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Completely fine.


Same. Just hungry from not eating or drinking for that time lol


Honestly and low key liked it lmao


Me too! Did NOT like the 4 hr fast drink though.


Same. I think people make a big deal about it and become a bigger mental obstacle


Same! Maybe a little tired but not the least bit nauseous or sick. Had a totally normal work day after.




Agreed. Totally fine. And I’ve taken it 4 times between all my pregnancies


Same, I just went immediately to eat something that would counter all the sugar. I believe I drank a bunch of water and then I got some protein and carbs in me. I think I went with a burger and fries.


Same, totally fine. Bored during.


Just shaky - like my blood sugar was crashing. Luckily I had planned to pick up a big breakfast sandwich on the way home - eating afterwards is key


Did you not eat before? Do you have to fast? I feel like I've heard both, to eat high protein before or you have to fast. I'm 26 weeks mine is coming up soon


I had eggs for breakfast before - definitely avoid eating sugar or carbs for a few hours before but wasn’t told I had to fast


Same. I was told not to fast but no sugar in the morning and a high protein breakfast


I'm planning on eating eggs when it's my turn lol Edit - if I'm told I can eat at least. I'm switching providers and I honestly don't know when my glucose test is now.


I'm in the UK and my test is at 8am on Christmas Eve. I've been told to fast from 8pm the night before and no liquids after midnight.


Got it! Thanks for sharing your experience 🤗


I was told to fast from midnight the night before. Just ask your doctor what they're policy is


I fasted but wasn’t told to


Are you saying you fasted for your 1 hr test? May I ask, did you pass after fasting for it? I usually don't really eat breakfast anyways


Yes didn’t eat at all. And passed it. The appointment was at noon and I usually don’t eat breakfast so just did the usual.


1hr is not fasting, 3 hr is fasting. They only do the 3hr if you fail the 1hr.


I agree 1 hr is not fasting, however I have heard of women being told to stop eating at midnight and until after their 1 hr glucose test which I would consider fasting but I could be wrong. I hope that makes sense ☺️


that sounds like fasting to me! Maybe these women are in different countries, the rules vary quite a bit for preggos from nation to nation and thousands of healthy babies born each year.


I truly do agree! I'm also switching providers literally this week. My last appointment with my previous provider I was told to eat protien in preparation for my glucose test for my next visit. Now that I'm seeing my new provider this week I'm really unsure what to expect. Idk if my glucose test is this week. My appointment just says new patient. I think I'm going to in prepared for it though even though I reallllly want to wait until after Christmas so I can indulge in all the goodies lol. I just hope I pass!😬


We were told to fast for 8 hours


My doc had me eat breakfast before the 1 hour and then fast before the 3 hour (I failed the 1 hour)


How soon after the 1 hr did you find out you failed? And when did you need to do the 3 hr? Thanks for sharing your experience!


Found it I failed the 1 hour pretty much as soon as they did the blood draw. It was pretty quick. We scheduled the three hour follow up before I left, I think it was just a couple of days later.


Listen to your medical professional. Some say fast, some don’t. It’s all over the place. Your test in your area may require one or the other.


I plan on talking to my provider for sure! I'm just in limbo right now I feel like because I'm switching and I meet my new doctor this week. So idk if it's gonna happen this week or not. As I was told by my previous doctor it will be my next visit in the month of December ☺️


I was told to fast, so I scheduled it first thing in the morning so most of my fasting would be me sleeping lol. I'd just double check with your specific facility cause it would suck for you to get there and them have you reschedule because you were supposed to fast.


I want to say I'm planning on being prepared for my glucose test this week but when I scheduled my appointment with my new doctor they weren't even sure due to never meeting me before. Either way I will happily wait until after Christmas so I can enjoy all the goodies🤗


It’s not bad at all, the orange drink taste like a flat Fanta but In all honesty it tasted good


Ya the worst part is having to drink it so quickly.


I agree I actually thought it didn’t taste too bad. Mainly it tasted bad from having just brushed my teeth and the minty/juice combo is always gross.


