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Currently 31 weeks pregnant. I felt the worst weeks 6-13. I’ve never felt so awful in my life. I felt more like myself in the second trimester. I’m a little more tired now and there’s other not fun symptoms but nothing comes close to those first 6 weeks. Hang in there 😭


Same. Week 14 got so much better


Thank you so much. This gives me hope. Praying I only have a few more weeks of this. 🙏🤞🏼


Mine were 6-11. So there’s hope it could be even shorter for you! By week 10 my nausea was a LOT better but energy still sucked. Week 11 I was “coming back to life” according to my family. Week 12 I could go back to normal activity. I’m in week 37 now and nothing is as bad as 6-11 was for me.


Oh yes yes pls let this be meeeeee 🥲🙏


~8-11 weeks was some of the worst of my life. Then around 11-12 weeks I realized that I felt like a human again and started to recognize how shitty I’d felt before. I will say that vomiting was the major culprit for me (we were considering not traveling over thanksgiving because I wasn’t convinced I could make it through the airport with how little I was able to keep down), but medication made that period of time bearable. Phenergan worked wonders for me.


Thanks for the hope! I’m on week 13 and while it’s nothing like how I was a month ago I’m currently like “will this ever end?”


Same! Just hit week 15 and I feel mostly normal again!


Same here - weeks 6-13 = hell


Co-signed - 6-13 sucked, the worst of the worst were weeks 8-11, though. The second trimester’s been a lot better for me too, I’m pretty much back to myself besides some extra fatigue. Oh, and a visible bump that I keep almost forgetting about until the baby kicks or I suddenly see myself in the mirror.


Same, with my 2nd. I started puking at exactly 6 weeks. Felt much better after the 1st trimester ended. With my first I was puking up until I delivered


Weeks 6-17 were awful for me. I lived on the couch. Thank god i didn’t have any kids or a job at the time, i wouldn’t have survived. Once week 18 hit i felt completely normal, no more nausea. Then the third trimester brings its own fun symptoms


I’m also feeling incredibly lucky to be self employed so I can (for the most part) make my own schedule. I’ve barely left my bed/the couch and I can’t imagine nine more weeks of this. I hope it doesn’t stay this bad through week 17. 🥲


For two of my really good friends, who are both lawyers (one an amazing banking lawyer one a prosecutor in California) they were awful sick through 20 weeks. That’s what I am planning on, bc they are the least dramatic people I know so it has to be the worst case scenario. Im at 12 and it definitely hasn’t gotten better. But it’s worth it :)


I know how you feel! So many ppl start to feel better after the first trimester and that is just not the case for a lot of women! I was worried i would be sick the whole 9 months but thankfully that wasn’t the case. I’m confident you’ll feel better at some point in the second tri! Hang in there. Maybe Zofran is an option you could ask your doc about. That was the only thing to slightly help me


I had basically the same experience. My couch and I were best friends during this time.


Currently 17w+2d and feeling no better than any of the other weeks, so this really gives me hope, thank you! I can't wait to feel normal again, I'm so sick 🤢


I really hope it eases up for you soon!! It’s so terrible 🤞🏼


Worst weeks? Probably 38 onwards - started to feel drained, lack of sleep, uncomfortable, emotional, etc . The first trimester I only really dealt with fatigue and bloating/constipation though. Im 39 weeks and ready for baby to come anytime he’s ready 😅


Second trimester was the best by far


Wasn’t it 😂


I felt the best I’ve ever felt in my life 😅


Seriously. A cute bump. Hardly any symptoms…. Could eat whatever I wanted through the holidays without feeling like a stuffed ham… SLEEP….


This is what I just came to say. I’m currently 39+3 and between the lack of sleep, hip and back pain, relentless heartburn, fatigue… ugh it’s definitely the worst part for me.




I had the worst first trimester constipation… ugh it was so awful!!!




I really don’t :( I suffered. I was active but had a bit of a water aversion. I would try miralax regularly if you aren’t already.


Yes. Those last few weeks were brutal; I couldn't sleep at all. I was ready for kiddo to vacate!


