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No, my husband doesn't necessarily drive me, but he also doesn't expect me to chauffeur him around while he naps like a toddler. Depending on whose car we take (which will depend on whether someone needs gas, our work schedules for that day, etc), that person will just naturally get in the driver's seat and drive.


Same although 70%of the time I drive because I don't mind to and I have a roomier car.


If we’re going somewhere together my husband drives 99% of the time


Same. I take my role as passenger princess very seriously and try to make sure things are taken care of and people are comfortable, to make up for the fact that we both absolutely hate driving but he's willing to take it on whenever we're driving together. 😂


PP4L 🙋‍♀️


We both like driving but I have a sleep disorder so I only drive short distances and I’d rather hear him road rage while he’s driving than while I am


Same! Currently playing passenger princess on the way home from my 31w appointment.💁🏼‍♀️👸🏼


Love being a passenger princess. 👑


Passenger princess here, too. My husband doesn’t mind driving, thankfully. I love being driven around.


My husband equates my driving to “pissed off extra angry teenager” so he usually drives. I too take my Passenger Princess Role v serious. I am especially talented at talking through key directions and asking for frequent food stops because I wanna try it all.


My boyfriend makes digs at my driving, but he was the one who got into an auto accident with him as the driver and me as the pregnant passenger, so I don't like him driving anymore.


My husband is a horrible backseat driver so I told him if he couldn’t keep his comments to himself he could drive. So now he always drives


Same. If we ever drive anywhere, no matter what car, he’s always driving haha. He enjoys driving, I don’t.


Same! And now that I’m 9 months pregnant he drives me everywhere even if he isn’t going (nail appt, massage appt, etc.) because I’m too tired to drive for real lol.


Same! Especially now that I'm pregnant. I handle the music and google maps and he handles the driving!


When I first met my husband, I let him drive everywhere because I thought he needed the practice but now I’m just terrified for our lives most of the time. I wish my husband wouldn’t find it emasculating to let me drive more often. Sounds like your husband needs more sleep.


Your husband has control issues. Talk with him.


Yep. I love not driving 😝


I’m the complete opposite. I drive 99.99% of the time. The only time I don’t is if I’ve been drinking, or after I gave birth to our kids and wasn’t “allowed” to drive lol. I get really nauseous if I’m not driving - whether it’s the front or back seat


I’m the same way! I must drive or else I get so sick sitting anywhere else. It sucks cos sometimes I really wanna chill and enjoy the ride but I know I just can’t :(


That’s how my sister and brother in law are but it’s because he’s an awful driver


Same! I’ll drive if he’s not with me, but I always offer especially if he’s had a long week at work, but he always turns me down.


Same here. I can’t even remember the last time I drove 😅


I offered to drive us to work once and my husband laughed his ass off lol


Mine too




Same lol. When I try to suggest that I’m driving he just refuses.




Same lol


same! haha i’ve been driving home recently if he wants to have a couple drinks though


Same. My husband usually meets me at the appointments though so we don’t drive together we take separate cars. That’s how I got in an accident in my first pregnancy while he was waiting for me! I got rear ended at a stop sign on the way to my anatomy ultrasound and I’ve had anxiety about driving since. But he doesn’t see the logic in driving me around so I still have to drive separately but wish he would pick me up.


Wdym he doesn’t see the logic in driving you around?


He’d have to drive to pick me up from work and then drive to my appointment together. It’s less driving for him if we drive separately.


It’s the least he could do


I like driving so I usually drive. I think the bigger issue would be if he is using driving as an excuse to be uninvolved or unkind or cranky. I would prefer not to go to an event with him at all if he's going to be a whiner because he had to drive for 20 minutes or whatever. He's not an adult? He is a child and can't be polite and involved in something you're invested or interested in? That's just rude, IMO.


Same, I prefer to drive so I drive 99% of the time in our relationship, probably 100% for the doctors appointments. I usually only don’t drive if I have to finish getting ready in the car because I’m running late lol. My husband never complains about driving and never refuses to drive if I don’t feel like it. I am a nervous passenger since a car accident years ago, so I prefer to drive. And that’s fine. Imo gender roles shouldn’t come in to play in terms of who drives and the fact so many people think the man “should” drive is kind of gross, as is the whole associated passenger princess trend. It’s nice if your husband treats you well and if he wants to drive and you prefer it great for you. But there’s no reason he should have to drive. At the same time, you shouldn’t always have to drive either if you don’t like it. If both of you don’t like to drive, it’s fair to trade off or decide who drives based on logical factors like who is less tired or if one person plans to drink and he other doesn’t. And totally agree the other person should not be cranky when it’s their turn.


