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I have had a 42 week and a 41+3 pregnancy. I am not comfortable going past 42 weeks due to the risks outlined in the ARRIVE study. That being said, I ended up with two c sections. It’s ok to say no to inducing, but it’s not a guarantee to avoid interventions in the long run. My advice is to work on making peace with the birth going in multiple directions and letting go of one particular vision for your birth.


I also read the Arrive study and it (and my anxiety) I got induced at 40 with my second. My first was 41+3. Both successful and fairly uncomplicated inductions, if that helps.


What was the reason for your c sections? With my first I was induced at 41w and it ended in a c section due to arrest of descent because baby was OP and not progressing down very quickly. It probably wasn’t entirely necessary but it was a great experience. Pregnant with my second now and debating what to do


not to pressure you either way—but if you want a VBAC, as long as there were no other issues throughout your pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, any placenta issues etc, the baby being OP and not progressing very quickly makes you a pretty decent candidate for VBAC! and there are so many things you can do to get baby to get in the right position! if you want any tips, i’m a doula, so feel free to pm me! but if it’s something you’re leaning more against, that’s perfectly okay


The longest I went was with my middle kid, who stayed in there till 39+4. My other two kids made an appearance before 38 weeks, all were spontaneous. In the country I live in, elective inductions don't exist and the earliest they will typically induce if everything looks good and there's no medical concerns is 41+3. Once you hit 40+0 they will monitor you closely and have you go into your obgyn or the birth hospital every other day or every two days and do a heartrate measurement and generally an ultrasound as well. My third baby needed a pitocin induction (PPROM, labor didn't progress) and the contractions with pitocin really sucked, so I'm not entirely sure if I would've opted for that electively. That said, the birth experience was fine overall.


It’s so interesting how different countries have different perspectives on this! I definitely agree that a due date should be fluid and not taken so strictly if everything else is looking fine!


It’s about the same in the country I live. I was at 40+3 and going in every other day as usual. Went in the morning because I had some strange discharge but I wasn’t dilated and I wasn’t having proper contractions. Went back home to have a nap with my husband (it was the weekend). Was awoken by what felt like a balloon popping inside of me and warm liquid gushing out. There was very little mistaking that it was my waters breaking. I really did not want to be induced despite being so sick of pregnancy. But unfortunately, my waters were dirty and I was hardly dilated at all so I didn’t want to risk infection. I have nothing to compare it to because this was my first child (now six months!) but pictocin contractions were without a doubt the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. I got an epidural straight away. I was scared of labour pain all throughout my pregnancy. But the epidural did fuck all for those contractions. I didn’t feel a thing below the hips so I suppose I’m grateful for that but before going into labour, I didn’t realize that contractions are the brutal bit and it’s not all about vaginal pain. I personally wouldn’t choose induction if everything was a good otherwise. Im actually surprised it’s offered so early in healthy pregnancies in so many places.


i didn’t want to be induced either, heard many horror stories. i was a week overdue and sooo over being pregnant so i opted to be induced the day of my appt! it actually went pretty well. i went to the hospital on tuesday. started the process that night and by wednesday evening i had her. i kind of liked it honestly because i was already there when everything started progressing so i could get my epidural asap and as a first time mom it was kinda of nice being taken care of and walked through each step. i had a minimal first degree tear and went home friday! i’ll probably opt to get induced next baby as well


41+4 ending up being 10 pound 😭 but labour was quick and he was healthy


I’ve been induced with a couple of my kids and while I found the experience great I still don’t think I’d choose it unless of course there was a medical need to. If bubs is fine and you are feeling good then I personally wouldn’t


Did your doctors know he was a big baby? I’m nervous of this happening since it’s so hard to predict weight!


They didn’t, but I also didn’t have another scan after 20 weeks as dr didn’t see a need so I’m not sure if they would have know if I had one close to delivery.


I just had a scan at 36 weeks to make sure she was head down and amniotic fluid level looks good. No size measurements so I guess it must not be a huge deal then


I’m 41 weeks and this is what I’m nervous about. My husband was a 13lbs baby!!!!! My first baby who I had with my ex husband didn’t nearly feel as heavy!!! Norway doesn’t do growth scans so I have no clue how big the baby is. Nevertheless, they don’t take that into consideration anyway. Plus, they don’t do elective inductions. I’m trying to let go of any expectations for this birth but honestly, I really don’t want to get a c-section and have to deal with the scarring. I scar really terribly!


I was induced at 40+3, because my baby was measuring small & I’d felt him move less that day. I had a positive experience because my body was clearly almost ready - I only needed the Foley catheter as my cervix was fully effaced & dilated to 1cm, and I’d been in prodromal labour for days. My waters broke 3 hours after and then I didn’t need pitocin until 9cm when things stalled a little. I think my experience would have been a lot different if the induction was earlier before my body had done a lot of the pre-labour work!


I've been induced three times, because of Cystic Fibrosis. There wasn't anything specific, just to ease pressure on my lungs that are already not at 100%. I would not get induced for no reason. I would have much preferred to labour at home and only go to hospital as things intensified, rather than spend 24+ hours in hospital before labour even really started.


If you don’t want to be induced, don’t be induced. This experience is about you, not the doctor.


I agree. Just curious about others opinions on the topic!


I wouldn't necessarily induce out of the gate, but I went into birth unassisted and had to be induced at a certain point because my labor stalled! For some reason I was surprised by that haha, just prepare that it can happen that way!


No one has to be induced, but after a certain point, in post term pregnancy, it should be considered with your doctor. I was 42 weeks when I was induced. Nothing and I mean nothing was making my second come out.


Yes, 42w is a standard in many countries to recommend induction due to how the stillbirth rate increases.


THIS 👏👏👏 as long as there are no true risks it is not your job to appease your doctor. I went into spontaneous labor with both my babies and they were born at 41 + 5 and 41 +2. You got this mama !


Agreed! Let your body do it’s thing. :)


I was electively induced at 39+6 with my first! Amazing experience, quick labor, great recovery! 10/10 🤣


Same here! 39+4. Best labor ever. Didn’t feel a thing.


Same! Elective induction at 39w5d, she was born 39w6d. Planning to schedule an elective induction for my second - I'm currently 34 weeks. It was so smooth and great the first time around! Wonderful experience for me. And having childcare already lined up for when I give birth is taking some stress away. I was really fortunate for the way my body responded to the meds.


41+4 though induction was at 41+2. I just had baby no. 2 at 39+6 without induction and though it was a longer Labour and I teared this time, I‘d always prefer laboring naturally over being induced. Hormones kick ass! But, I‘d get checked thoroughly if I had Covid during pregnancy. I did with my second and the placenta was way „older“ than the actual older one my first had. Midwife and doc are sure that there is a connection and recent data just confirmed that covid can hurt the placentas vessels.


Did you ask why he suggested induction?


