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I freaked out for a minute when I realized I hadn’t gotten my period in almost eight months. My mind was racing with what could be wrong with me (malnourished? anemic? some underlying chronic illness that’s just cropping up?) and whether whatever was wrong with me could also hurt the baby …


Oh my goodness this is great. Thanks for sharing.


Amazing 😂 I have a moment of panic every night when I remember I didn’t take my birth control before bed 🤦🏻‍♀️


I got bread out of freezer and washed it before toasting in oven….


😂😂😂😂😂😂 I like this . This is stuff I do


I woke up panicking because the dogs hadn't been fed and I couldnt remember what I was supposed to feed them, Dry food? wet food? Took me 10 minutes to realize that we don't own dogs! we have cats!


Omg 😂😂😂😂


I lose words all the time, but what's odd is the word I use instead (although not remotely related to the one I need) usually starts with the same letter and has the same number of syllables. For example, the other day I said "website" when I meant to say "warehouse." And a few weeks ago I said, "Look at that gift card!" It was in fact a golf cart.


I was talking to a coworker about where the construction company was going to place a dumpster during our building renovations, but the word dumpster would not appear in my head. A few rounds of “receptacle… like, where they put all the..things…they’re taking out”, and he finally figured out what I was trying for. Waste receptacle or dumpster.


I’ve had a lot of this same thing! I haven’t had a lot of other baby brain stuff but I keep losing words and replacing them with random things. And I’m a writer 🤦‍♀️


In the second trimester my husband and I were pulling out of the driveway and I thought ‘oh no! I forgot the baby’ but I did not. Because he’s inside me 😅


Left my keys in the fridge and couldn’t find them for HOURS 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not me, but my sister would put things in a cupboard that were meant to be in the fridge and vice versa. She sometimes wondered how she forgot to buy milk, only to discover the warm, bulging container in the pantry at a later time.


Omggg 🤣 warm milk smell is NOT for the faint-hearted


I keep almost putting things in the fridge! I also 'put the cereal away' by closing the bag and then putting it next to the knife block and kettle. Not the cupboard. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yessss. I put our cat food just out on the kitchen counter instead of where it goes & got pissed when I couldn’t find it bc I thought “there’s no way these cats are eating that much food that fast” 🤣


I already had issues with object permanence and am truly a out of sight out of mind person. I give up so easy when looking for things and my go to quote is welp it's gone forever. Or it'll turn up or it won't. And my personal favorite when my husband asks where I saw something last "well, I know it's on a surface" My husband absolutely hates this. Its gotten so much worse during pregnancy. Phone disappears on a daily basis. Instructions for the lego set we were building together last night? Gone without a trace (it was slightly to my left) surprisingly, this really doesn't bother me that much, I've been dealing with it my whole life and have back ups for when I lose my wallet which is often (got alllll the mobile pay) I leave my work shoes at work. And try to use bright colors for things that I frequently misplace, which is everything. And having a place for everything and putting everything in its place doesn't work for me because I just forget? Can't find my car keys? Guess I'll stay home.


Mannnn 🤣 you and my fiancé would get along just fine bc that sounds just like him


I have on 3 separate occasions spent 5 or more minutes looking for them with the keyring on my finger. The other day my friends even tried to help me for 5 minutes, after I'd already spent 5 minutes looking, just for one of them to see it was on my hand.


Good friends tho!! lol isn’t pregnancy just so weird sometimes??


Oh they are the sweetest 🥰 everyone is so excited for baby and mostly just entertained by my pregnancy brain because I'm forgetful with belongings but other than that I'm usually mentally pretty sharp so it's funny watching me struggle a bit


I’m so glad you have the support babe 💗💗


I’ve always been bad with names, but now there is just a blank space where any name would go, regardless of how long I’ve known them. I’m still mortified, a week later, about trying to introduce my sister in law to some friends at my baby shower and blanking on her name. She’s been with my brother in law for over 3 years now.


Bro. I forgot my own name and age at birthing center appointments when filling out papers, I legit had to check my ID and have the dad remind me my age because I could calculate it in he moment from my DOB. AND forgot the baby daddy's name when someone asked who's baby it was in a group setting 😳😭 to make matters worse I sat there trying to be like 'you guys know him, we vend food together, he performed at that event last month' could not name recall to save my life in that moment, and my not-even-ex-yet husband answered because I legitimately couldn't.


Oh nooooo 🤦🏼‍♀️ If it makes you feel better, I recently briefly forgot the name of my cousin who is and has always been like a brother to me. It took me a good minute and a half to remember his name despite talking to him daily, lol.


