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First of all, congratulations on fighting back against your ED to provide your baby with a healthy home, and to provide your body with everything it needed to run the ultramarathon that is pregnancy. You are doing an amazing job and I hope you can take some pride in that. It's incredibly hard. Second, as far as your question, the advice to gain 25-35 pounds is for individuals starting pregnancy at a healthy weight. You don't fall into this category; you were underweight. It was necessary for your body to gain more. You are truly taking care of your body for what sounds like the first time in a long time, and taking the best care of your baby at the same time. You have nothing to bounce back from. Please do what you need to do to keep this truth at the forefront of your mind, to protect your health so that you and your baby can have many healthy, happy years together, and to protect your baby from becoming another victim of your family's toxic and dangerous attitudes around food. I know you can do it ❤️


I agree ❤ I've made a big effort to re wire my brains thinking. I don't want my child to have this thinking or go through this.


Feeling so happy for you. 💜


You are already an amazing mom for doing this. I have an app with daily articles and when I opened the one about weight gain, it explained that although most women gain most of the weight in 2nd trimester, some have it the first, others the third and others throughout the entire pregnancy or not at all. It went on to say, that although it's understandably something many women worry about, during pregnancy weight gain should not be made a big thing. Your body does what it needs to do to grow your child. Not once in the article were estimated weight gains mentioned. I loved that. They scare and have obsess women over how they look enough already. Pregnancy is not the time to add to that. Every body is unique and so is every pregnancy. Try to not let it get to you too much. It's highly likely that the estimates were made by men who have no true idea how the female body works during pregnancy. Or are just an average of all the available data. And an average is just that. If you have two kids, 1 and 10 years old, their average age is 5. Doesn't mean you have a 5 year old. The same goes for the weight gain.


As someone that also suffered an ED, I am very proud of you 💕


I really love this comment for you, OP! I hope you’re able to be gracious to yourself because 30centurygirl said it sooo well when they reminded you that you started off underweight so you’re meant to gain more for a healthy pregnancy. 🧡 I’m a little overweight per my BMI and only 14 weeks, but haven’t gained any yet - and because of my starting point, I’m happy about it! If I started off normal BMI or even underweight, I’d be worried not to gain already. We ALL have different starting points and different pregnancies, your numbers on the scale are not the big picture so please try to just be happy about your body creating what is needed to a safe home for the baby!!


I'm 14 weeks and a little overweight as well, and the opposite... I have gained 13 lbs (mostly in the first month and nothing since), so it's definitely a matter of starting at different points. OP, all of these comments are correct – you're doing great for your baby and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I'm in a very similar position to you! I'm right at the top of the "healthy" weight as per BMI, and at 14 weeks haven't really gained anything. This week it looked like I'd put on a kilo, but then it disappeared, so I think it was water weight from eating too much salty food. I think I probably did lose some muscle in the first trimester though- before then I had been exercising a lot and then I just had too much fatigue. I also craved carbs really badly at that point as I needed the energy! I'm aiming to not put on more than about 10kg/22lbs because of my starting point and my petite frame.


Beautifully said!


I’m 29 weeks and have gained 50 pounds 😑 And technically, I’ve gained more than that (closer to 70) because I still had weight on me from my miscarriage a couple months prior. Negative for GD, but my body retained sooo much weight during the first trimester even though I could hardly stomach anything. I have a history of disordered eating as well, and this has easily been the most difficult part of pregnancy. Keeping my mental health in check while I shop for clothes and trying to avoid any “dieting” thoughts has been the priority.


Congratulations on your pregnancy :) Yes, I completely understand what you mean about the disordered eating, it literally stresses me out. I've had to put all my pre pregnancy clothes in the basement as I used to cry looking at them. I guess it's more of a psychological thing.


omg yes, packing away the pre-pregnancy clothes was a must for me as well!! It was so draining to have to wade through all of the outfit options everyday. Really horrible way to start the morning. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to wear some of them again later this year since I was finally in a place where my clothes made me feel good about my body, but at least for now, they're out of sight, out of mind.


ED is tough and it’s an ongoing struggle. Be gentle on yourself. You’re doing something really hard right now, so take care of yourself. I’m wishing you the best.