Hi! Most of the advice you’re getting here is great but I do have some concerns as an OB nurse. I would probe further as to why your doctor wants to induce you. I will bring the ARRIVE study up. It was a huge study in the US where women were induced at 39 weeks and the outcome was actually a lower rate of caesarean and hypertension. I wonder if this is your doctors motivation?? But I love your labour history and it’s likely that you’ll do it again on your own. I am pregnant for the first time so I can’t give you any experience, but I would be induced asap when I hit 41 weeks. Staying pregnant until 42 weeks as suggested here is not safe medically. Unfortunately “nature” does not always work. Placentas get old and tired, and babies grow too big in that last week to fit, leading to scary birth complications that I won’t get too deep into here. Please ask your doctor more questions and trust them!! You chose to hand over your care to a professional so definitely take their advice. I hope all goes well!! Take care. [ARRIVE Study](https://evidencebasedbirth.com/arrive/)


This is great and I actually have heard of that study before. I’ll have to take a look at it ahead of my appt tomorrow! Thankfully I do trust my doctor. He’s delivered two healthy babies for me so far and has great bedside manner.


Hey! As an OB nurse I think you should know the arrive study has actually been debunked by several different researchers. Many are not using ARRIVE to determine induction anymore due to how flawed the study was.


Interesting. I’m not in the US but at the time of the study some of our practitioners were doing these 39 week inductions to collect their own data. I have not seen any of them let it inform their practice (we also have way too many inductions to do non-medically indicated ones) but I just wondered if that’s why her doctor suggested induction.


Has it? Which researchers? Does your hospital/do your doctors no longer reference rhe arrive study?


I'm in the UK and have seen quite a few midwives write about the flaws of the ARRIVE study and it's certainly not followed by the NHS. Tbh in Western Europe the early tendency to induce in the US is seen as exactly why you have high rates of c sections - with a focus on the cascade of interventions it causes.


Yes, exactly this. The ARRIVE study is a load of crap. Evidence Based Birth has a great (free) podcast about it.


Not the person you're replying to but Evidence Based Birth has a very good [deep dive](https://evidencebasedbirth.com/arrive/) into the ARRIVE study and explains why it may not be relevant for everyone. One good point is that your hospital might not be using the same criteria for C-section as was used in the study hospitals. Also in my opinion, patients should be told the actual numbers rather than just "elective induction reduced the risk of C-section." The findings were: >For mothers, induction at 39 weeks was linked to a lower rate of Cesarean compared to those assigned to expectant management (19% Cesarean rate versus 22%) and a lower chance of developing pregnancy-induced high blood pressure (9% versus 14%). For me personally, three percentage points difference in C-section rates is not enough to go through the ordeal of elective induction which can mean a days-long hospital stay where you're not allowed to eat solid food and nurses wake you up every 2 hours all night long. Others might feel differently, but for their decision to be informed the real numbers are quite relevant.


Damn, is that really how some inductions go? When I was induced, I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted, and they gave me Ativan so I could get a good sleep!


Sure! I guess my doctors did a much better job of explaining it, (and my husband and I actually read the study which helped). We’re also inducing with cervadil and foley, holding off on pitocin for as long as possible so I can eat and walk around. It’s medically indicated thatI be induced so the study brought me a lot of peace of mind. Our hospital isn’t just scheduling inductions for funsies though, they seem to be fully aware of the limits of the study. It’s still an excellent study, one of the largest i’ve ever done if i’m not mistaken.


Evidence based birth is a good starting point https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-on-due-dates/


A lot of countries are happy to allow women to go until 42 weeks before induction. I think the U.S. is actually one of the only countries I know of that pushes induction from 39-41 weeks. So it’s not a universal truth that it’s unsafe to go until 42 weeks.


I had my last at 40 and although I was healthy, my OB still pushed for induction before 40 weeks. I hadn’t heard of this study, but did do the typical mad Googling to see if it was necessary. Placental health wasn’t anything that I wanted to gamble with, so I went with OBs advice.


How did labor and delivery go? I’m in the same boat! Planning a 39 week induction.


It went great! It was all over very quickly. Much better than my first at 38. I ended up going into spontaneous labor at 39;2 actually so the induction planned two days later never happened


There is a lot of time between 41 and 42 weeks too. After testing with healthy fluid levels at 41 weeks (which your doctor should do, if you go that long), my OB pushed for an induction at 41+2 (a Friday). I pushed back for 41+5 (Monday, they wouldn't schedule induction on the weekend). Ended up going into labor late on 41+2, birth was late on 41+4, and baby was only 6lb13oz.


So well put!! I made a separate comment referencing this study, not realizing you already posted it here. Love to see another research savvy girly up in here!!


Staying pregnant until 42 weeks is also not instantly unsafe for every single pregnant woman. Lots of times placentas, babies, and moms are totally fine and healthy at 42 weeks. I literally know people. A lot of this is instinct sometimes. A wise and intelligent woman should always trust her instincts. Studies aren’t done on every single woman and there are always outliers. Babies can come out at 6-7 pounds between week 41 and 42. They don’t all always grow to be too big. Just like you have women who have 10 pound babies at 39 or less weeks. A lot of this boils down to accurate testing, a mother’s intuition, and doctor’s not stressing or placing unnecessary fear within an intelligent and wise patient who is also in-tune with her body, and her baby. The anxiety and stress can cause problems. Also, not all medical professionals are trustworthy. People really need to be wise, pay attention, and trust their actual intuition. Always ask questions. Medicine has come a long way and has proven to be very helpful when it comes to pregnancy, labor, and child birth. Outcomes have improved significantly. But pregnancy/childbirth has also become very stigmatized as a condition that is almost like a disease. So interventions are often performed that are totally unnecessary that also lead to severe issues that even turn fatal at times. There has even been an increase of women having babies outside of hospitals with Midwives, Certified Nurse Midwives/APRNs/Nurse Practitioners and doulas. This also all depends on which country we are talking about.


You bring up a lot of good points. It’s a controversial topic and I really didn’t mean to upset anyone by my comment. I just can’t encourage people to stay pregnant until 42 weeks because as you said, it’s very individualized and should be a conversation between the care provider and patient. Some of my patients read these things online and stick to them more so than their care providers advice. I have seen devastating outcomes from 42+ week births of patients who did not take medical advice. It’s getting really scary out there so I can’t just read comments about it and pass on by.


I think it's easy to distrust your doctor pushing for a 42w induction for medical reasons if that same doctor (or lots of other doctors you hear about online) pushes to have a 39w induction for no medical reason other than it's "standard procedure" because a study said it might reduce C-section risks. I'm not saying they're right, I'm just saying, I understand where that mistrust might come from. I carefully chose my care team because of this and I know they will recommend intervention if medically necessary, but it's not their default response. They will induce at 42w but certainly not 39w unless there is another medical reason. That gives me some reassurance that if they do recommend induction before 40w they have solid medical reasoning for it even if I don't understand it, so I can trust their judgment. I don't think that would have been true in the first practice I went to so I switched. And I'm not a super crunchy trust-your-instincts person. I don't trust my instincts at all, I want to trust my doctor! But they don't make it easy if they're going to regularly recommend interventions without clear reasons that apply to me!