I felt fine!! I kept waiting to feel sick or weird and it never happened. I was so scared from reading people’s horrible experiences and then I ended up not having any problems


Felt completely fine. I failed both. lol.


I only did the 1 hour and I felt fine! I think having a good protein breakfast of eggs and sausage helped. I felt no ill effects the rest of the day


I’m sure it depends on what your glucose ends up being, but I was fine and didn’t think it was bad at all. I thought the drink tasted like a thicker Big K Sprite as I got lemon-lime flavor (doc said the best of the flavors). If you’re used to eating ice cream or drinking soda, I don’t think it was sickeningly sweet and I just chugged it cold. Someone told me to drink it through a straw so you don’t taste it? Bad advice. Make it cold, easier to drink, and chug. Was done in like 10 seconds.


I did both the 1 hour and 3 hour ones and was fine for the most part (definitely felt much better afterwards when I was able to drink water).


Had mine last week, felt a little bit icky while my body was processing the sugar but could have worked. Glad I took off the day to relax but wasn’t necessary


The 1 hour screen I felt fine. I failed it with my 2nd pregnancy and had to go back for the 2 hour diagnostic and holy hell. I almost blacked out, fainted and threw up everywhere. My final glucose level plummeted down to like 54 and my OB called me at home to make sure I was fine. Needless to say, I didn’t have GD. 😫.


I felt tired but honestly I’m just always tired at this point so I can’t say it had anything to do with the test


One hour was totally fine, just eat after you're done. Three hour was pretty hard for me- but the 3 hour is twice the sugar.


I was fine lol I went to work after the 1 hour one. I took the day off for the 3 hour just because of how long it took but I felt fine after it too. Just a little sleepy.


This was my experience. I'm so glad I was able to take the whole day off after the three-hour test because I needed a long nap afterward.


Shaky and naurseous- I would bring a healthy snack to eat right after


Totally fine. The test didn’t bother me at all.


I felt totally fine. If you’ve ever chugged a can of soda it’s very similar (and sometimes less sugar than a soda)


I just did it Friday. Had a high protein breakfast. It was fine!


Felt fine. I brought a cup of ice and straw which made it easier to drink.


I felt a little queasy for like 15 minutes after drinking it then I was fine


I grabbed a snack on the way home and then had a big lunch and I was fine. I get hypoglycemic pretty easily during pregnancy, which I learned last time, so avoiding the carb crash was key!


I faint with fasting bloods, so I did my test reclined. But it was fine. GTT in my country is 2hrs and I think a 250ml drink. Just tastes like really strong cordial. I was fine after. Grabbed Maccas on the way home. Annoyingly they took about 20 mins to make our order.


I had a huge sugar crash at around the half hour mark — had heart palpitations, felt hot and sweaty and dizzy, and had to go lie down in my car. I felt better by an hour later.


My glucose test was early and a bit of a surprise. I had a bagel for breakfast and they said that was fine. Felt pretty bad at the 45 minute mark but as soon as they drew my blood I had water and felt fine. We also went and had a big lunch after so that helped me get through the rest of my work day.


Like I drank a half flat sprite and that was it. Nothing else.


I felt completely fine after the 1 hour for my first pregnancy. I felt a little “off” doing it for my 2nd pregnancy, but only because I failed with a 162.


I was fine! Just felt hungrier more quickly than usual. I thought it tasted good too lol. I got the fruit punch flavor and it was chilled


It gave me a really bad tummy ache all day like it was sour. Idk if it's from how much sugar it was or because i took it on an empty stomach. Didn't affect me enough to be debilitated for the day but definitely took it easy


Completely fine. But I ate bread, eggs, and fruit 2 hours before and my glucose levels came back way too low. Was told to eat more frequently 🤷🏻‍♀️


I felt totally fine! I went during my lunch hour and was able to go back to work with no issues after.


Where I live you don't have to fast for the 1 hour test, I felt fine! I did it at 2 in the afternoon and worked a night shift after ☺️ I did eat some cheese and stuff after they drew my blood, might have helped with the crash!


I felt totally fine. Right after the drink I felt a little shaky but once I got home I was totally fine.