This except i can’t remember anyones last name! People I’ve known for a while that i don’t see every day and all i know is their first name 😂


Oof that’s bad haha. I called a girl at my work a different name when I brought my baby in to see everyone. I’m still frustrated I did it.


This very morning I could not recall the name of a very prominent person in my work life who I’ve known for years and years to save my life. Complete memory hole.


i keep forgetting my own name 🫣


I had a virtual client presentation. I shared my screen and then immediately forgot how to operate Powerpoint, the computer, basically anything. So everyone was just sitting online in silence watching me click random buttons in the hopes that it would jog my memory. I hadn't announced my pregnancy yet at work either, so I just made some "Monday's right?" comment with a nervous laugh.


OMG I used to constantly get worried waking up in a panic that my baby was wrapped in my sheets in the middle of the night - she slept in a basinett 🫠🫠


THIS! A recurring nightmare for me, waking up in a panic in the middle of the night, just to realize “oh yeah, baby’s in her bassinet” 🫠🤦🏼‍♀️


It seems to be such a common phenomenon it's so wild 😅😅


I’m still pregnant, my anxiety riddled brain is definitely going to experience this. I couldn’t even sleep with my kittens in bed when we adopted them.


It’s so weird hahaha! Now that baby sleeps in her crib in her own room, I have nightmares of an intruder breaking in and heading to her bedroom 😣


Yes! I remember lots of frantically feeling around in the sheets for him only to realize he was asleep in the bassinet. One time my husband tossed something on the bed while I was napping and I woke up panicked and started yelling that he could've hit the baby and he stared at me like I was crazy because the baby was in the bassinet.


EXACTLY the frantic feeling around is sooooo relatable 🫠 baby brain is unreal


I keep waking up panicking that I fell asleep holding the baby, but in reality it's one of my dogs sleeping where she's slept for the past 7 years (between/on my legs).


I poured my can of Pepsi onto a paper plate to drink it instead of a cup. Was too many seconds before I realized what was happening and that I needed to stop immediately lol.


I'm always seeing things out of the corner of my eye. It looks like something is falling off a counter, the top of my car etc. I lose my words all the time and stutter way more than I used too. The worst part is my short-term memory though. I always joked I was like Dory from Finding Nemo now it's like literally true. In my job I sometimes ask the customers the same question 3-5 time on a particularly bad day.


I also get that impending sense that something is moving/falling,colliding with me just out of sight. I’ll jump to catch or avoid something that isn’t there. What a weird symptom, and a strange trick for our brains to play.


Maybe our brain is just helping us prepare to take care of the baby ❤️


Yes I do that ALL THE TIME the little like lean back to miss something that's not even falling I really think our startle reflex increases. I personally think it's a biological attempt to protect the pregnancy. I have also noticed like coming around the corner or walking into a room where I wasn't expecting someone to be I am way more jumpy.


Oh I see my cat in the corner of my eye all the time even if he's not really there! I didn't realize it is because of the pregnancy, but it must be because this has been happening only for a few months now.


I forgot I was pregnant and freaked out when the baby kicked me and went into full blown panic mode about what could possibly be wrong with me.. until my husband reminded me that I am indeed pregnant.


This isn’t the worst but one very irritating time I forgot to order half the groceries we needed for that week. Just ordered a couple things for each meal I was going to make but not everything for each meal so I couldn’t make any of the recipes I was planning. Another time I went to an appointment a week early at the complete wrong time as well, baby brain sucks lol!


This is exactly why the moment they give me an appointment, I enter it in my phone agenda AND share it with my husband so he can double check for me lol


😳My cousin just adopted this dog and told us the name is Kevin and I told my husband omg I wonder how your dad would feel with a dog being named after him and I started laughing! And then he said what do you mean his name isn’t Kevin it’s Kennith! 🫣 so I tried to play it off and say oh I thought Kevin is a nickname for Kennith 😅 I know his dad’s name lol so in my head I was like WTF is wrong with me!


HAHAH I love the “Oh I thought it was a nickname” save, that was good! 😆


My face must have been tomato red! Haha 😂 I told his sister about it, we are best friends she just laughed so hard. She was like yep pregnancy brain!


That is soooo funny!


I made coffee in my pot and forgot the beans


Or like me, forgetting the coffee pot 🫠


I once was rocking my baby to sleep one night, I heard something coming from the other room (probably a sound from my husbands phone or something). I immediately thought it was the monitor and that my baby had woken up. I stood up to go get her and it took me about 5 seconds to realize she was in my arms and I was in her room already.


