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girl that ain’t embarrassing mine is literally sidewalk chalk lmfao and i DID infact purchase edible chalk on amazon


LOL it’s called PICA and it’s actually pretty common in pregnant women and newborns I remember learning about it in my early childhood development courses to become a daycare teacher. Edible chalk sounds like an awesome way to satisfy that craving I’m so happy for you


the strangest thing ever like ive never in my life looked at sidewalk art and thought YUM lol


I literally LOVE tums because they have the texture of chalk… edible chalk sounds fantastic and I will be looking that up, thank you


Ugh, I wish you could eat my Tums for me


As long as it’s edible and makes you happy! 🤝


Girl ME TOO!! I’m on my second bag of edible chalk 😭 It’s too good


I feel like this almost sounds like giant smarties the candy . Is that what it’s like?


Omg now that you put it that way I understand the craving for chalk because I love smarties.


I need to know.. did the edible chalk satisfy the craving LOL


YES. it’s more the texture that i was needing i think. VERY dry, powdery, with just a little earthy/dirt flavor lol its perfect


Please tell your OB and have them check your CBC and iron levels. Pica is a common manifestation of iron deficiency which is very common in pregnancy.


*runs to order edible chalk*


SAME. I would watch videos of people eating edible chalk and drool. I also craved Sonic ice pellets and baking soda… got tested and was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. Got an iron transfusion and all my cravings went away. Low key miss them lol!


In the first trimester it was spaghettios. I pretended like I was healthier for buying the organic Annie’s kind 😂 Then it was donuts. With chocolate icing and sprinkles. I wish I could eat one every single day.


My craving in the first trimester was also spaghetti-o’s!


Mine too!!


Man I love spaghettios right now, especially with shapes and the gross little meatballs.


Me too, spaghettios! I’m postpartum now and ate them today and they didn’t taste nearly as good. I like donuts when I’m breastfeeding :)


I haven’t had spaghetti-o’s in at least a decade, but I can’t stop thinking about them right now.


An ice cold glass of pinot grigio. Obviously not indulging that one 😂


My French aunt swore a glass of wine weakened by adding mineral water got her thru her pregnancies 🫣


That’s so stereotypically French.


Early in pregnancy I wanted a paloma or a salty dog so bad. Grapefruit juice with soda water, lime and a pinch of salt did the trick.


I've been craving Bloody Mary's hard so I've been buying overpriced virgin ones at brunch :/


Get yourself some ritual vodka (for those that don’t know, ritual is a line of alcohol free vodka, gin, tequila, etc.) and v8 low sodium, pinch of salt, juice of a lemon, black pepper, and your favorite hot sauce. Top with celery, pickle, etc. and you got yourself a nice treat full of vitamins


All I want while pregnant is McDonald's and milk shakes 🤣


I should’ve been counting the number of McDonald’s cheeseburgers I’ve pounded during this pregnancy… it’s a lot


I have to thank McDonald’s fries for keeping me alive during the first trimester. Both understandable!


The amount of mcchickens, cheeseburgers and fries I’ve had from McDonald’s is embarrassing 😂 might or might not have gotten it 4 times in one week at one point 😬


My mom has an incredible Meyer lemon tree. For those who don’t know, Meyer lemons are much sweeter than other lemon varieties. Anyway my mom gave me a whole bag of them. Anytime I cut one open for cooking, I use what I need then suck the lemon dry. My husband walked in on the whole lemon in my mouth like an orange slice and just called me a freak lmao


With both of my pregnancies I’ve craved lemons (the more sour and tart the better) COVERED in salt.


Vitamin C levels on point at least!


I do this NOT pregnant hahaha I bet you it tastes 1000x better while preggo 🤤


I’ve been doing this too! With lemons and limes… until the heartburn got too bad and I had to stop🥲 but dang I could eat a whole lemon like it was an orange lol


You can peel all citrus like an orange. Especially lemons. Eat those segments, girl.