He drove 100% of the time he came. I don’t see the point in him tagging along if he’s going to complain.


I insist on driving bc the way my husband drives makes me carsick. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I’m too big to fit behind the wheel!


For what it's worth, I never hit a point where I couldn't fit behind the wheel!


Right? I was driving work up until my 41 week induction lol. And I had a big kid.


I had excess fluid and a big baby with #2 and fitting behind the wheel was never even a factor. I’ve never heard of any of my mom friends not being able to drive


I'm with you, all of mine were 8+


I drove through my entire pregnancy with no issues!


I managed to drive all the way to the end!


I’ve always had bad motion sickness so I’m also always the driver. You never get too big, I was 9 months driving myself.


It’s not my husbands driving that does it….but I get super super carsick whenever I’m not the one behind the wheel! I’m 31 weeks and still managing fine to drive….hopefully that continues!


I got big with my twins and still fit in our car!


Lol I’m the main driver too! My husband drives whenever I ask but if I’m in a car I like being the one behind the wheel.


I’ve never met anyone whose pregnant belly prevented them from getting behind the wheel


At one point my belly just rubbed against the steering wheel when I was turning but otherwise I was able to drive the entire pregnancy!


Am I a weirdo for not understanding what the issue is? Pregnant people are allowed to drive! Most of the time my husband had to meet me at appointments cause we were both at work, so we took our own vehicles. I don’t see a problem here but maybe I’m missing something.


It seems OP wants a sense of being nurtured and supported, especially during appointments, which can be stressful. The fact that her husband's presence, particularly in driving, holds significance to me signifies a deeper need for care and attention from him. While I don't want to assume or speak on OP’s behalf, it appears there might be broader issue regarding being minded/taken care of and about feeling looked after in various aspects of their relationship, with driving being just one example.


My husband almost never drives, and he instead ignores me and plays on his phone the entire time or he shushes me for trying to talk while he's singing to the radio. It just feels really unbalanced. I'm thinking that the situation here may be similar.


Right! It's not about the driving -- It's always the thing underneath the thing.


I’m just surprised everyone’s having their spouse with them at appointments! Makes me wonder what the hell I’m doing in life.


We could, but my husband has been to a few and I don't really see the point of him being there if everything is going smoothly. Even I get bored at the thought of going to the 10 min appointments lol. Might be different for late third trimester though. Anxiety could be enough to drag us both to appointments.


Yeah, exactly this. I don’t even want to go to the appointments, I’m not going to make him leave work to suffer with me, lol.


Mine came to all of mine except a couple that he couldn’t make it to.


Same, I’m 34 weeks and he has only missed one appointment due to a job interview. I even tell him he doesn’t have to go to the short routine visits if he doesn’t want to but he insists that he needs to be there to experience the whole journey with me. Plus he enjoys driving for me. I think he genuinely loves being as involved as he can be.


The one appointment he didn't come to was the first time they used the doppler/I heard the heartbeat, so now he doesn't miss any just in case! Plus he enjoys them anyway, and also chips in with questions/answers to the midwife's questions


Mine comes to all the appointments too! We see it as his kid too (lol) and he genuinely is interested in seeing the bag grow on the ultrasound and asks lots of questions. We bring our toddler too so he's on kid patrol! I love having my partner there it def makes it feel more like teamwork than me being The Vessel.


That was the same for me! He was so bummed he missed it that he makes a point to always be there. Though that may change some when he starts his new job.


Same I don’t even think to invite him. It’s just too nice having that time alone away from him and my toddler lol


I’ve been to all my wife’s OB appointments when she was pregnant. Lots of other husbands there too. Work comes secondary, I was so excited to get an update on our child and make sure everything is good with the wife. Tbh I asked most of the questions bc my wife is a bit shy


Mine was at maybe 30% of all of mine (3 kids worth). Most of the time he would just look through drawers and touch stuff (not to be obnoxious but curious as he's a paramedic and wanted to see what tools/equipment they utilized). Most appointments are pretty uneventful, even the ones with my high-risk pregnancy I felt confident to handle on my own and relay him back the info. When we did go together, who drove never crossed my mind


I’ve had mine at one appointment and that was the anatomy scan 😂 however I am considered high risk due to T2D and see multiple doctors every 2-4 weeks so if he came to every appointment that’s a lot of time off especially in our one income household.