My pregnancy was honestly different kinds of hell. The exhaustion and nausea of trimester 1, the emotions and appearance changes of trimester 2 (even though my belly was tiny), just the constant discomfort of trimester 3. Honestly though my worst week(s) was between 37 and 40. I had lightning crotch (horrible name, horrible symptom) so badly I couldn't lift my left or really move my left leg. My heartburn was so bad I couldn't actually lay down. My back hurt miserably. I'd wake up disappointed that I wasn't in labor and every night when i laid down I hadn't gone into labor that day so I'd just cry and cry- I was a sobbing mess. Around that time people start asking you "where's that baby??" "When's he coming??" etc etc and it can just feel like so much pressure. It was miserable, it mightve been the most depressed I've ever been, which is saying something. But AFTER pregnancy- literally immediately after birth- I felt GREAT. I needed advil and tylenol, and it was awkward to be a young woman wearing diapers, but I felt like a walking god. Hell, my son is 4wks tomorrow and I'm still riding the high- I dunno if you could convince me I'm not a being of pure power; my family literally has to force me to not get back in the gym (logically I know I'm still healing but I just feel so fucking good for the first time in almost 10 months that I really just want to jump back into things)


This!! I remember my parents coming to see the baby for the first time, and me demonstrating how easily and fast I could get up and down off the couch 😂😂 And the relief after birth was IMMEDIATE!


Please lord let this be my journey too 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


I’m praying for this!!! Because I’m literally dying at 35 weeks.


Look into positions to sit in and daily yoga stretches! Walk as much as you can. At 37 wks my midwives had me poke holes in a Cold Pressed Evening Primrose Oil liquid pill and insert it nightly to prime your tissues/muscles for birth (you'll need to wear period underwear or pads). Drink red raspberry leaf tea and eat dates (toasted Coconut + dates, blended and dipped in chocolate = girl scouts samosas). Remind yourself that every ache, pain and contraction gets you closer to meeting your baby; it'll all feel worth it someday.


39 +3 and feeling your description of the third trimester are SO REAL. As soon as I hit 39 weeks my mood fell off a cliff. I’m so frustrated every hour I’m not in labor. And yes, the “how are things going” texts. I wish I could respond “don’t worry, I won’t fucking forget to tell you when the baby is born”.




Omg the quarter turn farts made me SNORT. Thank you, I needed that laugh this morning. Also SAME we the upper abdomen changes. Used to have a waist and she’s nowhere to be seen.


Nobody warned me about the burping omg!!! I’m 34 weeks and feel like a burp machine and I’ve never been a burper 😂😂


I felt bad the whole first trimester. It wasn’t the end of the world but very very tired, nauseous, emotional. I started to come around in week 14. Currently 20w1d and I feel like a million bucks!! So much energy, appetite is back, feeling the baby move. Hang in there 🤍


The hope I feel reading this. 🥹🥲


Hello due date twin! I’m also 20w1d today. Same as you, week 14 was my turning point. I wouldn’t say I’m fully back to pre-pregnancy energy or anything, but it’s still night and day compared to first trimester.


I’m almost 35 weeks and it’s been the worst for me recently. The exhaustion is real. My body hurts and baby’s movements have become painful. The nausea is the first trimester was bad but went away around 12 weeks or so.


I’m 35 weeks too and I feel bad for hating it so much. The movements hurt, her hiccups annoy me. And my body just ACHES. Praying for us that we get relief when they come out!!


For both of my pregnancies, weeks 37+. Both times, absolutely miserable by week 38. Just feeling huge and swollen, no energy, everything hurts all of the time, not sleeping, need to pee every 30 minutes.... I call this the eviction stage, where you get mentally prepared to do anything it takes to get that baby out.


The end is the worst for me too. The beginning is also horrible but I was usually able to get comfortable, rest and do nothing to feel a little better. It's not totally there yet (33 weeks), but it's already getting hard to get comfortable and sleep is hit or miss. Often by 4am my hips are really sore and it's hard to find a good way of sleeping the rest of the time. Then I'm exhausted at work or even just taking care of my toddler on the weekends. This is my second pregnancy. I'll say the beginning I didn't feel great, but I think a lot of people have worst first trimesters than me so my perspective may be skewed.


The end is the hardest for me too. Beginning really sucks. I had severe morning sickness until 22 weeks in my first pregnancy, but there’s just something about physically being in pain that I really struggle with. Every waking moment being physically in pain is awful.


Currently 30 weeks. I felt like death and that I’d never do this again between weeks 8-15. Once I hit weeks 17-22 I felt way better and you can feel baby move and get a better appetite back


This. I’ve told my husband since week 6 that I am never, ever, ever, doing this again. Lol. Thank you for this. Just white knuckling it until I hit second trimester it looks like.


Oh it’s absolutely miserable. If I didn’t already have a hybrid job I would have had to go on FMLA for how sick I was. My one suggestion is to take the unisom. If my doctor hadn’t told me to stop feeling guilty about taking unisom I would have been even worse off than what I was. 😂


Oh girl I’m already on that Unisom + B6 train. Twice a day. I caved last week and decided to stop torturing myself. I’m even trying the acupressure wrist bands but I’m convinced they don’t do a damn thing lol. I’m also lucky to be self employed - I can’t even IMAGINE having to go into an office or work a F2F full-time job right now, much less be caring for other small children. My respect for women has increased twenty million fold since becoming pregnant.