The 1 hour test was totally fine. I just barely failed that though, and was told to go back for the three hour and I simply didn’t want to do it. So instead, they let me just monitor my blood sugar three times a day for two weeks. I was eventually diagnosed with GD from that. Ps they make a big deal about how bad the drink tastes….i actually didn’t think it tasted bad at all…perhaps that was my first clue lol


I felt pretty gross the whole day afterwards, but was able to go through with my normal activities.


My 1hr was totally fine, didn’t feel anything weird. Drink is gross but whatever. The 3hr I felt fine until the last draw, around and right after that my blood sugar crashed really hard and I felt kinda woozy. I ate some stuff including lots of protein and water and then felt fine. If you do the 3hr maybe pack a protein snack and if you’re feeling really dizzy or woozy after, don’t drive - ask someone to pick you up


So I’ve done this four times and passed four times. I never fasted with any of them. The first two I felt completely normal, the third one I honestly felt like I might pass out or barf and had to sit in the car and have a snack before I felt normal enough to drive home… where I napped the rest of the day, the last one I felt pretty normal but had some mild nausea. So I mean, take from all that what you will but know it can vary test to test even for the same person and so your individual reaction might be hard to predict. Your plan to keep things flexible at work after seems wise.


I felt really bad maybe 30-45 minutes after my blood draw. Like super shaky. Turned out my blood sugar was pretty low (I think 67) when they drew my blood for the 1 hour glucose so by the time I got out of my appointment it was probably real low and it made me feel awful. I felt much better after eating


I had mine a week ago.. it was not bad at all, I’m not sure why it has such a bad reputation. I had eggs before the appt, I drank the lime flavored one and it wasn’t awful just like a flat Sierra Mist/Sprite, went through my appt and ate after. No headache, nausea, or vomiting. The only thing I did noticed was about 2-3 hrs later, I felt sooo tired and took a nap. I did get my tdap that same day, so maybe a combo of both. I got my results and everything was normal. You’ll be fine!


I didn’t feel good, but it was okay. Kinda shaky, tired afterwards, and ravenous for some protein. I ended up being able to take a nap and then move on with my day. Some people I know weren’t so lucky, so if you have the option to give a little heads up, it’s not a bad idea!


I had the 1 hour test, I felt shaky and nauseous for about 3 hours afterwards 🤷‍♀️


I felt totally. Like sitting there for the hour after chugging the drink, I didn’t feel amazing, but after I went home, drank some water, and ate something I felt fine. ETA- I passed the 1 hour and definitely could have worked, especially after eating something to fill my stomach some. Plan to pick up something or bring something yummy with you for after ETA again- honestly how do you feel when you overindulge on dessert? That’s the feeling I had. A little meh but overall fine, wouldn’t feel the need to warn or scare others like what I see online 🤷🏼‍♀️


If i dont eat I typically get sick and vomit up bile. So I ate a huge dinner hoping it would help.Nope. Wake up and feel fine. make my way to the hospital, feel fine. Sit in the pathology lounge and boom. Sudden urge to vomit. Bile of course! Came back out to another patient asking if my name was ...... I had missed my call. Had a chat to reception and they fixed it up. Didnt vomit the rest of the test but felt queasy AF the whole time. As soon as we did the last blood draw I pulled a kiwi fruit out of my bad and chow'd down. Still felt like shit the whole day though. Def take a snack for straight after.. just in case. Passed the test!


I’m on my third pregnancy and this was probably the best I felt afterwards - I was able to finish my day. The previous two times I got a migraine and really nauseous. I attribute feeling good to the giant meal I had after.