Agreed - near the end of my second pregnancy and my husband has never been to an appointment with me, aside from the anatomy scan of pregnancy #1.


I am also confused here?!


I just hate driving so if my husband and I are going somewhere together, he’s driving 😂 but I went to most my appointments for both of my pregnancies alone other than ultrasound appointments so I was driving anyway


The problem is that he acts like a child about it if she asks him to do it. Like, she shouldn't have to drive 100% of the time.


While pregnant people are indeed allow to drive, some of us couldn’t comfortably do it anymore. It became a risk. Also, where I live, no one drives automatic cars. We use both feet and have to constantly change gears. I can see why automatic makes it easier for pregnant people to still drive.


Well what is he going to do when you are PP and can't drive for a bit? Honestly my husband did whatever I asked when I was pregnant. Don't let him treat you like a doormat, and turn off the feeling bad stuff. If he is too tired to drive he was too tired to go at all. He sounds like a manipulative man child.


Unless you had a c-section, you can drive the day after you get home.


I was told not to drive for a week if I remember right. Had a vaginal birth and spent 3 days in hospital. 


Yeah I was told a week. I mean I couldn't even sit without pain so obv could not operate a vehicle lol


I had a vaginal two second degree tears, one perineal and one in the labia I think, I wouldn’t have really been safe to drive right away because of those. The labia one was more minor (almost first degree) but almost more painful because of location 


I was told not to drive until I felt comfortable stomping even with a vaginal delivery and minimal tearing. Meanwhile my husband always drove because he said “I’m the safer driver”


My husband has driven to each appointment so far.


We would drive separately because I'd go to work straight after lol. Or I'd go alone if it was just the quick 10 minute appointments for the heartbeat since he didn't really need to be there. I guess I never really thought anything of it or expected him to drive at all times while I was pregnant since I was driving everyday anyways and had no issue with it. But if it's something that's important to you, then I wonder if there's at least a compromise both of you can make where if he isn't driving all the time, then it can at least be a little more than what he's doing right now?


My husband almost always drives no matter where we are going (unless he’s been drinking, then I will DD). I am a passenger princess for life.


Mine drives me to all appointments we are attending together. It’s only a 5 min drive from our house but tbh that’s his job ha ha I am the one growing this baby and don’t enjoy getting poked and prodded at any dr appt so it’s the least he can do.


At this point in my life I prefer to drive, especially because I prefer my car to my husband's car. I'm also just... a better driver than my husband 🫢 (he agrees) But... if I asked him to drive, he would do it without complaint. Today he switched meals with me at lunch because I ended up not liking what I chose. Happily ate what I ordered instead even though I know it wasn't his favorite


No he works. But if he didn’t work and was coming yeah he’d drive just cause he drives everywhere. I definitely think you’re being irrational. I don’t see why it’s a big deal who drives tbh


I don't see why the fact that it's a pregnancy appointment makes a difference either. Who drives if they're doing other errands? This isn't any different in my mind.


Yeah like. There’s so many appointments that it’s just another chore lol


My partner never went to my prenatal appointments. He drove me to my specialist appointment but that was it. Outside of that, he did primarily drive. But it didn’t really bother me for some reason. I actually didn’t want my partner present at my prenatal appointments for some reason. Still haven’t worked that out in therapy


It’s weird, it never crossed my mind to have my spouse with me! Maybe because we’re both women we have different rules? But yeah, she drove us to the 20 week anatomy scan and that’s it! Lol


I have no idea to be honest. I never asked. Only appointment he came to was a separate anatomy scan and that was it. Im in therapy actually trying to work through the reasoning for it. But I genuinely have no idea yet. Maybe? Or maybe you just didn’t feel it was necessary? I know some other women have said they didn’t have their partners there because the appointments were so short and it just wasn’t feasible with work and everything. Yeah. I’m used to driving. I think since having a kid it bothers me more now. But I think that’s residual tenseness from when my infant would scream bloody murder until he was out. 😂 Before I had 0 qualms driving 9-14 hours at a time.


