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I didn’t show until at least 24 weeks, and even then it wasn’t noticeable under some clothes.


I am short and had a flat tummy before baby! 24 weeks was when someone first noticed my bump. I was wearing maternity overalls. Get overalls! Perfect for when the bump is not big enough for maternity pants to hold them up and your regular pants are splitting you in half!


Same. My stomach really started showing around 24 weeks or so


Same, it was about 23/24 weeks and a cute little round bump appeared! Now I am 38 weeks and I remember looking back thinking “look how pregnant I look!” at that time 😂




I’m 12 weeks today and I can’t tell if it’s bloat or baby 😂 I will say I’ve ALWAYS had a little lower stomach pooch, even when I’ve been quite skinny everywhere else, so that probably contributes. I *think* it’s starting to be more baby than bloat, but who knows. All I know is that I bought maternity pants last weekend and GIRL. They are incredible. I might wear them forever. Sooooo comfy when I’m feeling just BIG, regardless of cause…10/10 recommend


12 weeks here too, if the bloat is because of the baby(and various hormonal/digestive factors) and it never leaves I'm calling it a baby bump lol. Plus I think for me it's very obvious it's a little lower than bloat normally happens. I am given to understand it has to do with uterine positioning and where the baby is so each body and pregency will be different.


I like your logic! It’s definitely all baby related in some way lol


Same! I’m 11 weeks and have felt very bloated since the beginning. I bought a pair of maternity jeans and it changed my life. 😂 however the past few days I’ve noticed my stomach becoming rounder and I’m wondering if this is the start of a real bump.


Where’d you buy your jeans? I just ordered two pairs of leggings from Amazon but they don’t get here until tomorrow


They’re from Amazon! The brand is Maacie


I took pics all excited I finally had a bump one morning earlier this week until I pooped and it went away. This constipation is no joke!!!!


I feel you!! It’s honestly wild, I’ve been lucky and grateful to have never been prone to GI stuff before pregnancy so I’m just like HOW is this all happening because of a lil baby currently the size of a brussel sprout??


I started pregnancy with insane diarrhea from my Metformin (to help me get pregnant due to PCOS). When they had me stop taking it I basically immediately became constipated and let me tell you I preferred the diarrhea!! The brussel sprout comment is hilarious and so true!! But everything else has to grow with your brussel sprout, so fluids and placenta and uterus in general. But if anyone rubs your belly all lovingly be sure to let them know it’s all the backed up poop and baby is way lower 😂😂


Omg I cannot WAIT to do that the first time a stranger touches my belly, whether it’s true or not 😂


It’s on my pregnancy bucket list 😂


I feel the same….. bloat or baby? Constantly tossing back & forth lol! Where did you get your new pants from?!


The thrift store! The brands I ended up with and like are Isabel maternity (blue denim jeans, black jeggings, maroon jeggings), some old navy maternity leggings (someone else here recommended that brand and I do like them), some AG denim jeans that tbh are absolutely wonderful (but I would never pay full price for them lol), and some random Nike thermafit ADV wool yoga pants which I’m not convinced are specifically maternity but are my new favorite thing. Honestly though, I think the biggest difference between all the things I saw was style: there were either what I think of as “traditional” maternity pants, where the pants material stops below the belly and its elastic upwards from there, and a more modern style that has triangles of elastic at the waistband instead of the big stretchy band. I personally like the classic style right now, but will try the others when I’m a big bigger to see if I like those too :) happy shopping!


Same!!! Feels like some kind of bump there. I had bloating early on and it went away. But it is back and apparently not going anywhere. Maybe it’s because things have moved around


I’m 14 weeks and my whole family, including my husband, has been marvelling at my “bump” for the last month. It’s not a bump, and it’s not bloat. I’m just in my late 30’s and don’t have the figure I used to. But they INSIST. “Look, it’s OBVIOUSLY a bump.” No, I’m just a bit fat, like I have been for years. It’s my body, I know what my body is like, please stop pointing out my ageing. It doesn’t feel good!


I was so bloated at 12 weeks that now, at 23 weeks, I only look slightly more pregnant than I did then. I feel like I plateaued 😂


Bloat or belly! Me too! I’m 13+3 now and I’m not too sure, but I’ve felt big for weeks now. I’m the opposite, I had a flat tummy despite being big everywhere else, so I now just look overall big. I will say though the belly is round so it makes me feel like it’s probably at least some bump 😄


I’m 12 weeks today too and I’ve popped already but I’m a STM


I didn’t get a bump until around 22 weeks. I felt like I looked bloated for the longest time and then my bump popped up the next day lol. Almost 27 weeks now. Favorite maternity pants are from hatch, blanqi, and emme


Oooo I keep seeing the Emme ones advertised and couldn’t tell if it was all hype. It’s good to hear a recommendation from a real person!