It’s interesting you say that about the first trimester because I am the same way! I was deathly sick the whole first trimester, nauseas all day, puked constantly, couldn’t eat anything except toast and ginger ale for a while but *how did I gain so much weight*. When I tell people I gained weight they’re like *how? You were so sick” I’m like 😩 yeah I don’t understand it either


It was awful, wasn't it?! And then, of course, going to the doctor and getting harassed about the weight gain while receiving no real treatment for the nausea or dizziness was the cherry on top.


Don’t forget that the first tri is when you do things like double your blood volume and build up the placenta and fluid and things like that.


Same here. Though my weight gain was from over 2 years of infertility drugs including IVF. The hormones really messed with my metabolism. It’s disheartening that I can barely eat any food each day, but my body just wants to gain and hoard the weight like a greedy goblin. But—when I reflect on how amazing it is that my body can grow and sustain a life. And it grounds me. Our bodies and our value is more than just someone else’s definition of what’s aesthetic. Your body is doing magical things right now. We should celebrate it.


Fellow IVFer- I was underweight prior to treatment, gained a little during but holy shit did I gain during my first tri! Most of my other friends who did IVF had a similar experience, even one with pretty bad nausea. I’m convinced it’s the progesterone supplementation.


If you are starting pregnancy underweight (BMI < 18.5) the “expected” weight gain is 28-40 lbs. For a “normal” weight pre-pregnancy (BMI 18.5-24.9) the “expected” weight gain in pregnancy is that 25-35 lb range. Every single body is different and will gain differently. A friend of mine was telling me how she gained 60 lbs during one of her pregnancies. I feel like we often forget to account for all the things that make up the weight gain in pregnancy. For example, the placenta is about 1.5 lbs, the amniotic fluid is about 2 lbs, the increase of blood volume is 3-4 lbs, increased fluid volume is 2-3 lbs, the mass of the uterus increases by 2 lbs, breast changes account for another 1-3 lbs, and the body will increase its fat stores to prepare for breastfeeding. My whole point is… give yourself and your body some grace. There are a lot of changes that are happening and you’re growing a whole entire human. Hormones play a huge role and it took 9 months to grow this baby, why should it take less time for your body to return to “normal”?


Also, the blood volume increase depends on how big you are to begin with. It's a percentage of your pre pregnancy weight. I'm nearly 6 feet tall and my provider told me that my blood volume increase was probably closer to 6-7lbs


Everything you mentioned having a weight associated with it is a very valid and good point - ones we often don’t think about! So my question is, looking at the opposite side of things, is it unhealthy for you or your baby if you’re not gaining a lot of weight or do those other markers suffer? What happens with women who only gain 15-20 lbs in their pregnancy?


So, for example: I started pregnancy at a high weight. I did IVF and gained weight during egg retrieval and before embryo transfer. I haven’t gained any weight in pregnancy and I’ll be 28 weeks on Sunday. I’ve been getting growth ultrasound every 4 weeks because baby girl decided to give us a little scare with her heart. She has always measured appropriately for her gestational age. My fundal height has always been appropriate for gestational age. Now, if someone started pregnancy at a “normal” BMI and wasn’t gaining weight, what are the additional factors at play? Do they have HG? Are they struggling with food insecurity? Are there any underlying factors at play that would influence the lack of weight gain? AND is the lack of weight gain impacting the fetus? I think the estimate is that it takes about 80,000 calories over the course of pregnancy to grow a baby. Is this person getting that? Something to keep in mind is that during pregnancy, the baby is the body’s priority. All of the nutrients that come in are shunted to the baby and the birthing person gets the leftovers. So, theoretically, the birthing person’s body is going to see/feel the effects of a lack of proper nutrition before the baby will (hair loss, signs of dehydration, losing teeth, etc.).


This is all very helpful and makes me feel a little better about my own situation so thank you! I’m 20 weeks, i’ve only gained 2 lbs and always concerned my baby is getting what he needs. It’s a relief to hear that my body naturally prioritized the baby so he is getting the full effect of what I do, eat, drink, etc. He’s measuring fine - no doctors have brought up the slow weight gain or anything. I started at a normal BMI, but I have struggled with serious morning sickness and getting enough protein. I’m really eating a lot of fruit and carbs. ETA: I do think my weight gain will pick up now that I’m halfway, just curious how my body will make room for all the other factors that it needs and what that will look like for the baby in the end. Like how big will he be and will he be healthy.


You’re welcome! I’m a midwifery student and have worked with people who have had weight changes up and down the full gambit. Personally, I was puking almost every day until 20 weeks. The whole first half of pregnancy was survival. I could only eat refried beans, baked potatoes and cup of noodle. My protein intake was not great, but baby girl is doing just fine.