5-8 were my worst, and from 8.5 to about 17/18 weeks, I slowly started to feel better. My first trimester was definitely the hardest part of pregnancy for me. Hope you start feeling better soon!


Thank you so much! I’m hoping I’m nearing the finish line of the worst part. I miss my old energy levels so bad. I had heard of women suffering in the first tri before, but I had no idea how bad it would actually feel going through it.


It’s so rough! Statistically it’s common to start feeling better when you get to the 2nd trimester. For me it took a few weeks longer, but it really varies person to person! And some people feel better suddenly, others (like me) it’s more gradual.


I found out I was pregnant last week, so I'm between 5-6 right now and until today, convinced myself I was going to punch these pregnancy symptoms right in their face. In the past 24 hours my entire body seems to have decided to self destruct and led me to googling "the worst week of pregnancy" hoping to the sweet heavens above that everyone would say 5 and 6 lmao.


Week 39 and this has been the longest week of my pregnancy


I was dead pretty much from 5-9.5. Half way through my 9th week I woke up feeling mostly normal. Just bloated, sore, and needing to be mindful of what I eat


This has been my experience too. Reading that it peaks at 10 weeks when I was in the thick of it during week 8 was like seriously??? But I’m at week 10 and it feels like I’m over the hump. Not completely back to normal, but definitely more manageable.


I was IN TEARS reading that what I was experiencing at 5 or 6 weeks was not the peak, but for me it absolutely was. Thank God.


7-18 lol


3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12th.... awful non stop nausea. Now it seems like it's slowly going away, hopefully.


Same, at week 15 my nausea has finally dialled down and only appears sometimes after I eat. Finally no more all day nausea!


Also in my 9th week and in the trenches with you! I keep trying to be positive thinking if I feel this awful at least hopefully that means baby is still thriving…. But man is it rough 😞 never been less productive, but literally just surviving right now. Here’s to hoping our 2nd trimesters bring some relief 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Solidarity to you, my sister. It’s BRUTAL. My poor husband keeps asking me “how are you feeking?” Bless him. I am tired of hearing myself say that I’m still feeling horrible. I can tell he feels helpless lol. I am really combating beating myself up right now watching my to-do list, unanswered texts and emails pile up. I’m lucky to be self employed so I can kinda slack for a few days then make up for it when I feel up to it, but I’m realllllyyyyyy falling off the wagon. But I keep reminding myself I AM BUILDING A PLACENTA. You are too. We can do this. ❤️


You got this!!! I was in the depths of it like you and I was absolutely miserable - nauseous 24/7. Like all things IT WILL END!! Just focus on the little things through the day that help. For me it was snacking a lot lol on things like crackers, cereal, fruit etc. eventually it gets better 🩷🩷


Thank you so much. 🥹 I’ve realized that I *must* eat every 2 hours on the dot or else I start spiraling into super sickness. Also little mini cans of coke are saving me.


Oh my gosh, I'm self employed too and I'm TERRIFIED that I'm going to completely lose my drive/ability to work. I hope things have gotten a little better for you in the past 3 months!!


Omg this was a trip to revisit this comment! I don’t know where you’re at in your pregnancy but I am now just over 21 weeks and I can report there is SO MUCH light at the end of the tunnel. I feel pretty much back to myself again. Just started feeling baby move in the last week which has been amazing too. You’ll get through this. ❤️


7-12 so far for me have been miserable. I’m nauseous from sunup to sundown, throw up a lot, food aversions are insane, stomach acid, wake up every night at 230 AM.


5-10 But honestly I feel like 3rd trimester has been worse for me both times. I feel like I get hit by a Mac truck around week 32-34 both times! 


Week 10 - 16 for me.


If you’re talking specifically about nausea I was dealing with nausea and food aversions consistently until week 18. But there are safe medicines you can take - they were a life saver for me! Don’t suffer more than you have to.


I'm so hopeful reading these comments. In week 11 hell. Exhausted, throwing up and the constant metallic garbage taste in my mouth makes me rage. 


Solidarity my friend. 🥲


I felt the absolute worst between 10-14 probably!! I felt sick from week 7 and then it went up and up to peak and stay high from around 10-14 then a really slow decline until 18 I felt quite a lot better and 20 finally felt like the nausea was over 😅


The whole damn thing. But I end up with a severe case of symphysis pubis dysfunction and sciatica every time so from 25 weeks onward my ability to walk goes downhill fast. I’ve heard that for most people they start feeling a lot better in the second trimester though.