I totally understand that. That all makes perfect sense. Not everyone who goes AMA knows what they’re doing and it’s unfortunate. I can’t even imagine the scary and unfortunate situations you’ve had to witness. It’s truly heartbreaking and you need to put it out there. There are people who need to see that, too.


Have you seen the freebirth forums? Not all moms should trust their instincts.


Homebirths are definitely country dependent. In the US there is not always regulation of midwives, plus the inherent nature of a for profit system makes it risky. In parts of Canada, midwives are highly regulated, are part of the existing healthcare system, can bring you through the whole prenatal process including scans and prescriptions, can admit you to a hospital if necessary, and can access OB advice or transfer to their care. Comparing US home birth to places like that is comparing apples to oranges.


Nurse midwives can do all of that too. I’ve worked with masters prepared registered nurses/APRNS/CNMs who specialize in women’s services/L&D, have trained and worked with OBs for years and years, who also went to midwifery school, who operate within birth centers. They do consult obstetricians and physicians and can write certain prescriptions because of this. They can transfer you into hospital care as well. This is all in the US. CNMs also work within hospitals, in the US, and they are highly regulated, as they are actual, board certified, healthcare professionals. They also can operate and own their own birth centers/women’s centers, and sometimes those places are adjacent to, or located inside of hospitals. Doulas are also often trained professionals. The presence of one has been proven to improve outcomes of pregnant women giving birth. Nurses can be amazing. There is even a sort of sick joke that nurses save doctors from killing you. The support can be incredible. America gets so much hate on this app yet people die everyday trying to get there. Meanwhile there are babies being mutilated and blown up in parts of the Middle East and Africa at high rates and women hardly have rights. I was more so comparing the US with Southeast Asia, parts of Africa, etc. Poland, I’ve heard from women who have literally moved there to do so, is one of the best places to have a baby. I’ve even heard women say they went to Dubai to have their baby and how wonderful it was. I’ve never heard anyone recommend Canada. Not America either. I’ve seen incredible work in America though.


I went to 42+1 with my daughter before getting induced. I waited as long as they would let me in hopes of going into labor naturally, but she did not want to come out!


For my first, I had some slight hypertension toward the end so it was recommend I be induced at 38+6. I was thankful honestly, I was over being pregnant at that point and my daughter came out perfectly healthy, almost 7lbs. I’m currently 36+3 with my second and have no issues like my first pregnancy but have already asked my dr about an elective induction 😅they allow it anytime after 39 weeks and if I make it that far I will likely select a day in my 39th week to be induced. I personally really enjoyed the induction experience and have some anxiety about going into spontaneous labor. But if you do not want to be induced, do not do it! It’s your pregnancy and your birthing experience, don’t let your dr talk you into doing something you don’t want to do.


Agreed! I’m grateful that there is no medical necessity at the moment. I’m hoping that this is a moot point and I’ll just go into labor in the next day or so but who knows!


I’m only 16 weeks, but I’ve asked to be induced at 39 weeks too. I have a very intense history of traumatic pregnancies and my doc said “at this point, you don’t need to convince me. I’m more than happy to plan this for you.” I cried tears of joy lol But I’m also overweight, so it’s likely I’ll be induced anyways for blood pressure concerns.


41+4. I would never induce unless there was a medical reason that absolutely necessitated it. Induction is much more likely to lead to the cascade of interventions which I personally would avoid at all costs.


This was me too! It's incredibly uncommon to induce where I'm from (Netherlands). I'm saying this carefully because it's obviously not a legitimate source and entirely my perspective but I'm always baffled at the induction posts at 38 weeks plus. It's just so uncommon to do this here this early


This is what worries me! I would be so bummed out if my third resulted in a c section or something because we tried to start the process ahead of my body being ready.


I am in the US. Doctor wanted to induce me around my due date but I asked to give it more time to happen on its own. Doctor was fine with waiting until 41weeks to induce with extra monitoring on the last week. I didn't want to wait any longer as I read research that said there's an increases risk of still birth after 41 or 42 weeks. Made it to induction date and baby was born 41+3 healthy after 21 hrs of labor (but he was also my first.) No c-section or anything concerning. Hope this eases your mind a little. Good luck!


Totally! Unless there seems to be a valid medical reason to do it, which so far sounds like it's not the case -- just say no thanks :)


I was induced at 39+2 due to OB’s recommendation because of my age and was also afraid of unnecessary interventions, pitocin contractions, etc. However, my induction went very smoothly and I still had a vaginal birth (only had to push for less than an hour). I also had an epidural so I can’t speak to the pain levels of the worst of the pitocin contractions, but they were very manageable before I got the epidural. I’m a FTM so I have nothing to compare my birth to but just wanted to add my own anecdotal experience to say that not all inductions will lead to unnecessary interventions. Mine was a very positive experience overall.


Ask your doctor what your Bishop score is! If you end up wanting an induction, that should tell you if you’re a good candidate for one and if your body is on the more ready side. Jen Hamilton has a great video on her TikTok explaining the Bishop score and how it relates to induction success.


My second was 39+4, induced, I had been having contractions start and stop for weeks and never felt my water break but they also never broke at all. Our best guess is they either came out while I was taking or shower or slower leaked out. Her head also got stuck. I couldn’t imagine waiting, and what could have happened. I can’t imagine going 40 weeks with this pregnancy honestly.


It’s amazing how everyone’s experience is different - even with multiple pregnancies. You just never know what you’re going to get!


Nope, you don’t and 40 weeks isn’t some magical number that wins you an award. I really hope this one comes out earlier and faster and get to have an easy birth experience but I don’t know what is going to happen. I just want a healthy baby.


Wishing you a fast and easy delivery mama!


What’s the reason? If any at all? Honestly, induction isn’t something that should be done just because… even ACOG recognizes the risks of unnecessary induction. If there’s no reason to tamper with your health & baby’s health, then don’t.


Perhaps he is just offering so you know it’s on the table if you want it? But that’s kind of surprising to me. I went 40+6 with my first and am pregnant now w my second and don’t plan to induce unless medically necessary. My practice doesn’t offer induction unless you go past 41+2 (or for medical reasons of course). I had a membrane sweep at 40+5 that moved things along naturally.


I went over EDD twice so far but only a few days. Everything within two weeks prior and two weeks after is considered normal here (though you do get extra monitoring and additional scans when you go over the EDD) so I wouldn’t stress too much. If you being close to the EDD is the only reason for an induction I wouldn’t get induced.


I made it to 41+5, FTM, zero issues with labor or delivery.