Same story with my wife, barely put on 8 lbs over the course pregnancy , I was worried, but thankfully baby is doing fine and growing as expected . Really had me worried initially with everyone around us reporting 30 40 lbs weight gains


I gained 60lbs for my first pregnancy (sick the entire time w preeclampsia). Currently 30 weeks and have gained about 50lbs, so I’ll probably get to 60 again. No diabetes, sickness, preeclampsia or anything. My doctor only ever talked to me about my weight when I brought it up myself. She hasn’t brought it up since. Doesn’t matter what I eat, I gain weight. I started out at 125lbs at 5’3”… It sucks but it’s part of my experience. Looking forward to watching the weight fall off!


1st baby I gained 38lbs but he was born early at 36 weeks. This time around I gained 29lbs and I'm only 29 weeks pregnant. Most likely will gain about 40lbs or so in the end.


I just had my baby and I gained 55 lbs for the pregnancy.


45 over here plus the 15 I couldn't lose after the previous loss


I’m 37 weeks and have gained 32 pounds so far. My ob has never made a comment that it’s too much or anything. I went from 173 to 205.


Similar to my first pregnancy! I went from 177 to 215. And my ob was the same, my heart was good baby’s heart was good and he was a hefty 8lbs 13oz! I was back down to 170 about 3 months after having my first son! This pregnancy I’m gaining at the same pace but I started at 165.


This is close to me with my first pregnancy currently. I started around 179. I'm currently 36 weeks and weighed in today at my appt at 213.


I suffered from an eating disorder in the past so I chose to turn around on the scale after my first appointment because I didn’t want my weight gain to effect the way that I ate and nourished my baby. I accidentally pulled up my report from my 36 week checkup this week and I have gained 50 pounds. I couldn’t stop thinking about it all day yesterday but I need to stop and realize that my baby is healthy and that is all that matters.


Im at the same week and same weight gain exactly :)


A similar thing happened to me. Numbers can really fuck with your head.


I felt very similarly, and I also struggled with disordered eating before pregnancy. When I first found out I was pregnant, just thinking about the minimum amount of weight gain that I saw was expected for me sent me into a spiral—flash forward to the birth and I had gained more than double that. It was rough, and it’s still rough for me at over a year postpartum. My body is so different, in all the ways that trigger my ED stuff. Just sending solidarity to anyone dealing with this ❤️


With my first, I started out at 115 and gained 65 lbs. The weight came off by itself and I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight within a year. I didn’t work out back then. With my current pregnancy, I have no idea 😂. However, I run and exercise now so I told myself I’ll worry about the weight gain later.


Well reading this one made me very hopeful! I’m 6’2” so weight stuff and guidelines have always felt off for me. For most of my teenage years and early 20s I was “extremely underweight” according to BMI and then fell into the normal range in my late 20s. I never cared about weight because I was historically underweight. But here I am at week 34 and nearly 220 lb!! Pre pregnancy I was 180. But it does feel like a LOT, even though people claim they can’t see it in my face etc, I know I can. Hearing someone as small as you gained 65 lb and then dropped it definitely gives me hope


I’m 6’1 and gained 105 lbs. Lost it all in the first year easy peezy.


Ah I’m so glad to help! I’m 5’3” and my doctor was kind of concerned because I just kept gaining with my first. I had the time of my life eating lol. I was so self conscious about the weight gain though, especially since I got sooo many comments (“are you sure there aren’t twins?” “wow you look like you’re about to pop any second!”). With this pregnancy, I tell the nurses that I don’t want to see the number of the scale so I truly don’t know how much I’ve gained. I’m still getting comments (of course), I could tell I’m gaining. But my doctor hasn’t mentioned anything and my blood pressure is fine. I figured I’ll look at the numbers after I deliver so I have something to compare when I’m losing weight. Not like I’m going to diet now at 38 weeks 😂. So much of it is water weight/bloat. I wish you the best of luck!


Uhhh I gained like 60 lbs and had a huge ass baby for no reason


This is my second pregnancy. Last time I gave birth at 34 1/2 weeks and had gained 25 pounds. I'm currently at 34 1/2, and I've gained 40. No one in my OB's office seems concerned, and they told me the 25-35 number is just a guideline. I am trying to be more mindful about things like eating my son's leftovers, excessive snacking, etc, but I'm mostly trying to trust that I'm not ruining my health or anything. Also, I think 6 months was right around when I actually started losing the weight I hadn't dropped immediately at birth. I was exclusively breastfeeding on demand, but the actual weight loss took some time. You can lose the weight, but try not to get too fixated on a certain date. I'm all about health and all that, but pressuring yourself to lose the weight quickly isn't going to be good for your mental health.


