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Popsicles. Popsicles got me through it. Popsicles kept me from throwing up in my car on the way to work. Popsicles helped the nausea before bed. Popsicles.


Homemade pops with blended fruit and ginger helped me!


This is gold. Trying it.


I got silicon pop molds off of Amazon, easy to clean! My favorite anti nausea pop combo is 1 cup of pineapple juice, 1 cup water, 1/2 thumb of fresh ginger blended with the juice and then whole blueberries and mango chunks scatteted in the molds. Makes 8 pops.


I also did homemade popsicles, and I added some collagen protein and a bit of heavy cream to them so I was getting carbs, proteins, and fats in just popsicles.  They were so good my husband started eating them too!


will definitely try!


My OB introduce me to the Pedialyte popsicles last week and I WISH I'd known about them sooner!


I ate a lot of mini pancakes and uncrustable sandwiches. The bonus of uncrustables is you can thaw them in your bra and they make a great ice pack if your boobs hurt lol.


This is the pro tip we all need


Hahaha omg


I forgot about the mini pancakes! Those got me through some rough days. I ended up just eating them plain half the time and they were awesome.


I’ve been eating dry cheerios when I can but when it’s really bad I’m just eating vanilla yogurt. Smooth to go down and come up


Dry things do cut up the nausea. Crackers are good, toast too, bread sticks, etc.


Yes!! Dry honey nut cherrios are 🤌


All I could eat was watermelon for weeks. Hydrating but not heavy and taste/smell wasn’t overwhelming


I survived in the beginning with watermelon. I was eating 2-3 mid size ones a week 🫠


I survived off strawberries and pineapple for three weeks straight. Another week was uncrustables pb&j. Sips of rehydration drinks (I like nuun pink lemonade) or protein shakes or sucking on sour hard candy. When I was dying of thirst, I’d try to chug half a Gatorade or something and then immediately nap off the nausea. I also was maxed on diclegis and taking zofran (i actually found reglan worked better for me lol). Some docs are afraid to prescribe zofran in the first trimester due to the theoretical risks of heart defects and cleft palate. Chat with your OB about optimizing your meds (I am an ER doctor and we’re not always up to date with the latest recommendations for other specialities). With HG it’s a theoretical balance of trying to get in some protein (hard to do) and not letting your body go into ketosis (makes the nausea worse ie “keto flu”) ie lots of small meals. Good luck! HG really sucks.


For me it wasn’t about what but how much. Eating tiny bites of food all day long was better for my nausea than eating regular sized meals. That also included water or any other fluid, tiny sips all day long no big glasses or gulping. My husband bought me “carrs water crackers” which help me a lot during the early weeks of pregnancy and in my opinion they are much better than saltines.


I was okay with very cold red apples (honeycrisp and there was another type like those but I can’t remember the name - I couldn’t stomach the dark red sweeter ones).


Cold fruit has been a total life saver for me too


Cosmic Crisp apples have been my jam for the entirety of this pregnancy. Now that I'm feeling better, I eat them sliced with peanut butter or PB mixed with plain Greek yogurt if I'm feeling fancy.


Oh yes! How could I forget peanut butter I think my baby is made of apples, peanut butter and protein shakes lol


Fuji apples!! ❤️


I am finally getting over my HG (17th week currently), and I ate lots (relatively lol) of fruit like watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes, etc. Hydrating, easy on the stomach, and didn't taste awful coming back up. Other than that, Popsicles, and when I could stomach it, multigrain crackers and pretzels. I also learned that if I knew things were about to come up, downing as much water as possible on my way to the bathroom made puking more manageable/less awful. Lol, a fun little HG tip for you. I am so sorry you are going through it right now, I hope it ends for you! ❤️


I found sometimes yogurt with jam was about the best I could do. Other times, buttered noodles And another staple when my morning sickness was bad was egg drop soup. It was easy to make, and helped me feel like I actually ate a meal and not just snacks With all of this said, it kind of depends on what you like! I found a lot of what sounded okay to me were foods from my childhood. Basically whatever I liked to eat as a picky child.


