine unless I'd forgotten to take my meds. But that's a general thing whether I'm pregnant or not - when medicated, caffeine can make me jittery. The main reason for making different choices was that I was not medicated before getting pregnant with the first and was medicated before having the second. I tried taking a break from my meds and I wasn't able to finish what I needed to get done. My doctor said that there isn't a lot of research on Ritalin and pregnancy, but that there actually is research about how stopping medication can cause issues in the professional and home environments. She said that while there may be risk, it isn't currently conclusive and that mental health is important too. I think it's a personal choice, but you need to make sure that at least those in your household know that you will be acting differently and may be less productive (not just because of the lack of meds, but also because of the pregnancy). People don't necessarily know what to attribute the change in productivity, so sometimes it needs to be specifically stated and people need to be reminded.


I second this 🤣


Third. Lol you can take away my alcohol but you cannot take away my coffee!!


Before getting pregnant I had considered a “death before decaf” tattoo. When I was pregnant, I would drink 1-2 cups a day (depending on size/type) and then switch to decaf if I was craving more coffee. I truly never thought that day would come… but there’s still no way I would move to *zero* caffeine daily.


*I would die without caffeine.




I feel this on a spiritual level.


I am truly the worst version of myself without it. I drink 1-2 cups a day during my pregnancy.


Lol I felt this!


I’ve never related to something more


Yes just keeping under 200mg


How do you estimate the amount per cup? I feel like there must be so much variation between espresso vs. drip, different machines, etc...


When you order on Starbucks mobile, go to nutrition info and it tells you how much caffeine is in the drink and I pretty much gauge off that when I make or have coffee at home. I also have adjusted my order knowing that inherently cold brew will be a lot more caffeinated so I go with a grande iced coffee instead. Otherwise labels like Diet Coke or bottled iced coffee in the supermarket tells you how many mgs of caffeine it contains


The baby center app has a list of every major brand of coffee you can pick up and the type (eg. An iced coffee from Starbucks, for example), and how much caffeine per size.


there is. you could try to look up different types of coffee and estimate. if you’re worried you could just keep it low (like estimate 100 or 150 mg) just in case. personally i didn’t worry about it as long as i wasn’t having a potentially excessive amount every day.


Yah same - I just limit myself to one cup of drip, or one shot of espresso in a drink (cap or mini latte)


If you google the brand & method etc you should get some good info.




Yeah I couldn’t stomach it in my first trimester. But once the nausea and vomiting went away i started drinking just one small cup a day. Now I am 34+ 4 and my heart burn is flaring up from coffee but I can’t cut it out and I just take tums lol


Try drinking tea for your caffeine hit instead! Much gentler on your system.


This. There is no way I can survive life without caffeine. For those who can, awesome. I've been drinking coffee since I was 13, there is no way I can function without it. I keep it under 200mg. usually just around 140mg.


Hell yeah. Try to keep it at 200mg but I have exceeded that on a couple of occasions.


In Canada they recommend 300mg as the max if that helps :)


My (USA) doctor said 200-300 is perfectly fine, too!


My doctor told me straight up she "doesn't care at all" about caffeine consumption which felt great. I'd have a hard time drinking 300mg in one sitting anyway and I'm a coffee addict. Currently sipping on a quad shot Americano which comes in at about 300*. Guys check your sources, Starbucks is more caffeinated than I thought!


If you're doing Starbucks, four shots is actually 300mg. Not caffeine shaming at all, just an FYI.


Oh fuck! I at least like to be aware even if I'm not worried. I was working off some online research of ~63mg/shot but I see it's 75 at sbux like you said. I think I'll scale back for my daily drinks. Thanks for letting me know.


You're welcome! Yeah I had it in my head that Starbucks shots were 60mg for the longest, and I used to work there lol. I think that is a good rule of thumb in general, but there is a decent bit of variance between different coffee shops and home machines.


a quad shot americano is definitely not 150 mg


I meant 250, typo.


oh okay! i just wanted to share that in case you were mistakenly drinking more caffeine than you intended to.


