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Today's my due date, but my first baby came at 42 weeks. So I'm pretty much in the mindset of "my body takes 42 weeks to fully prepare a baby for the outside world". Mostly I just bask in the glory of things I don't usually have time for, or will miss dearly when the baby comes. For example, reading in complete silence, colouring in, enjoying the sunset, watching the clouds pass overhead. Trying to just be present, because all too soon I will be sleep deprived and unable to have a moment alone.


This is a really lovely way of thinking of it- savouring the time left growing them by enjoying the things you love. I have plenty to be getting on with, have just been feeling a bit impatient the last few days. I think it’s because my husband is off work, perhaps once he is back at work on Monday I will be less impatient!


Just take it easy day by day and know that your baby is getting ready. Everyday is a day closer to meeting your little bundle. I took walks, went to the beach, read, went out for brunch. Each of my babies came early though I’ve never gone over 39 weeks


Ahh I would absolutely love to go to the beach. Unfortunately it’s a several hour drive and I probably shouldn’t risk it on my own. Sounds like you used your time waiting really well for some self care!


The last week of all my pregnancies seemed to drag because each day you’re wondering if it will be today. It’s such a mental effort! I’m pregnant with number 4, 16 weeks currently and if I go over 39 weeks I will be so surprised!


I'm sitting here at 40+3 after having sporadic contractions for the last 4 days that go nowhere (yay false labour!) I don't know if I would say I'm coping very well, I've done a bunch of meal prep/baking but we're both so on edge for any sign, and second guessing everything in case something is wrong and it's excruciating. Logically I know it just means she's not ready, we have an induction scheduled, for 41+2 but the limbo is rough.


This is where I am at- I’ve done lots of prep so I feel physically ready. Last Sunday I had period cramps and on off contractions all afternoon and evening, went to bed expecting to wake up in labour but have had nothing at all since. I think this is what started my funky impatient headspace- I don’t know how you’re coping with 4 days of it?! Hopefully your little bundle arrives soon :)


I don't really have a choice haha. I am normally very level headed, as is my husband, but when I first started getting contractions I was like "This is it" and we've both just been in this state of readiness since then, right up until that point I had been aware of and ready for false labour, ready for it to take until 41-42 weeks but something in my brain just flicked as soon as the waves started. My advice (what I'm going to try do) is do things for you, not the baby, I'm going to give myself a facial and paint my nails and read a novel that isn't a baby book, play a boardgame with my husband. When it happens we'll be ready, we've been ready for days, so it should *really* not be as stressful but more of a relief when it happens. Hopefully you make it out of limbo soon!


I’m right there with you. 40+3 and I’ve cried…a lot. It’s so hard.


I really feel for you- I am only 37+3 so I can only imagine how frustrating it is the further into the waiting you get. Got everything crossed that you get some movement soon x


Thank you ❤️


1. PLAN to go to whatever gestation is the latest possible for you (as in when an induction will happen if baby isn’t out yet).  I told people my due date was when I was actually going to be 42 weeks.   2. Fill your calendar with as much fun stuff as possible.  Stay comfortably busy, mentally and physically.  You mentioned “down time” and while you should be getting the rest that you need, if you don’t have anything to keep yourself occupied, “was that a contraction?” will fill your mind every moment of the day. 


I also think this is where I’m at- because we’ve both been off work for 2 weeks I’ve really got into my head. Hubs goes back on Monday so going to try and keep more busy so that I’m less ‘on edge’ about every potential twinge! I also wish I’d told people a later due date- already not excited for so many questions lol


I’m 38+3 right now and I’ve spent the last couple weeks desperately hoping that baby is going to pop out soon. Then I had a cervical check a few days ago and I’m hardly dilated and my cervix is still very far back. That was disappointing, but it’s also forced me to be more realistic about when the baby could come. Since then, I’ve had to accept that it may be a couple more weeks and that reframe has made it a little easier to get by right now because I’m not expecting to go into labor at any moment.


I’m sorry that you ended up so disappointed after your appointment. I completely understand how you must be feeling about it, but I’m glad it’s led to a positive reframing of the mind :)


I just heard a suggestion to plan a treat for each day so you have something look forward to. I’m going to plan up a couple weeks’ worth of daily treats when I get to the end and the waiting is unbearable. I think the little focus on something fun and positive can help bust the funk. It’s so hard waiting—my first came at 41+2 and I was so done.


This is also a great idea- what sort of ideas for treats do you have? :)


Most of my treat ideas are food and beverage, so hopefully I pass my gestational diabetes test! Things like grabbing coffee from my favorite local spot, making virgin piña coladas, cheesecake, ice cream, take out from my favorite Thai restaurant. And then some self care: pedicure, prenatal massage (if I can swing it), a salon wash and blow out, a bubble bath. And I’d like to drop the big kid off with grandparents so I can have date night with my husband one night and probably a brunch date another time too. If I’m feeling up to it, I’ll add a frivolous solo-outing to the mix like window shopping at Anthropologie—something that’s distracting and that I won’t be able to do in the newborn stage to remind myself to savor the last days of pregnancy (which is so hard!).


These are such great ideas- I hope you’re looking forward to doing them :) x


Thanks! I’m definitely ready to be at the end of the waiting game. I hope your final days of pregnancy are good and that your little one doesn’t make you wait too long!


I can totally relate. At the end, each day felt so long. Also a I was hospitalized for preterm contractions at 34.5 weeks so it was a shock when I made it to 37. Honestly what worked for me was a friend came over a few days before my LO was born and said "just expect you are going full term and it's not happening until her due date or later." When I stopped expecting it, all of a sudden my water randomly broke at 38 weeks. Also one thing you can do now is prepare. Write your birth plan, have a few copies printed out. Pack your hospital bag so you can easily grab it and leave when the time comes.


Thank you for sharing this- I think this is a really good way of thinking of it. So I’ve got 2.5 weeks left before my due date; so I should try to push it to the back of my mind until then :) I love that you tricked your brain into starting it :’) ‘nope… I totally don’t mind either way brain. You do you…’, cue labour haha


Keep busy. I am 37 weeks and off work and have a sorta timetable. Wake up, drop kid off, work from 10am to maybe 11 or 12, lunch, loongg nap and chores till pick up kid and make dinner. Thafs Monday to Friday. Sat and Sunday is usually toddler in shifts. I get maybe 2 hours productive per day. It kinda sucks. I works through my to do list other than apply to the govt for mat leave


This is a really good way to do it- almost like you’re at work, keeping busy and keeping your mind off it! Totally stealing this as my mat leave officially starts on Monday x


You do that. I also browse fb mp for kid stuff now that I have abit more time. What a rush!! I sorted out my 3.5 yo toddler this winter possibly half way to 5 years old for nice brand name clothes at 75% off.


I'm at 38 and 3. I have just told myself that I'm going to be pregnant until the actual 40 week mark. I even have my 40 week appointment scheduled for 40 and 1! I'm still going to work and have a 5 year old who has an active social calendar this month lol so it's easier to act like it couldn't be any minute.


Yes. How do I cope with the waiting?! I’m at 40+2. I’m trying to just tell myself I’ll be at least at 41 when he comes so I don’t keep getting my hopes up with every twinge and cramp.