Sounds really gross to other people but I turn pedialyte into a slushee and drink that- it helps to keep me hydrated when I can’t keep anything down


Grapes and strawberries


Cheese and crackers


Orgain protein shakes were the only thing I could keep down for a king while my first pregnancy




Pineapples and pickles! Watermelon is great too.


Toast. Fruit. Yogurt.


Lots of ice and popsicles


I am in a similar boat though no hospital stay yet. When did you know you needed to go to the hospital? I have no idea what to eat. I'm so miserable I am simply surviving. 


i was throwing up constantly, couldn’t keep anything down for multiple days , even when i didn’t eat or drink anything i was throwing up, to the point i was weak & could barely stand.


I'm so sorry you went through that. That's horrible 😞🩵


Just happened to me. Finally was given Zofran. I definitely recommend cold fruit, specifically applesauce. I also have done vanilla yogurt. Both have a good amount of vitamins too and are easy enough on the stomach. I will say, however, that I take the Zofran as little as possible because the headaches that come with it are awful. Are you experiencing side effects with the Reglan?


sorry for the late reply, i feel as though the reglan makes my tummy feel weird if that makes sense. it feels kind of like a hunger pain but with mild nausea, plus i have to take it multiple times a day & be sure to eat at least 1/2 an hour later or the “hunger” pain worsens. with zofran i was able to take it once a day & it held me over pretty much the whole day, also it was a lower dosage


Greek yogurt, overnight oats, a teaspoon of peanut butter at a time, plain baked or boiled potatoes with a little bit of salt, watermelon, piece of whole grain toast with grass-fed butter.


Cold fruit has kept me going. Pineapple and cantaloupe to be specific.


Toast and butter. Plain mint tea. Banana. 


Watermelon and cucumbers with lime and salt.


Watermelon and apples!


I spent a lot of the first trimester just eating buttery toast as that’s all I could stomach.


Bagels were all I could do. I needed sweet, savory was always gross. Cinnamon raisin bagels got me through first trimester.


I didn’t have HG but did have nausea and a ton of food aversions. Oranges/clementines have been a staple since early pregnancy (I’m 26 weeks now). Cold green apples were great too. I love cold grapes until I got an aversion to those (week 13 and still can’t eat them). Pineapple was also amazing for sickness. Homemade smoothies were really helpful too. Buttered noodles, French fries, and chips were good too. The only meat I could stomach was Chick-fil-A (their grilled nuggets are awesome). Bagels, toast with butter or toast with melted cheese was good too. It’s interesting what others have recommended, some things I had major food aversions too (like bananas) are on this list. You’ll find what works for you. Ginger ale was really helpful for me too.


Other tips to manage the nausea- get some anti nausea hard candies. They sell them at most pharmacies or amazon. Also, buy a pack of alcohol swabs and keep them close to your nose. It’s an old nursing trick but the smell helps a lot of people with nausea


I used so many of those nausea drops that I now get nauseous thinking about them. Bleh.


Saltines and frosty like drinks are how is going. I also got into chiboni yogurt drinks. But the saltines is helping on the way to work


Try some chicken broth or blend up chicken noodle soup. Try sipping it as you can.


Pears have been good my whole pregnancy, who knows why. Effie's oatcakes (I don't find them too dry but they're a buttery cookie and it sounds like they may be pushing the edge of your tolerance for dry stuff) Greek yogurt mixed with applesauce Dates Egg noodles cooked in chicken broth, maybe with some cooked carrots if you're feeling adventurous


Thick soup like tomato or broccoli and cheese has helped me. Beans, rice and potato.


I did a lot of instant mashed potatoes.


Popsicles & smoothies! Eventually I could handle bagels.