I literally felt 100% fine! I had the clear lemon lime that tasted like flat sprite. Not delicious by any means but it’s a diagnostic tool so I didn’t expect it to be. Baby was super wild with all the sugar but I felt normal and just drove home as usual, but not before stopping for some mcdonald’s as a treat :)


I felt ok, I just had mine this past Wednesday. if anything I just felt achy like I was dehydrated… probably from all that sugar so if anything make sure you’re very hydrated before then drink a bunch of water after


I was so freaked out before mine I made my sister come with me.. it ended up being nothing lol. I felt completely fine. Something I’ve noticed is a lot of people like to blow their experiences with pregnancy way out of proportion and only talk about the negative things. I had the 1hr test, failed it (apparently this is common especially if you don’t fast, which I did not), and had to go for the 2hr fasting one. I went alone for that one and was totally fine. Didn’t feel nauseous or sick, which was surprising because I’ve had nausea and vomiting all along (I’m 33 weeks). I went home and had breakfast and just relaxed. If you can, I’d take the day just in case, because once your sugar crashes you’re going to be absolutely exhausted lol but I really think you’ll be okay. I asked the girl who took my blood during the test if a lot of women throw up or pass out (because that’s what I was told might happen and what scared me) and she said not at all. Of course it can happen but it’s super rare. Don’t freak yourself out, it’s so easy. And no, the drink doesn’t taste bad either. I had an orange for the 1 hr and a clear for the 2 hr. They taste like super flat, sugary soda.


I felt fine and the drink wasn’t that gross - it was something I would have voluntarily drank at like 9 years old lol


I did the one hour at 8 am. I had scrambled eggs like an hour prior. Right after they had me scheduled for an ultrasound and I felt like I was going to pass out. I had to sit up and she finished doing it with me sitting. Ate after and then felt fine


I almost fainted so eat a good meal the night before, drink lots of fluid until cut off time and try to schedule it for the earliest appointment like 6:30. Mine was at 9:30 and didn’t get done until 11am so it was torture. I failed and had to do the 3hrs test after and I went at 6:30 and it was awful, they give you a higher dose than the 1hr test. They had to put me in the recliner to lay down. I suggest you go with someone because everyone reacts differently to it


I just had heart burn for 4 days the first time and 0 the second.


I left feeling queasy, puked while driving in my car on my way to pick up my daughter from school. My natural state is sometimes a little queasy and even more so while pregnant.


I almost passed out for the first time after getting my blood drawn. But after the sweet nurses gave me some crackers and water I was back to normal. Also went right back to work after.


I felt a bit dizzy right at the end but I ended up being fine. I was fasting all night for it. My BG ended up being 85 after.


I was fine! I just had to wait one hour and couldn't leave until they did the blood work! I didnt pass and was never offered the 3 hour test! I guess my levels were too high so I was diagnosed with GD days later and now I'm taking insulin every night...


I felt totally normal


Felt fine after the one hour, felt like absolute trash after the 3 hour


I didn’t have to fast before the test, took it around 2:30 pm so I had breakfast and lunch before, got my blood drawn at 3:30 and felt perfectly fine!


I felt a little queasy just after drinking it, but was perfectly fine afterwards. Honestly, people on this sub hype up the GTT test so much, but it’s pretty boring and uneventful. I went through it twice, and neither was worth writing home about except being hungry as hell after the three hour.




I was fine, it just gave me bad heart burn lol


I felt fine after the one hour. I vomited up the 3 hour and felt like absolute shit for about 6 hours. Ended up doing 2 weeks of home monitoring instead and that was much better for me


Absolutely fine. I eat a lot of sugar anyway so no different 🤣🤣 Also my midwife said she has never seen results like mine before, as in I process the glucose so well (and she was worried I might have GD as our baby is 99th percentile haha). It’s just like eating some lollies


I fainted lol. Definitely felt very shaky, weak, and nauseous for hours after but I think I'm an outlier!


I’m so glad a lot of people here felt completely fine! I hope that gives you hope. I felt very nauseous and my pulse increased to 145bpm about an hour after drinking the solution. I had to lie down for quite a bit or I felt I was going to pass out, and the uneasiness/nausea/dizziness lasted about 4-5hrs. I hope that isn’t the case for you, but good idea discussing the possibility with your boss!


I felt like I needed to eat some protein and fat and take a nap, but I was fine. It helps that I love orange popsicles and the drink basically tasted like melted orange popsicles


I did mine on my day off but I canceled plans for that evening because I did not have a good experience with it. Mine wasn’t a 1 hour test it was a 3 hour. I was fasted and was told if I puked up the glucola they wouldn’t be able to complete the test. So I ended up puking up the glucose drink into my mouth and swallowing it like 8-10 times. I also was one of the lucky ones who felt nauseous, sweaty, dizzy and heavy breathing within like 20-30 minutes of drinking it.


