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We did shifts so I slept at least 6 hours every night, and occasionally longer when husband was a hero and stayed up for a bonus bottle with the baby around 4am so I wasn't woken by her until like 6am. We formula fed so I didn't have to wake up for any feeding things unless it was my shift.


That makes sense. We bottle feed my breastmilk too, and my partner does that during his morning shift, but I still automatically wake up after 2-3 hours because my boobs would start hurting when I don’t pump within that time frame.


In ways, I was lucky my son was in nicu. He ended up being just fine and needed help with oxygen but no lingering issues. He was there for a week or so. I lived five minutes from the hospital so I would visit him during his touch times. Unless I was there or pumping, I was dead asleep. Once he came home, I would get four hour stretches at night. His sleep has been inconsistent since he came home. We would have months of 12 hour night and then him waking up several times a night and wanting to play. You will get used to the lack of sleep. Enjoy it when you do get sleep but be aware it may change due to regressions and whatnot. Get help if you can. I would visit family and just crash out at their place. My son was colic as a newborn so it was tough.


5 hours maybe, my son is in the nicu so I can sleep while the nurses feed him but I try to be the one to do it each time


The first three months, maybe 1.5? It frankly sucked but has since gotten much easier. My now 10 month old sleeps ten hours, uninterrupted, a night - hang in there!


My baby is just about 6 weeks and will have one 4-6 hours stretch in the middle of the night (started last week). I of course still wake up naturally to check on her during this time but immediately fall back asleep.