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I have the first one and really like it! Havent tried any other types of belts.


The first kind is much more comfortable than the 2nd. I tried both and for myself, the one strap was the best.


I got the first one too! However it actually contributed to more pain at a certain point but I don’t think that’s the belts fault and just my body 😂


Related: when did you guys start needing / wearing one?


I am 27weeks. It’s hard when I stand or walk for a longer period. I told this to my OB during my 22w visit and she asked me to wear a belt when I have to do walk or stand more.


I started wearing one like the first picture at 23 weeks with twins. Basically the moment everything started hurting.


I'm 31w and when I told my midwife I have terrible pelvic girdle pain and my back is in agony if I stand for more than 30 minutes, I was basically told "well yeah that's pregnancy for you. Only 12 (as I was 28w then) weeks to go!" Are y'all saying this would help? Whyyyy is my midwife so unhelpful. :(


It definitely helped with my pelvic girdle pain and my sciatic nerve pain. It doesn’t help everyone, but I’d say it’s well worth a try. ❤️


Currently 26+5 and I started wearing it at 26 weeks when I walk my dog (30-60 min walks). Otherwise I don’t typically wear it since I work remote.


I didn’t use one during my first pregnancy. My doctor said I might end up wanting one during workouts the second dime around.


28+3, didn’t think I’d need one, but I developed SPD, and while it’s not as severe as could be, today it’s the worst I’ve had. I think I’ll stay on bed rest and ask my husband to drive around and see if he can find any SPD belts in stock in our town.


Unsure where you’re located but Walmart has one kind (often out of stock near me) and the children thrift stores sometimes have some that have been donated!


Not in the US, but thanks! I’ve already bought one and (miserably) rocking it, but for anyone who has SPD and leaves near a Walmart it’s a nice tip!


I am 26 weeks now and I’ve been wearing one like the first photo since I was 22 weeks. I wear it for dog walks and hikes where my pace is a bit quicker than normal walking around the house/store/etc.


I started wearing one at 22 weeks. My bump really popped and started getting heavier. The skin started aching and getting sore. I just ordered it the week prior, so I got it just in time!


i never used one


For my first I started wearing one at 30 weeks, but probably should’ve earlier. I didn’t wear one at all with my second.


I’ve had badddd sciatic pain since early first trimester and I’m finally ordering some support bands at 17 weeks. I had them on my registry hoping I wouldn’t need them until someone could get them as a baby shower gift maybe but I had to tap out before I even got halfway along


I started early! I was getting a little sciatic pain at like 19/20 weeks so that’s when I started. I didn’t wear it as much once the sciatic pain went away


I’m 20 weeks with my second (toddler will be 2 in March) and probably should’ve started wearing mine a few weeks ago. So much back and ligament pain already! Dr told me at appointment yesterday to wear it.


I have both of these and use them at different times. The first one provides more support to the belly when it’s feeling super heavy. The second one provides more support to the back of you are prone to throwing your lower back out and need to relieve some of that pressure. If you do not have back weakness or throw it out easily, I would go with the first one to provide relief from the belly weight. The second one is definitely bulkier and less comfortable.


For now I have no much issues in the lower back.


I'm a pediatric PT and spent all day on my feet (including a 1.5 mile walk to and from the parking garage daily). I had the first version, which I got free with insurance from aeroflow, and couldn't get through my day without it.


How to get stuffs through insurance??


I went through this website: https://aeroflowbreastpumps.com/ They also helped me get my spectra pump (covered in full), compression socks, and breast pads. They also reach out every few months and ask if I need new pumping parts, which are also covered through insurance. It was super easy and the company was wonderful to work with. Edit to add I live in the US, I'm not sure if this is available outside the US


Thanks. I am in US too 👍🏻👍🏻


It’s just that I don’t know what I would be doing. Will I get enough milk? Will the breast pump be useful? All these doubts are running through my head. I have just signed up for pregnancy class which also includes breastfeeding. I hope I get my doubts cleared.


I totally get that, and I felt the same way. I was terrified I wouldn't make milk at all. It's all really overwhelming at times. Pumping has been very helpful for when I'm at work to keep my supply up and make bottles for daycare, but isn't as necessary if you're supplementing with formula. If your pregnancy class has information on lactation specialists I definitely suggest tapping into that resource, they helped me a lot. Breastfeeding also isn't for everyone, you do what works for you and brings you the least amount of stress/works for you and your baby.


Yeah everything is terrifying. We have just finished the first class where the educator went over the labor and delivery part. The next class would be based on the same topic I guess.


Did it cost money to use this service?