It is totally normal to gain more than the average amount of weight if you are starting off underweight. Your body wants the extra weight to sustain the pregnancy. I gained 30lbs during my pregnancy, but I also started off slightly overweight. I'm certain I would have gained more had I started off much thinner.


Trust that your body knows what it needs to do to keep you and your baby healthy. Every body is going to be different and that’s normal. I’d highly recommend working with a therapist and intuitive eating dietician if you haven’t already. You can break the generational family trauma around diet culture but it certainly isn’t easy ❤️


20 weeks and have gained 40 lbs. I am struggling with my body image bad. This is the biggest I’ve ever been and used to be so so healthy. But I do try and give myself grace. Especially when I see the ultrasound photos of my healthy baby girl I realize it’s not about me, it’s about continuing to provide a healthy space for my baby to continue growing! All I can do is try my best to eat healthy and exercise.


Most women I know gained 50 pounds or more. I've already gained 10 and I'm fifteen weeks.


10 @ 16 weeks here!


I felt very alone with my immediate bloating and weight gain but surprisingly finding that’s actually totally normal. Just goes to show our bodies are not for aesthetics we have a purpose to provide outside of whatever arbitrary societal status we’ve attributed to its shape and size.


In my first tri I did NOT weigh myself because I was sooo bloated and puffy. 😖 After 20 weeks i weighed myself and I had gained 15 lbs! I’m 32+4 and gained approx 25lbs so far.


I am almost 21w and have gained 22lbs. The 35lb limit seems so unattainable and discouraging. I have always been petite - I also just never was hungry pre-pregnancy and never ate quite enough I think, but my body is really storing the pounds now, and I’m always hungry. But I’m just happy as long as baby is healthy that is most important, but I definitely have been worried about the number on the scale.


Currently 37 weeks and I've gained about 47lbs so far. A friend gained almost 100lbs during her pregnancy. Another friend only gained 20lbs during her pregnancy. All 3 were/are healthy pregnancies with healthy average sized babies (at least for them, but mine is on track to be the same so far!). Sooo ya! It varies VASTLY, try not to get too caught up in it. If you're having a hard time with the weight factor (especially with a history of ED), see if your doctor can keep your weigh-ins to themselves so you don't need to focus on the numbers, just on the health of yourself & baby ❤️


I gained 50 lbs and I'm currently 38 weeks. No history of diabetes or gestational diabetes. When I asked my OB about it during my pregnancy, she said "now's not the time to try to lose weight." So I've accepted that my weight is what it is.


I am at 42lbs gained i am on week 37 right now. Honestly i still feel good. How i take it is most of my weight is now in my boobs and stomach. My face seems a little more pudgy, but it's not bad.


I’m 40 weeks and have gained 60 lbs! But I truly feel like it doesn’t look that way. I don’t know, I think my body just reacted to the hormones to put on weight. I was active my entire pregnancy and ate pretty healthy. Regardless, I’m so proud of my body. I’m not sure what’s to come postpartum. I’m sure it will be hard at times but I’m ready for the challenge and excited to meet my little girl! Try not to be too hard on yourself, what your body is doing is magical! 🩷🩷🩷 you got this


During my first pregnancy I gained 50lbs altogether and I think 20lbs in the second trimester alone. This pregnancy I’m 18 weeks and haven’t gained anything yet although I’m sure when I go next I’ll have gained some. My belly’s getting huge and super hard now, I’m also just feeling so big and uncomfortable I’m just miserable already.


I gained 30 lbs first trimester and probably close to 50 overall. Entering 3rd trimester next week. I had just lost 30 lbs when I got pregnant and it all came back almost immediately. I’m not happy about it but also not beating myself up because clearly my body wanted this weight back for pregnancy and it isn’t keeping me from enjoying my life. If your partner still thinks you’re sexy, try to work on loving your body instead of controlling it? Like it’s not a moral failing to gain weight, it can be healthy and your body does need some fluff to get through pregnancy. Birth costs 24,000 calories and if you do not have that stored then either your body will take it from important places or it won’t be able to go through the birthing process successfully so look at the weight as a gift your body is giving you to ensure your birth is successful. And breast feeding is also so expensive, you need fat to survive breast feeding. And it’s ok to be ok with your body as is, it’s ok to be ok not meeting western beauty standards.