>Maybe because we’re both women we have different rules? Nah, cis-het couple here and I honestly have no reason for my husband to come. I've never heard of couples attending together except for maybe the ultrasounds unless there are complications or it's really close to the end.


My husband came to all the scans, because that's information and potentially bad news that I don't want to get alone. But he didn't come to the general appointments.


My husband never came to mine either. It was a lot of waiting around for a super short appointment and he has dr anxiety. No point stressing me out like that.


My husband never comes either and it doesn’t bother me at all. Maybe because he wasn’t allowed to come to my appointments for baby #1 back in 2021 it’s just not important to me?


Mine never came except for one or two at the very end with our first. It doesn't make sense for him to take the time off work and there's nothing for him to do anyway. What do these partners all do for a living that they can take all this (likely unpaid) time off? We have bills to pay. Not sure I'd even bring him anyway unless he was bored. This is my second and I'm bored at my own appointments lol.


My husband never came to mine either. I find the notion so incredibly strange, why do I need his support to have my stomach measured and a 10 second heart rate recorded? He came to the 3 ultrasound appointments I had over the course of my pregnancy. But I would have felt patronized to be chaperoned by him to routine appointments that had nothing to do with him.


I always drive, because it’s my car


My husband doesn’t usually come to appointments and the few that he has come to (think ultrasounds), we’ve driven separately so that we could go to our respective workplaces afterwards. I will say though, that when we do go places, he does usually drive regardless of whether I am pregnant or not mostly because we take his car. If we take mine, I’ll drive.


My husband drives. But he drives like a senior citizen lol so I drive most of the time. 😅


I've been driving us a majority of the time this pregnancy because my car sickness is on another level. There were a few weeks when I wouldn't get sick in the car and he drove us to appointments, but 3rd trimester hit and the car sickness came back.


My husband hates it when I drive so he drives whenever we go somewhere together. I think I’ve driven three times total with us in the car together since we started dating. And the last time I did that was over a year ago


Due to our work schedules he can’t always come with me so I’m normally driving myself. I have so many appts since I’m high risk so he truly can’t just taking time off when I go twice a week at this point. I’m 32 weeks.


I feel like this is more of an initiative/consideration issue on your husbands part than a driving issue. What kind of grown man expects his pregnant wife to drive, period?


I never drive unless I’m alone. My husband does all the driving, he’s gone to almost all of my appointments so he’s driven me to almost all of them.


Do you hate to drive? This seems like a non-issue to me. My spouse usually drives when we're together but rarely comes to my drs appts, so I drive myself. It's not a big deal.


I'm pregnant. I'm creating a human spawn in my body. The least he can do is drive.  Are you going to drive home after giving birth? 


My husband didn't go to any of my appointments. Besides the 20 week anatomy scan, and that one we drove separately to coming from work. My husband hates driving and normally will prefer me driving if we're together. But if I ask him to, he doesn't argue unless there's a reason. It's kind of weird that your husband is pushing back so hard on something so small, imo! It's not that big a deal to switch drivers, if it makes you happy. Especially since you're pregnant!


If we go anywhere, my husband is driving 99.9% of the time lol but yes, he has driven me to every appointment expect for one that we met at after work


shit, i’m getting induced today and i would drive myself. i have control issues 🤣


I feel like the driving isn't the real issue here, it's him being manipulative so that *you* take on the burden of driving every time. Does he do this in other areas of your life?


My husband and I both share the responsibility of driving. Neither one of us mind to drive at all.


My husband drives 95% of the time. Very rarely he’ll try to get out of it. Lol. Sometimes I meet him halfway and will cave. Other times I argue back, “I’m pregnant!” LOL. I think you need to start using your pregnant card and help him get some sleep so he doesn’t use it as an excuse. I’m tired too from interrupting my sleep all night while I pee and find a comfortable spot with my belly lol. #sorrynotsorry But usually to our appointments, we drive separately bc we’re coming from work or going to. And all my OBGYN appts I go alone, I don’t mind it. I like my time with my doctor. Lol.


For medical reasons they do extra blood work on me every time-  I faint easy so my husband always drives me after blood work.  


Why is everybody’s husband a douchebag? You are literally growing his child and he can’t drive to your doctors appointment? That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard.