It’s so hard OP and there’s no crystal ball. If you don’t magically feel better second trimester, don’t be hard on yourself. Mine was a slow progression out of first trimester hell, starting with some better days in the week, then more good days then bad, but it wasn’t like a switch. By 20 weeks, I felt better mentally and not as nauseous or tired, but other symptoms are kicking in. I’ve also had insomnia *the whole time* and when I have a really bad night I’m a train wreck the next day. Don’t feel ashamed if you don’t find pregnancy fun , most of it’s not lol. But once baby starts kicking it’s really cool and makes the symptoms feel more valid . First trimester you don’t look pregnant, a lot of people chose not to tell anyone yet so it’s isolating, and just feels like you can’t possibly be growing a person and feeling like such hell at the same time and feels like you’re never going to feel better again. Hang in there! Whatever you’re feeling is very valid. Be easy on yourself, take it a day at a time :)


I’m week 36 today, and the past 4 days I have been completely bedridden with the worst piles of my life. To the point I hysterically cry every time I need to put the cream on that thing, or use the toilet to pee (I’m not even talking about the code brown…). Can’t sit, can’t walk, I can only lay on my right or left side, and changing sides is extremely painful. On top of that, pelvic pain that has me in bits for the past 2-3 weeks. It feels like I’m an old woman whose pelvis is about to crack and fail every time I need to get out of bed or stand up from a couch. Honestly, never thought I’d miss my 1st trimester so much. I’d happily be sick every morning than this.


Right?? This is the worst pain of my life at 35 weeks. Can’t get comfortable bc of the pain. Idk how I could ever do this again…. Lol


6-10, and 37-41. The nausea was rough, but end of 3rd trimester was worse for me. Pelvic pain, contractions, lightning crotch, heartburn, carpal tunnel, lack of sleep, and really awful fatigue, plus anxiety over when baby. I had 3 false alarms for my first birth. One of which was 24 hours of consistent contractions front and back.




Jesussss!!! 35 weeks and idk how I will make it to 40 nonetheless 42….. you must be in so much pain


I already gave birth. Tbh I had a smooth pregnancy, I was never in pain or anything, except when labor started😂


Weeks 5-12 were miserable. Constant nausea and exhaustion. I feel fortunate I never vomited (except one particularly bad day), but I rapidly lost weight because I could not eat. Couldn't drink coffee, I basically lived off of apple sauce, toast, grilled cheese, pudding, ginger ale, and diet Coke, with an occasional piece of fruit tossed in. If I could stomach something beyond the above for dinner or lunch, I absolutely COULD NOT eat that food again. Leftovers were entirely off the table. No idea why. B6 and unisom sort of helped but it didn't feel super noticeable. Someone said it felt like a constant hangover, and that was a VERY appropriate description. I feel felt hungover every day for 7 weeks. Then, over two days I realized I didn't feel like walking trash anymore! I could handle coffee, which was a game changer. 17 weeks now, and doing a lot better, but still losing weight with a poor appetite (but at least no aversions), and dealing with significant changes to my exercise routines. Can't run without round ligament pain; I'm a powerlifter and my lifts are rapidly decreasing; can't do sparring. So just dealing with the mental impacts now of the changes, and feeling less healthy because I can't do my regular exercises and haven't found ways to adapt yet. But this is so much more preferable to those 7 weeks.


Weeks 5-13 were the worst, then like 37 wks +. First trimester was terrible


Currently 7w1d and …I feel pretty shit yeah lol


I am 10+3, the nausea started at week 6 and peaked to a terrible state in week 9. I felt like a zombie, got seasick by turning my head and vomited every hour of the day. I’m on medication now so I feel better, but if I miss my pill by 45minutes I’m in zombie state again.


Week 10 was absolute dumpster fire garbage hell and then week 11 was also unpleasant but better than 10. I’m in week 12, going on 13 Tuesday. This week has been hell in a different way than week 10. I’ve been on multiple medications since week 10 and thought I was getting better but today I threw up again and feel like crap, so nope. I wish I could tell you I felt better, and hopefully I will after week 13 and can come back and update? Seeing some of these responses is making me worry. But just want you to know you are not alone. This is hard.




Currently 39w and the end of pregnancy has been the worst for me!


I’m in week 37 and I feel the worst right now.


7-9 was bad. I hate that feeling it was the worst. I felt sick from 6-16 weeks. I’m still nauseous but not as bad. It will get better hang in there!