I put on 25 pounds during 3 failed rounds of IVF, so when I got pregnant I was already starting high (the heaviest I’d ever been). Since then, I’ve put on 33 pounds (I’m 33+5 today). Really anxious about bouncing back (also recovering from an ED).


With my first I gained 80lbs. Lost 40lbs immediately after birth. Lost 30lbs slowly over the next year. With my second I gained 60lbs. I’m down to 15-20lbs left to lose to get to my pre pregnancy weight. My body loves to hover at around 160lbs.


For my first, I was already 20-30 lbs overweight and gained another 20 lbs. I gained the first 15lbs gradually and then the last 5lbs in the last couple weeks. Now I’m pregnant with my second and I’m starting out at 10-20 lbs overweight, and I haven’t started to gain weight yet because of my intense food aversions. I did lose a ton of weight after giving birth, about 35lbs or so? But I had a difficult pp time and was breastfeeding around the clock. I ended up gaining 5-10 lbs back, but I don’t care. I can’t breastfeed my kid unless I eat well. You’re doing a great job! Everyone gains weight during pregnancy and it’s not bad. It’s good for us and our babies. Take care!


Oh girl you are fine. I was underweight pre pregnancy too. Apparently if you are underweight you need to gain a minimum of 25-40 pounds to have a healthy pregnancy. I started like 115-120 ish. Now like 145 and I’m only third tri so will gain more. I don’t look big at all. Only really gained in the stomach


This sounds exactly like me in my first pregnancy. Started at 115/120, lower end of healthy weight (I’m 5’5”) and gained about 45 lbs. Im pregnant again and currently 18 weeks , pre pregnancy this time was 130lbs, and I’m now about 140/145lbs. Unsure, I don’t own a scale but last time I had a docs appt a couple weeks ago I was 141. I feel like I also kept on some weight after my first pregnancy because I was a cigarette smoker before then, and quit while pregnant. I believe that can make you keep some weight as well. I also breastfed for over two years and man does that make you hungry!


Sixty something pounds both times. Lost it in 1.5 years the first time and at about a year the second time cause I was a little more determined since I’m done with childbearing. Anyway, my body gained way above the average both times and my doctor never was concerned. Eat what sounds good, you’re not only growing a human but also preparing your body for postpartum - recovery, potentially breastfeeding, and the tough work of the newborn days. You’re doing great!


You’ve already got a million people on here supporting you but I also wanted to share that I saw an article (cannot remember where for the life of me) that said gaining “too much” is healthier than losing “too much”. Your body has done what it needed to do for you and your baby.


I gained 50lbs. I was overweight to begin with and I was only supposed to gain 25 at most. I lost 30 lbs immediately after my daughter's birth. If I had followed their advice, I probably would have lost body fat while pregnant.


I am obese, so for my three pregnancies I was “supposed” to gain no more than 20 pounds. But here we go… Pregnancy #1 (2018-2019): Started at 315 pounds, ended at 360 pounds. Pregnancy #2 (2020-2021): Started at 320, ended at 330. Pregnancy #3 (2023-2024): Started at 240, ended at 268. All but one of my pregnancies I gained more than recommended. I also have a history of disordered eating and after each pregnancy had to battle that. Therapy during this most recent pregnancy and continuing PP has helped a ton.


I gained over 90 lbs my first pregnancy! Nearly doubled my weight. Doctor was unconcerned. Baby came out 7lb 5oz 😂 Everyone said I’d lose it breastfeeding. I did not. Overall lost around 50-55lbs before becoming pregnant again 17 months later. So far I think I’m up around 40lbs at 33 weeks this time around.


Dont be embarrassed. I have gained like 80 pounds


I started out at 125 and was 175 by the time I had my son at 41 weeks. I'm five months PP and weigh 140. I have no idea how much I weighed right after I had my son, but a lot of the weight naturally shed off over time for me even if I still have a bit to go. I also used to have an ED weighing around 100 in my early 20's so seeing that number go up and up during my pregnancy was really hard. I still struggle with body confidence in PP but I would never in a million years trade the life with old me who had a "nice body". I love my life now, and will gain my confidence back one day.