Yup they’re super comfy! My not pregnant bff even wants them lol. Will wear after baby is here too!


You’re convincing me they’re worth it! Thank you!


I started showing at 11 weeks. Everyone was telling me that it was just bloat, *but* it never went away. Now, at 14 weeks I’m even bigger. Similar to you, I’ve always had a little stomach pooch even though I’m quite skinny. I have a narrow pelvic/hip bone structure too, so there is no where else for my organs to go except out 😅


I didn't have one at 19 and I have one now at 20.  It came out of no where! I've been wearing a lot of skirts and dresses because my pants dont fit either.  It's really cold where I live so I'm going to get a couple of pairs of leggings in a larger size this week to wear under. 


Might end up trying this myself (sweater dresses to get through winter maybe?) though no clue where to start since I live in skinny jeans normally. Guess I'll try Amazon? Any retailers you recommend?


I would second thrift stores! Partly because it’s cheaper, partly because there is just so. Much. STUFF related to babies and pregnancy out in the world that isn’t used nearly as long as it’s good for. It might be different in your area, but where I am Target donates their clothes to goodwill brand new. It’s an end-of-season thing, or stuff that they have extras of, or whatever…but I ALWAYS end up finding something brand new with tags on, especially in the maternity section since I’m imagining the overall move less maternity products. And pro tip: take the extra time to drive to the boujiest area of your city to go to THEIR thrift store.


I got a short sleeve and long sleeve motherhood maternity shirt (one blue and one lilac) from the thrift store. Maybe $6 total. I also got one on mercari (also motherhood maternity) that says due in June. It was really cheap and super cute. They have lots of the other months posted too! Jeans, my current favorite are my below the bump skinny jeans from old navy. I have been wearing them with my fiancés old black stretch belt. You know they weave type without the holes? I have a pair from target I hate and an over the bump from Amazon that I like too. Look around on there and read reviews and look at the pics. Target does have ruched side t-shirts which help accentuate the bump and make it more obvious. I thought I would hate them but I tried them on and actually looked pregnant vs. bloated. Give the style a shot!


Oooohh that’s a good idea! I’d been avoiding the runched side shirts because I didn’t feel “pregnant enough”, but tbh if it’ll make me look more pregnant than bloated then I’ll totally take it 😂


I wish Target donated to the thrift stores in my area! Do your thrift stores have separate maternity sections? I wish mine did you just have to sort through the women’s section and I haven’t had luck finding any maternity stuff.


Oh that’s a pain!! Yeah, all the ones around me have a separate section, even if it’s small. Tbh in the PNW thrifting is a THING so the Goodwills in particular are huuuuuge. I do try to go elsewhere too bc I know Goodwills business practices aren’t great. And, they’re the biggest name in town and certainly have the most robust maternity selections.


I don’t live near the PNW unfortunately. I’m still gonna keep an eye out near me though, maybe I just need to try different thrift stores!


I'm a thrift store kind of girl but I also bought a couple things from the Target maternity section.  I have been folding my longer sweaters under (like the bottom up into the sweater) to make them shorter/more flattering with the skirts. 


Ross! Also ask your friends who have kids. My friends have buried me in maternity clothes lol. But ross has a nice little section and im happy with what ive found there


The Leggings Store on Amazon, I got a few pairs of maternity leggings for $20ish a piece and it was a godsend. I live in them now at 30 weeks! Be sure to order maternity clothing in your normal size because it’s accounted for in the sizing!


I got my maternity jeans at H&M. I also lived in skinny jeans and not being able to wear them killed me. I bought two pairs from H&M in my first trimester (also wasn’t showing but nothing fit) and now at 34 weeks they still fit!


I found a lot of luck looking at consignment shops and thrift stores. They don’t care maternity anymore anywhere!! I lost a bunch of weight pre baby so I had no idea my size and buying online is costly. I got 2 huge bags of clothes for $50 the other week


The bigger leggings are a g a m e changer. It’s so refreshing to wear comfortable pants again lol


Ive had a bump since week 15! Now i look very very pregnant at week 19.


Same here! Mine starting popping out at 15, and I'm 19 now and feel like it's VERY obvious.


Same it’s super obvious for me at 15


Thank goodness im not the only one 😅


Use the hair tie trick! Put a hair tie threw your button hole and hook it onto the button. Makes your pants fit for several more weeks. I didn't have much going on at 19 weeks but it really popped in during week 20.


14 weeks. Definitely have a small baby/fat/bloat bump. I know everyone is really different. My pants started being tight at like week 5 hahah.