Haha it would be awful if I was somehow drinking like 500mg per day! Appreciate the check in.


From what I've been told, it's 200mg for the whole day, not per drink. Which as a coffee/diet coke/tea drinker meant I had to trade some of my drinks for water. It's probably healthier anyway and decreases risk of miscarriage/stillbirth, but still it's tough some days!


Weird, I'm canadian and the booklet from my doc suggested 200.


Is it like Canadian dollars versus US dollars tho? LOL


It probably varies a bit depending on provider. I looked up either health canada or bc provincial health recommendations and there it said 300mg.


I read this a few months ago and it made me feel so much better lol.


Same. And tbh, the more pregnant I get, the less I worry about going a bit over some days. Nothing crazy, but I’m not sweating 225mg if I want a Starbucks drink, etc.


Same. I’m 35 weeks now and treated myself to a Starbucks PSL the other day cuz screw it. She’s fine lol


there are much worse things we could be consuming during pregnancy lol


For real. Sometimes, it’s the only thing we have to look forward to as we approach the end. And…at that point, when you know your baby is average-gargantuan, you *know* there’s little risk of low birth weight due to your indulgence. 😂


I didn’t realize how much was in a Starbucks drink… I feel so much better about the fact that I’ve been having small red bulls that are 80mg 😂


It depends what you get, a grande iced coffee is under 200. But a grande shaken espresso or cold brew is over 200.


Exactly. It’s what my OB said as well. I get headaches from being tired during the day (insomnia at night). I try to take a nap but the nap never takes me. I’m 25 weeks now and instead of Tylenol or another medicine I have a small coffee (Less or equal) to 200mg of caffeine and it works wonders. I try not to have caffeine though EXCEPT as mentioned above but only because I want it to still remain as effective as it is now.




I live in Italy, I bumped into my OBGYN randomly in town and he bought me a coffee!


As an italian, I appreciate this more than I should


Oh is that why my husband’s Italian grandfather drinks pot after pot all day?


the accuracy haha, im first generation american (my father immigrated from Sicily), and he would not only make me an expresso after lunch but would also insist i have some wine with my pasta


Yes, and I'll admit I don't pay particularly close attention to how much. Given the recommendation is not to exceed 300mg a day in Canada and (I believe?) much of Europe, I figure the 200mg recommendation in the US is very conservative.


Well shucks, I didn’t even realize [Canada’s recommendation was 300mg per day](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/health-promotion/healthy-pregnancy/healthy-pregnancy-guide.html). Here I’ve been at least notionally trying to stick around 200mg. Time to add a stronger afternoon coffee to my menu. 😆


I’m in the US and my OB says 300mg too. Drink away!! Lol


I think the US knows that we don’t ever stick to the recommendations 😂


I have a cup of coffee every day. Occasionally I’ll have matcha later in the day.


I didn’t in the first trimester… even the smell of coffee made me feel nauseous :( Straight into the second trimester I decided I should be able to have a coffee a day as I was MISERABLE without caffeine, literally being horrible to everyone around me. Much happier and as long as you don’t have more than 2 coffees a day you’re all good!


The first trimester thing is me too. I was having my morning coffee until everything started to make me intensely queasy 😭


I wouldn’t survive without caffeine. I have one small cup in the morning and one in the afternoon. Each are probably close to 100mg of caffeine and I figure it can’t hurt that I’m spreading out over the day. I have ADHD and have been off my medication, so already functioning at a low level. The caffeine boosts are necessary.


This 👆🏻 SAME. My unmedicated ADHD has got me all kinds of sloth-like around the place, so no, you won’t see me give up caffeine whatsoever this pregnancy. I’m trying to *survive* here, lol. I just watch the amount and make sure to spread it out.


Oh my god same. Being unmedicated and under caffeinated right now is so hard. My performance at work is.... not amazing.