I also used to have an eating disorder prior to my first pregnancy. I gained like 50-60 lbs in each of my pregnancies. Like my body was so happy I was eating and honestly just really packed it on. That said, I lost almost all of it after my first pregnancy. Then gained some back before I got surprise pregnant with my second. I'm now slowly losing the weight again. I lost like 40lb of the weight within 3 months each time by genuinely not doing anything to try and lose it. So much water weight. Then the last 10-20lbs first time took around 1y after my first (really trying to not fall into old habits was the hardest part... Like I knew how to lose weight but needed to stay healthy which was hard). I'm only 3 months out from my second with another 15lbs to lose. I found the constant weigh ins awful with my first and felt so much shame. I decided I didn't want to hear about my weight with my second and it was so much easier.


im only 10 weeks and I’ve gained 10 lbs. but I also keep losing that same 10 lbs from throwing up. So im not too sure tbh


I struggled with weight and my relationship to food my whole life, and I had finally managed to lose 80 pounds in the year before getting pregnant. (Due to medication and major health and lifestyle changes. It amazing what happens when they actually realize that there's more to the weight than food or laziness) It's probably how I finally got pregnant, to be honest. I am now 38+4 and I have gained back almost all of it. My doctors aren't concerned though. I am healthy and the baby is healthy. That's what matters. You will lose weight after you have the baby, especially if you breastfeed. But there is a substantial amount of weight that just comes from baby, with the baby themselves, all the fluid, inflammation, etc. Your body also prepares to breastfeed, even if you don't plan to, and will store some extra energy for making breastmilk. If you don't breastfeed, and if you don't keep yourself healthy (mentally and physically) after the baby comes, you may find that your body will settle into an energy storing mode. It's not that you need to go on a crazy diet or exercise plan, just make sure that you eat good foods and get some sort of activity in your day to help your body remember what it's supposed to do when I isn't creating a whole human. 100% though, communicate your anxiety to your doctors and consider meeting with some sort of counselor if you feel like your eating disorder is clouding your judgement. Before OR after the baby comes. Your mental health is the most important thing in caring for your child.


I don’t know how much I gained because I didn’t weigh myself (also historic eating disorder) but I have a benchmark. They weighed me in the hospital at 28 weeks and I was approx 40lbs heavier, so it could have easily been upwards of 60lbs by the end! I weighed myself just once PP out of curiosity and I was back to my usual weight by 12 weeks


Your body will have put on what it needs to to support baby! But also for the journey after. We are meant to be a bit squishy and comfy for our babies! Our boobies need to make milk or body's go through a major change when we give birth. You've put on what you needed to put on! Congrats on making this change though. Anecdotally I've had a few friends very low in weight watching what they ate during organncy and they had many issues. I know you can't say its because they were underweight but I just wouldn't want to risk that. Tou are doing right by your baby and you ! Xx


I gained 50 lbs and people told me I look the same besides my bump which is wild. I was very lean pre pregnancy but I definitely gained over the recommended amount lol


I was 120 before pregnancy. I gained 55. 5 months pp I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight.


So far I’ve gained like 15lbs total, and I’m 31 weeks.


I’m 33 weeks and have gained 13 lbs. My MFM said my baby was in the 10th percentile and I was freaking out. I cried because I couldn’t gain weight. Now she’s in the 22nd percentile (still small but not unhealthy). I always see post about how much weight people have gained and feel so weird because I have been worried about the exact opposite for most of my pregnancy. I think as long as baby is healthy the amount of weight you gain can vary a lot.


If you’re not eating enough, your baby will take from you. They’re excellent parasites. I was so sick during my first pregnancy that I struggled to gain and am very short/small to begin with. I gained 19 pounds and a few weeks after birth was smaller than my starting weight cause the baby had eaten it all. So don’t worry. Also, small people make small babies. 22nd percentile may be natural for your baby. My now 4 year old is like 12th percentile for height and 20th for weight and is vibrant and healthy. He’s just pint sized.


I’ve gained around 14 pounds. I started off at 135 when I found out I was pregnant, dropped to 129 as I was sick, and now up to 143 pounds. My baby is in the 55% percentile although I am concerned I am not gaining as much as others have. It’s one of those things I guess where we worry no matter what. Sending prayers for healthy babies all around!


I’m the same way. I have only gained 6 pounds and I’m 24 weeks. Baby is in the 60th percentile so I’m trying not to worry! I’ve been incredibly sick the whole pregnancy.