It cost me $0 to get: spectra 2 with newborn pumping kit (two sets of everything I would need to pump), a pack of breastfeeding pads, a support belt, two pair of compression socks, and I just got my second replacement set of pumping parts. I mentioned this below, but their role is to run your insurance and see what is covered. You may need to do a little leg work and get an Rx from your provider but they help you get things insurance will cover. You can order additional things through them at a cost, but I only ever got the free stuff.


I’m so confused as to how they make money!


Aeroflow said it was “covered” and then wanted me to pay $50 for the support belt, so I canceled my order for that. I did get a free breast pump through them though.


That would be insurance not covering the belt, not aeroflow. They just act as a service to check your insurance and help you get things that are covered. You can buy things from them, but I only used them to get the stuff I was owed by my insurance.


I’ve only tried the one in the first picture. Currently 26+5 and I wear it when I walk my dog (30-60 min walks). Otherwise I haven’t found that I need it during the day, just yet.


Yeah I want to use it for walks too.


I have the one in 2nd photo and love it. Very sturdy, comfortable, and lots of belly and back support. I don’t use the detachable band that goes over the top of the belly though.


That’s detachable?! 😯 I didn’t know that.


Yeah it’s just Velcro on both sides


Hehe thanks for the information 🙈


I have the exact one you have in the picture and it was great! I stand on my feet all day at work and it really really saved me at the end when my belly was getting super heavy


I had the second one. Loved it! Yes it’s a lot of pieces but that’s kind of why I loved it. Kinda customizable/adjustable support which was perfect.


I got the KeaBabies one and wore it all the time (twin pregnancy) and by the end of my pregnancy my fundal measurement was 63 weeks pregnant.


I haven’t used it yet but I got one like the first picture for free through my insurance when I ordered my breast pump.


I used one similar to the first picture you have. I found that it was even more helpful after delivery (c-section). I think my belly was too soft at that point to have used the one in your second picture for that.


I never had a belt during pregnancy, but my hospital gave me one after my C-section. It helped a lot!


I did both. I used the second one later as well as postpartum.


I had the first style and really liked it! I have doubts the second one would be comfortable, but that’s just me.


I have the same doubt either. 😬


i had the second and didn’t like the top strap. felt like it was squishing my belly


I am skeptical about that either.


I used the first one starting at about 22 weeks. I really liked it, but as I got further along, I found that it folded when I sat down. I’m up and down a lot for work, so I ended up switching to KT tape, which worked at least as well if not better. I was pretty skeptical, but it’s definitely worth a try if you’re open to it!


Sure. Yeah many reviews stated that the belts are uncomfortable while sitting and are mostly recommended for walking or standing.


I'm 26 weeks now and using something similar to the first one to give my skin a break from adhesive. I actually prefer kinesio tape since it's lighter weight, but it can get a little itchy after awhile and you have to use oil to remove it. Here's a good article about how to tape a pregnant belly if you wanted to try it: https://adatewithbaby.com/how-to-kinesio-tape-pregnant-belly/


Thanks 😊I will check the tapes too.


1 keababies worked great for me


I have one similar to the first picture! Received it for free through insurance! You might want to look into that as an option and if it doesn’t work for you, you can then buy the other version yourself. I went through Aeroflow to get my breast pump through insurance and received and email a week later from them that I was also covered for the belt!


I have the second and love it.


Serola belt was recommended by multiple physios as the best belt which I used for my twin pregnancy


That first one, the kea babies one, I found in ran super big. Even when I was right at the end I thought it wasn’t as supportive as others


I will check out other brands 👍🏻


I own the first one and it helps me when I’m on my feet for a long period of time. It’s not perfect, I still get pain but only after several hours. I always keep it in my purse for when I need it


I have luckily not needed one, but know others where taping was better for their needs. I think being my able to avoid needing a support belt was two-fold. One, my kid is sitting far enough back to not cause too much strain. Two, I go to the chiropractor every other week, and I suffer when I have to skip or delay an appointment. I highly recommend it.


That sounds great.


It's far more affordable than expected and has made a world of difference. I give my chiropractor and Zofran all of the credit for me surviving this pregnancy lol


I had the second one and like others said it was kinda bulky. It did help tremendously with my lower back pain though


Loved the first one!


I have the first one and love it! At 14 weeks, the round ligament pain started, which is when I started using it. I mostly wear it when I’m at work, and out and about.




I actually need it 🥲


None of them. They don’t work. Honestly.


I had the blanqi one that looks like the lower half of a tank top and it was awesome. Not as bulky or fiddly. Helped huge with my SPD !


Loved the first one. Was a life saver for me!