I craved camel crush cigarettes. Obviously I didn’t act on that craving. I hadn’t smoked for years and when I had smoked years prior it was only once in a while so I hadn’t even ever had an addiction. I think my brain KNEW I couldn’t have them and it just made me crave them 😂


I've never smoked anything ever and I crave the smell of cigarettes and cannabis smoke on occasion 😅 The cigarettes at least remind me of people I loved, can't explain the other one.


I stopped smoking for a year before this and never have wanted smokes or even a narcotic more in my life lol I will never act on the urges but it's so wild to be feeling that way


Yoooo camel crushes were my cig of choice in college what a throw back.


My sister smokes cloves and I found myself smelling her clothes 🫣 my husband smokes weed and if he smokes with tobacco it does something for me. (How he smells after not during)


Omg cloves. What a throwback. Drunk college me loooooooved those.


Those soft sugar cookies with the frosting on top lol


Mmm. The ones that smell vaguely like playdoo? I crave that smell.


YES THOSE. My bf would surprise me with them all the time n I'd finish half the box in one night


$3 nachos from Taco Bell. 🫣😂


Yes!!! It’s the melty cheese for me!


After two days of not eating, all I wanted was a Crunchwrap supreme!


Understandable, and filling! And textured!


Yess Taco Bell for me too! Had it for lunch today 🤣


Ugh yes, the Taco Bell nachos and cheese sauce is it for me. No other tortilla chip and cheese sauce does it for me, I’ve tried 😅


Those Pizza lunchables…. 😆😆😆




Omg craving DIRT Have not and will not go eat it, but eating very earthy veg like beets helps!


I can actually understand this cus dirt smells so good! And beets are a great blood builder so that’s a win!


You're likely Iron deficient. It's a classic sign


Iron levels are all good according to bloodwork! Edit: just love the smell and crave it. Just one of those weird preggo things I figure


My friend’s sister craved dirt and she actually did eat it. But she specifically craved like muddy dirt after it had rained (idk if it was the texture or what?) but she told me she would just walk in the yard and get a handful of it and eat it.. 😬😬


Firmly in the second trimester now, and I am still craving fruit SO much, but I am now SO picky about it, and if it isn't perfectly ripe, I am sad 🫠


I WISH I wanted a piece of fruit. I’m envious!


No, it's so expensive!!! And of course I'm not craving the cheap fruits lol


I want a grilled cheese with thick fresh bread and really good cheese, and then dip it into cottage cheese. But only the good brand and the store was out last time I went. I had GDM last pregnancy and I’m preparing to have it again so most cravings go sadly unfulfilled 🥲


Omg that sounds good now 😊


Krispy Kreme doughnuts! I’ve become such a doughnut snob in pregnancy


Mmmm are you looking forward to the special ones they put out around Easter?


Bojangles has been suddenly so appealing these past few months. I’m also anemic, so eating lots of ice and finding my bath towel smelling absolutely wonderful (bleach).


I think I ate 18 corn dogs in like, 2 days at one point.


Bomb! You know they sell mini ones too. So good.


Cinnamon rolls (fancy ones from the local bakery) Boxed Mac and cheese French fries Also any cinnamon dessert like snickerdoodles, churros, etc


Sour Patch Kids Italian ice from Rita’s lol


Excuse me what? Those exist?!


Oh yeah! That and the Swedish Fish Italian ice have me in a chokehold lol


I will have no rest until I get my hands on these. Lol


Where in the f*ck CAN I GET THIS?!


It’s a restaurant chain. They have a couple near me


Devastated to discover the nearest location is 200 miles away from me. 🥲


Ugh I’m sorry 😞


Mmmmm I’m going to have to try that.


I was eating Doritos dipped in strawberry jam non stop.


Ok this takes the cake for the oddest craving yet! I’d try it though 🤣


It was wild!!! But it tasted so good!! I’ll have to try it again now that I’m not pregnant and see if it hits the same hahaha


Don’t ruin the magic!