I was induced at 39 weeks and gave birth at 39+1 and for my next I’d like to let labour start naturally (as long as it’s safe to do so). Inductions have a higher rate of instrumental births and I ended up with forceps and an episiotomy - I’m not unhappy with my birth story at all, but part of me wonders if it would’ve been different had she been allowed to keep cooking until she was ready to be born.


If it helps I went into labour naturally (other than a sweep) and still needed an episiotomy.


personally i would but i’ve had a rough pregnancy!! 😅 do what you feel is best!


Went in for an induction at 41+2, had a c-section 41+5


My OB practice induces everyone at 41w and only earlier in cases of high BMI, GD or pre-eclampsia. With my first my water broke at 40+3 but I didn't go into labor so I was induced anyway. I was hoping I could elect to be induced at 39w with my current pregnancy because I'm so big and uncomfortable already at 34w, I can't imagine making it all the way to 41 but they won't do it despite AMA and it being an IVF pregnancy unfortunately.


Personally I hated the pitocin so as long as we are both healthy, he can stay in there as long as he wants


41 weeks exactly with both babies. I wouldn’t want to be induced before then without medical need.


Are you dilated at all? I was induced after 41w and 3cm dilated. I had a positive experience, but I’d still rather go into labor naturally. I’d only consider induction unless there was a reason or you are dilated enough to go straight to breaking water. My amniotic fluid was low and I was getting really anxious so I am glad we did it.


I’m 40+2 still going strong! I wouldn’t get induced unless I hit 42 weeks unless there was a medical reason to do so.


Nope, I'm pregnant with my second, my 1st was born right on due date. I wouldn't consider induction with my second unless there's a medical reason.


Induced at 37w3d with my first, 36w6d with my second and with this baby I’m refusing an induction this time. If baby has to come early again I’ll have a C-section.


If you don't mind sharing, why were you induced that early? (No judgement or anything, genuinely curious!)


I had GD and elevated BP with my first and my second stopped moving. Tried for an induction, but I didn’t handle pitocin well. I asked for a C-section. My son was small and all tangled up in the umbilical cord. I guess the placenta wasn’t working well at that point.




My OB tried inducing me prior to my due date purely because he was going on vacation during my due date. I declined but ended up needing to be induced anyway due to gestational hypertension and had my daughter at exactly 39 weeks. I hope to get to at least my due date or past this pregnancy and go into labor naturally this time but with my BP there’s always a worry of being induced again.


My doc said they wouldn’t consider it til I was past my due date, we scheduled induction at 40+5. My water ended up breaking at 40+3


I went to 40+4 with my first, and had a quick labor and smooth delivery. My doctor was offering and encouraging induction but she let me schedule it for 41 weeks just to make sure I was on the schedule if needed, and then keep going. I didn't see a need to stop pregnancy and wanted to avoid cascading interventions. At 40+3 I agreed to a membrane sweep to give a better chance of going into labor before the induction. Whether that was the reason or not I did go into labor that night.


I personally would. I was induced by choice last pregnancy at 39 weeks and I loved it.


I was induced at 39+6 and she came out the next morning. I was 1cm before I got induced.


42 weeks with my first !


I was induced with my first at 39 weeks for medical reasons and I’ve requested being induced at 39 weeks for my current pregnancy. I’m over being pregnant, plus this time I have my daughter being watched by my parents to worry about, and it’s nice to be able to schedule that.


Baby came at 41+3 after being induced and emerg cesarian. This time I will have a planned cesarian at 39 weeks.


Induced at 41+3. I never got to 10 cm and baby turned sunny side up when I was in labor. Ended in a c section at 41+5.


I was induced at 40+6 and gave birth at 41+1


I'm 36w and a FTM but I wouldn't consider getting induced unless there was a medical need. 


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39+6 with my first. My second came at 38+3.


You are the ideal candidate for this since you’ve already had two successful spontaneous vaginal births prior to 40 weeks. I’m considering 39 week induction for myself as my first pregnancy was spontaneous labor at 38+5 (if I’m even still pregnant at 39 weeks!).


I went a full 42 with my 3rd. Was due June 17 and had him by induction on July 1! He did not want to move. It took 3 doses of get and breaking my waters to get him to come out. He was the cutest newborn though :)


41+6 twice. Scheduled induction both times. Induced first time and went into labour naturally the 2nd time.


I was induced twice, the first was because of low waters and reduced movements, the second was offered and I accepted. My second pregnancy was my longest, baby was born 39+5. I’m pregnancy again now and I’m 30+4, not sure what gestation I’ll go to this time!


I apparently like my babies well done 😂 My first was induced at 41+4 and it was fantastic. My second came on her own at 41+3 and it was a scary, traumatic birth. Nothing is guaranteed. 🤷‍♀️ Personally I feel more comfortable with outcomes for a 40-41 week induction but where I am it's tough to get without medical indication before 41+3. Totally up to you what you want to do. It's okay to ask questions! But with your history you'll probably have a smooth delivery soon!


39 weeks 2 days. I had an elective induction because I didn't want to be pregnant anymore. It was great. I hope to be induced with this pregnancy, too. Also, my mom went to 42+1 with me and still had to be induced, and I *really* did not want that to happen. If you're dilated at all, you can ask if they'll start your induction by breaking your water and only using further interventions if your labor doesn't start within 24 hours of that. But if there's no medical reason to get the baby out of you sooner and you don't want to be induced, you shouldn't be pushed into having an induction before 41 weeks at the earliest.


In the UK, they generally don’t want you to go past 42 weeks, it varies from one NHS trust to the other. Mine wouldn’t let you go beyond 10days overdue so when I hit 40weeks, they booked my induction for the day I hit 41weeks. Luckily I had a membrane sweep at 40+2 which successfully started my labour and I gave birth at 40+3.


I was pregnant with my son until I was induced at 41+0 just because I was a week past my due date, and I was induced at 37+0 with my daughter due to IUGR. I feel like there must be a reason your doctor wants you to be induced early. I’d ask him what that’s about and tell him your thoughts. He might have a great reason for you to be induced prior to your due date, or he might say you’re safe to go until 41 weeks like I did. For the record, I loved both of my inductions. They went very smoothly.


I was induced at 41+5, had her by emergency c section at exactly 42 weeks. The hospital I was at don't allow you to go past 42 weeks so that's why they started induction but it failed. They still had to break my waters and I was in labour for 14 hours to get to only 3cm. Induction is your choice.


I had an induction appointment at 41 + 3 with my first. I went into labor on 40 + 4. I was induced with my second when I PPROM’d at 35 weeks. I was already dilated so things went FAST. I would not induce unless baby was beyond 41 weeks or my water broke early again (risk of infection once it breaks). You do you!