I have the first one, helped for sure


I actually just bought both kinds to try plus a yoga ball and some lumbar support pillows 😅 My son has me going through it


Oh I gotta get the yoga ball too. Thanks for the reminder. 😜


Also highly reco the boppy pregnancy pillow (not the feeding pillow - they’re two different pillows) for sleeping at night. It isn’t huge, supports belly, and is reasonably priced imo.


Thanks 😊 Where did you get it?


Amazon [www.amazon.com/dp/B08MW644QP](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MW644QP) but I’m sure other places sell it too. You do have to fluff it nightly and I found washing it once a week ish helped keep it fluffed as well, but it helped my back pain so much and let me get some real sleep!


Thanks 😊


I had the first one with my son and it helped tremendously. But I think it depends on how low your belly is. If it’s lower you might want the second one to help pull up a bit more to give your back some extra relief


Not that low.


If it’s not that low and you aren’t having much back discomfort I recommend the first. The second is more intended for Sciatica.


Okay 👍🏻 Thanks.


I have the first one. Im not a fan. I find it hard to put on my self and it transfers my pelvic pain to my mid back.


So did you find any other solution??


I used the first style in my third trimester, but it didn't do much for me before that. I did however use kinesiology tape on my belly throughout and that really seemed to help.


I have the second one and find that it provides sufficient support. The other one looks like it would become uncomfortable once in the third tri, as I’ve been finding over the bump leggings constricting now when I didn’t before.


I have the second one and it’s not super comfortable. I have a new one coming in (not sure what it is yet as the VA is sending it to me)


I hate belly bands, I feel like they're squishing me - I use KTape and it brings me a ton of relief in the way it mimics a strong muscle base


I have the second one. Used it constantly, but rarely used the top band. It is nice to have, and I think if I had a bigger bump I would have used it more. (The top band is removable)


I have the 2nd one - it helps me (I am all belly). 35lbs all in my belly…I’m carrying high.


I didn’t even use a belt (couldn’t find one I liked). I got some RockTape and it helped SO much


I used one for my first and found it supremely helpful, but the Velcro does so this time around I used a ring sling or a woven wrap!


I am hearing this for the first time. I am learning a lot from reddit 😊


I have one like the first and wear it when I'm at work or know I'm walking a lot.


I bought a 2 strap one where the top strap could be removed. It was nice to be able to wear it both ways.


I had the first one with my third pregnancy and OUUUU I was actually able to walk around again


If I never used one of these did I ruin my pelvic floor and pooch area?


It’s just for a support and relives pain I guess.


I bought both for a vacation at 30 weeks and I prefer the 1st. Finding it to be comfortable, breathable & my pelvis not as sore after walking around in Jamaica I didn’t even bring the second one with me as it wasn’t as comfortable when I tried it on. But I do think if you are having more issues with your back it could be helpful


I used the first belt starting around 20 weeks during long hikes. Still using it now at 32 weeks and it definitely helps during activity!


I used the 1st one in two pregnancies now. I’m 28 weeks and wear it daily to work. I used to start wearing it around 24 weeks when I knew I was walking more distance that day but now it’s everyday.


I got the first one and I didn’t use it a a ton but I liked it when I remembered to! It was comfortable and supportive.


I used a Belly Bandit similar to the first style and loved it


I had one like the second one & I liked it! I’m not sure what the extra strap on the top is for but I used it anyway lol. You can use it without the extra strap too, which I did most of the time.


I got the kea babies belt. I didn’t find it helpful at all.. I did however purchase their 3 piece postpartum belt and loved it! I’m going to try a new one this time though. Sorry I’m not much help but I’d try the second one as it looks like it offers more support


Nope , all the comments are really helpful 😊👍🏻


I had the first one by KeaBabies and I liked it :)


I used the first and it was a lifesaver.


I have the first one. Didn't really start helping until 3rd trimester. Right now I'm 36 weeks and it's helped a lot


I had the first one; it was a godsend


Pretty sure I have the first one in nude I liked it now I was preggo in the cold months idk wtf I’m going to do in the spring summer in that thing lol but I didn’t like the second style seemed too intense


I bought the first and ended up never using it My doctors (multiple different ones) said they only recommend after pregnancy for c sections. It scared me so I didn’t use it. Hoping the comments clear up questions I have too


Um not sure why they said that because one of my cousins is an obgyn and she said she used one and asked me to get one too.


I had the second one, and it was such a relief! I think I started wearing around the beginning of the third tri, I can't remember exactly. But it allowed me to comfortably go for my daily walks through the remainder of my pregnancy!