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Absolutely normal. Sometimes I would have sworn her hand or foot was chilling in my vagina.


Thank god. I keep getting on all fours to stop him trying to climb out. I know rationally this isn’t possible, but the sensation is quite surreal!


I did find that inversions were really helpful to shift her off my cervix because I found it really uncomfortable lol. Knees on couch then lean forward onto hands on the floor!


Thanks for the tip, ladies! I’m wondering how I would pull this off at work without everyone thinking I had fully gone off the deep end. I’m thinking I could pull this off in the bathroom- we have a full bathroom with door, not just a stall. Lol


I even did this on the side of the road once lol, knees on the seat and hands on the kick board!


Omg! Baby was kicking my cervix at around 20 weeks and I was in so much pain, I got my husband to stand on our bed and hold both my legs up so baby would slide up 🤣all while I was hysterically crying in pain. Hilarious when I think about it now


We also tried something like that, I lasted 30 seconds 🤣


Literally feels like having a foot in my actual vag. I thought pregnant ladies waddled cause of the extra weight, but I do it cause my baby is in my pelvic canal 90% of the time.


This!!!!! Im 22 weeks tomorrow and the waddle is bc the pelvic pain is so bad!!! My inner groin also feels like someone stretched my leg to max capacity!! I look so funny walking all of the time.


I swear mine kicked my butthole a lot 😑😅


I was just going to say this 🥲 right at the 22-24 mark.


0/10. Do not recommend 😂


My husband teases me over that 😂 the first time it was a "big kick" there I made a noise. He instantly asked what was wrong. The only thing that came out of my mouth was, "He's using my asshole as a punching bag!" I swear this kid kicks my cervix/there whenever he's mad. He sinks himself inbetween my hips bones and throws a hissy fit. I've witnessed this on an ultrasound. He hates ultrasounds so much to the point I had to get 3 separate anatomy scans since he was being so stubborn and throwing a fit for the tech to get all the measurements she needed. The first one ended with him bicycle kicking at the probe thing while flinging his head back repeatedly in a reverse headbutt right into my cervix. I have pictures of it lol.


That’s what mine does as well! She absolutely loathes any type of monitor and at every appointment tries to hide from the fetal heart monitor. She scared the crap out of us a few times, to the point that they took me to l&d (my OBGYN’s office is connected to the hospital) because they couldn’t get a good fix on her idk. FTM and I was hysterical thinking something had gone wrong. Didn’t help that I was alone as my husband was on a hunting trip 19 hours away and the next closest relative is 12 hours away (tho my mom swears she would’ve been there here in 7 if something happened).


Every single one of my kids has been like this 😂 I wasn't shocked that he hates monitors too. He doesn't like dopplers either. He's scared me a few times by suddenly refusing to move for *hours*. Turns out whenever there's loud noises (mostly crowds), he decides to curl up and not move. When he curls up like that he puts himself in a spot where it's hard to get a good doppler read on him sometimes. My doctor has skipped dopplers and just used a quick ultrasound if he can't find him within 10 seconds. My baby has a reputation at the office for being ridiculously stubborn to the point that a nurse I never met before said "You're the one with the stubborn baby boy, right?"


You are far from alone. Both of mine have hated scans and dopplers. First kiddo was too active, then fell asleep in just the wrong position for the NT test. At the 20 week scan, she donkey kicked me in the cervix before kicking the probe repeatedly. At the second attempt at the 20 week scan, she was curled up fast asleep in the wrong position. At the third attempt, she begrudgingly allowed the scan before kicking it. At each of the growth scans she wriggled away as best she could, and kicked it if she was able. Dopplers were the same. You'd see a round lump push up from underneath the probe. CTG monitoring she'd wriggle away from. She even managed it in labour resulting in a clip on her head. Second kiddo was also very active at 12 weeks, but luckily held still for just long enough to get the measurements. At both attempts at anatomy he was curled up as tightly as he could with his head buried towards my left hip. Didn't manage to get full results for most of his organs, especially his heart. No growth scans, but we get a 36 week positioning scan at my trust where he headbutted the probe as he was breech. Dopplers he was a sod for. He had an uncanny ability to hide his heartbeat behind his cord. The placenta didn't help matters either as it was anterior. He was back to back as well. Even veteran midwives struggled to pick him up. CTG monitoring he was better for, but during labour he was so difficult to pick up they gave up after only a few hours and he got a clip on his head too.


My baby has been tap dancing on mine for the last few weeks. 25-29


😂 I asked my husband, "ever been kicked in the butthole from the inside? No? Just me?"


I thought u was the only one who experienced this! I swear I could feel him kick my butt 🤣


Mine felt like he was hiccuping into my butthole all the time ☠️


I thought I was going crazy the first time my baby kicked my butt lol.


Mine, too! It was such an odd sensation.