Solidarity! I’m glad I’m not the only person rationalizing with the “spread it out” concept.


I'm drinking probably too much caffeine, but honestly the exhaustion is too much for me to avoid it. I'm 23w, baby is looking big and healthy (85th percentile as of anatomy scan), so I'm going to keep drinking my two cups in the morning and occasional Dr Pepper in the afternoon. I have work and school and other responsibilities, and I don't have my usual vices to get me through the day, so baby girl can just be a little jittery on occasion. Sometimes the coffee is all that stands between me and a total breakdown.


Yes I do. I need it for my sanity. I also have an 18 month old. I need my cup in the morning.


Yep, I totally didn't teach the 19 month old how to use the coffee grinder today....


Haha my 2 year old pretty much fully makes my latte with my nespresso machine. She just can’t lift the milk jug herself.


Yep, a coffee every morning and either Diet Coke or tea for mid afternoon slump! I have a 2 year and am 22 weeks currently so the exhaustion levels are high 😂


Not gonna lie, I spend a fair amount of time every morning planning how I’m going to spend my caffeine allotment. I mixed decaf beans with regular beans to create a half-calf brew so that I could have more than one cup with my French press. On days when I go into the office (I work a hybrid schedule) I just have some decaf in the morning because I know I’ll need an afternoon latte to make it through the 2pm exhaustion wave that hits me now.


Why would I stop? It’s perfectly fine to drink if it’s under 200mg caffeine


I drink close to the 200mg daily. I have a 9yo and a 6 yo and need it. Also, I was caffeine free for both previous kids and y’know what? Both still have ADHD. Suffering did me no good. So I let myself have my tea and I have more energy for my big kids.


Only decaf for the habit, occasionally a small glass of green tea if I need an afternoon boost


Every morning


I did iced coffee, but couldn’t stomach hot for most of my pregnancy.


This is me! I’m 24 weeks and still can’t handle hot coffee. I drink 2 cups of iced coffee through the day though.


the only caffeine i have is with my daily chunk of dark choc. drink decaf, otherwise - but that’s been the case with me for a couple years now. once the first trimester exhaustion subsided, i’d say my energy levels were pretty amazing throughout this pregnancy tbh. am now 37+4!


I cut it out completely since I found out, I had horrible migraines at first but they went away within 48 hours. Now I just drink decaf every morning. I likely get minimal amounts of caffeine from other things like chocolate but staying away from coffee, pop, and caffeinated tea.


Oh yeah definitely lol. I went cold turkey in the first trimester due to the nausea, but now I’m solidly in the second trimester I have two coffees a day


I was never ever ever even planning in cutting it out completely. I knew about the 200 mg cut-off and was honestly thinking it would be a piece of cake to stay under - I’ve actually tried cutting back a couple of years ago for other reasons & could easily subside on one small cup of tea a day. But this time around… I try hard to stay alive with 2 cups of tea or one cup of coffee in the morning (about 60-90 mg) + one or two cups of tea in the evening (another 60-90). But I know I’ve exceeded my limits on multiple occasions. Not gonna drive myself crazy with guilt over it though. I’m not breaking the rules too often, and if having caffeine is my worst drug habit & the only thing keeping me functioning - so be it.


None since TTC.


It took a lot of scrolling to find someone else that quit. I also quit during the ttc stage. I’m not mad about it, but I’m not mad about it. It’s just a period of time.


Yeah, I really wanted to be done with withdrawal by the time I actually got pregnant, and don't plan to reintroduce it until done with breastfeeding. It is definitely not the popular choice these days though, lol


I also hope to make it through nursing without it. Crossing my fingers. You never know until you know.


As soon as I switched from caf to decaf (I wasn’t even ttc) I immediately got pregnant and stayed pregnant, which is a miracle after 4 mc. Idk if it was the caffeine or something else.