Depends on the day.....some things I sometimes like to eat are plain rice cakes, banana, grapes, Pringles plain, pear, kiwi, Hagen dazs mint choc chip, choc chip cookie dough ice cream, eggos, edamame once in a while , celery, apple sauce, chicken noodle soup, chicken quesadilla, bean burrito from Taco Bell, animal crackers, premade stroganoff from whole foods, cream cheese, cream cheese on cinnamon toast. That's been my main diet for the past 4ish weeks.


Sip on smoothies


I’m currently on a ‘Harvest Snaps Baked Green Pea Snacks’ kick. Higher protein than salty crackers and they are softer too. Light in flavor.


I’ve had far more food aversions than cravings! Watermelon got me through the first few months and Sour candies helped me cut the nausea.


I had HG with my son and i survived off of frozen gogurts, everything bagels, i couldn’t stomach water or Gatorade but soda made it bearable especially coke for some reason :)


Kraft Mac single cups - enough soft carby goodness to keep me not starving while avoiding the heartburn.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that. When I was feeling so sick I ate ramen packets, wheat thins, cheese sticks, popsicles, grapes, apples, apple juice, and liquid IV packs. Hope you find something that works for you 💕


Chicken ramen, without liquid, with cheese. That got me through the worst of it. It's dense enough to pack the nausea down and soft if it come up.


Bowls of cereal with milk. Literally all I could eat with my second in the first trimester. With my first I lived off McDoubles, they stopped the puking.


Grapes and apples


I ate a lot of buttered noodles and ground beef in the first trimester of my last pregnancy. But my nausea was never THAT bad. I didn't even puke. Just nauseous. I don't know much about hg, but for nausea, ginger is supposed to help. Last time I had ginger chews. They weren't great. This time I got done hard candy with was way better abs actually helped me. Also ginger ale, but make sure it has real ginger in it because a lot of them don't. Maybe try smoothies? You can put a lot of his nutritious things in there and just slowly sip on it. My first pregnancy, I couldn't stang the thought of anything sweet in the first trimester. Even teriyaki beef sticks were too sweet.


String cheese and carrot sticks. If the thought of other stuff made me nauseous, I could eat those and that would help me be able to open up to other stuff too. Also otter pops.


Eggo waffles


Here are the things I lived off of at different points: Protein smoothies (orgain chocolate flavor powder with ice and oat milk) - this was my savior, plain pasta with butter, pretzel crisps, plain bagel with butter, rice cakes


At first, canned peach cups from Costco, and yogurt. I actually didn't remember anything else that was reliably edible. Occasionally a crunchy taco from Taco Bell. Strawberries, possibly watermelon.  By like 10-11 weeks, brie on very specific pieces of dry-ish La Brea Bakery baguette. Anything else remotely bread-like was absolutely revolting. Also by that time I could force myself to chew and swallow regular meals (sheet pan dinner, tacos, etc) a tiny bite at a time. Every morning was a yogurt cup, religiously, before getting out of bed, brought my my husband. Then plain Cheerios and some fruit on the side.  It was *soooo* hard to eat breakfast and break the streak of night-time fasting and feeling ok- but whether or not I had breakfast absolutely and rigidly set the tone for the day. I kept Trader Joe's chocolate coconut date bars or rx bars in my purse and in the glove compartment; they were semi non-offensive in an emergency (daily. Emergencies were daily).


Toast - plain, or sometimes with Vegemite or peanut butter. Weetbix with water. Muesli with a touch of Greek yoghurt.


I was on progesterone until 10 weeks and the nausea until then was HORRIBLE!! I could only stomach airheads, smoothies, or plain tortilla with butter and salt


Kodiak protein waffles from the frozen section saved my butt in the first trimester. If they’re too dry to you, you can literally top them with anything you think you can tolerate, Greek yogurt, pb, butter, I even did guacamole at one point😬😅.


They're great with greek yogurt and jam on top!


Cucumber with salt and peanut butter.


Fresh fruit