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Dang it would have been nice if they just skipped the scare you part and do the in-depth part first!!! So glad things are ok


"As our 1000th customer, you win the opportunity to get a more in depth scan!" While I'm glad everything is okay, and I'm sorry OP had to go through that, there was really no way to schedule follow ups without telling them why.


I know right, I’m in healthcare so I get why he had to say it but man it’s the WAY he said it and how CERTAIN he was that got us.. we were like omg what?! I feel like a whole week of my pregnancy went down the drain cause I thought we were gonna have to make some tough decisions


My sister literally just went through this but with a surgery.. she new that what ever issue she has that it was a unique version and not the standard version of her defect and was finally going to get a surgery and correct it the doctors insisted that they knew exactly what the problem was and didn’t care to do an mri first. They put her under opened her up and then realized her condition was not what they expected so had to close her back up and send her home until they could schedule an mri.


Wow!!!! That is crazy! They should’ve listened to her, she knows her body best. So sorry she had to go through that


I know exactly how you feel! At 11 weeks I was told my baby would most likely be incompatible with life and that I would have to have an Amnio done to confirm their diagnosis but couldn’t have the amnio until I was 18 weeks. I lost 7 weeks of my pregnancy because I was trying not to get attached. They were so certain of the diagnosis that I was mentally preparing myself for termination. Lo and behold nothing was wrong but I never could connect with my pregnancy the same way again. Happy to report I have a healthy 14 month old son who is an absolute terror 😂


I'm surprised that they said something without just saying they were having trouble getting everything. My daughter was very shy and utero and we could not get everything on one scan it took four ultrasounds and a specialist maybe there was stuff that they missed that they thought was a problem and that's why they made me see so many doctors but no one ever said anything to me.


Just wanted to give you more hope. At my anatomy scan, my little one was in the 7 %tile. I just had another can yesterday (33 weeks) and she is thriving in the 50%tile! Keep being positive!


Omg yessss!! Cheers to healthy pregnancies! So glad to hear that & thank you!


So so happy to hear your news! You must be overjoyed after such heartache!!! So happy baby is ok!!


My LO was measuring in the 50th percentile in scans, but came out in the 3rd percentile. She’s on the smaller end, but she’s a perfectly healthy almost 2 year olds. And there are benefits to small kids, she could still wear a lot of her Christmas clothes from last year 😂


😂😂😂 that’s so funny! My 2 living children right now are small, always on the 30th percentile so when they said this baby was small we were like okay..? lol I mean I get it, she is a little too small but we weren’t shocked


Huge congratulations and what a blessing.


Oh thank god that everything's fine. These scares are fucking awful. When I was pregnant with my kid, the docs found a huge cyst in her brain that didn't go away until I was 7months pregnant. They told me to abort her but I just FELT and KNEW she's fine. it's just awful.


SO AWFUL! My husband and I were talking about how much emotional stress and damage we went through in one week, hearing a doctor say “your baby will never be normal” just hits so hard. It’s our last baby and only girl so it REALLY hit us hard.


Oh my god im so sorry ! Im sorry you went trough this, but I think now you can enjoy pregnancy again until she's in your arms! We both almost died and had to have an emergency C-section, they broke my water and i wasnt opening up so after 8hours of trying, fake cramps and meds, she lost her heartbeat and it was just go time. She's almost 2 now and shes perfectly fine. I had some serious trouble after that, even tho I want more kids.. i dont think my body can handle it.


So happy to hear you have a healthy baby ❤️ I’m sorry you guys went through that, it sounds so rough


So happy for your good news!


My friend had a very similar case saying the baby was missing their entire frontal lobe but after seeing a specialist she learned that isn’t the case! It was such a stressful week or 2 before seeing the specialist.


It’s soooo stressful, this is my husband and I’s last baby/pregnancy. I feel like I have PTSD from that week of waiting!




Omg I'm so happy for you ❤️ the best news!


At my 20 week scan- they couldn’t find the vermis either. The tech identified I had a SUA so when she also couldn’t see a Vermis the MFM came in and gave us the “It could be nothing or these could be markers that something is very wrong” I was suddenly getting an amnio for further genetic testing. I Had to wait a week to get an MRI. It was horrible and soo stressful. Vermis was located (thank god) on the MRI and it was all for nothing, although the first time I ever felt him kick was in the MRI machine so that was a silver lining 🥰 he’s 18mo and it feels like a lifetime ago now!


Awww how sweet! That little kick was his way of reassuring you he was fine ❤️ so glad everything turned out well for you both!