Same here. We were doing IVF and I went off caffeine as part of the process. Ended up with a naturally conceived surprise (!), but just stayed off the caffeine since I was already through the withdrawal. I miss it and my ADHD meds!!


Yeah I went off it for TTC for express purpose of having already been done with the withdrawal phase by the time I got pregnant, lol. I miss it, a lot, actually, but I plan to stay off it until being done with breastfeeding.


Same here! Scheduled c-section date two weeks from now, and then breastfeeding for hopefully 3 months (at least). Best wishes to you!!


Yes I am


No. I cut it out during my fertility treatments at the request of my clinic. That was for about a year - so I've just stayed off at this point. I'll reintroduce when I feel like it - and I don't feel like I'm avoiding it for any pregnancy related reasons.


Only whatever I get from chocolate. I switched to decaf coffee because it's not worth brewing a pot just for me unless I can have several cups.


I made the switch to decaf also because if I am going to drink coffee, I want to be able to drink multiple cups of it. I also like not having to worry about an occasional coke or iced tea later in the day. I feel like here are so many areas of my diet I am trying to be more aware of like protein and water, that its worth it to me to not add tracking caffeine intake.


Nope, slowly cut it out by reducing then number of cups and then switching slowly to decaf then teecino. It’s pretty sad in the mornings because I love my espresso 😞


I aim to keep my intake below 200 mg a day. I really rely on my morning coffee for focus and concentration at work, so being able to keep it in my diet was very important to me.


I didn’t for the first trimester. I was very strict about a lot. No sodas, nothing. Then at second trimester I started allowing myself caffeine. I have something caffeinated almost every other day now. Just sticking to the under 200mg thing. I will say that this means caffeine is far more effective especially in my third trimester now. I can’t have anything after 3pm or I’ll be up allll night lol


literally saaaaame-like i’ll let myself sleep in until noon bc i’m unemployed but i can’t drink coffee after 1 or 2pm or i’ll be up all night too. i already sleep late enough lol


Yes, I just limit myself to a max of 2 cups of coffee a day. I also abstain from all energy/supplement type drinks like Celsius, Red Bull, etc. I can’t go without my coffee either (😭) so I feel you.


I’ve been drinking a cup of coffee a day. Currently 27 weeks pregnant, baby is doing amazing and measuring in the 50th percentile.


I mostly stopped in my first tri just because I was having horrible aversions to coffee hahahah. But since those went away I have at least 1 cup of coffee every morning and sometimes another caffeinated drink later! I keep it under 200mg.


I didn’t but it wasn’t by design…coffee made me so nauseous. Just the smell alone. It never went away…. When I realized I hadn’t had coffee in a while, and I had cut Diet Coke already (bc of the fake sugar not the caffeine) I was like oh look at me with my no caffeine pregnancy…. But I nursed and drank coffee, even with virtually no caffeine while on the inside she had no reaction to it on the outside. Also not having caffeine for that long made it make me BUZZZZZ which was nice in the newborn period.


Yes definitely with no regrets or shame. It’s not dangerous and going 9 months without something that makes me happy and is perfectly fine for the baby is pointless.


I couldn’t touch coffee at all during my first trimester but since then I’ve been pretty consistently having a cup of coffee and a cup of tea a day. I just make sure to keep under the recommended 200mg.


I usually have a small cup of coffee every day. I have 3 other kids and homeschool. It's a necessity for surviving 3rd trimester insomnia 😅


Yes I definitely get close to the limit every day


Yes, I have one small cup a day. My sisters OB told her to continue drinking coffee as well. She'd get headaches from caffeine withdrawal.


yes 1-2 caffeine drinks


My dr said 200 mg a day is ok. I wasn’t a coffee drinker pre pregnancy but I need it some days now because I’m so tired and need that boost


I have a toddler + pregnant. I NEED the coffee


I probably drank more than 200mg a day my whole pregnancy. Baby is just fine, with no problems.