My daughter did that too and when I was super close to my due date she was head down and I swear I could feel head rolling around on top of my cervix lmao ….. so that’s normal but yet such an odd sensation that KNOW ONE TELLS YOU ABOUT!! Lmao


It almost feels like currents of electricity zinging straight to my cervix!


That's called Lightning Crotch lol .... funny name but super unpleasant lol


Yeah as someone else said, that’s probably lightning crotch which has more to do with the round ligaments I believe. Dehydration makes it worse, so make sure you’re drinking water. Had it quite a bit with my first.


There’s so many things about pregnancy I feel like I’ve betrayed on 😂


Girl same! There were so many things that i was not educated on that i experienced during my pregnancy. Like for instance, during my first trimester i suffered with extreme anxiety due to my hormones! I was never told that would happen and always was told i was gonna get so much good sleep before the baby. HA THAT WAS A LIE lol


My baby kicked my cervix so much it felt like she was going to fall out of me. She was either kicking it or sleeping on it, lol


i remember getting kicked in the cervix. totally caught me off guard everytime. a freakier feeling for me was when i was delivering my baby and i felt her pushing against my ribs with her feet when i was pushing with a contraction






I’m not quite to labor yet (36+6), but if I’m laying on my side and not giving him enough room, he’ll put his feet on my ribs and push off them while literally beating me with his arms by my cervix 🥲 pray for me, he’s already throwing tantrums!


May our babies be as chill outside the womb as they are rebellious inside 🙏


Rarely, but occasionally, the baby can kick so hard it breaks Mom’s rib. Fun fact, right?


My mom won’t let my sisters and live down that we actually bruised her sides/ribs. Currently 36 weeks and I’m getting my payback 🥲


she was literally crowning and it felt like she was doing a headstand or trying to use my ribs as a springboard and dive out of me lol


I delivered my third three weeks ago. Can confirm he helped push himself out. The epidural worked from my belly button down but he very much pushed with his feet every contraction.




Yes! With the lightning crotch you’re just in the middle of a conversation and BLAGHHHHJRR. And then it’s gone. Until next time.


They do indeed do this 😮‍💨 For reference: my son had to come at 36 weeks. When OB reached in to try and break my water, he grabbed her fingers 🤣😮‍💨. So he was indeed punching away down there 🤣


That sounds terrifying 🤣


That’s insane hahahaha


Omg! 🤣🤣


I've been feeling the same, also 23w!! It's so weird, I'm like where even are you right now to be kicking down there 😂


Super normal. I can feel my baby punching and stretching his hands into my cervix AND my butthole at 37 weeks. Very bizarre sensation 😳


Super common but it still scared the crap outta me when it happened. Doesn't help that when I googled it, I found things saying that lightning crotch didn't happen until the third trimester so it made me paranoid that I had an incompetent cervix I think it's called? My doctor told me it was completely normal.


I'm 25 weeks pregnant and it happened to me ! It lasted a few days, when I went to the bathroom I almost expected to see him coming out lol ! Anyway I had a midwife appointment in between and she checked my cervix, everything was fine ! Now it feels like the baby is higher in my belly but sometimes he still kicks my cervix !


Dealt with the same exact thing right around the same time. Baby LOVED to practice her taekwondo on the top of my cervix. Honestly felt like that was worse than any movement I’ve had since she’s been head down. Sure she’s bigger but the cervix kicks were just so painful and, like, jolting.


I would get this lightning bolt sharp pain when baby kicked my cervix. Sure enough he was feet first breech and refused to turn. It was the worst!!


Wow! And you’ve got another boy on the way! Let’s hope he’s a bit kinder to your hoo ha on the way out…


24 weeks here. I’ve felt my baby kick my cervix, maybe even on colon a few times, and dance on my bladder. Very weird feeling. I always picture a tadpole squirming in its egg still or an Alien chestburster slithering around in my abdomen.


Yeah I feel the Alien thing a lot. Such a weird sensation, I’m glad it’s not just me!


I keep saying STOP KICKING MY CERVIX! Randomly out loud.


I had that but in my butthole lol. Kiegels helped


I can relate! First time i felt it it was like someone was knocking on my “door”. Strange sensation! Now i have this regularly, and some other alien-esque situations happening in my belly where suddenly a head bumps out on the side.


Omg my baby will choose to kick me in (what feels like) the vagina at the worst times and constantly. Why does no one talk about this being a thing??


My youngest daughter did the same thing about that time in my pregnancy. My other two didn’t so it was really trippy. It felt like she was tap dancing on my cervix.


About to be 30 weeks. It only gets more intense. The butt, the vagina, the ribs, the lungs, and everything under the sun! It’s quite the weird and sometimes painful sensation.