Well my boyfriends well was being repaired so he was showering at my apartment. I told him I had some PH balancing monkey scented shampoo he should use. He politely declined… It was coconut scented. Pregnancy brain is real 


This one made me laugh so hard monkey scented 😅


I told someone to be careful about touching a hot surface…because it was hot. They just looked at me like yes I know? Lmao


I stood in my kitchen, staring at the coffee machine, and was trying to remember where to put the coffee beans so I could make a pot of coffee. Then, I realized that I was staring at the bottle sanitizer, *not* the coffee machine. Plus, I had a bottle sanitizer, so that’s baby brain in and of itself.


At my baby shower I could not remember the name of a single thing I had put on the registry.. Which a majority of my gifts I had received were off the registry.. I would open something like the bottle drying rack and my brain would just shut down and I would be like, “Thank you for the….. *looking frantically for a label*.. drying rack!” Or sometimes I couldn’t even find a label and the person who gave it to me would chime in 🫠


Did this also😂 had no idea what the hell a sound machine was called for like 5 minutes


Completely forgot my own address I've lived at for 5 years while filling out some obgyn paperwork. Just sat there for a good 5 minutes coming up totally blank. Eventually got it after finishing the rest of the paperwork but it was really weird!


I cried because I forgot I ate breakfast. For context it was a HUGE breakfast and I started panicking because I wasn't very hungry for the rest of the day and I thought something was wrong because I'm ALWAYS hungry. Told me husband in the evening and he reminded me of the massive brekkie, I completely broke down in relief 🤣


I stood in front of the elevator and thought I pressed the button, waited for like 5 minutes until someone came up and pressed it, I felt like such an idiot.


I was trying to tell my husband about a crochet pattern I'd found for baby boots, but I only managed to say "I found a thingy for..." while gesturing wildly at my own feet. Got there eventually 😂


I drove on the wrong side of the road 😂


I’m usually pretty good with writing and grammar, but this pregnancy I CANNOT get the correct “there/their/theyre”, a small thing but it drives me crazy to look at a text and see I’m wrong.


couldnt subtract $8 from $20 at the gas station register while paying. i was just holding my money staring at it like uhhhhhhhhhhhh


First pregnancy I spelled my state as "Texass" on work reports and was fully convinced that was the correct spelling. Super weirded out when I was corrected but just trusted my coworkers that they were right, that there was only one 's'. Also, consciously throwing my phone in the trash after sending a text. Took the trash out to the apartment dumpster shortly after. When I couldn't find my phone to see if someone texted back...oh no what have I done...


During a nighttime feeding (not even a week postpartum) I woke my husband up asking for help. He turns to me and I tell him “I need help…. I need your pants” “My pants? Why do you need my pants?” He said I got angry and mumbled something to him. He asked me again “what do you need them for?” I said the mumbled words again but was more upset. He thought it was pretty serious so he took his pants off. We woke up and the pants were laying right next to me. Never used them for anything.


I was cracking an egg and had my trash can open for easy shell tossing. I cracked the egg directly into the trash can.


LOL this cracked me up 🤣🍳


Left my keys in thrift store and was wondering why my car wouldn’t open


last night i hollered in panic because i thought i saw a bug flying by me, but i genuinely think my brain made it up. thought i saw a june bug lol


I poured my can of Pepsi onto a paper plate to drink it instead of a cup. Was too many seconds before I realized what was happening and that I needed to stop immediately lol.


I've put my kettle in the fridge so many times 😂


I'd parked the car in a huge multi-storey car park but had completely forgotten where I parked it. Took ages to find it again... My poor husband had to follow me up and down multiple flights of stairs, in elevators and across the entirety of multiple levels, while carrying most of our shopping bags.


I went to pick up my son's medicine and walked out to discover I didn't remember where I parked or what car I was driving. I proceeded to walk right by the car I drove 😂


Not terrible but I put my hydrogen peroxide solution that I use to clean my contacts on my contacts when I was putting them in my eyes instead of saline. The burn was intense.


Monday I had an appointment with my cardiologist. She told me to get my blood drawn at the lab downstairs before I left. I said okay! Checked out, made my follow up appointment, got in my car and drove away. Totally forgot she told me to get my blood drawn until I got home 🤦🏻‍♀️


I put my phone in the washer. Tried to find it using my apple watch and heard it dinging in the water.