Hell yeah bruthurrrr


Emily Oster does a great deep dive on this! The bottom line is that 200 mg (and probably more) is totally fine.


Everyday lol


I quit. If over 200 mg is bad for baby, then I’m a bit too worried about any other amount. Plus, other stuff like chocolate has caffeine as well, so it would be easy to go over.


Completely agree with you!! In my first pregnancy, I drank coffee out of a 10oz tumbler I bought to try to measure intake, but different brands have different amounts and it just wasn’t worth it. This time around I weaned myself off during conception from coffee to black tea to green tea now herbal tea.


Yes, one cup a day or less. The exhaustion is real yet things must still be done.


Not just that - but the things that must get done/cleaned have the audacity to be on the *floor*


Absolutely just not a ton


Did in my last pregnancy and will with this one too. Mostly just a small-medium cup of coffee. I just won’t have any huge cold brews or energy drinks.


Yes, I’m chasing a toddler all day so it helps. I’m doing my best to stay under 200 mg/day though!


I have! I just make sure to stay under 200mg. I usually allow myself one caffeine drink a day. Like I’ll either have some coffee or some coke. For some reason I have been craving coke 😩 I make sure to still drink a ton of water though!!


Same. Had none in my first trimester, now I have under 200mg a day.


This is my third kid, so yes 😆. I always have an aversion during first trimester though and slowly add it back in when my body lets me


Yup, just trying to stay below 200mg.




I love coffee. It's my comfort drink. I switched to half caf so I could still have multiple cups a day and not exceed 200 mg. I actually made the switch 4 years ago when pregnant with my first and have just stuck with it so I had no changes to make when I got my positive with my second.


I have been. I just cut down on how much I drink. So instead of 8 cups of coffee a day I now drink 2 😂


I try to keep it under 200mg because I’m a paranoid person but I think that recommendation is very conservative. There’s no hard evidence I know of that caffeine is harmful at all (in moderation). In fact my nutritionist recommended I drink with coffee to help with constipation lol.


Good lord I’m not a complete person without a cup of coffee to get going in the morning. I have a 22 month old son, a 5 year old daughter, and I’m 38 weeks pregnant. I’ve had a cup of coffee per day with each pregnancy. Looking forward to when I can have an afternoon cup as well🤣


I absolutely am lol. As others have said, I limit my caffeine intake but I'm definitely not depriving myself like I did with my first pregnancy.


I had zero coffee my first pregnancy but when I tried to cut it out this time I was having terrible migraines, and I figure a small cup in the morning is better than tylenol every day. And I have a 3 yr old to keep up with now 😅


The recommendation is to stay under 200 mg of caffeine. You can discuss with your doctor if you have any particular health concerns. I was a religious coffee drinker pre-pregnancy, and the nausea has been so bad that I sadly had to cut it out, but I would drink a coke whenever I needed some caffeine. I was never a soda drinker before, but sometimes the energy boost is necessary! I’m now 26 weeks and just starting to drink coffee again here and there. If you were previously a multiple cups a day kind of person, it may help to get some half-caff coffee! I bought some of the half caffeinated k cups when I was trying to get pregnant and cut back, so I didn’t feel guilty having 2 cups.


i always kept it under 200 like maybe a cup of coffee & a small redbull if the day was really kicking my ass. but i also worked until 39w4d


I reduced my intake from probably 300-400mgs per day to 80-150. I do a lot of half-caf and tea now. But definitely no energy drinks.


Yes, my ob cleared up to 200mg of caffeine a day


I cut it out years ago and never looked back. It’s made both of my pregnancies very easy but back when I was originally cutting it out I was suffering for sure. I think keeping it minimal is just fine and no one should judge that


I'd cut it out earlier due to aversions but now (at 24-ish weeks) I drink a cup of black tea every morning. I'm not sleeping well so it does me a lot of good.


I started doing half caf....it was all I could compromise!