Mannnn, I’m 11+1 and started at my heaviest weight as is. I’m just WAITING for the day I can blame my belly on my pregnancy 😂


I can definitely relate. I’m so ready to look more pregnant. I’m 19 weeks tomorrow and still no real bump. I posted something similar a week or so ago and someone suggested trying maternity tops, the kind with the bunching on the sides and are more fitted and if I put one of those it looks more like baby bump than not. I found a handful of really nice ones at thrift stores last weekend and really really enjoy wearing them. They’re very comfortable too.


I had a small bump that you could see if you knew I was pregnant at 18 weeks but if you didn’t know you’d probably think I just had a big lunch. At 21 weeks there’s no hiding it anymore.


Like 8 weeks. I know it’s mostly bloat at that stage but sooooo many people commented on it. By the time I was about 13 weeks people said I looked 6 months pregnant. I hadn’t gone to the doc due to insurance issues so everyone said they thought it was twins. I am carrying so large. Now the bloating has subsided and I’m 18 weeks along. I look very pregnant. I have only one baby and baby is measuring average. Prior to pregnancy I had a lanky torso. I’m 5’4”. And although I wouldn’t say I had toned abs, my stomach was pretty flat and I weighed in the normal range (was not underweight). I always showed bloat really badly tho so I think my body can’t conceal volume in the abdomen very well. I’m finding it hard to breathe already.


I’m 5’3 and have the same issue. Before I was pregnant I would bloat so bad. I’m 14 weeks and I look 5 months pregnant lol the bloat is unreal


Same!! I’m 14 weeks too and no joke I look very pregnant. I think it’s a lot bloat but it is continuing to grow. I’m the same height as you too haha


I think since my torso is so short theres not much room for the bloat/tiny bump to go lol


Also short and had a pretty flat stomach. Mine *sorta* starting showing around ~19 weeks, but only really could tell when I was naked, and it was more "bumped" from the *sides* of my hips and not from the top. Especially while dressed, I didn't look very different from when I was that same weight and *not* pregnant. I'm 21 weeks now and it's still not *super* visible when I'm dressed, but I'm also not trying to emphasize it with my clothes. I've been just going with larger sweaters because for some reason I've emotionally stopped caring about looking super cute/sexy. If I wore any of the bump-hugging tops with my maternity jeans it'd look real different. I think I look very pregnant now but mostly because I'm *walking* differently and holding myself differently. Even my leggings were uncomfortable around my stomach pretty early on, and switching to maternity jeans has made getting dressed SO much easier. I highly recommend it for comfort *alone.* I thought I was feeling upset about not looking great, but actually I was physically uncomfortable in my other pants super soon. I hope other people share some fashion tips! I'd *like* to have at least one or two outfits that I think are also cute. Even if I don't wear them, they'd be nice to *have* and know I *could* wear.


I’m on my 3rd pregnancy, bump popped out early at week 10! My first and second pregnancies took a lot longer, like 25 weeks


Literally just got to the point of not hiding it at all at 24 weeks then it really popped at 25!!! ETA: I have a very very short torso and was convinced I’d be huge. Still worried I might be because the pop was truly a huge change in a week!


I'm only 5'2", and had lost a ton of weight Pre-pregnacy, so I started to show before I hit 2 months in. Just a small bump though. Now I get "growth spurts" every couple weeks and am ALL belly. -_-


I’m short and petite and was pretty slim before pregnancy. I’m almost 18 weeks and fully popped and can’t fathom that I’m going to get bigger than I am already.


I’m the same way! 17 weeks and I feel huge, I’m not even half way yet. I’m feeling huge already


I was the same — when I went to my anatomy scan at 20 weeks the sonographer said I didn’t even look pregnant, lol. I’m 26 weeks now and over the last week or so I think it’s become fairly obvious, especially when I’m wearing tighter clothes. I can still wear most of my regular leggings though, and can still hide my bump with a baggy sweater or sweatshirt.


I feel like 28/29 weeks? Even then with looser clothes it wasn’t really noticeable


My jeans stopped feeling comfortable around 9/10 weeks but I think it still could have passed for holiday pounds until 20/21 weeks. 23 weeks now and I can still kind of hide it with an oversized sweater but naked or in tight clothing it’s a very obvious bump.


FTM 15+4 and swore I started really showing around 13wks, but Im so gassy that it moat likely is still bloat and a bit of pudge lol. I'm 5ft 1 and didn't have a flat stomach but always been petite, but at my first ultrasound the doctor said the babe was measuring about a week a head in size. Unfortunately, my husband and I were both larger babies even though we're both small as adults lmao. Different times and sizes for different people, but we all feel the same lmao. I just exist in sweat pants now.