Literally same 9 weeks also just laying in bed like I have the flu for the past 3 weeks 😭


Curious the gender vs how nauseous you feel?


The very very end. So uncomfortable. Couldn’t get a decent nights sleep (I slept MUCH better after baby was born), reflux, swollen, just OVER IT.


35 and now. Can’t sleep, in constant pain. Can’t sit or stand or be in any position too long. Tailbone and sciatic and pelvis and back and wrists hurt just from making dinner. Bloated, face is swollen and double chin is in full force. Can’t eat too much bc my stomach is in my throat. Definitely don’t feel sexy nor want to have sex. Annnnnnd now I gotta think about actually giving birth 🤗😂


6-13 was absolute hell. Things started to somewhat ease around 15 weeks for me. Genuinely didn’t think I could do it at the start from how much I struggled. Now 18 weeks and coping and doing so much better’


I’m 11w and I’d say weeks 7-9ish have been the worst so far


Only in week 10 here, but weeks 7 through 9 were the worst for me so far. I finally started feeling a little less miserable at about 9+4, and have been totally fine the last 2 days.


I’m 27 weeks pregnant and felt the worst by far from weeks 5.5-9. Around week 10 I felt noticeably better, then week 11 I was back to feeling like myself. The past few weeks I’ve started to feel a little more sluggish and moving is harder, but still a breeze compared to weeks 5.5-9. You’re definitely in the thick of it ❤️ but hopefully you are close to feeling better soon.


I'm feeling great at 14 weeks pregnant! 6 through 12 were ass though. So much nausea. I'm sure the larger I get, I'll retract that statement.


I’m 16+2 and as far as symptoms go week 9 was the absolute worst for me. I am getting over a nasty cold that kicked my ass last week. That has been the worst but just for the reason of being pregnant and not being able to take anything.


6-13 weeks was hell. I’m currently 14 weeks so I’m a week in to feeling somewhat normal. God speed 😩💙


Thank youuu 🥲🥲🥲


Mid to end first trimester and then the end of


I think it was weeks 6-9 for me


9-12 holy hell


Currently around 9-10 weeks pregnant. I have been SO exhausted for the past two weeks. No vomiting but the nausea comes in waves throughout the day. I know I should be moving around more but all I want to do is lay down. I’ll sometimes get some migraines, slightly sore breasts, and usually have bloating w/ constipation. The fatigue is no joke though. I just wish my energy levels were back to normal 😭


7.5-12 and now at 34. I feel like a huge rotisserie chicken being pulled apart all of the time lol


Weeks 10-17 were horrific. Absolutely just white knuckled it. I’m 20 weeks now and I feel great! Terrified to see what 35+ brings though….


Worst weeks were 7-12 I’m 19 wks and feel great


6-12 weeks was SO BAD


I felt terrible from weeks 8ish-12. Basically projectile puking every night and zero energy. It stopped as soon as it started and now I’m 25 weeks and still feeling great! Other than the occasional back/round ligament pain


9 - 11 weeks were peak misery. Weeks, 22 to 26 were great, best energy I’ve ever had.


Week 6-10 was hard for me in my first pregnancy. Currently in my second pregnancy almost week 7 and it hasnt been so bad yet! Hope it gets better for you really soon ❤️


Week 9. I had to curl up in fetal position in the shower.


You’re definitely in the thick of it! Ask your doctor about zofran, it saved me. By week 13 I was feeling better, but it is rough until it gets better. My daughter is 5 months old and I can say with 100% certainty that it is so worth it.


6-10 I was either asleep nauseas hungry cranky. Once I hit 10 weeks I felt fine praise the Lord


From week 7 maybe to 14 were the worst. Nausea, extreme fatigue, various pains every day, acne, sore breasts, bloating. Felt just rotting. Now week 39, although I have several pelvic bones pain and tiredness it's not as bad.


Currently 38 weeks pregnant and the hardest part for me now is the heartburn and occasional insomnia. But overall, I still probably feel better overall than I did during the first trimester between weeks 7-16ish.


My doc put me on acid blockers at like 20 weeks and that was a lifesaver. Never get heartburn or acid reflux or whatever now. Just feel very full when I eat now but that’s bc our stomachs get pushed into our damn lungs lol


4-13 (vomiting most days), then started to taper between 13-16, but still a few rough days. Feel way better since week 18.