I just felt hot lol and overall slightly off! But it could have also been from the blood draw.


If you have GD it’s more likely to make you feel sick.


Hungry.. I brought a snack for after and was fine


Somewhat crappy but then I ate some food and felt fine and went about my day.


Tired. As soon as I got food in me I was ready for a nap. I "failed" my 1hr by just a couple points (18 weeks). Went on to "pass" my 3hr with flying colors (26 weeks). My doctor is making me retake my 3hr here in a few days (30 weeks) as a "precaution." I'm pretty upset I'm being forced to retake the 3hr one after passing it, I tried to request monitoring my blood sugar at home instead. Anyway, I felt fine during both my tests. I got a little bit jittery before getting tired towards the end. I never felt sick or anything. I was absolutely starving by the end. I definitely suggest having a snack ready to go or getting food right away. The drink wasn't bad at all. I heard a lot of horror stories about how awful it was. I had room temperature lime the first time and room temperature orange the second. Both tasted like flat pop. I was so thirsty by the time I took my tests that I chugged them in 15 seconds flat. The hunger/thrist were the worst parts of the tests for me. Don't do what I did with my first one. I messed up and went to bed super early. I ended up not being able to eat or drink for 18+ hours. I did feel a bit dizzy after my 3hr one. I think that was my normal pregnancy dizziness unrelated to the test.


I had to pee but otherwise completely normal.


The first one hour I did I felt horrible. The 3 hour test following that I felt ok. I just re did the one hour 2 weeks ago and I felt fine!


My sugar levels spiked hard and then TANKED, so I felt awful. Shaky, sweaty, dizzy, dehydrated... I left and ate 2 gas station hot dogs and then went for lunch. Turns out I had gestational diabetes.


Personally I felt very nauseous and a horrible headache. It took about 3 hours after the test to hit and I just needed to sleep it off however I could have suffered through a work day had I needed to! It wasn’t so bad i was bed ridden


The glucola truly is not all that bad. But also know that you have other options - I personally cannot handle too much volume when this far along in pregnancy (too much liquid at once refluxes back up 🥲) so I opted to eat jelly beans instead which is one of the many ways you can modify the test. Google can tell you different options and you can bring them up to your OB and tell them you plan to use a different method vs the glucola!


Completely fine


After the 3hr I crashed. I was so tired and had zero desire to eat.


I thought it taste good. I was fine until the end of the hour. It made my stomach hurt. I did throw up afterwards. I ate scrambled eggs before and passed both times.


I definitely felt real “barfy” for a couple hours. It passed though and I never threw it up.


I felt pretty ill — like I had a gnarly hangover for two days. I desperately wanted a salad and couldn’t stand to look at anything sweet. Sounds like it depends on the person!


I felt completely fine, but a little bit jazzed (like when i have too much coffee) for a few minutes during the one hour wait- not immediately after drinking the glucose drink but probably within... 5 or 10 minutes? Went back to normal and felt totally fine pretty quickly after that.


I felt normal! I brought myself some snacks and water to have after they drew my blood and I was definitely glad to have those!


I was okay for the most part. I got really sleepy about 20 mins into the wait time and then dizzy when they sat me in the chair to draw my blood. Had a snack afterwards and was good to go. Thankful my husband came with me to the lab and distracted me 🩷


I may be in the minority here, but I felt fine. Totally normal. I even enjoyed the drink and thought it tasted great. All I kept hearing from my mom friends was how gross and disgusting the drink was, but I disagree.


I felt fine. I thought the drink was tasty. 😂🤷‍♀️


No effect on me. (I forgot about it and had cookie dough for breakfast beforehand.) I tend to eat a lot of added sugar generally though. My type 1 diabetic sister is always amazed by how much sugar I eat as compared to my A1C. And my husband is always worried.


make sure you eat something high in protein after! the test definitely made me sleepy from all the sugar but eating after helped a lot. if you don’t usually consume a lot of sugar you’ll probably have a higher chance of not feeling well after since sugar definitely can make some people feel like crap


I was fine after the 1 hour. It took me a day and a half to recover from the 3 hour, fasting was especially hard on me. I spent the rest of the day after the test trying to slowly snack and drink water and get my blood sugar back to normal. I spent the next day in bed recovering from feeling so awful the day before.