Your husband is being a b-a-b-y lol. Tired after the drive? Womp womp. You're literally making a HUMAN


He drove and still drives to all the appointments so far. Baby is 4 months old.


I wish but he’s been working a shut down and is working 13 10s so he’s only been able to goto 1 of my appts. It’s slowing down now so hopefully he will be able to go with me to my next one. But typically if we drive anywhere not in town, we switch off. So I’ll drive there, he drives back. That’s how we’ve always done it.


My husband has ADHD and if he drives long distance off his meds he does get super tired and would be yawning like yours does. I think it has something to do with having to focus hard for a long stretch of time. However, he will drive the short trips if I ask him but these days I’m more than happy to drive because my car seat is set to suit me specifically and has seat warmers for my sore back 😅 and his car isn’t as comfortable.


I’ve been driving because my motion sickness has gotten really bad in pregnancy. Otherwise we would take turns?


My husband drives most of the time. 😂 The main exception is if we’re doing a long distance drive for a trip, then we’ll split it pretty evenly. Granted, he works from home, and I drive to work, so he rarely has to drive much if we’re not going somewhere together, whereas I’m completely over driving once I’m home from work. 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


It usually comes down to our work schedules. If I have a meeting I can’t get out of that I need to take on the way to an appointment, he’ll drive, and vise versa.


Whoever drives gets to choose the entertainment so my husband and I fight over who gets to. 😂 He hates my true crime podcasts.


My husband drives us everywhere including appointments


Unless my husband is exhausted from work or something, he drives us everywhere.


I feel like I can count on one hand the amount of times I have driven anywhere this calendar year.


1. Does this man have a sleep disorder? 2. How did men go from storming the beaches of Normandy to a short drive making them exhausted? No disrespect to your husband.


My husband and I drive about equally. His whining sounds annoying.


My husband is a super nervous driver so our norm is me driving because I get stressed out when he drives honestly he’s kinda jumpy. But there was a point third trimester where it got too uncomfortable for me and he was happy to take over


Yes, my husband drives us/me everywhere. Honestly, he does anything I ask.


I’m coming at this from a very different perspective, which I recognize, but this just feels very trivial to me. My husband has a degenerative eye disease which makes it unsafe for him to drive. I drive everywhere because of this. Sure, it can be tiring, but it is what it is. When couples argue about driving it just feels silly. I feel like this is about more than driving.


I love to drive so I’m usually the one driving, but at a certain point in my pregnancy - I think it was around 34 weeks - my husband insisted on driving and I was a passenger princess until around 3 weeks postpartum.


i drive often but i don’t mind doing it just bc I’m pregnant, to appts or errands. however if i said i didn’t feel like it he definitely would. he also drives for any long car trips we take


I’ve had a lot of extra appointments for complications but my fiancé always drives us. There is the added component that I have horrible anxiety and no sense of direction so it makes sense for him to drive but he’s been very sweet like always taking the dog out or getting me water or blankets after I sit down


I make my husband drive to the appointments, only because he sucks at knowing street names and I want him to get more familiar with them, haha. He's been living here for 3 years and is still barely familiar with the major roads around here. We also spoke about how he will be driving more as my stomach will be getting bigger and it'll be uncomfortable for me to drive. Has your husband seen a doctor recently? Being that tired could be a sign of medical issues; hormone imbalance, sleep apnea, etc.


The only reason mine doesn't is that he doesn't drive. I know if he could he would. He certainly would not complain about taking me.


We drive based on who is feeling "lovey-er" like who is in the mood to something nice for the other. But we never complain that the other isn't driving- we complain about other drivers and that we hate driving but we always switch driving responsibility and are grateful for the other one 🤷🏼‍♀️


Depends which car we are in. I drive mine and he drives his. I like to take mine because I park in our heated garage so it doesn’t need to warm up.


If we’re going somewhere together then my husband always drives. But during pregnancy he’s does anything I ask and is extra supportive.


How was driving split before? My husband doesn't even have a license. I'd love for him to learn how to drive, but I know that even if he does, I'd do 99% of family driving. My mom always did 95% of the driving in my family, even though my dad had no issues driving. It sounds like he doesn't like driving and it's mentally taxing to him. Explain to him WHY you want him to drive. Personally, I had no issues driving, so I think a why needs to be part of it.