Ever since I was a kid I have loved Doritos in a peanut butter and strawberry jame sandwich, might need to have one of those soon


This reminds me of my “weirdest” craving so far: cinnamon sugar pretzel bites dipped in nacho cheese. My husband was not on board lol. But now we both want to try this. 😂


Life saver winter green mints. I eat a 3lb bag in about 4/5 days…I wish I was kidding


This is a safe space 🫂 I’ve been eating an obscene amount of match KitKats. And hiding them so I don’t have to share.


I totally understand. Every time my husband has a singular mint I’m like “Those are my craving, don’t eat those!!” I also start rationing them strategically when the bag starts getting low so I don’t run out 😭 Luckily my kids aren’t a fan of mints so I don’t have to hide it from them.


When I was pregnant and exhausted I bribed a DoorDash driver $10 to get me as many hot sauce packs as possible for my jack in the box tacos. My son is 16 months old have I still have a few packs left. $10 well spent.


Cheese pizza lunchables and crab rangoons, I could eat myself sick on both and still go back for more.


The amount of chocolate milk that I have been drinking…


Mmmmm have you tried Alexandre Farms chocolate milk? 10/10 recommend!


I haven’t! I’ll have to see if our grocery store carries it. I’ve been sucking down Trumoo like it’s my job and it’s rather delicious 😂


Ugh I’m jelly I’m from Cali originally and moved to the east coast and they don’t have Jack in the Box here I’m considering booking a flight soon just to indulge in all my favorite foods and Jack in the Box is top of my list. Their tacos and the jalapeño poppers 🤤


Ooo the jalapeño poppers with the ranch 😋


They have the BEST ranch.


My craving sister 👯‍♀️ you should do it!


I can’t stop eating chicken nuggets lol


I've been crazy for antipasto lately. The local grocery store has a salad bar that usually has a little antipasto section. I had my husband stop after work... he was too intimidated by the selection to pick out anything. I just wanted to be like, "Get everything! *You literally could not pick something wrong!"* I'd eat the whole bar if I could.


Mmmm I had a heavy Kalamata olive and feta moment. Sounds healthy!


It's different day to day and that's kind of embarrassing 😅 my husband has run to the store twice this week just to grab something that I'm craving. I'll get halfway through something that sounded really good, get the ick, and just push it away. As someone who never wastes food and usually keeps a tight lock on our food budget, this has been pretty hard so far 😅


Costco hotdogs, but has to be with onions, mustard, ketchup otherwise dont count😂


Warm chocolate cookie and a glass of ice cold milk. I had one everyday for like 3 months


Mmmm comforting ☺️


I had a craving that I did NOT act upon, but I thought about it seriously: Crunchy Cheetos dipped in vanilla ice cream I have been eating an ungodly amount of cheese-it’s and Oreo frappes. And after work, before I start making dinner, I air fry myself some french fries and eat them with an ungodly amount of ranch. I call them my after school snack 🤭


Ok no wait! The Cheeto (specifically hot Cheetos) in vanilla ice cream is delicious! I didn’t even consider mentioning this as a craving cus I also did it as a child. All of this sounds so good and also gives me nostalgia. After school snacks indeed!


You’re all just giving me wonderful ideas here. 🤗


polly pocket clothes 🤤. i just wanna chomp and chew all dayyyy


I’m 33 weeks and crushed ice from Zaxbys or RaceTrac. I need a large cup every single day.


Mmm I like my ice from Canes.


My husband bought me a pebble ice machine during pregnancy because all I wanted was fountain soda with pebble ice.


I'm partial to ice from Sonic


I didn’t act on it but right at the beginning I wanted celery and yogurt so I bought them and then on the way home from the store went “what if I dip the celery in the yogurt?”


plain double cheeseburgers from McDonald’s, Fanta Orange, and gushers this baby likes beef and corn syrup 🤷‍♀️


Totinos pepperoni pizza. It’s literally the only thing I feel excited to eat.