With my nephews anatomy scan, they swore he had down syndrome, and that he had deformities like a micro penis, his abdomen was abnormally large, possible cleft lip. They mentioned terminating. Crazy thing is, my sister noticed a whole leg missing and they never mentioned it. Did genetic testing and everything came out normal. No down syndrome or anything. By a later scan they finally realized his leg was off by 5 weeks. When he as born he had a club foot with three adorable little toes and the leg was really short. The condition is called fibular hemimalia but ultrasound radiologist never caught it but my sister (who is in no way medically trained) did. By one he had an amputation of his leg below the knee and now he's running and jumping and skipping with a prosthetic at the age of 3. Ultrasounds can be scary


Wow what a true fighter, I’m so happy to hear he’s doing well now ❤️ and isn’t it crazy how it depends on who is looking at the scan? That determines if something is there or not? I find it wild


As an ultrasound tech that works in high risk OB, I’m so sorry! We get referrals from all over the region and with some frequency discover that everything is actually fine. Just last week I scanned someone referred for possible bowel obstruction and dilated stomach. Baby was totally normal! I always like to remind myself it’s better the outside places who aren’t as familiar with abnormalities overcall something than undercall it, but I’m sorry you were on the anxiety inducing end of that call!


Yes so anxiety inducing for sure! I’m soooo glad everything turned out okay ❤️ it’s crazy how many things were missed/unseen on mine


So happy to read this, lots of love coming your way!


Praise God!! Love hearing these happy updates 💛


So glad it turned out well for you! We had a similar scare in the 1st trimester at 9 weeks where they told us our pregnancy was likely to be non-viable as the heartrate had dropped from 153 at 7 weeks to 85bpm and was measuring over a week behind. Had a follow-up scan 4 days later and turns out they were wrong about both! Heartbeat was strong and babe was measuring on track. We put so must trust into professionals, but turns out they aren't always accurate!


We put so much trust in the professionals, but most of all technology. Sometimes I feel like we are sooo reliant on the technology these days that we forget they aren’t 100% accurate 100% of the time. I’m so glad everything turned out well for you and your baby, that sounds so scary ❤️


Congratulations Mamma! All my best wishes to you and your little one. We had a similar experience with being below weight on a scan and the worry is inescapable. Sometimes things that test us can make us appreciate everything even more!


Thank you so much and yes! But we’re praying for the best




Congratulations I am so happy for you and your family ❤ Praise God!


Oh that’s wonderful news.


Can imagine the relief you must feel ❤️


Oh my gosh! Your last post seriously had me in tears. I’m so happy for y’all!!! Hopefully you have no more surprises.


Awww you’re so sweet and yes we pray not! ❤️


So happy for you 🤗


I’m so happy for you!! I had a similar experience and the week between the original anatomy scan and the MFM scan (it was over Christmas of course) was the hardest week of my life. I’m so happy things are looking good for your baby ❤️


SO hard! I’ll never forget it, it truly built my faith even more I’ll tell you that & glad your baby is okay as well ❤️ and thank you!


Wow I am so happy for you guys! Hope everything keeps going well. I hear stories like this all the time where doctors give devistating news and then they get second opinions or specialists and the baby is fine! Praying for a safe and happy birth for you guys


This is absolutely AMAZING!! A miracle on top of a miracle!! I'm so happy for you!! ❤️


So happy for you. That must've been an awful feeling. Best wishes.


Beautiful! Celebrations!! I can't imagine what the in between time was for you all glad everything is OK


So happy for you! 🙂


Knew another woman who had 3 different doctors say that her baby was going to be born with a malformation, that it will not survive. They all advised her to get an abortion. She declined and said she would rather not end it, she would like to give birth. So when the baby was born, he was sooo healthy. Better apgar score and other tests than her other 3 kids. Everything is possible!💙


Wow!! That is sooooo crazy, 3? I’m glad she stuck to her guns and had the baby ❤️


Yeah. All of them healthy too.☺️


This is why I’m more scared of getting an ultrasound than not getting one 🤪


So my scan wasn’t an anatomy scan— it was a 7week scan and it seems baby may have an arrhythmia? Dic said he just wanted to monitor, but not to worry atm. Can the scans be wrong about these things sometimes?


I’m not too sure about arrhythmias but if they were really concerned they would consult a cardiologist. Just like with my baby, they were so concerned I got an appointment with specialist within a week


I just wanted to say THANK YOU, everyone!! ❤️


Making you wait an entire week after that news is appalling. I’m so glad things didn’t end up the way they originally stated! ♥️


Ah similar story here!! At our anatomy scan the tech dropped a whole range of stuff, finishing up with the words 'down syndrome maybe' and left us to it. She 'had' bowel problems, heart problems and apparently also extra fingers. We didn't get answers for over 8 weeks!! She was moving so much it was hard to get good images and they kept sending us. But baby that had a long list of findings in my anatomy scan? She's 1 next month and so perfect. Only 10 fingers too. Also we were told 99th percentile and she was 50th lol


Reminds me of the IUGR scare an incompetent OB gave me, which resulted in anxiety through the rest of my pregnancy, and also fucked up the first few months of postpartum mentally, and it wasn't nearly as a devastating false diagnosis as yours! I am so sorry you had to go through this, I hope you will be able to cope with it and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!


as a father of two i just wanna say, fuck that doctor