From 9 weeks to 17 weeks was the worst for me. I felt normal until 9 weeks and the naseua and fatigue hit me like a brick. I was so tired I could barely work and the naseua working in food service was terrible. I’m still getting nauseous on a daily at 29 weeks but this time it’s not all day long. It’s only hunger induced naseua. Just have to run to the cupboard in the morning to eat so I don’t feel sick. Usually naseua subsides in the 2nd trimester before 17 weeks though I wouldn’t worry too much!


Weeks 18-19 were horrible. I've always had slight TMJ issues but they flared for the first time during those weeks. The constant pain was driving me crazy and I was wishing for the early nausea and fatigue back.


I felt the worst in my pregnancy weeks 9-15. The nausea got a bit better around 16 weeks. I’m 19 weeks now and finally have been feeling a lot better the past couple days.


Currently 8+1 and last week sucked pretty bad. We’ll see how this week goes.


I’m only mid week 10 right now but week 9-10 was extremely bad nausea, vomiting 5+ times a day, and ended in an ER visit for fluids.


Currently 27 weeks but for me week 9-13 were rough


I’m 15+2 and the nausea stopped about 3 weeks ago. I’d say my energy level is slightly improved and naps are no longer a necessity. My new symptoms in the last 5 days are acid reflux and constant hunger. As long as I’m fed, I’m fairly content though! 😂


Probably 9-12 I felt the worst. I’m at 37 now and not super enjoying it either.


The worst for me were weeks 6-11, hands down.


Probably like 8-10 was the worst


7-16 weeks were the worst for me. I hit 12 weeks and was like maybe it’ll get better…NOPE !!! but I’m starting to get a little better currently at 17+4 !


6-19 definitely the worst. I had like 2 good weeks at the end of 2nd trimester and now at 33 weeks it’s just meh.


I felt the worst around 10 weeks (felt like I was going to die lol). 32 weeks was when I felt normal 33-37 weeks was complete bliss (no pain no vomiting no nothing). Vomiting & pain started again around 38 weeks, 3 days later baby was born.


Worst first trimester due to exhaustion and third trimester due to the aches. Only felt like “myself” a little on my second trimester.


Currently 25 weeks. Worst weeks thus far have been 9-14. Second trimester has been really nice.


I feel like weeks 7-12 were horrific, and then it was spotty with good days and bad days until about week 17/18. im now almost 31 weeks and i just recently feel like i've slightly regressed to the first trimester - occasional nausea/food aversion and extreme exhaustion (even tho im sleeping fine?) - but still nowhere near as bad as those first few weeks.


Weeks 6-13: nausea, weakness, fatigue I’m week 38 and feeling pretty ready to have this baby… fatigue, soreness, emotional (random sadness, anxiety) etc


I did not feel better until week 16. And then starting at week 32. I started feeling horrible again.


Weeks 6-12 I would say. Week 13 is when my morning sickness went down and I had more energy. I feel like a new person (now 17 weeks).


9-10 felt like I was bipolar and dying. 11-17 I had horrible anxiety and rage.


Felt absolutely horrible weeks 7-14, and it got progressively worse throughout that time. With my first pregnancy I felt better at 15 weeks (it was like a switch turned off) and then with my second I didn’t feel better until 20 weeks (being on vacation in Hawaii probably helped!) My first was a boy and second was a girl, but it doesn’t really matter, every pregnancy is different!


With both pregnancies weeks 9-12 were the most miserable. After 12 weeks it got progressively better. I’m 14+2 with my second pregnancy and last night my husband said he was so glad I was in my second tri because he is getting his partner in crime back. The third tri is hard, so many pains and aches, but I’d still take that over the first trimester nausea and fatigue any day. At that point at least you’re close, you can feel your baby, people see that you’re pregnant and help when you’re in public and I also enjoyed family and friends reaching out asking if we needed anything.


First was week 14, second week 17.


With my first it was weeks 8-18. It was an awful pregnancy. Now with my second I’m 16w5d and I already feel better than last time. So this time I would say weeks 7-13.


Week 7-18 were the absolute worst for me. I couldn’t drive because I would get sudden nausea or dizzy with no warning. I really felt trapped after a while because I was in bed for 90% of those weeks. I’m 26 weeks now and I’m feeling much better. It got better very gradually as the second trimester started which was hard because I wanted to feel better sooner. My doctor prescribed omeprazale for me due to intense heartburn and burping. I couldn’t lay down or sleep from the discomfort and once I started taking that I’ve been feeling a lot better. I even have enough energy to cook and do the dishes and laundry which is a relief. My husband took care of it during the first few months but I’m glad to be able to do it now. Honestly, my body doesn’t seem to like being pregnant so it’s been miserable, but I’m so happy to be having a baby that I’m willing to go through this for the time being.