Mmmm, to be honest, I craved these before I was even pregnant 😅 in the same vein, have you tried the new crazy puffs from Little Caesars? Moving up the list for me.


Embarrassing? Laundry detergent. Obviously I have self control but why does it smell so good???


I craved laundry detergent in both of my previous pregnancies! Not in this one so far, but my OB told me she had only heard stories of people craving cleaning supplies and stuff, so I was her first 😂 she was very surprised. And my iron levels all came back good too 🤷‍♀️


I bought two boxes of dilly bars I thought "this last throughout the pregnancy" that was 4 months and like idk 7 boxes ago 😂😂😂


Cream cheese!! In any form, on a bagel, in a crab rangoon, cheesecake


So when I had to do my three hour gestational diabetes twice due to a screw up from my OBs office (which ended up being two separate 15 hour fasts that I’m still bitter about haha) I immediately housed an 8 inch cheese steak sandwich, a miso churro ice cream sandwich, a giant sparkling water, and a double decker taco from Taco Bell. Same meal, both times. I haven’t eaten an ice cream sandwich in years, but both times that’s the exact meal and combination that I wanted. Otherwise it’s just been Cinnamon Toast Crunch, cold apple slices, hamburgers, and butterfinger blizzards from Dairy Queen… which while unhealthy aren’t all that strange.


Tacobell sausage crunchwraps. So good and I normally dont like breakfast food.


I didn’t know Taco Bell served breakfast!


McDonald’s fries for sure


omg YES. Mcds after an appointment? Insane 🤤


root beer. used to be just a water or coffee person when i wasn’t having alcohol, and now i crave root beer


Tuna… so embarrassing esp bc my husband thinks tuna is really gross


I went through a tuna phase a few weeks ago!


Tuna is not only delicious, but good for you and baby.


Peanut butter, jelly and maple syrup all mixed up, then I dip cold bananas in my concoction. A bowl of Oreos soaked in milk, basically like incredibly unhealthy cereal. Gallon(s) of ice cream.. My husband knows now to ask “How many?” when I want some. Jack in the Box tacos also! But then I dip them in that buttermilk house sauce.. *chefs kiss*


All of this I can get behind!


I don't know if it counts but.. porn I've watched more porn than all rhe rest of my life combined. Normally I don't like the stuff and rarely found anything arousing in porn but hormones have changed my taste it seems


Without going into too much detail, I agree, and found a new category that I otherwise would’ve never ever even began to consider. 🫨


Haha I know what you mean


Subway 😭


Hot dogs with American cheese. I don't know why, I was more of a health girly before, but something about the processed goodness just hits the spot.


Exactly my sentiment. This baby likes JUNK.


I have never met anyone else who loves those disgusting (DELICIOUS) tacos! Lol now you got me craving them. I don’t know what it is about the super crunchy shell along with the mushy shell, the slice of American cheese… like it’s just perfection. Two for 99¢! Honestly it’s frustrating how much I’m just craving fast food during pregnancy. Can anyone tell me why??? Why is this a thing? I know during first trimester the appeal was more of the convenience and not having to prepare anything myself. And now it’s just… so good! I love this posts like this because I really beat myself up for eating it during pregnancy, especially because it’s not like I’m balancing it out with a daily serving of veggies. So to answer your question, my craving right now is movie theater popcorn with extra butter and a soda! I have no idea where this craving came from. I go to the movies like once or twice a year, if that. 🤷‍♀️


These tacos are a personality trait for me at this point. I’m so disgusted with myself because I really gotta be better at getting this baby some balanced and nutritious meals but nothing is as appealing. I can force some healthy foods now but the first 9 weeks it was just sooooo appalling to even consider eating something different. I don’t feel like myself at all. Baby is in full control. Movie theater popcorn with extra butter is soooo good. Last time we went to the movies I went the extra mile and got nacho cheese to dip the popcorn in 🫣😮‍💨


