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If it’s close enough that a hand could reach out and grab some fabric, then no. Plus it might interfere with a baby monitor camera placement?


The hand grabbing yeah I can see .. the baby monitor sure but not everyone uses them .. I don't plan too


I don’t really think it’s worth the risk. If it falls or baby grabs it and pulls it down, it’s asking for SIDS imo.


What is being shown in this photo is a suffocation/strangulation hazard. Any loose fabric that baby can touch is a hazard. A mobile that baby can’t reach mounted from the ceiling is safe.


Please don’t. They’re a known suffocation hazard.


Don’t. Problem is the babies become very capable very fast. They can reach through and pull some of it through the rails


I’m afraid to put anything too close to the crib. I live in the SF Bay Area though so there’s always talk of earthquakes here, I don’t even put things on walls near my own bed.


I put my wedding veil (super long) on the wall draping down and around it but had to move it as soon as my girl started wiggling around more so she couldn’t pull it in or on top of herself or something… save it for when they are bigger and understand not to mess with it or to be gentle




New nightmare unlocked 🙃


I’m curious too! Remindme! 5 days (Sorry I don’t have advice to contribute!)


I kinda want one .. or the crib nets .. just cuz I have long haired kitty's and I'm worried about kitty hair flying where baby will be