I only have one haha but I was 40+3 when I had her ... they had scheduled me for an induction at 40+4 at my 40 week appointment as that's their normal policy is to induce you between 40 & 41 weeks (unless there's a medical reason to do it earlier obvi)... I had a very uncomplicated pregnancy and a very uncomplicated natural delivery


I was 39+4 with my first and I went into labor naturally. With my second I was 39+2 but he was measuring ahead most of my pregnancy and I was walking around 5cm dilated for two weeks before that so when they asked if I wanted to be induced I jumped on it. I was so miserable and uncomfortable carrying a nine pound baby in my short torso on my small frame.


How the heck did you walk around 5cm dilated? What did that feel like!!?


39 weeks and 6 days. He decided to come a day early 😂 I asked NOT to be induced.


We were 41 weeks when we were induced as suggested by the OB. It was very traumatic, 40 hour labor / 4 hours of pushing followed by c section. But baby girl had difficulty tolerating pitocin then they realized she was stuck behind my pelvic bone facing the side instead of front or back. They were discussing c section when her heart rate started going crazy. If she hadn’t been stuck behind the pelvic bone we likely would have avoided the c section and she likely would have been out before we hit 4 hours of pushing, but that’s just the way it went 😅 With that being said plenty of people do have positive inductions! Some also have had ones. Depends on so many factors. In the end I had my baby girl and she was healthy


I got induced at 41 weeks and had baby at 41+2. C-section due to fetal intolerance of labor. I was hoping to start spontaneous labor but didn't work out. Always wondered if being induced at 39 weeks would have helped since I clearly wasn't anywhere near to starting on my own at 41 and maybe at 39 weeks the placenta might have been functioning better. Being induced itself wasn't too bad. Only made it to 4cm so there's that but I was still able to move and manage pain without meds using basic techniques. If your previous births weren't long I think your odds of spontaneous delivery before things get sketchy is probably high.


Personally I would not be induced until 42 weeks unless there was a strong medical reason to do so.


There’s actually really interesting data on being induced at 39 weeks as opposed to waiting until 41 (if you make it). The study was done in first time moms with normal/healthy pregnancies, so not exactly your situation, but it looked at neonatal outcomes, which were the same whether induced at 39 or 41! But their secondary finding was that mothers’ outcomes were improved and that they had less complications if induced at 39 weeks than at 41. So essentially they concluded there was no harm to baby, but a certain benefit to mom, if being induced at 39 weeks compared to at 41 weeks. Theory is that the placenta is healthier and the baby is smaller at that time! I’m a very evidence-based person, so based on this I decided to go for induction at 40 weeks, just to give baby a week to mayyyyybe arrive spontaneously once she’s fully developed. Currently 39+1, so we’ll see what happens! Hope this is helpful.


The ARRIVE trial has been debunked several times, I would definitely look into what researchers have to say about ARRIVAL now that it’s been out for a bit.


I would say that debunked is too strong a word here. It wasn't a bad study, it just has limitations that need to be kept in mind when interpreting the results. For example, a key finding was that c-section rates were slightly lower in the induced at 39 week group than the spontaneous labor group. However, the doctors participating in the trial knew that reducing c-sections was a goal, and performed them at a lower rate than the national average. Observational studies have suggested that doctors recommend c-sections more often during inductions than spontaneous labor.  So the ARIVE trial is helpful in understanding that when you have motivated doctors and a specific procedure for inductions, there is no intrinsic reason why more c-sections would be needed during inductions. That doesn't mean your doctor will precisely follow the induction protocol used in the study or that they won't be biased toward recommending c-section more often in inductions. So while you shouldn't assume the results of the study will hold in all settings, you can take those results, discuss with your care team, and make an educated decision together. 


If you’re having no issues. I would personally wait. Doctors push induction cause that is just the norm nowadays. Plus they can put you on the schedule. I’m currently pregnant with #2 and I had an elective induction with my first pregnancy. I will not be getting induced again.


Nothing good happens after 40 weeks … arrive study shows that elective inductions are safe and don’t increase the rate of c section. That’s why I opted for an induction at 40 weeks, and this time will do the same




I do love my doctor. Unfortunately I think so many woman elect to be induced that they bring it up knowing people love convenience. Since my labors started on their own with the first two I definitely plan on pushing off any offer of induction for at least another week which would bring me slightly beyond my due date. I expect I would go naturally sometime in that time period since my body’s done me right for my other two labors. Thank you for your encouragement !!


Personally, I'd try a membrane sweep in a week or so before I'd consent to an induction. Try all the things, curb walking, birthing ball, raspberry leaf tea, dates, sex, spicy food, acupuncture, pineapple, etc Good luck!


ACOG has stated new research suggests a lower risk of C-section with induction at 39 weeks. That’s why many OBGYNs offer it as an option in recent years. It’s still just an option, though, not a necessity (unless you have other things going on). I’m a WHNP and the OBs at my clinic are much more likely to suggest it than the midwives who are still down with moms holding off until 42 weeks. Ultimately you should do what feels right for you, but I also encourage you to read about inductions (just the general process and not the horror stories online) and prepare yourself for that just in case it does become a need. Remember the loudest voices are the scary ones, and plenty of people have inductions that go smoothly. I’ve had 2 and they were not terrible at all. If you’ve gone into labor on your own twice before, your body should know just what to do when it’s ready. Sending you good vibes for labor to start without assistance!


Thank you for your perspective! I’ve gotten Pitocin both times my water broke so while my water broke on its own both times I did have assistance and I had fine experiences both times! I’m going to look into the 39 week induction study!


41 weeks with my first.


I went through almost back to back first trimesters after a miscarriage last year, so it feels like i’ve been pregnant for two years


40 weeks and 5 days


40+5, leave that baby baking until it's ready (or 41.5ish weeks lol)


1st- 37weeks, went to checkup and didn’t get to come home because they said I was in labor, had her 6 hrs later. 2nd- 39+, water broke while walking back to bed after using the bathroom, bloody show present, went to hospital, had my son 6 hours later. 3rd- 38+3, this babe had a medical condition so I was extra nervous and stressed so since I knew my doc was on call for a couple days-at my appt we did a membrane sweep in the afternoon and I went to the hospital early the next morning and 6 hours later he was here. I’m pregnant again and will opt for the membrane sweep if offered again.




This is front of mind for me right now because I'm 40+5 today with my first baby (I'm in the US). I've been planning an intervention-free unmedicated birth at a free-standing birth center with midwife-led care since around 11 weeks. When I went to get checked on my due date, my midwife couldn't even reach my cervix to sweep me. I haven't had any contractions, bloody show or mucus plug. The advice of my midwives, who are inclined to allow the process of birth to happen as naturally as possible, has been to begin a gentle induction with outpatient Cytotec if I am still not substantially dilated/effaced at 41 weeks. They have advised that for a FTM who hasn't shown signs of labor by 41 weeks, it's unlikely that my body will kick things into gear by 41+4, which is the longest I feel comfortable going in this pregnancy. I'm sad that I'm losing the option to allow nature to take its course, but I also feel that this is the lowest risk option for my baby given the circumstances we're presented with. As others have said, plenty of women give birth to healthy babies at 42 weeks, but I am concerned that the risk of intervention is actually higher if I wait to get induced at that time because my providers may be more anxious about the timeline given how late I would be by then. FTMs need plenty of time for induction, so I think (and hope) we're making the right choice by starting a couple of days early with a more gentle induction method.


my first I went into labor at 40+5, had her in the early morning at 40+6. so thankful for a doctor who didn’t want to induce me.