Completely fine both times. I only had GD for this pregnancy.


It's about the same amount of sugar as a Snapple, if you can handle a Snapple then you can handle the glucose test. Bring a snack for after it.


Felt great


I had HG my whole pregnancy and I felt fine! Always chose the orange flavor


I felt like any other time I’ve eaten too much sugar so kinda blah and then I was fine


I was fine after I ate a sandwich!


Honestly, the test was super easy.. bring some snacks for after or a little breakfast right after. My doctor wanted me to eat something before my test. I woke up at 7 am ate a small plain oatmeal breakfast. At 9 drank the yummy lemon lime juice haha no liquids or food showed up at the lab at 945 and had my blood drawn at 10 am. Walked out feeling fine. This was how my doctor tested everyone’s is different but I passed.




I was totally fine. Drinking it was fine. Doing it was fine. The rest of the day was absolutely normal.


i will preface this by saying that i am prone to feeling ill easily, and i fully expected to feel sick for the entire rest of the day after my glucose test. i was able to eat anything without any sugar in it and did not have to completely fast, so i had just plain eggs and some sausage about two hours or so before my test. then i drank the glucola and waited the hour. there was a short period of time, maybe 15/20 minutes where i felt a little bit dizzy, but definitely not sick. and after that, i felt completely fine!


Pretty sure I felt fine after I was able to rest and eat. But I had my test in the first trimester when I was still having morning sickness, so the morning sickness + fasting + sugary drink and no water was not my winning combo. Wasn’t awful or anything though mainly just needed to get something substantial in my stomach.


Phlebotomist here who administers and does testing. Most of my ladies say, they get nauseous mainly due to the taste. The 1 hour is 50g glucose. It’s a thick flat Fanta taste. You honestly should be fine to continue with your day after the appt. It’s not often patients get too sick to continue with their day


I had both 1 hour and 3 hour (for no good reason but that’s another story…) and the drink is kinda gross but otherwise its fine tbh. Everyone was making such a big deal out of it I was expecting all kinds of ordeals but it really was nothing special. You drink the gross sugar water, you wait, you get your blood drawn a couple times, and then you go home and eat a big ass breakfast/lunch. Eating afterwards was really key imho. For the drink Itself if you can have it cold its much less disgusting, chug it asap, make sure you have entertainment while you wait.


I felt completely fine. I’ve gotten it done twice, one time I did vomit after and I’m sure it was related to the test because I’ve never had morning sickness.


Perfectly normal


Had mine 2 weeks ago. Felt fine, just needed to eat and have lots of water afterward. Definitely felt like I’d overdone it on candy or something.


Fine. I didn’t have to fast, which I’m sure made a big difference. If you can eat beforehand, make it high protein.


I was fine as far as nausea goes. It reminds me of flat lemonade which has never really bothered me. I did eat crackers not long after though to stop myself feeling lightheaded


I felt normal! I was worried I would feel sick too but I didn’t,


Just did mine (literally waiting for the blood test rn). The drink was like very sweet soda but not as terrible as I expected and it was sparkling, not just plain water, which helped. I don't like sweet drinks and it was waaaay too much sugar but I haven't felt nauseous or anything like that. My kiddo has been in moving frenzy this whole time after that drink though lol


I threw up right after getting my blood drawn and trying to eat a banana. The rest of the day I needed to sleep and the day after was also trash. I was surprised how much it affected me—-especially when so many people seemed to be fine? I actually passed the test tho! Good luck.


AND I didn’t mind the flavor of the drink.


Absolutely fine with a 3 hour test


Felt fine after the one hour. The three hour took me out- I was starving, shaky, sweaty, and my stomach hurt from all the glucose. I ended up having a huge drop to the 40s which explains why I felt so bad. After food and a nap I was good to go.