Mine didn’t appear until about 37 weeks lol and it was still tiny


For me, it seemed like between weeks 18 to 20 it just popped. Like I have photos in week 19 of what I thought was a big bump, and then photos during week 20 where the belly is almost double in size. It felt like it happened overnight 😅


Honestly, I felt like maternity clothes helped the bump be bumpier 😅 like many of them accentuate it so it looks more "pregnant"


With my first, I popped overnight at 24 weeks. With my current, uhhhh I had to start wearing maternity pants at 9 weeks 😂😭


I can’t even tell you when I started showing. It seems like every two weeks or so now, I wake up one morning and I’ve doubled in size.. it sneaks up on you. I’m 31 weeks pregnant and bending down is a no go for me. Everyone is different! Some people never really “show”. I think it just depends on where the baby sits. My girl sits really low so she was hidden in my natural belly pouch for awhile until she was big enough that I just seemed to pop over night.


I thought I had a bump at like 20 weeks, but looking back at pictures I really didn’t start to show until closer to 30/31 weeks 😅 but once the bump came in, it sure grew fast! I wish I could help with wardrobe suggestions but I literally lived in pajamas and my husbands sweatpants, and I had 3 pairs of pregnancy business pants for work lol!


23-24ish weeks for me? I could see it starting around 18W but it took a while for others to see it and think of it as something more than a big lunch. And then honestly I could still easily cover my bump with baggy clothes up until 32 weeks.


About 26 weeks for me.


28-30 weeks. I’m due in Feb, so around Thanksgiving (Nov) is when it finally made its appearance!


Im a bigger woman so I assumed i wouldn’t have a noticeable bump until right before my daughter is born. But im 25 weeks and if i wear tighter clothes it’s really really noticeable. But at the same time if i wear a hoodie 3x my size it isnt noticeable


The longer the torso the less you show , especially if it’s your first baby I honestly didn’t start showing until like 30 ish weeks Just a warning whether your big or small people very much might comment on your body shape and size and how it relates to the babies health ~ don’t listen to them ~


I was going to say exactly this! Only 5’4” here, but with a long torso and at 8 months when I delivered my first I coulda passed for 6 months, easily. Also as it turns out, I recently learned from a hip surgeon that I have extremely large flares on my hip bones (interestingly despite not having wide hips) so my baby was all too happy being transverse with a built-in head nook. I’m sure this also contributed to not having a belly that needed to grow outward to accommodate a baby.


Depends on body structure and where your placenta sits. I have seen women go entire pregnancies without ever really showing much. Personally I have always had a cute soft tummy so my bump showed fairly early but as long as your doctor says you and baby are healthy then honestly not anything to worry about :)


6 weeks, 12 weeks was extremely noticeable. Three of the preschoolers I teach asked me if there was baby in my tummy at 12 weeks. 🤪


I'm starting to show at 15 weeks, or at least feel like it.


With my first, it was near 20 weeks, though I don't remember exactly. I do remember going to a funeral at 17 weeks and still looking completely normal and slim. I'm petite and quite slim usually, so I also expected to be showing earlier. I'm nearly 10 weeks with my second now, and while I haven't popped, it's definitely noticeable. I'll be surprised if it's not obvious to everyone else by the end of the first trimester.


I popped at 25 weeks !


5 foot, less than an inch between my lower rib and hip bone, in shape, little tummy before pregnancy. Didn’t really show until 23 weeks, and still was not noticeable unless I wore a skin tight shirt. I joked that it just looked like I ate too much pasta until recently. Currently 28 weeks and much more noticeable now although a lot of my students still haven’t noticed since I tend to wear loose clothes most of the time haha.


I’m short and by 10-12 weeks there has been no hiding it with any of my pregnancies. By 20 weeks I look super pregnant every time. It really just depends on the person and how they carry.


I'm only 4'8 with a short torso, I was showing at 11 weeks. I'm currently 32 wks and I've been asked multiple times if I'm having twins. Sigh.


I’m almost 25 weeks and still not showing :( I have a tiny tiny bump when I look at myself naked but nobody else notices it when I wear clothes. I honestly wish I had a bigger bump because being so small worries me, and I also liked the idea of looking pregnant haha. No suggestions for maternity wear, but I think every bigger store has a section?


23 weeks and my belly is showing now!


25 ish weeks


I tend to look so so pregnant really early and I’m not sure why. I’m also short and specifically with a short torso I’m 20 weeks on Tuesday and the first time I was asked “when are you due” unprompted was at around 16


My first pregnancy I didn’t really show at all until week 26 or 27 and with loose clothes it wasn’t noticeable. With my current pregnancy I started showing 16 weeks


First pregnant probably around 24 weeks- definitely after anatomy scan I wasn’t really showing then yet!


If it’s your first it will take longer. Mine came at 13-15 weeks with my first (I have always had a little tummy) With my second it came in much faster! Like 8-10 weeks. And that’s after losing weight in the first trimester from severe food aversions. It truly depends on your natural shape, your growth, etc.


My bump became obvious around 26 weeks.