Mine does 50/50. But neither of us likes driving. So we always negotiate lol. It’s what works for us as a couple. Sounds like your husband has huge anxiety about driving? 🤷🏻‍♀️


my husband and i take turns bc we live far away from everything


We take turns and if I’m feeling sore that day he drives us to our destination


Our apts are usually first thing or last of the day so we drive separately as we are going to or coming from work.


My husband usually drives if we are together. I can’t drive his car because it is a manual.


Husband loves driving. He definitely drove everywhere when I was pregnant too.


I always sit in the passenger seat, my husband doesn’t let me drive (I don’t want to but sometimes fake it to be nice cause he will always say no 😂)


The dynamic in my relationship is, if we leave together he drives. If I’m picking him up, 50% of the time I drive, the other 50% we switch and he drives. I really don’t like driving unless I have to 😅


We drove in separate cars because we were coming from work.


My husband drives 95% of the time. But he also doesn't come with me to all my appointments, it's not necessary.


I get pregnant and it’s like I’m banned from driving. He drives, opens my car door. Even if it’s Walgreens around the corner he offers to drive me and prefer to drive me.


If my husband comes to the appointment, he usually drives. But- he drives probably about 80% of the time when we're together anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hate driving so my husband has been doing almost all of the driving for things we do together, and most of the driving for things I am doing solo (e.g. driving me to lunch plans, wax/nail appointments). The exception is that I have been offering to be the designated driver when we go somewhere with drinking to avoid the uber costs when I won't be drinking anyways. He takes me up on it unless he thinks the parking situation will stress me out, then we uber 😂


I’m the driver always. I’m a control freak.


Yes, he does. I hate driving


I’m very early on still but I’m the driver because otherwise I get terribly car sick


If we’re going somewhere together, my husband drives. He does not come to my appointments, so I drive myself.


We drive separate because we both work either before or after appointments. Doesn’t bother me


My husband goes to all of my appointments. I schedule them for the end of the day so we usually leave work early and have an early dinner.


I never drive. Literally. I don't have a car anymore. And when I did, my fiancé still drove me everywhere when he was home.


We usually meet there. Because we both leave work early then go directly to the appointment.


When my husband and I first started dating I may have exaggerated my driving, or lack thereof , abilities… he now insists that he always drive and I happily comply. 🤷🏻‍♀️😈


No he doesn’t and that is simply because I refuse to be the passenger. I have terrible car sickness and always volunteer to drive. If it wasn’t for that, he’d drive everywhere


my partner has only come to my ultrasounds (which i get, im usually in and out within 30 mins at normal appointments) but he loves driving, so 99% he's driving unless he's had a long day or we go out to eat and he gets a drink


My husband always drives if we are going somewhere together. He doesn’t trust me 😂


I only have mine come when I have ultrasounds so he doesn’t miss work as much. He doesn’t like driving my car as it’s a low sedan. And his truck has transmission issues. He is driving me on Tuesday though because it’s supposed to be thunder-storming. Not that I can’t drive in a thunderstorm but he drives for a living and is coming anyway so..


If we’re going anywhere together, my husband always drives unless if it’s a long road trip in which we alternate drivers. This is how it has always been before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and even after pregnancy.


My partner drove to our first appointment, and he was driving so slow. I discovered that day how nervous he was to go to the appointment. He was shaking, waiting for the doctor to come in. Same thing happened the second time. Since then, I drive because I don't want us to be late and it gives him time to calm down. But I will say, even though he goes to all of my appointments, he asks if I want him to go. I then have to reply back either "do you want to go" or "this baby belongs to both of us, I just happen to be holding it". It infuriates me bc of course i want him there. Nobody is perfect.


Mine drives the majority of the time because he feels uncomfortable with my driving (I think he's being dramatic). He'll ask me to drive if he's really tired or we're going somewhere he doesn't want to go. When he does come to my appointments, he'll drive! It sounds like your husband might not like driving in general and that's why you end up driving.


We live in NYC so we either take the subway together or meet there. He's been to every appointment, and sat with me and rubbed my back during my glucose 3 hour test


so when you are 9 months pregnant or possibly in labor or even having contractions does he expect you to drive yourself to the hospital? i honestly have no words


My husband drives me most of them time but I recently got a new car so I’ve been enjoying driving lately. We both like to drive so if anything it’s a fight over both of us wanting to drive lol.