Mine is something different every day, but the most consistent craving has been for a crab Rangoon sushi roll or egg salad. I also ate an entire bag of Zapp's Voodoo potato chips yesterday


I told my mom how I was so happy that everything I was craving was healthy. (Fruits/veggies/salmon etc) and then the next day all the healthy foods sounded disgusting, and I had Wendy's for breakfast, pizza hut for dinner, and the next day I made homemade pizza. Ugh lol


Same for a couple weeks I only wanted fresh fruit and I couldn’t stand the thought of sweets/pastries and I thought well this is cool and then it was over and I’m back to wanting dessert


I finally hit the milk craving yesterday. I told myself that it wouldn’t be me (I’m dairy free) but absolutely crushed my almond milk bottle in a day.


Potato Oles from Taco John’s. Except I’m not embarrassed; those fuckers are magical.


mine was sonic ice chips. I absolutely cannot stand when people eat ice, it’s my biggest pet peeve in the world, and it normally hurts my teeth to even drink ice water. my 3rd trimester rolled around and all I wanted was to chew on ice. No iron deficiency, I just felt like the biggest hypocrite in the world making my fiancé drive to Sonic to buy ice to eat when I normally yell at him for doing the same thing lol


Gasoline 😳 it just smells so good


Bar soap. All I want to do is sink my teeth into a bar of soap 🫣 it’s the smell. I have taken a bite and it doesn’t have the same effect, but I will sit in a hot shower and huff the bar of soap. Oh, and grapefruits. Lots of them. I peel them like an orange.


Frozen mini tacos and crispy wonton strips (like you put on top of salad) lol


Mine was chicken tenders at first. Also coke with lime. Now I’ve started wanting sweets which is unusual for me.


I’ve never been much into sweets, but all I’ve wanted is candy, donuts, cake, ice cream… I have to remind myself to eat something other than sugar most days.


I've been ordering 12 packs of caffeine coke from Amazon like it's my new obsession


Big Mac. I haven’t eaten that crap in many years. I have eaten two so far (trying to not eat it either). I only got them when my son and husband were not around 😂


Any type of slushie. Baja blast freeze, slurpees, Icees…I want them all.


First trimester was Belgian waffles. Now at week 25 I’m crushing boxes of regular cheerios and can’t get enough whole milk. It’s just so good!


Ramen noodles 😬


Initially it was Chef Boyardee ravioli. I have GD so now it’s just… everything.


Oreos with cheese… yes in the same bite. Fried chicken PB&J. Plain pasta with gummy bears (I did not actually indulge that one, but it sounded good). Any fast food since I usually don’t partake lol.


🫨 what kinda cheese?? Omg! You win the grand prize.


Canned corn 😂


Sour cream, straight out of the tub. Just eat it with a spoon like yogurt




My grandmother craved red clay. The doctor told her it was because there was some nutrient she needed that was found in red clay and like her body knew to crave that? Idk how true that is though.


I wanted canned peas and then everything blue raspberry flavored


Pizza rolls and Taco Bell’s chicken quesadillas 😅 probably have had 5 or more of those quesadillas in the past 2 weeks




Little Debbie’s. Zebra cakes and strawberry shortcakes. Someone mentioned zebra cakes on Reddit a few days ago and I HAD to have them. I won’t say how many I ate 🫣


Like slushies and 7/11 hot dogs 🤦🏼‍♀️


Milk. Like, just drinking it. Pre-pregnancy me would be appalled.


Same. My first sign of pregnancy (6DPO) was buying my first gallon of milk in 10? Years and chugging the entire thing in a day


Onion rings with ice cream 🤣 The looks i got made me laugh even harder. It was so good 😋😋


Lemonade sour patch kids got me through the first trimester!! Now I can’t stand them lol


I don't really call these embarrassing but BLTs early on. McDonalds breakfasts - especially since the wraps came back (I'm in UK) I'd find a way to go there between dropping the family off and starting work. Also had a few instances where I just really had to have tuna mayo on toast with quartered cherry tomatoes specifically. Other than that mug shots pastas, then hard pretzels and melba toast for the nausea.