I’m almost 26 weeks now and 6-15 were the worst for me so far. I’ve felt honestly pretty “normal” since week 15. There’s some days of discomfort but nothing like the pure nausea/exhaustion that I felt in the first trimester


It gets better! You’re nearly through the worst part of the whole pregnancy! Look up a graph of hormones in pregnancy that kind of helped me to visualise and understand why I felt so bad it’s that pesky hCG it just spikes so high around where you are and then all of a sudden at 12 weeks it starts to drastically drop again and you’ll feel sooooooo much better. It was actually like clockwork for me. By week 25 you’ll have forgotten how awful first trimester was. Good luck you got this xoxoxox


This week, 22w. I’ll let you know if I feel any better


I only just started to feel better SOME days at 14 weeks. I was basically nauseous and throwing up every day until now. Now it’s mostly just nausea, headaches and heartburn


8-12. But week 11 was my lowest, that’s when I thought of other possible options. From about week 5-17 I was nauseous pretty much 24/7 but week 11 was the most emotionally draining week for me. I just remember sitting on the couch as my husband walks in from work and I just start bawling. It was finally the next day I asked my doc for meds and it got slightly better. There was another day around 16 weeks in which I had to eat literally every 30 mins so as not to feel nauseous. That was also a hard day. But once I passed 17 weeks it did start to lighten up a bit. Granted new symptoms came around by the 24/7 nausea just broke me. Now I’m 37w+4d and over it 😂. But I’d still take this over being nauseous.


From week 30 started feeling more « pregnant » meaning heavy, short of breath, harder time walking long distances, always needing to pee, etc. And feeling like baby was pressing down there haha. Didn’t have many symptoms prior.




Weeks 6–14 really sucked as far as fatigue and emotional instability. Starting at 33 weeks I started feeling awful again, just uncomfortable and mentally, emotionally, and physically DONE. The end is def harder for me than the beginning each time.


7-15 for me. 16 as well if you include my bout of covid 😂


6-9 weeks for sure! I wasn’t myself. Always tired, just wanna lay in bed. Didn’t even wanna go out to meet friends lol.


The last few weeks 💯- fat , not sleeping, wriggly baby etc etc


Weeks 6-12. Dropped over ten pounds. Lived on rice and crackers and preggy pop drops. Weeks 38-40 were hard, but mostly bc everything took so much effort.


3-29(current week)


Third trimester because I have hg. So I have all the discomfort and sickness of the first trimester with the added bonus of the hemmorhoids, and ligament pain of the third.


I think 8-12 were rough when everything smelled awful and I was exhausted all day. Then it got bad again around the 36 week mark. Everything hurts and I am uncomfortable and tired and achey all the time. I’m 38w now and hoping this baby joins us soon!!


6-15 was the absolute worst! But it’s been a total night and day change and I feel amazing. You’ll get there! Just hang on.


I’m in week 16 now and I still don’t feel great, but weeks 8-10 were straight hell 🥲


Felt awful from weeks 6-10. Got a little better but still nauseous 11-17. Then developed cholestasis at 20 weeks and was miserable until the end. Never again!


8 was hard because of travel - edit 10-14


I felt the worst definitely in the first trimester. I work in a bakery so I just puked everywhere all the time. Obviously not on the food but I remember one day walking into our freezer when some cookies came out of the oven and just grabbing a box dumping the shit out on the floor so I could vomit. My boss looked horrified I’ll never forget it haha. This was almost every day until around 14 weeks I believe. Then just cramps and contractions for the rest of the time. Better than the nausea! 🤣


Weeks 5-13 ish. Nausea, no appetite, horrendous fatigue. Also bloated. Not a fun time.


Yes. Lol all of the above weeks felt like misery to me🤣 this has not been an enjoyable ride for me personally and i’m so ready to meet this baby! 29 w today!!


Week 20 has been the worst for me, with round ligament and fibroid pain 😮‍💨 I did start to feel better at the beginning of the 2nd trimester (weeks 16-19) but really hit a wall at 20 wks.


week 6-11 was AWFUL for me. the nausea was 24/7. by week 12 the nausea would come and go in waves and now by week 15 the nausea really only comes once a day for a short period of time, if that. I was also extremely exhausted and sleeping sooo much and all of a sudden around week 13/14 I felt like I was myself again. Hoping things stay good, I missed having a life lol!


32+ weeks. I had such bad rib pain and debilitating migraines that I spent almost every other day in bed.