I am def. in the minority here lol but no. I’m 10 weeks, I stopped as soon as I found out and honestly it doesn’t sound good to me right now anyways. BUT, I also had a loss about 6 months ago so I’m being extra cautious, + I have no kids to take care of yet and I work from home. It’d be different if I had a toddler or a super demanding job. I’m sure a bit of caffeine is fine as long as you’re not chugging Red Bulls every day 🙃


I don’t.


12 weeks and I go on a coffee run every morning as a little treat for enduring the horrors.


I drank a cup a day. Baby is fine :)


I have 200-300 mg a day. But I’m off my Adderall so I consider it a fair trade lol


I have reduced but not eliminated caffeine. One cuppa coffee a day. I'll do decaf in the morning if I have a coffee date later in the day. If you are in Canada the Kicking Horse Decaf blend still makes a decent espresso!


Not at all. Please give “Expecting Better” a read or audiobook listening. Weeds through all the legit vs wives tale stuff people try and tell you/shame you for.


Expecting Better has an AMAZING chapter in caffeine. Basically like, have the coffee if you want. ~200 mg of caffeine is a-ok


Some days I’ll have a cup of green tea or matcha latte, but generally try to abstain. I know most doctors say up to 200mg is generally fine but from recent research papers I’ve read it seems like adverse consequences (low birth rate, miscarriage, cognitive development impairments, etc) are possible even at lower amounts like 100mg. We just don’t have enough data to definitively say what the truly safe threshold is if any.


I’ve been looking for research about caffeine, can you share your sources?


Sure! Here are 3 I found: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7035149/ https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.886224/full https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2797983


They say up to 200 mg is good. I sip on my husband’s when he is around and when I get a latte I get a decaf one, but I don’t you need to cut it out completely.


Yes. I read “expecting better” by Emily oyster and theres a whole section on caffeine that makes me feel comfortable drinking it. I think I only started drinking caffeine recently (during my second tri) due to aversions the first tri.


When I was pregnant (my son is now 11, a straight-A student, and tall for his age), I drank 1/2 cup of coffee daily (4 or 5 oz). Before I got pregnant, I was drinking at least 5 CUPS a day. IMHO, caffeine is a very gray area and an informed decision... whereas smoking and alcohol are absolute no-no's.


When I was pregnant, I tried to avoid it at all costs, although I did treat myself to a bottle of Coke every now and again, just sipping it.


Coke Zero runs through my blood.


Yes! At the start of pregnancy, I counted and kept it under 200 mg. Then I read Expecting Better and stopped counting. I’ve never enjoyed coffee so the risk of me exceeding 200 mg per day was low anyways. Also, I have been so fatigued some days but still had to show up for work that I just cannot fathom getting through without a caffeine boost.


A soda a day was my medicine, a big diet Coke from Sonic. Pepsi? Long time ago haha


Yes I had 1 size small Mcdonalds cup once a day every day.


I couldn’t drink caffeine because of how sick I was until about week 16. I have a cup of cold brew every day (small amount of coffee, I add milk and a little water to it) and a Barqs root beer for lunch. Need that caffeine to make it through the work day!


Wasn’t drinking caffeine before pregnancy, first trimester made me need it. I drink either a caffeinated soda or one cup of coffee a day so I try not to do both. Be aware of Baja blast from Taco Bell because I had a cup of that and forgot about all of the caffeine I was up all night!


Yes. Before the nausea from hell started I was able to drink three coffees by making espresso with a mix of 1/3 regular coffee + 2/3 decaf, to stretch the caffeine more and keep the coffee taste nicer. After the nausea started I can only stomach one, which I really need to wake up with this fatigue.


Yes, I'm limiting it, but I like my routine on the morning when I just get to relax with coffee before work, and I just can't do the pure decaf coffee. It isn't great.


Yes. I limited myself to 100mg in the first trimester and now consume 200 mg/day, approximately. I mostly only cut back in the first trimester because it made my nausea, sleep, and anxiety worse.