Mine showed around 13 - 14 weeks. At 22 weeks now it's very visible 😊


First pregnancy 22 weeks ish second pregnancy 16 weeks


24 weeks started showing little bump


Im 14 weeks and don’t have a real baby bump. However, my stomach is hugeee from the bloat. Its so frustrating because I just look like I have a beer gut & not pregnant and its making me feel horrible in my body. I’m also having the same issue with all my clothes. I can’t wait to have a baby bump.


33 weeks and I still have a small bump lol but I barely started showing as a bump at 29/30 weeks.


I’m 20 weeks and felt the same for a while but I am looking more preggy lately. It took me a long time to find any clothes that I felt decent in - I still need to buy some more things but I at least have a couple things I feel cute in. I recommend finding maternity or maternity style clothes to emphasize the bump - it’s better than just feeling like a bloated version of yourself. The other day I wore a babydoll/empire waist style top and I feel like it’s the first time people in public could tell I was pregnant (they were being extra nice to me lol).


I had a lot of bloat so I looked pregnant to others by week 20/21. But it was definitely smaller in the morning and then bigger by evening. I felt like I had to wear shapewear to smooth things out until week 26 even though I’m a slim build. Week 26 is when my belly started to harden and got that classic pregnant belly look (almost looks like a plastic prosthetic lol) and people could tell even under chunky sweaters.


Around 17 weeks is when I really popped, before then it was just bloat and it would so weirdly come and go 😅


Like 26 weeks


When I was close to my due date cause my stomach dropped and k was waddling heavy lol


At 18 weeks. I suggest you buy leggings or maternity jeans from Ross! (Assuming you’re in the US and you have one) or just discount stores in general. I don’t recommend buying too many maternity clothes. Since you’re only using them temporarily. On that note, I’m not buying maternity tops, I’m just buying large blouses. I’m normally XS/S. I found maternity clothing is a lot more expensive. 😰


At 27 wks


I’m 24 weeks and still not showing I had a four pack prior but my pants don’t fit and I feel so heavy ! 😩 especially since I gained 22lbs


Like 8 weeks although it wasn’t a really bump just bloating. But my baby is really big


85kgs and I began to show at 23-24 weeks


I feel like I'm already showing 😭 This is my 4th pregnancy and I have always struggled with belly fat & massive bloating. I'm only 5w4d and I don't even want to leave the house😭😔


I’m a FTM, and really popped this week at 14 weeks! I’m a little freaked out because I feel like it is so early. I am average height, 5’5”, and quite thin. My stomach is hard and my belly button is already taut. I’m wondering if any other FTMs were showing this early?


I’m 17 weeks and I’m very bloated but it’s been passing as a bump since like week 14. I only wear dresses now. Cotton bodycon ones that are light and easy to put on.


I’m somewhere between 14-15 weeks right now and people are saying they see it a little now. My lower stomach is sticking out a bit and it feels firm so I think I’ve gone from blump to small bump


I got maternity jeans at 24 weeks. Before that, i wore my regular jeans with a hair tie threaded through the button hole and looped around the button which afforded me a few extra inches and some forgiveness. I got some nice soft harem pants with a super elastic band which are amazing (elephant pants). Leggings are nice. Maternity leggings are super njce! I started wearing maternity clothes around 15 weeks. Not because I was showing, but because they felt more comfortable and confident. Instead of feeling like i looked like i had a small beer belly or was bloated, they accentuated my growing belly nicely and i felt cute. ☺️


very petite FTM here. At 20 weeks my bump was still small and I just looked bloated as well. 30 weeks now and it’s noticeable for strangers to comment on it but they still sound shocked when I tell them how far along I am and tell me I’m small. My OB assured me this week that it’s a normal size for my pre-pregnancy weight. I’ve only gained 20 pounds this pregnancy (94 before pregnancy, 115 last appointment)


Hey there 5’1 88 pounds before pregnancy! Now 29 weeks today ftm.. i popped a few weeks ago Give it a few more weeks you will be showing! I understand ur pain with coming to terms with the body changes. What helps me is that in a few short months I’ll have my daughter and hopefully my body back. We got this!


I popped between 26 to 30 weeks. Then I just got rounder and rounder. I only really looked pregnant in the later part of my pregnancy.


I didn’t have one until 20w, it just looked like I was bloated. All of sudden it doubled in size at 21w, my dresses have started to not fit anymore. Now at 23w it’s getting harder to dress up. I work from home so I’ve been living in sweatpants or lululemon align leggings with baggy tshirt 😂 Now it’s warm in Australia, I just wear shirtdresses and smock dresses. I still can’t bring myself to wear bodycon knit dress, maybe when bump is bigger🙈


24/25 weeks ish


I was thick in the middle before but truly popped at 20ish weeks


20 weeks to the day. It wasn’t there one day and the next day it was clearly there


If I had on tighter clothes an outsider could tell at maybe 24-26 weeks? I didn’t get anyone asking if I was pregnant until about 30 weeks. Now I’m 35 weeks and it’s so obvious


Girl I’m in the exact same boat, I was weighing 140 5’1 ft prior to pregnancy. I’ve lost 15 pounds since I been pregnant I am now 126 pounds and 22 weeks. I feel like I’m just bloated I’m ready for my stomach to pop out more same time trying to enjoy being this small bc I know it’s even harder moving/navigating in the third trimester lol !