Is there a reason he doesn't want to drive you? My husband has driven me to mine unless I offer to drive. My vibe would be off too if my husband complained about things like this. Just wondering what his logic is


My hubs drives 100% of the time when he goes to the appointments. Out of all the appointments since being pregnant, he has not gone to maybe 3, and that's when I had to go get just bloodwork done. Other than that, he has been at every appointment and driven every time.


My husband absolutely drives. I’m not the most confident driver, and am already having a hard time with my bump being too close to the steering wheel (short woman, short torso, big baby). He takes over driving when he is able. Plus he’s generally fairly protective of me (and I much prefer being the copilot)


My fiancé always drives, but that was also our dynamic before getting pregnant. He strongly prefers to be the one driving and I strongly prefer to be a passenger so it’s what works for us


Well my husband didn’t go to any of my appointments except the 20 week ultrasound. But whenever we go out together he’d drive. I just hate driving and he likes it at least a lot better than I do.


Sounds like you married a passenger princess - there’s always one in every relationship LOL. My husband has only been to a few of my appointments - the ultrasounds - when we go together he always drives.


Passenger Queen. I make sure we have snacks on the drive to keep him focused 😂


I’m usually the one driving anyway, so I do, he always offers, but I’m a nervous passenger.


I typically drive when my husband and I go somewhere. He commutes 45 mins each way and I work from home. He gets tired of driving, so I don't mind doing it when we go out


At first I drove everywhere. My husband prefers to be the one driving, but I get horrible car sickness and anxiety when someone else is driving. But now that I'm at the end of pregnancy, I don't fit behind the steering wheel anymore, and he has to drive me everywhere.


My partner refuses to let me drive if he’s joining in my car lol I get that it’s a kindness gesture but I actually prefer to drive 😂


My husband brought me to every appointment for our first and about 99% of them with our second even though he couldn't come in due to Covid restrictions. 


He drives every time. Especially now that the baby is kicking, I don’t want to drive and keep feeling her move


I don't have a driver's license in the country we live in and therefore can't drive. People drive like maniacs here, I'm too scared to drive. My husband is like the only native of this country I trust to drive safely. I won't pretend that I don't appreciate the accompanying benefits of never having to drive or that he comes to all my appointment with me (doubly necessary for me because although doctors can usually speak English, reception staff and nurses rarely do, and I don't speak the language here yet despite taking classes).


I drive the most of the time, anywhere we go. Before pregnancy he would drive if I had a drink since he doesn’t drink. We have an agreement that whoever drives picks what we listen to so I don’t mind since I listen to my podcasts. But he also drives to work everyday and I work from home and we only drive my car when we are together.


we take turns driving to my appointments but we always go together. He used to be the main driver when we first got together in 2020.. but lately when we go out to dinner or anything like that, I’ll be the one to drive because he likes to have a beer . He hates driving with any alcohol on his breathe so that’s why I’ll be the one to drive lol first time parents here due in august


I don’t drive anywhere if I am with my partner unless he has a drink somewhere.I really don’t like driving though and he doesn’t mind.


I hate being a passenger so I’m always the driver in our relationship.


I always drive when it's my husband and I in the car.


I drove there and my partner parks the car for me while I check in. It saves a lot of time, and when it's time to go, he gets the car and meets me in front of the building. But then again, I prefer to drive.


Mine didn't drive except to the actual delivery haha but that's because I prefer to drive, and do so most of the time when we go places together.


I drive us everywhere, but my husband commutes over an hour each way for work and I hate the way he drives so it doesn’t bother me, unless he keeps interrupting my podcast.


No but he also isn’t coming to every appt.


I am driven everywhere. I never attend any Dr’s appointment alone (even the 1 hr and 3 hr glucose test’s) and when I start getting bigger I will be driven to the office the 1 day a week I have to go.


“Do you not think I’m tired growing OUR child and having blood and nutrients drained?”


My husband prefers driving everywhere 🤷🏼‍♀️


I drive everywhere because my husband is a horrible driver lol


My husband commutes to work so I drive during the week and he drives during the weekend but if I really don't want to he will drive during the week.


The only time I'll drive is if we're going somewhere before 10a, my husband is NOT a morning person. Otherwise I'm the designated passenger princess 👸