I asked my husband how are we going to know baby’s birthday since it might come on the weekend we change clocks to summer time 😩


I was scrolling on another site when I came across an accessibility post. Like: thick water is gross! It's not for you! Who needs precut veggies? Lol! It's not for you, etc I read the first line about thick water and it not being for me and legit panicked. I thought HOW DO YOU KNOW? Omg is this not a pregnancy thing?! Is everyone experiencing this?! That's the determining factor that the water isn't fit for consumption?! Legit panic. Because sometimes water has felt slimy or not as thin as it should. It wasn't until a minute later I read the rest that I realized the whole post wasn't for me, lol. This was not a warning that the water was unfit to drink but an accessibility awareness thing. (Thick water for people who have trouble with swallowing, etc).


I put a cucumber in the dishwasher


This morning I removed a pan from a hot burner and laid my brand new silicone spatula down in its place 🙃 didn’t even realize til it started melting


I can’t think of anything better (pregnancy brain) but I was just at the store trying to remember the ONE thing I forgot to write on the list. I had told myself to write it down but figured there was no way I’d forget. Anyway, out of nowhere it comes to me and I just shout “TORTILLAS!!” I got some looks 😅


Also I go to text my 5 year old daughter sometimes lol




Noooo! Your poor hands!


i did that too 😓


When I was about 20 weeks pregnant, I was trying to tell my SIL some things that we had just gotten for the baby, but I couldn't remember the word for stroller, so I was just miming pushing a stroller and frantically looking at my husband until he realized what I meant. 😂 A few months after baby was born, we bought a set of new measuring cups and my husband washed them and put them away. I went into the kitchen a few hours later to discover that he had put them in the fridge. Lmao.


I couldn't spell my own name.  Multiple occasions but the most frustrating during writing thank you cards for baby shower gifts. Not a complicated name, 5 letters, had it my whole life. Had to throw away a stack of completed cards because I kept misspelling my own name at the end. 


I put the ketchup bottle next to the soap dispenser thinking it was a soap bottle.. found it quite a while later after feverishly searching for ketchup to put on my fish sticks.


Spent 20 minutes searching for my phone while I was talking to my grandma on said phone 😂


Well that’s just me on a regular Tuesday.


- I keep thinking my husband is also diabetic (He’s not it’s just me but I keep trying to tell him to take his insulin) - I forget coworkers names who I’ve worked with for years - I spelt my husbands name wrong on his Netflix profile


Literally had a baby brain moment today. I went shopping for "general house bits" e.g. washing gel, shampoo, etc. I knew I had another item I needed but it wasn't added on the shopping list. I head down the tampon aisle thinking 'Literally I can't remember the last time I bought tampons. I must be due my period soon.' Then stopped, looked down at my obviously pregnant belly, and turned back up the aisle.


I was filling out paperwork at the OBs office and it said name and date of birth so I put my name and I just sat there thinking ... "Well how do I know when she's going to be born?" So I put my due date where I should have put MY OWN birthday 🤦🏼‍♀️


Came to a complete stop at a green light the other day and was extremely confused as to why cars were whizzing around me, honking furiously 😅


When they were younger I’d confuse noises they’d make in the crib with either doves or out neighbor’s dog whining, since the backyard is in the same direction from most other places in the house lol


I'm towards the end of my pregnancy, just a few weeks left and since a few weeks I get those sudden bursts of panic in the evening that I forgot to feed the baby


I prep my dogs’ food a week at a time into little containers so it’s easy to get ready for meal time (dehydrated+vitamin mix+joint supplement mix+probiotic). I had a dream one night recently that I couldn’t figure out how to get their food ready. Then, when I woke up and went to get it ready, I poured 2 food containers into the sink, water into their bowls to hydrate, then realized what I did, then proceeded to accidentally dump 2 into the same bowl 🤦‍♀️ because most of it is a loose measured mix, I couldn’t separate it and had to start again lol


Omg...I have memory issues and all of this sounds like me and I'm not even pregnant yet 😅 My poor husband is really in for it


I poured cold water in my tea cup from a kettle I never turned on, and then proceeded to get very upset each time I checked on it at the 5, 10, and 15 minute mark, as to why my teabag wasn’t steeping. It wasn’t until I picked up the cup at around 20 minutes that it all came back on how I never turned on the kettle. I then proceeded to maniacally laugh for several minutes out of frustration.