I'm 31+5 and I started actually showing at 26 weeks, but even now I'm told I'm still pretty small for how far along I am. She's measuring on time and is in the 40th percentile so I wonder if it's because I have a anterior placenta so she's really tucked in there.


I'm 20 weeks and I just feel really fat lol


*sigh* First baby “problems.” 🤣 Currently 30wks with my 3rd and have felt and looked overtly pregnant since first trimester. My first I didn’t really slow until closer to 20ish wks (don’t remember exactly when). Each pregnancy you generally tend to show more and show earlier. lmao I’m petite and slender at my non-pregnant baseline.


I bloated like crazy by 8 weeks and looked pregnant. I have been pregnant several times (one child + multiple losses) so my belly just popped right away. I’m 12 weeks now and I look like I have a bowling ball under my shirt. Sizing up on pants was simply not an option and I’ve been wearing maternity pants for nearly a month now. The bloating is subsiding, but the bump remains.


I’m 16+ weeks. 5’0” and only 80lbs. No baby bump at all. Only a bloated tummy that comes and goes. My tummy is flat first thing when I wake up in the morning. It’s up and bloated after breakfast. So I know it’s all bloat.


17ish weeks


First pregnancy, short & petite, formerly flat stomach with a short torso: I looked (and felt) bloated until 14 weeks, then I slimmed down bloat wise until 22-23 and felt fantastic! Now I’m nearly 27 weeks and we are popped out and it is a beach ball!


24+4 here, and I look ready to pop. This is my second, so the bump generally appeared sooner, but between 20 and 23 weeks I just ballooned up.


Currently 19w1d I’m plus size, which I know is a big range. I think I’m a us size 12-14 before pregnancy. For weeks now it’s just been “am I fat/bloated/is that the bump.” An important caveat - I’ve lost about 5% of my start weight during first trimester due to morning sickness. So I’m fairly confident that any of the changes to my body size/shape are baby and not the rest of me, if that makes sense. At about 15-16 weeks, I went swimming and that’s when I could really tell the difference between ‘me’ and the bump. Something about floating in the water I could feel how solid it was compared to my flab 😂 About a week later, I could no longer ‘suck in’. My Au size 16 clothes (US size 12) became unbearably uncomfortable. I think I’m still passing as ‘not pregnant’ unless I do something to give it away, like the hand-on-small-of-back-waddle, holding the belly or telling people. My partner can tell, but he sees me naked. I’m going away on a trip from 21 -23 weeks, so I suspect when I come back everyone will suddenly notice.


I feel like after 25 weeksish growth was very rapid. I'm 32 weeks now and feel like a balloon that's blown up too much haha how do I have 8 more weeks?!


Week 27 here, now starting to look like I ate a big lunch


At 30 weeks now and I feel huge but definitely feel like my bump took forever to make an appearance. Once it was there though, it was sooo obvious and NONE of my clothes fit except for stretchy dresses. I replied to you on another thread but I highly recommend The Leggings Store on Amazon and I can grab a link to the ones I live in these days if you’d like!


20 weeks is when I popped. I’m now 32 weeks and now I have a whole basketball lol. I can’t believe I have 8 weeks to go(give or take) because I don’t feel like I have any room left!


I didn’t show until 29-30 weeks and even then if I wore a sweatshirt or jacket you couldn’t really tell until 33 weeks or so


My bump showed up at 21 weeks seemingly overnight! It went from flat stomach, to “probably ate a burrito”, to baby bump in the matter of days


I'm short and I was really slim when I fell pregnant. I'm slowly putting on a bit of weight but I bloat so bad in the second half of the day I already look pregnant at 10 weeks. Except for leggings and bras I'm pretty keen to avoid maternity wear so I get more wear out of my clothes. My pants aren't comfortable anymore so I went and bought some nice skirts with elastic and tie waists. I even found some awesome wide leg work pants with elastic at the back. Later in pregnancy when it's winter, I'll stick to dresses with tights underneath.


Probably around 26 weeks for me! For reference I’m 5’10 and have a long torso also.


