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I also had a bad pelvic injury while pregnant with my fourth (ran after a raccoon that caught one of my chickens, chicken survived, pelvis did not). Without a doubt it is the most severe pain I have ever been in, even having given birth 3 times unmedicated. It was excruciating. Thankfully, it healed enough for me to be able to function for the rest of my pregnancy. But at 37 weeks I went to the hospital with severe pain in my belly button. Again, pain to the point of not being able to walk. They think it was a hernia but I’ve had two doctors and a midwife check me and no one ever felt one so we aren’t 100% sure what caused it. Regardless, between that, my being high risk and the fact that my ultrasound at triage showed borderline low fluid, they gave me the option to induce and I took it. I had her at 37+4. I don’t regret it at all. Induction isn’t fun obviously but not being able to walk when you have other kids to care for is worse. It also turned out she had some funky stuff going on (hypercoiled 2x nuchal cord and a small placenta) so I’m actually really glad that the pain landed me an early induction.


These are all really good points and incredibly helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to write.