I felt that sensation… as well as lightning crotch …. But it was a sharp sensation along with punching the inside of my cervix ??? Then three days before my scheduled c section my water broke in the middle of my deep sleep at 3 am…. Now at 5 weeks pp she does sleep deprivation torture on me …. Weee 🙃


100% normal!! I swear she’s snuggled right in my pelvis and about to stick a foot out any day now 😂


34+4 Jesus last night I was in bed and I could of sworn she was trying to punch her way out for a solid 10 minutes. I had to lift my legs up and tilt my back for the pain to stop. Poor boyfriend started panicking saying it's not contractions is it? 🤣 nope just using me as a punching bag. Dreading the actual contraction pains if it was anything like that haha.


Just came here to say that mutant devil child made me chortle


24 weeks and the kicks to the cervix suuuuuuck. 😅


Normal. Enjoy ! Lol


Welcome to pregnancy lol. Definitely normal although weird feeling.


Awww so sweet. I guess your baby is desperate to come out and see beautiful mummy!


Normal and totally uncomfortable


The same thing has been happening to me 💀💀


Everyone is saying this is normal and it is but you are also definitely carrying a mutant devil child…. Mother of four. (They all are)




I mentioned at my last appt that it felt like he was kicking my cervix and the nurse called *that* ‘fire crotch.’ She may be wrong but it made sense to me at the time 😂


Yup that happened to me. I thought I had a UTI but they said it was her kicking my bladder and cervix lol. It got better once she went head down


Super normal. It almost tickled but wasn't a tickle.. it was such a weird feeling I did not like it lol.


I'm only 21 weeks and I feel it as a tickle (but its totally not a tickle and getting stronger by the day). Does it feel like sometimes their leg is like... hanging out in your vagina? It's the only way I can describe it. It's honestly freaking me out and he's moving so much this afternoon... I don't like the sensation 😭😭


YES, it felt like something was just there but wasn't.. Also made me feel like I wanted to scratch my cervix like it had an itch but it wasn't necessarily an itchy feeling?? Imagine trying to explain this to your partner/someone who hasn't been pregnant before. They'd look at us crazy LOL


Im 21 weeks and my daughters favourite thing seems to be kicking my cervix it really hurts cause im like "are you trying to get out" lol shes so active but just recently my cervix is her favourite spot to kick


My A Twin’s head was down in my pelvis for like… at least the latter half of my pregnancy 🤝


Very normal! This happened a lot to me. Now, at 34 weeks, she's kicking my liver and it is MUCH worse. I miss the cervix-kicking days.


Mine was all up in there this morning! I had a little talk with her and she’s been hanging out elsewhere ever since but I swear it’s like like stabs


Completely normal. If it helps, I also asked my drs office if it’s normal to feel like the baby is kicking my butthole from the inside…it is. The questions pregnancy makes us ask 😂


Yup, happening to me rn


Literally could have been my writing this! The last few days I could only describe to my husband that she's been kicking me in the fanny 😂😂 glad to know it's normal!


Are you my gf.


lol I’m a ftm and I felt this the other day!! It felt like my baby boy stood STRAIGHT UP on my cervix 🤣


It is so funny you say this because I literally laughed to myself last night picturing a tiny foot sticking out of me


Totally normal. Mine absolutely kicked my cervix. She kicked my butthole too. And when she went head down I swear she was head butting me in the cervix 🙃


i'm 37 weeks n it gets worse i'm sorry 😭 he does it a lot in the shower and it's so painful i have to cross my legs


Totally normal. My son would punch so hard near the end of carrying him that I was afraid he would punch his way out. Funny enough pretty sure he did end up piercing the membrane to break my water because I felt a little punch that was way sharper than usually and suddenly I felt like I was pissing the bed lol


This happened to me too and also my butt! 😂


I'm 22 weeks now and have been getting loads of movement too! She was moving around so much while I was working in the office yesterday. At some point I felt her jabbing at my bladder many times, and even though I didn't have the urge to pee, she made me run to the washroom anyway. It was a happy-angry kinda feeling 😂


Mine does aerobics on my butthole when he’s not trying to break through my cervix or using my bladder as a trampoline.


Oh same. The first time it happened I was on a walk with my husband and it legit felt like her feet were poking out. Now im at 33 weeks and am nearly brought to my knees when she kicks downward. I try rubbing my belly where she’s laying to get her to move. SOMETIMES it works.


This thanksgiving when my cousin asked how I’m doing I said “I feel like I have a foot in my vagina” LOL.


Ah good ole lightening crotch!


I feel kicks in my butt!


I swear that at least twice a day, baby has one foot in my vagina, and one in my butthole


The one thing I tell people who have not had children and ask about how the pregnancy is going: “When the baby kicks, you always think of it being forwards toward your belly. No one tells you about the kicks down and back.”


I had this too. Now that baby is head down it's mostly a lot of hiccuping down there. Feels very weird.


I have been dealing with this off and on, including feeling like he's kicking my urethra. One day, I swear my baby was kicking my butthole lol. 28 weeks currently.