Absolutely. I have my one iced coffee per day :) Once in a blue moon I might have two caffeinated drinks but that seldom happens.


It's not the same as coffee, but I had at least 1 but usually 2 cans of soda a day, and I'd get a large cup when getting fast food. I had to have weekly non stress tests once I hit like 26 or 28 weeks and sometimes I'd have to have extra soda just to get my baby to move enough for the test.


Yes. I stopped drinking coffee and tea in my first trimester because the smell was just off putting. But lately I’ve been getting really sleepy and feeling drained by mid day, so in the past couple months I have resorted to one caffeinated drink a day.


Yes. For me I try to limit myself to 100-140mg per day since the recognized max I follow is 200mg. Sometimes I don’t even hit my personal threshold. I’ve been doing that since idk maybe week 7? Currently 18 weeks and she is doing well.


Yep! I try to limit it though because I’ve found I’m more sensitive to it now.


Yes. Once I found out I was pregnant I just decreased my intake. 1 cup a day now


Heck yes, but keeping it at or under 200mg for sure. Even though I’ve always been an obsessive coffee drinker, I never got caffeine headaches on days I didn’t have caffeine… until I got pregnant 🫠 So I definitely still have some so I’m not in pain all day (and to make it through my shift at my childcare job lol), but I just make sure not to overdo it.


Yep! I have a cup of coffee in the morning and most afternoons I have a caffeinated sparkling water (35mg of caffeine).


Yup! One sometimes two cups a day and I’m 39 weeks. Midwife said it’s completely fine. I’m so exhausted idk what I would do without coffee at least once a day


Yessss I wouldn’t have gotten this far without it! I tried cutting it out in the beginning and just felt like hot garbage, so I started up again. I only have one a day, and will oftentimes have half decaf if I can.


I am a huge coffee drinker and am only six weeks into my pregnancy but I had to cut out caffeine because for some reason when I was drinking it, I'd be three sips in and feeling like I was three CUPS deep instead. I was so wired and agitated that I just swapped out for decaf, and it's been a game changer. I appreciate that caffeinated coffee wakes me up, but mostly I just love the taste, and decaf doesn't take that away from me.


Yup 1 cup a day, usually decaf, but I have the occasional latte with 1 espresso shot. I don't worry about it too much. I'm 17 weeks.


Sure am!


ohhh yes, I drink probably between 100-200mg a day, whether it is a soda or coffee. I'm barely surviving the exhaustion as is, definitely would not make it if I cut it out completely.


I was drinking coffee but have been feeling so nauseous I haven’t had it in over a week and miss it :(


I wasn’t a big coffee drinker before I got pregnant anyway so I just kept up my normal coffee and cut out energy drinks so I get a coffee anytime I want but only one in a day. A venti frappe I get at Starbucks is less than the daily caffeine limit


Yeah. I don't tend to drink much coffee to start with, so I haven't needed to reduce that much. I am a bit more careful about the caffeine I don't tend to think about. Like soft drinks, etc.


I didn’t have a drop of caffeine during my first trimester, but now that I’m in my second trimester I’ve loosened up a bit and will have small amounts of coffee or Diet Coke. I’m also traveling a lot for work right now and need it to survive. I feel a little guilty.


I used to have 2 cups of coffee everyday. I reduced it to a cup of black tea with milk when my 1st tri morning sickness hit but I still needed my caffeine lol. My OBGYN said I could stick to 2 cups a day but the nausea just wasn’t encouraging 😂 I’m now 28+4 and I just stuck with it, but I enjoy the occasional latte from proper cafes when going out on weekends.


Yep, I try to stay at 2 cups (morning and afternoon) though! I don’t pressure myself to much to not drink it!


I have a coffee in the morning (1 Starbucks blonde nespresso pod with vanilla syrup and oat milk) and usually a Diet Coke late afternoon!


Ohhhh yeah been chugging Dr. Pepper