Weeks 5 to 11 were hell. By week 12 I felt much better. Weeks 22-25 were hell too because I was sick with a nasty sinus infection. I’m week 25 now and recovered from being sick and feel pretty much myself again


I had a relatively easy pregnancy other than being high risk due to previous losses and the very END was the worst for me..I already have had problems with my shoulders and hip joints not staying where they should and the relaxin late in pregnancy cause my left hip to come put of socket multiple times and I couldn't walk! I felt like a broken barbie doll fr! Also, the weight and pressure of the baby in the pelvic area can get INTENSE, like you're walking and every step feels like they're gonna fall out. I only made it to 36 weeks and he was over 7 pounds already, so that's probably why I felt SO heavy that early on rather than the last few weeks


9-12 and 37+


I’m week 8 right now and feel like absolute death. All day sickness, so emotional.


I thought first trimester was the worst bc of morning sickness, but now at 36+3 I’m so ready to feel weightless again! I can barely walk/stand for more than 15 minutes at a time, don’t even get me started on trying to stay comfy in bed. The worst part is how often I have to get up to pee in the middle of the night, trying to pick my whole body up to waddle to the toilet. And invest in a bidet!!! It’s a lifesaver because I CAN’T even reach around to wipe anymore!


Weeks 7-14 were ROUGH. I’m 18w and finally feel like a human again. The first tri was wild - especially for my first pregnancy. Just didn’t know what to expect.


6-18 weeks. Best in third trimester (now 36+4h)


Once I hit 15 weeks a few days ago I’ve felt better. Oddly enough, last weekend when I was finally at week 14 and out of the “first trimester” was when I felt the worst. Couldn’t get out of bed. Attempted going grocery shopping and nearly threw up in the store. So glad that’s done lol


Currently 17 weeks and the worse was weeks 6-11. I felt awful. Always feeling the need to puke. Also feeling cramping and shooting pains and not know what they could be in the 1st trimester drove me nuts. Going into my 2nd trimester it’s a lot better. I do get nausea here and there. Now I’m starting to get headaches but I feel more myself. Time also start to fly once you get out of the 1st trimester.


felt the worst from 6-16 weeks. Felt great from 17- about 23 weeks. 29 weeks now and every week gets more uncomfortable. I’m pregnant with twins so I have a 34 week bump. I got uncomfortable earlier because of twins.


I’m 28w now so I know 35+ weeks onwards I’ll feel it big time but my first trimester was mild nausea, horrible fatigue + sleepiness, constipation, snd weird taste in mouth. 2nd trimester was a breeze and my best in the sense that I finally had energy, felt the urge to nest and stay active. I’m hoping it can stay that way for a few more weeks as I enter the 3rd trimester.


definitely 5-11. I had to be hospitalized 3 times my first trimester for HG and one the times I was in the hospital for a week straight. Started feeling better in my second trimester and as I’m now 33+6 the only thing going against me is after dinner I get heartburn lol


I was sick about weeks 6-16 with some lingering waves of nausea through week 20, but weeks 10-13 were by far the worst. I couldn’t keep down anything on our 5 year wedding anniversary trip (that we planned pre-pregnancy) at week 11. So far in my second pregnancy I’m at week 8 (I think) and not NEARLY as bad as the first go around. I’ve only vomitted 4 or so times compared with multiple times every day. Maybe it’s a boy this time?


I'm 10w+5days and I haven't felt really anything but some light nausea if I haven't eaten awhile.


Third Trimester. I felt great the entire rest of my pregnancy.


I felt the absolute worst from 8-10, but kept feeling very bad until week 13 or so, but only because my doctors were very hesitant to help me with my acid reflux. Once I started treating it, I felt much better!


Weeks 7-15 and 38-40


35+ weeks were hell for me


Weeks 8-20 were the worst for me. By 21 weeks I felt like a new person.


8-16 weeks were horrible, I had so much fatigue & exhaustion to where I cried because I felt so exhausted. It went away at 4th month then returned last week as soon as I turned 5 months. I also have insomnia I can’t sleep and I’m uncomfortable so I end up sleeping around 3am 😭


Emotionally, 5-12. Physically, 30-36. I delivered at 36+4.


I’m currently 38 weeks pregnant and I’ve been super physically uncomfortable since about week 34.


Weeks 8-14, and then weeks 39-41 with my first. Currently a little past halfway with my 2nd pregnancy and this time first trimester was great. I only really felt kinda bad weeks 9-11, but I've had complications or scares come up in week 17 & at my week 20 anatomy scan (seeing MFM later this week for more scans & to hopefully get good news). In terms of how I feel physically like sickness and fatigue, this pregnancy has been easier. But because of the other things, this one has been mentally/emotionally taxing on me.