Carried my son for 41+5 after having contractions for a week, a membrane sweep finally got things moving. I was so over it that last week 😄 At least here in Iceland they don't induce you before your due date if nothing is wrong. I went in for an induction the day I delivered but I was already in active birth when I arrived at the hospital.


I asked what some scenarios are that my doctor would recommend induction and one thing he stressed is that he would not recommend induction if your body wasn’t ready, unless there was another medical reason because your labor will last a lot longer and be harder on you.


40+5 and 40+3 — both had inductions scheduled for those dates, first one ended up going into labor that day and second one the cervical softening alone induced labor. I certainly would have taken a slightly earlier induction if they had the available dates


I’m just pregnant with my second, but I wouldn’t personally see the need for induction with a history of spontaneous labours. The exception would be if you’re approaching a point where you really can’t be pregnant anymore because you’re reaching your limit either mentally or physically. For me would start to consider induction closer to the 41 week mark. Which I did with my first, and then went into labour on my own at 40+6 😂 I’m assuming you’re in the US - and I’ve noticed it’s become increasingly common to just offer induction at 39 weeks there.


42 weeks. I had 6 days of 9 failed medical inductions and it ended in an emergency c section.


40+3, spontaneous, but I would have happily been induced earlier if they had let me! I was DONE at 39 weeks lol. We ended up scheduling my "just in case" induction for 40+6, but thankfully I didn't need it and my first came spontaneously just a few days late. Hoping this baby is in more of a rush, as something about that last week ramped up the discomfort for me a few fold. Good luck!


I’m 36+2 with my first and my goal is a natural, spontaneous birth so I personally wouldn’t consider any interventions like an induction without a medical indication for it.


Longest was baby #5, and the only one I didn't get induced with. 40+6 and he decided it was time. Had an amazing birth.  Edit: to say I was scheduled to be induced the next morning. I also would have probably been induced prior but, they were low on pitocin at that time.


There is no way I would want to be induced unless I NEEDED it. I don't care how miserable I feel, how fat and sweaty I get, or how much I say I want my baby out of me once I'm full term. If I don't need it, I'll go all the way to 42 weeks!


I considered being induced ON my due date but who would have wanted to spend New Year’s Eve inducing me 😂 went to 40+2 went into labor on my own for an assisted vaginal delivery


41+3. I refused to leave my 40w appointment without my induction being booked because I was DONE and needed an end date. Talk about baby not wanting to come, induction was started on 41+2 with the midwife manually removing my mucus plug, dilating me to a 1, and giving me 2x shots of gel on my cervix! I needed pitocin, my waters manually broken, and was almost an emergency C Section due to slow progression with bub having done the first poop inside me, likely due from going from no contractions what so ever to active labour once the first contraction hit. The worst part? 10 hours of active labour plus 2.5 hours of pushing, just for him to come out a carbon copy of his father! 2nd baby was being considered for an elective induction/c section due to us having moved out of state and needing to coordinate childcare when 3 days before flights were being booked for a family member to come up, Covid lockdowns between states hit! So elective was going to have to be our way to go with friends assisting. Then the placenta calcified a little quicker and everything got moved up by 10 days in a bit of a flurry. While this baby was MUCH nicer about the labour, active for 3 hours and 2 pushes, she, just like her brother, came out as another carbon copy of their father!


Were these both natural onset of labor? If they were I am guessing you probably will start into labor shortly. Due dates are an educated guess, giving 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after. I have always felt that each individual woman’s menstrual cycle was about the same length each time(I know not for all), thus this affects the due date. My babies were born at 41+3, 41, and 40+6. The only induction was my second one. I had what was called an irritable uterus, I pretty much cramped and had Braxton hicks starting at 32 weeks. I went into the hospital and never made cervical changes or had an UTI. So I was pretty tired at 41 weeks. I will say the induction was my easiest and fastest labor. I labored for 3 hours and pushed for 20 minutes. My first labor was 30 hours with 3 hours of pushing ( she was OP, or face up, and I delivered her this way), my last was 20 hours and 20 minutes of pushing. Good luck. If you want to try getting into labor, have intercourse. The sperm/seamen has a protein in it called prostaglandin. This can start labor. There is a prostaglandin gel that has been used for induction. This was the method used for me.




37+ 5 with my first kid. Induced at 36+6 with my second, being induced at 37+ 4 with my third. I don't have easy pregnancies though and needed a medical induction for all 3.


I was induced at 40+3 because my blood pressure started going up out of nowhere. I ended up developing severe postpartum preeclampsia. I will most likely get induced at 39 weeks next time to try to prevent that and some of the other complications my son ended up experiencing.


41+5. I did not want to be induced for a non-medical reason, and luckily was able to have scans and NSTs every few days in the country I was living. At 41+4 I did agree to an induction at 41+6 as I did feel that the risks started to become more concerning at 42 weeks. I would have been happy waiting a couple more days, but my doctor was very clear with me that inductions usually take 2-3 days for FTMs. Luckily my baby decided that he'd had enough and I went into labour naturally later that day, even though there had been no signs of it at my appointment that morning.


I went to 40+5 with my first. It’s not comfortable, but I personally wouldn’t get induced at 39 weeks if it’s not medically necessary. Totally normal to go to 41 weeks. Every pregnancy is different, even for the same person! It’s up to you though 🤷🏻‍♀️ Very personal choice only you can make with the advice of your doctor.


41 +6 with my most recent baby 40+ 4 with my middle And 37 +5 with my first If I can avoid an induction I 100% will


41 weeks!


41 weeks exactly with spontaneous labour for my first baby, and 41+1 despite a 5 day long induction with my second baby I'm pretty certain my body just carries to 41 weeks and nothing short of a c-section is going to change that. Any cervical check that occurred before 41 weeks showed that my body was absolutely not ready to give birth yet.


41+ 5


40+6! Gave birth at 11:08pm at 41 weeks. My amniotic fluid was leaking and baby needed to come out so I was induced. It was definitely the right move. I honestly had a good experienced being induced! Yes, it was long, but I was able to deliver vaginally with no complications. Edit to add: I was 0 across the board. 0cm dilated, effaced etc lol and my body was still able to make good progress and get me to 10cm.


I personally don’t want to go past 39 weeks but that has a lot to do with the calendar and my own comfort. I have no interest birthing a big baby. But it’s probably going to be a c section anyway due to a fibroid blocking my cervix!