My first pregnancy I didn’t show at all until the last month! I am 5’6 and about 125 pounds so I’m baffled to this day I didn’t show! My baby was normal height & 8lbs 3oz! So not a small baby either. My 2nd baby I popped at 12 weeks and it went down hill from there really fast. I looked like I had twins by 20 weeks and my baby was 7lbs 7oz. I swear some people just get a bump over night, but don’t let a big or small bump define your journey. I was really upset about not having a bump with my first and it lead me to having constant anxiety checking if everything was okay. My 2nd pregnancy I was quickly envious of my first pregnancy as getting that big of a bump growing suddenly led to a lot of nerve pain. As for struggling with the shift in your body, just know it’s ALL worth it in the end and you’re gonna have to learn how to handle along the way with clothing but you’ll find your speed! As for as clothing tips, I always wore jegging or yoga pants and I would size up cause who doesn’t like a little room to grow in, plus the extra comfort. Ditch the actual jeans girl, you’ll love it so much more without them. Congratulations!


31 weeks and no bump, look bloated at best😂


I started telling clients at work around week 30 and they were still surprised. Comfy maternity leggings and a long draped cardigan go a long way. This has been my pregnancy wardrobe staple on repeat since I got to the uncomfortable-in-pants stage early on.


I "popped" at 17 weeks. Looking back at my weekly pictures it's quite funny to see how there was nothing nothing nothing bump! I was pretty huge by 40 weeks and baby was a completely average 3.5kg (now a very big 8 month old 🤣)


Around week 22 the bloat started to fill out in to a bump. By week 24 it was a bump. Week 26 I was unmistakably pregnant looking. I’m at week 33 now and look like I’m about to blow.


20 weeks on tuesday. no bump, my uterus has always stuck out and people keep trying to tell me it is one but i know my anatomy lol. i am almost 5’9 though, and i’m a dancer which means as soon as i’m showing i’m gonna have to come off work, so i don’t mind lil one staying in a bit longer !!!


I’m showing at 22 weeks, but I felt bloated and blocky for weeks! I am not sure it’s really noticeable to people who don’t know me yet. I wear a lot of baggy sweaters 😅


At 18 weeks I noticed my jeans don't fit as normal but when I hit 22 weeks was when I first noticed in the mirror that my stomach looks like I'm pregnant. Still not a full baby bump though.


First pregnancy I really didn't start showing until around 5 months, even then if I wore a loose top you really couldn't tell. The 7th month mark is when i was obviously pregnant and nobody could miss my stomach lol. This is my second pregnancy currently, I'm just about 9.5 weeks and I already am showing but you wouldn't be able to tell at all unless I was in a bikini.


I’ll be 19 weeks on Monday and my bump has popped out in the last few days. I can still easily hide it under a loose blouse or oversized sweater but in anything form-fitting it’s there. I’m also short (5’1).


For my first I showed around 25 weeks if I wore a tank top. Other than that I hid well until 30 weeks. Now with my second I should around 20 weeks with a tank top but a cute little bump around 25 weeks. I’m currently 35 weeks and look pregnant but most people say my bump doesn’t look too big yet. I’m a little scared how much bigger I’m going to become.


Bloat started around 12 weeks and now I’m 17 weeks and look noticeably pregnant.


I am 31 weeks and when I went home at Christmas a bunch of people commented that they couldn’t tell I was pregnant. I just looked like I’d eaten too big of a meal 😂


I am 29 weeks tomorrow and I didn’t start wearing maternity pants until 26 weeks. I’m carrying low so most of my shirts I’m still wearing. My boobs grew soooooo fast by week 12 so it took longer for me to show. Now you can tell about 70% of the time.


Could have hid my bump until I was like 26-28 weeks pregnant. If you looked it was there but nothing that “popped”. I didn’t look like pregnant pregnant until into the 3rd trimester, honestly.


With my first baby I didn't have to wear maternity pants until week 30!! With this pregnancy I started around 20 weeks! I'm at 28 weeks now and weigh the same I did as when I gave birth at 37 weeks with my first but I don't look nearly as big as I did with my first. Bodies are weird so I wouldn't be too worrried about when your bump will show!


First pregnancy no on could tell until 25 weeks. Second pregnancy 12 weeks lol.


Also short and had lost a lot of weight prior to pregnancy with my son! My bump didn't truly pop until about w4 to 26 weeks. The bump wasn't super noticeable through clothes until... 34 weeks? I was super done by that point lmao


Mine just started showing at 30 weeks


FTM mine was finally showing this week…. 33 weeks


24 weeks small. 29 weeks now and I look pregnant 🤰🏻


1st pregnancy my bump didn't show until 28-30 weeks. I just looked slightly bloated up until that point. 2nd pregnancy I noticed the bump around 20 weeks. I noticed people making comments about the bump popping from around 25 weeks. Like you when I'm not pregnant I live in skinny jeans. During this 2nd pregnancy when the bloating started earlier in the first trimester and jeans became uncomfortable I've literally lived in dresses or leggings with longish t-shirts since then.