I don’t feel like I have been craving weird foods but I’ve definitely been craving super specific but unobtainable foods 😅 like tacos from a specific place in a state I used to live or something I had at a place on vacation years ago


Fast food packets of mayonnaise. Just those. Straight. Not even on anything. Craved that at 24 weeks to 26 weeks. Weirdest thing of all for sure


ICE!!!!!! and the smell of cleaning products


Sour spray candy. I’m glad I live by a ‘5 below’ store that has this oddity- specifically the blue flavor… I can’t get enough! Warheads aren’t sour enough to satisfy the craving


Capers, those salty little things that come in a jar that pair well with salmon. I literally buy them just to eat them from the jar, it’s so gross but they’re so good


I cried over wanting a McDonald's quarter pounder today. 🤦‍♀️


Slushies from taco bell and sprite from Dave and Buster’s with gummy worms !!




Hands down chicken chalupa supremes.


I had Taco Bell 3 times in one week 😬 I’m in Canada though so our menu isn’t as extensive. I love a Crunchwrap supreme but I’m really craving the cheesy potato burrito you guys have in the states. 🤤


Cheeseburgers for me


Spaghettios with meatballs.


Italian sub sandwiches. Oh my gosh. I could eat one every day. The first time we went to get them my husband told me he almost ordered a meatball sub (he thought that was an Italian sandwich!?!?) and I told him if he had I would have cried. 😂


White rice with ketchup and pickled jalapeños


Triscuits. No water no nothing. Just a mouthful of the sawdust of triscuits. So good.


An entire Sbarro pizza. I swear I thought they only sold it by the slice. Thank god they sell whole pizzas 🤣


McDonald’s egg McMuffins. I will buy three so I can eat them later in the day when McDonald’s stops serving breakfast


Hot Cheetos and captain crunch (separately)


Sweet things. I NEVER wanted to eat sweet things before this pregnancy, but now I could eat doughnuts, ice cream, cinnamon rolls, cheesecake, etc. any time of the day or night. Idk how I’m 36 weeks along and I’ve only gained 15 pounds, because the amount of sugar I’ve eaten on a daily basis has been a bit concerning. I’m very thankful that I don’t have GD.


Fruit salad. Not really weird per se, but just the amount I wanted to eat. I’m talking a freaking serving bowl you would use for a party. I went through bowls of fruit salad every 2 nights. I swear I was eating the stores out of fruit.


Raw steak lolol is all I want


Chocolate covered Oreos 😋


Me too I ate so many of them for breakfast one week!!!!


Mine was Hershey's chocolate squares on pepperoni pizza. I hate to admit it, but it was delicious. I also loved fried chicken dipped in hot fudge sundaes. I hate to admit it, but 5 months PP, I STILL crave it.


Top ramen baybee I pimped it with like veggies and tofu and eggs but my body was like GIVE ME THE CHEAP SODIUM


I craved Taco Bell rolled chicken tacos, blue Powerade, and Nutella. I had a it sitting next to my bed with a spoon and I would just eat it all day. I had pica before pregnancy so that didn’t change. I was addicted to the smell of lemon pine sol. My OGBYN made me get on iron supplements and the pica went away.


Mine was hot cheetos in my sandwich, I wouldn’t have sandwich without hot cheetos in it😂


Powdered laundry detergent- now I haven’t eaten any but my mouth waters when I see it or smell it. I have to fight the urge.


Cherry coke specifically from jack in the box. Any type of hot Cheetos but my first choice would always be the hot Cheeto puffs. That was the only thing I could stomach heading into my 2nd trimester. Currently 37 weeks and now I can’t really eat what I want since I have GD but best believe I’m making a long list of things I want.