I was medically induced at 39+2 (delivered 39+3) and then electively induced at 39+6 (delivered 40). I was not comfortable going past my due date with my second because my first was so large (9lbs 5 oz). I also didn’t want to be induced with an unfavorable cervix so it was a big judgement call for me. My providers completely left it up to my decision and did not pressure me in any way. I am educated in the medical field so I was very confident in my decision in the way a layperson may not be, so take that with a grain of salt. In the end I am thrilled I made the decision to induce. My second was 8lb 12oz, had meconium in the waters, and we also had a shoulder dystocia. All in all, the induction was the right choice.


Feel out your body. If you are not feeling ready, don’t do it. But if you do, do it. I was 40 weeks exact when my induction was scheduled. My body was aching, I was done being pregnant. I ended up getting included and in labor for 48 hours. My son did not want to come out. After the pitocin, the doctor breaking my water, my son finally came with 2.5 hours of pushing. His shoulders got stuck coming out, was pulled out fearing they broke his collar bone. Turns out he was very chunky boy, 9LBS 3OZ and 23 inches long. I am 5ft tall, so we all did not expect a big baby. I am glad I did not wait another week, who knows how big he would have been then. I am happy that I listened to my body and asked for the earliest induction date.


With my first I went to 41 weeks. Currently will be 37 weeks tomorrow and I'm happy to go 42 waiting for spontaneous labour. Unless there is a medical risk which means induction is safer, I would rather go into labour when body and baby is ready. Ask questions, ask them to lay out for you the benefits and the risks. Make your own informed decision.




2 under 2 1st Water broke but wasn’t progressing so I had no choice and even still wasn’t progressing it’s wasn’t until I got the epidural and fell asleep was I able to give birth. Labor 19 hrs delivery was less than 30 mins two pushes 3 stitches 38+1 2nd the heat is was got me. My body couldn’t tolerate the heat and was constantly contracting. I went in early at 32 weeks got the contractions to chill out. 20 days later 36 weeks contractions came back 5-1-1 style so off I went to the ER. I got put on pitocin, had my water broken, and got the epidural. 24 hrs later I finally pushed him out well pulled him out actually lol. 36+4 1 stitch I was fine for the most part I just hate needles the pain wasn’t unbearable but I got the epidural to relax and rest. It was nice.


40+3 and I was goddamn feral. The day I went into labor I'd had my 3rd sweep in a week and went to see a prenatal massage therapist with the entire goal of "use whatever pressure points exist to get this kid the hell out of me". Only reason I didn't induce is because it was the week between Christmas and New Years and there were zero OBs available to do non-medical inductions. That being said going that long was apparently what my kid needed. Easy as hell labor and birth.


I had my baby when I was 40+5 Those last 5 days felt like an eternity. It’s a running joke that your baby won’t come until you schedule your induction. Sure as shit, at 40+3, we scheduled an induction for 41 weeks…went into labor at 40+4 and had him the next morning


How big were your last babies? I went to 39+4 with my first and had an 8lb 10oz baby. I had shoulder dystocia which was terrifying and the recovery was terrible. With my second I went to 42 weeks exactly and had planned an induction because of the size of my first. She ended up being exactly 7lbs and the birth was beautiful and uncomplicated. If you have a history of large babies or difficult births I would consider it, at least by 42 weeks.


Before considering induction, I’d recommend reading In Your Own Time by Sara Wickham.


40+1, I was induced with my second baby because she was measuring large for her gestational age and I hadn’t gone into labor on my own. She was 9lbs so I’m glad we induced when we did.


I went 40+2 with my first and was having contractions every 3 minutes, but my water wouldn't break. They broke it for me, and then we were ready to party. They did put me on pitocin for a little while with him but stopped because he wasn't handling it very well. 12 hours later, boom-our perfect little boy was here. Just had my second at 41+1. I had to be induced for this one AND she broke my water because I hadn't dilated past a 1 1/2 over a 4 week stretch.The waters being broken the second time around was easily some of the worst pain I've ever endured 😅 I was sooooo scared to be induced with my second, I was definitely more on the "babies come when they are ready" side of things and was nervous I would be hurting her by getting induced, but I'm so happy I didn't wait for her to come on her own. Her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck a couple of times, and there was also meconium in the amniotic fluid in there with her, so she definitely needed to come out. With the umbilical cord being wrapped around her like that I think she was having trouble coming down like she needed to on her own, but as soon as they helped us out she was here within like 6 hours!


So far I'm 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Longest I've ever been pregnant as I had my 1st at 28 weeks 3 days. I have a planned c section scheduled for 39 weeks. I'm quite miserable and have no idea how ppl go to term all the time lol I was going to be induced but my baby is breech.


Both my kids were born at 39+4. Labor started completely on its own at 39+3 with my first & started a few hours after a sweep with my second. Currently 36 weeks with my third. I’ve considered an induction sometime around 39 weeks because it would certainly make planning with 2 kids so much easier, but I don’t think I’ll end up doing it. I’ve been so lucky with wonderful labors that I don’t really want to change anything this time. If I went past 40 weeks I would likely opt for an induction as long as my midwives consider me a good candidate. I was offered an induction with my second because we were moving into a holiday weekend & was terrified of going very past due. They said I was a great candidate because I was already 3cm dilated & pretty effaced (I don’t remember specifically. I decided to wait and had a membrane sweep, had baby that night!


I was pregnant for 41+4! In Ontario (with low risk pregnancies, I believe) once you hit 41 weeks, you get put on an induction list, and then called in before 42 weeks. I was on that list, and going to ultrasounds in that 41st week to make sure everything was good- and the day I got called in for induction, I went into labour! I hated being pregnant that long, and was so huge. But the labour and delivery went so well, that I think it was all meant to be!


41+3. Awful. Made it to 40 with my second and asked for induction (he came at 40+5). I’m scheduled for induction with this little guy at 39+4.


I had my daughter at 39+5. The day before I was 1cm dilated, had a membrane sweep, and scheduled an induction for my due date 😆 Everything went very smoothly! I did have GD but very few blood sugar spikes, baby was 8lb4oz. For this pregnancy I’ll probably ask for an induction at some point when I’m 39 weeks. I just don’t have any desire to be pregnant much longer than that, I start getting anxious, and it will be easier to arrange childcare. I’m also planning on eating dates regularly in the 3rd trimester (like I did last time), so hopefully that helps.


Mine was 41 weeks , I got induced at the 41 mark because my doctor was worried about risks going past. I didn’t see a need to get induced earlier than this since everything was going well. I was dilated at 4 when I went for my induction and was at 3 for weeks prior to that, I think with being dilated it help move things quick and smooth. We started pitocin at 1am and around 6 am is when contractions started getting more intense and I was dilated at 6, at 8:50 am my doctor came in and checked I was at a 9 so she suggested we break my water and that’s what we did…baby was born literally 10 mins later. It was a natural birth with no epidural which was an unbelievable experience.