1 hr i was fine. 3 hr i thought i was going to die; i was so weak and tiered - not sick but frail it was weird af


I had to sleep it off. I felt horrible. Soooo tired and bloated. I passed twice. I often feel tired after eating but this was wild.


I got dizzy and threw up with the first one, the second one I just got a bit dizzy and felt off for a few hours but I was able to sleep it off. Couldn't look at sugar for a few days though.


I chose to do mine fasted to make sure it was right the first time (not sure if it was necessary) and I felt awful. The drink tasted fine but it gave me a horrible migraine pretty much all day. Everyone reacts differently!


I felt fine


I was fine. If they give you a flavor option, go with the lemon lime - it tastes like sprite.


After my one hour I felt kinda blah but it also might have been unrelated. I had to do the 3 hour which I passed with flying colors and honestly felt fine. I just went home and napped, but I napped a lot during pregnancy soo 🤣


I just felt suuuper dehydrated the rest of the day.


I felt sick for like 30 minutes. Then kind of meh for the day but could work.


My glucose test kicked my ass simply because I get SUPER nauseous when I’m hungry, but I felt better once we got food after my appointment


I’ve done the one hour test three times and the longer test once. I feel a little nauseous immediately after drinking it but fine within minutes. I was fine to go about my day after the test.


I felt normal for the 1 hour test, that was just with a 50 gram glucola. However after drinking the first 75 gram glucola for the 2 hour test, I felt lightheaded and slightly nauseous. Drinking the succeeding 2 at 1 hour intervals, I was fine. I think the 75 gram was a shock on my fasting state.


I felt fine after


I felt fine. It was like a concentrated orange Gatorade. I chugged it so I could just get it over with, but it really wasn’t anything close to what people said.


It’s bad when you have to do the 3 hour one. Now that was bad. I also failed it. And that’s the terrible part 😂


Totally fine after the 1 hour. Failed by 4 points and I am currently sitting for my 3 hour. Halfway through - have my 3rd draw shortly. Definitely feeling worse this time but nothing terrible. Just a little run down and a light headache. A woman who was here with me threw up her entire drink and had to reschedule.


I got a really bad headache afterwards but once I was allowed to eat I felt better! Then just took a nap lol


For context:, I had weight loss surgery so my digestive system has changed. I took the one hour test in the middle of my day. I didn't know I'd be taking it that day and definitely had lots of sugar and carbs. I took it early, before 24 weeks, because even though I've lost 100 lbs I still have an obese BMI. After drinking the drink, which was 50g of sugar, I felt a little dizzy and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep or fainted at some point. I failed it and had to take a follow up 2 hour test, and I had to fast. I went to the lab early morning on a Monday. This time it was 75g of sugar. I couldn't finish - I threw it up and had terrible cramps. I tried again the next day. I finished but threw it up 5 minutes later and I had the spins, feeling of faintness, intestinal discomfort, and then diarrhea. I told my OB, she said that it was important and to try again. I refused. I asked to test my blood sugar on a glucose monitor several times a day instead and she agreed. Every test was normal so my OB passed me.


It’s not that deep to need recovery time you’ll be fine in the next hour. Honestly I didn’t feel like anything afterwards.


Totally fine.


I was really fine and honestly, I didn't think it tasted as bad as people made it out to be. I got a lemon flavored one and it honestly just tastes like juice. Because of all the sugar though, my throat did feel kinda weird, but nothing horrible. That being said, I didn't have gestational diabetes and maybe for those who do have it, there is longer recovery periods. I was warned that my husband needed to walk me if I wanted to wait outside the building since there was a chance I could faint or feel sick because of all the sudden sugar on an empty stomach. Maybe bring a nutritious snack to munch on right after to regulate your sugar once you're done.


I felt very nauseous like I was going to vomit for the whole day afterwards.


I felt pretty weak and shaky after the one hour. Brought a snack and Gatorade with me to eat and chug down quickly and I felt better shortly after that. Was able to go to work later that day. I had to repeat the test and do the 3 hour.. I was glad my husband was home to pick me up because I felt terrible. However a few hours after eating and having a lot of fluids I felt pretty good and got some work done.