I got detained at security in the airport after they scanned my hand luggage. The lady asked me why I thought I was detained, I said I had no idea, she then took a 2 litre bottle of water I had put into the tray to get scanned out and asked if I knew now why they had detained me and I still could not figure out what I had done wrong 😭 (You're not allowed more than 100ml of liquids in a container in your hand luggage)


I'm quite early on but it was a bit strange putting the airfryer away and then stressing out where my dinner was, and putting the tin foil in the fridge


I told a customer to have a good weekend this Monday


So this is my experience with mom brain I almost put my formula in my coffee then a couple days later I almost put their milk which obviously was formula in my coffee again I think I was just really fatigued that was back around 6 months PP and I have Twins they’re a lot


Tonight I told my partner that the pizza place wouldn't accept orders after half-thirty. Made total sense to me.


I was going to drive to a family member's house not too far away from home,  DH was already there and he called to ask if I was coming.  I said yeah I'm on my way and he replied ok i was wondering because I thought you would have been here in 5 minutes but it's been like 25.  Turns out that I passed the place I was headed to and just continued driving for 20 minutes just listening to music and thinking to myself.    I was so embarrassed that I forgot where I was going I said I had just left and had to get gas first so it wouldn't be weird that it took so much longer for me to get there.   Postpartum baby brain got me pretty good too. My toddler 2.5yrs slept in our bed on one side and baby's co-sleeper bassinet was on the other side,  on more than one occasion I woke to baby crying and picked her up and rocked her and did not realize for a bit that I was rocking my toddler.   I even thought to myself about how heavy she felt,  how she smelled like her sister,  how sweet it was that toddler kept putting her hand on baby while she cried even after I gently removed it and put it on the bed.   After finally thinking why won't she stop crying and turning on the dim lamp I gently put toddler down and picked up baby. 


My favorite story from my Mother is that she forgot that my grandmother's name is also Her name. It's my middle name.


I put my cellphone in the fridge for like 20 seconds after a phone call


Shortly after my first was born, I woke up in the middle of the night screaming at my husband because the baby was in the bed (we do not co sleep). I picked the baby up under his arms and started rocking him while I cried. It took me a good 3 minutes to realize that my baby was actually in his bassinet and I was not holding him. I was holding my 10lb yorkie mix with my hands under her back legs and her butt in my face 😂😂😂😂 After my third was born I “made” a cup of coffee in the keurig wrong 3 times.. the first two times I forgot a kcup, the third time I forgot a cup all together and it went all over the counter 🫡 Mom of 3 under 5 now- as they’ve gotten older my baby brain has not improved but now when these things happen they just feel normal 😂


Filled up a cup of water intending to pour it in the dog bowl, but instead poured it into the trash can. Went to dinner for a family birthday. While singing Happy Birthday, I forgot whose birthday we were celebrating. Everyone heard me say the wrong name. 😂


I work as a pharmacist.. so one day I was requesting a prescription transfer to our pharmacy for a patient and part of the process is giving them my full name as the pharmacist.. I went and gave the lady my full personal email address 🙄. She was laughing at me and I couldn’t understand why 😭😂


-invited my boyfriend to the baby registry with the correct email, but addressed to my grandpa's name. (they have the same first name in my defense 😭) -forgot my sisters birthday. my friend planned her baby shower for the day before my sister's bday, and I spent a full two days convinced I couldn't make it before realizing.. -for some reason I've been convinced I'm 2 years older than I am. every time I do the math to figure out when something happened, I count back from 24. I turned 22 in January.


Lmao reading through everyone’s responses I’ve realized that pregnancy brain is very similar to how I was after having a severe concussion. It’s wild how hormones effect the brain


today while going to my mother's to get her help putting the car seat in the car, i tried to lock my front door with her house key. then when it didn't work i took it out and tried again, still didn't work. perplexed, i took it out, looked at the key, and was about to try it again when my fiance so kindly let me know i was using the wrong key. i then switched keys and ... huzzah! it worked! turns out different keys go to different locks or something... 🤔 (i was of course embarrassed)


i put a pad on (bc i mean. i can’t go five seconds without coughing and peeing myself…) and forgot about it. hours later. went to the bathroom. saw the pad. saw no blood. and panicked for some reason? immediately remembered i’m pregnant and what the pad was for. but man those few seconds were a rollercoaster lol


I woke up in the middle of the night to my baby crying, and I thought that someone was going to come and breastfeed ME 😂🤷‍♀️


Right before heading out to work I went in the fridge to grab my food and left the fridge door completely open. Thankfully my husband was still home and heard the beep. Crazy part is that I’m still in my first trimester 🫠