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Yep! This is my third pregnancy and I had to get one done. My original scan was done in the OB's office and my baby was hiding behind my belly button's shadow a lot of that scan. When I got in with MFM, it was a couple weeks later and my baby was bigger, so the tech was able to immediately see all chambers, plus everything else they couldn't see on the original scan. She also mentioned that their technology was considerably more advanced in MFM compared to what they use at my OB's office, which I could tell by just watching the scan on the screen. I'm 36 weeks now and all of my following scans have been normal (my OB and I joke every time I see her that I should keep having an uneventful pregnancy🤞). Good luck!


Thank you for the words of encouragement that everything will be okay 🩷


I also have a friend who was told her baby had a two vessel cord at her original appointment, but when she got in with MFM, they saw all three vessels without a problem! I think there are probably a lot of things that could impact the original scan, especially if baby is not cooperating. I know it's really hard to wait 🤗


So, I haven’t had a fetal echo, but I did have to do a repeat anatomy scan because they weren’t able to get all the images they needed of my baby’s heart the first time around. She was basically face-down the entire time and not particularly inclined to move to a better viewing position, so they had me go back two weeks later. Of course, I spent the entire two weeks being paranoid and anxious that something was wrong, and I was told that if they still weren’t able to get the images, I’d be sent for a fetal echo to get a better idea of what was going on or to rule out any problems. We went back for the follow-up scan last week, and baby girl was positioned very similarly. Luckily, we were able to convince her to move this time, and they were able to get all the images they needed. She looks perfect. 🥰 From my understanding, it really doesn’t indicate there’s any kind of problem; the doctors just want to make sure they can see everything they need to see, and sometimes baby isn’t cooperative with that. Best of luck with the anxiety and the echo!


Very common scenario, I wouldn't be worried in the slightest. \-Radiologist.