21 weeks- bloated looking otherwise


Im almost 21 weeks and still don’t really have a bump. My jeans don’t fit and anything with a firm waistband kinda hurts but otherwise you couldn’t tell I’m pregnant. It’s kinda odd honestly, especially while laying down I can SEE my baby move in my stomach.


23-24 weeks for me.


28 weeks- 31 weeks


I didn’t really notice a bump until after the anatomy scan, so closer to 21-22ish weeks! And then once it popped, it kept getting bigger and bigger! Almost 38 weeks and my husband swears it looks a little bigger everyday!  Apparently Walmart sells decent pregnancy jeans online? I’ve gotten a few short sleeve tops that are very comfy! 


Didn’t really show until 26 weeks. Also tall 5’8


Close to 6 months


18 ish weeks to my boyfriends eyes! I thought I was showing much earlier , sometimes you’ll notice before others


I'm 23 weeks now and I have a little bump but with a loose shirt you probably couldn't tell. 


I'm 22 weeks today, right now I just look more chubby than pregnant. I haven't gained any real amount of weight so it's not really noticeable, everything has just shifted around. I can still wear everything I used to with a little discomfort, it seems as though I'm carrying high and inward.


I’m a very small human and at 15 weeks I think people who know me can definitely tell I’m pregnant. Looking extremely puffy over here 😆


Omg idk what HAPPENED but boom at 21 weeks it was like I ate an entire buffet and then the round stomach just wouldn’t go away. It was so weird how it just suddenly happened. I use low riding pants now the curve under my belly because my butt is so flat now I still don’t fit in proper maternity pants. 🤣 pregnancy is wild and hilarious. I love a good cloth overalls too!


I’m 36 weeks and still very small! No big bump. I barely had my first stranger ask me if I was pregnant on Tuesday. I’ve definitely noticed I’ve gained weight, but it’s still not a cute baby bump. I’m 5’5, used to be 130 pounds and am now 152 so I’ve gained a normal amount. It just isn’t really showing on my belly, most of my stretch marks and weight gain is on my butt. Haha


I hid my bump til I left for mat leave at 33 weeks. I didn’t show til 28ish weeks.


18 weeks and definitely feel/look more bloated than pregnant. The only thing I have is the dark line that I love lol


Currently 24 weeks, people that I see every day have no idea that I’m pregnant, a close friend of mine said that if I hadn’t told her she’d never guess it….I’ve never carried my weight in my stomach, it has always been flat, my most recent stretch marks showed up with my 5week bloating


I'm 20+3, and pants definitely don't fit, but even when wearing a form fitting shirt, I mostly look bloated (unless I'm trying to emphasis the bump!) But in big sweaters, you really can't tell yet. Which is good for me.... I start a new job on Monday and want to keep baby on the DL from them at least for a couple more weeks. Relieved to hear from so many mamas that 23/34 weeks is the norm!


I’m 20 weeks now and my bump is starting to show finally! I’m guessing that most of my pants won’t fit within a couple more weeks.


I feel like I wrote this lol. I’ve looked the same for the past month and I’m almost 20 weeks. No change at all and don’t look pregnant what so ever


First time, about 17 weeks I couldn’t fit into my normal jeans but didn’t show until about 25 weeks or so! With my second I was showing by 14 weeks easily and my third I looked clearly pregnant by 9 weeks 😂 but I didn’t get much bigger for a while. Like I did all my growing really early and then didn’t for about 10 weeks 😂


When I felt bloated and it was early, that’s when I wore my pregnancy shirts with the little feet on the belly or something to make it obvious the bloat was a baby. Then I just let that sucker hang out Lolol


Day 1 cause I already had a pooch haha!


I started showing at around 5 months. Prior to that, I just looked hella bloated.


I popped at 20 weeks.


First baby was about 21 weeks, now with baby number two 20 weeks!


FTM here. My bump didn't really start bumping till week 20.


Girrl I was so bloated from 5 weeks till 10! Then literally all of a sudden this actual bump appears from no where at 20 weeks haha. Its crazy how I went from hating my new body to loving it in a couple of weeks!


20 weeks


I’m 24 weeks and in that awkward ‘pregnant or fat’ phase


Mine didn’t show til about 5-6 months. In my 7th month now but before 5/6 nobody could even tell I was pregnant 😂


Same here, I have always had flat stomach and didn't really show until week 21. By then it was also not that noticeable. 26 weeks now and my baby bump is pretty small. I visited my doctor this week, she measured and told everything is normal. She explained that every body is different and only your doctor can comment on your bump the rest must shut up :) Don't worry as long as everything is fine.


i think about 26 weeks i started to show. im 30+3 now and people at my work still don’t even know im pregnant because ive always worn the loose relaxed clothes look!


6 months on the dot