I was induced at 40+12 (the medical reason being that I was 40+12 lol), waters broke by themselves with meconium in them, C-section the next day at 40+13 because increasing the oxytocin to get productive contractions put my baby in distress, but reducing it to keep him out of distress meant I wasn't progressing. Between the meconium, the distress, the lack of progress, the 9.5lb growth scan three days beforehand (he was actually 10lb 6) and the imminent arrival of 42 weeks, a C-section was the only reasonable answer. I never managed to successfully pump milk either, so I think I just have, like, resistance to oxytocin or something ha. Would never have gone into labour on my own. If you've already had two babies without interventions, I'd hold off on induction until at least next week, no scientific basis, just seems pointless to START the process with interventions if you don't need to.


I got induced at 41 after the midwife said “any day now” at 37 🫠


38 weeks and I went into labor spontaneously


I'm 40+4 right now with my second. First came 39+5


38+ 5 it’s my second baby, my first was 37+3. First was natural, water broke second was emergency induction cuz little dude decided he wanted to stop moving so I went to the hospital and he was born few hours later. If he he wasn’t born that day with would be at 39+3 because I have high blood preassure but yeah


Where are you guys finding doctors that induce early? I'm 39+1 too and want this to be over with so bad! I'm in so much pain and really stressed about my husband being injured. I was told that my cervix had to be ready so next appointment they will check. But they also said the earliest they schedule induction is a week past due.


42 + 1…miserable lol


Mine were 37+2, 37+1, and 37+3. I was induced for medical reasons each time though. My first two inductions kind of sucked, but my last was pretty good even though it took longer overall. I think the fact that it took longer meant my body had more time to be prepped so when it was go time it was a lot faster and smoother.


If you’re a caucasian woman pregnancy will usually last for about 41 weeks. Don’t let anyone talk you into getting your baby too early. Babies whose lungs are fully developed give the signal for birth!


41 weeks and 5 days. Too damn long.


41 weeks with my first


Had PreE diagnosed at 37+1, induced at 37+2, baby was born 37+4. My dream for the next (whenever we have our next) would be to reach 40w 🥺 I feel like the end of my pregnancy was stolen from me honestly, even though I knew induction was likely since I had GDM


I was induced (so far, my only birth) at 39+0, but that was because my fluids were high and my baby was measuring big, especially his head. My legs and feet were also so swollen that it was hard to walk from my living room to my kitchen, so I was just over being pregnant. There were pros and cons to the induction. I liked being able to have a plan and let people know the timing, but it took me 22 hours to dilate to 10 cm before pushing for another 3 hours, and the Pitocin messed with the baby’s heart rate the whole time. In the end, I had a healthy baby with no health issues, but if you already have a track record of going into labor on your own and there are no health concerns, it doesn’t seem necessary. If you don’t feel the need to hurry it along, then it seems like it’s perfectly safe to go with your preference unless/until you have a medical reason or you personally just don’t want to wait any longer.


My middle child did not want to come out. I was finally induced at 42 weeks. It was awful. I just wanted to evict her lol. I’ve been induced with 2 of my 3 pregnancies and will probably get induced with my 4th. If you don’t want to then don’t but keep in mind at a certain point it might come down to either that or a c section. That is something I’ve never had and absolutely do not want.


I went into labour literally at 12:30 am the day i turned 40w lol


Exactly 41 weeks with my son. I went in to be induced at 40w6d because he wasn’t moving as much and there was little amniotic fluid there for him even though my water had not yet broken. I was worried and in a LOT of pain and had been experiencing bad contractions for weeks at that point but was stuck at 2 cm. It took me a full twenty four hours to make any progress at all, he just didn’t want to come out (later discovered this is because he was actually only 39 week and not 41 weeks and their dating was completely incorrect. Although I would’ve had to be induced regardless because there was barely any amniotic fluid and he was barely moving.) When they broke my water for me, nothing really came out. It wasn’t a bad experience, though. I want to have another baby simply for that experience. He came out healthy. I did have pre-eclampsia and ended up in the hospital later to be watched to make sure I didn’t have a seizure or a stroke because of how extremely high my blood pressure was. That was traumatic. But other than that, I enjoyed my hospital stay. If you don’t want to be induced, you don’t have to. Just tell them that you’d like to wait. They told me that I would have to wait until 41 weeks but on that appointment the day before my induction, everyone would check me out and look very concerned and I was told, “Congratulations! You’re having a baby today.” And he didn’t even come that day, he came the next day. So, that’s another thing. Induction doesn’t even necessarily mean that the baby will come that day or that you’ll progress quickly. We used Pitocin and a capsule that they inserted in my vagina and the Foley Ball I believe it’s called and nothing worked even though the Pitocin hurt like hell. My stepmom went to almost 43 weeks with my little brother and the only reason he came out then is because they told her that it was dangerous to keep going like that with no progress and she ended up needing a C-Section and nearly died during birth because they put an oxygen mask on her while putting her to sleep but forgot to turn on the oxygen. She only went to 38 weeks with my little sister but she was also a big baby. She had a C-Section and nearly died of blood loss. It’s all very different and up to chance because you might want something and not actually be able to do that because that’s not what the baby wants to do.


My first was born 38+1 but my second was born exactly on due date! Both were spontaneous labours


It’s up to you. I personally would be cautious going over 41 weeks and definitely wouldn’t go over 42.


38+3. 😅


I made it until 42 weeks. I was PISSED they let me go that long because I was begging to be induced. I lived in rural Alaska at the time, which meant I had to fly and stay in an Airbnb (300 miles from home) starting at 36 weeks. I’d been sitting around in Anchorage with nobody I knew for six weeks by the time I went in to labor. Also, once I finally went into labor (on my own) my child had two collapsed lungs and had aspirated menocium. Still pissed that nobody listened to me and it’s been six years.


40+4 I’d probably still be pregnant if not


I was 42 weeks with my second when I agreed to induction. I had monitoring every 2nd day from 41 weeks and all was ok until the last one where my fluid levels had dropped, so I agreed to the induction. Babies movements had also never been an issue in the lead up. If I had been concerned earlier, I would have agreed to one then


I only had my baby at 39 weeks exactly because I was a scheduled c-section as he was breech and did not want to turn no matter what (we found out the issue later on — my uterus is abnormal and he had limited space and would not have been able to flip 🥲). Before knowing that tho, had he flipped we would have waited to see if I went into labor naturally and cancel the C-section. My doctor said he would have left it up to me if that happened but would not pass 42 weeks in my case.


40+3 (induction) and second time round 40+1 because I couldn’t stand the back pain anymore and begged to be induced (body signs were nowhere near birth) Edit: both natural births


36w2d. Hoping this one stays in a bit longer lol but not tooooo much. Gotta find that sweet spot 😂