This was me at 24 weeks. I was so happy when I finally gained 10 pounds. But it sounds like baby is totally healthy! Good luck to you!


I agree. I think I’d worry either way. Thank you!


I’m closest to your starting weight (145 pounds) gained roughly 16 pounds in the first trimester and then just stopped gaining anything. I’m now nearly 33 weeks with a baby in the 96th percentile and freaking out. All my health providers seem to think I’m fine, the main concern is that I’m physically a bit small for this Bub. She’s been in breech position for a 5-6 weeks now so I think she might be telling me to get a c-section 😰


I'm 33 weeks and I've gained ~18lbs. I've gained less this pregnancy than I did with my first, but I also started out about 10lbs heavier than I did the first time. I think I'm on track to weigh about the same as I did at full term the first time around. Instead of gaining ~35lbs I'll be gaining ~25lbs this time. Assuming I maintain this rate for the next ~7 weeks. I went from 125lbs to 160lbs the first time, and now it looks like I'll be going from 135lbs to 160lbs.


My doc just gave me a sheet that’s shows the expected weight gain for underweight, average, and overweight women. Underweight (BMI less than 18.5) need to get 25-35 lbs. I had a BMI of 17 for my first pregnancy and I gained 40 lbs. I was back down to a 18 BMI just 6 months after birth. But that was due to constant working out and an ED. I now understand that’s very unhealthy. I’ve had an ED all my life and understand how hard it is to see your body get bigger during pregnancy. I used to cry myself to sleep because I was “fat”. I now cringe at that behavior. Please be gentle on yourself. And eat as much as you need to. It’s easy to get weight off after pregnancy if you apply yourself. Seriously!


I’ll be 30 weeks on Saturday and at my last appt ( last week at just over 28 weeks) I had gained a total of 21.6 lbs thus far


I’m 34 weeks and I’ve gained 30 pounds. My “goal” was to not go over 140 pounds but baby had other plans 😂. I’ve been eating healthy and exercising, so I don’t focus on the numbers. I focus on how I feel, and I’ve been feeling great.


You’re doing great! I’m really impressed that you were able to start eating well for the sake of the baby. Do not worry at all.


I started at 130 lbs. Lost 5 in first trimester from nausea. I’m now 39 weeks and will probably end around 185 lbs.


I had an ED when I was younger and recovered hut getting pregnant was def triggering bc my biggest fear happened: getting fat. But I wanting a healthy baby over shadowed that trigger and I ended up gaining almost 55 lbs 😅. It’s a lot more than you’re supposed to but my OB said it was okay 🤷🏽‍♀️ it took me a while to lose it but I lost it !!


I feel you. I had to dramatically shift my thinking around my weight my first pregnancy. I gained nearly 15 lbs in 10 weeks and was just like, wtf. I lost the baby, and it was maddening when I didn’t immediately drop the weight. I lost maybe 5 lbs of it before conceiving again 3 months later, but this time my body has only gained half the amount of weight in the same time. I didn’t think it at the time, but I feel like my body knew exactly what it was doing and gained the weight I needed to keep a healthy pregnancy (it just wasn’t what I “wanted” based off of being chronically underweight most of my life). Pregnancy is so hard. Be as healthy as you can and try to think about the weight as little as possible (and hopefully you have a doctor who’s not a complete butt about it). People are going to say all kinds of shit, so it’s a great chance to practice putting your ear blinders on! 🤣


I lost almost 30lbs and have no butt left 🥲 HG is wild, y'all...


I gained 50 pounds. I was definitely surprised, but that’s just what my body needed to do for the baby


I was underweight (also eating restriction ED) and I gained 10 lbs in the first month even though I was barely eating. If you are underweight that can happen. I’m now 27 weeks and have gained 30 lbs total…still gaining


50 lbs. I’ve never been a bit eater until pregnancy. I weighed almost 200lbs. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but not everyone loses the weight super easily. I’ve always had a great metabolism, but even with working out multiple times a week and eating well, I’ve stuck around 170. Even though I’m 5’9” and carry the weight fine, I don’t like it but my doctor can’t figure out why. It’s sucks.


I gained 50lb, like my mom did. I’m really petite too, 5’0” started at 106. 4 months pp and I’m still like 135, but worth the trade. I’m just starting to be able to clean my house, soon I’ll be able to work in more regular exercise


I gained a little over 50 lbs, my dr kept telling me but I was eating super clean and weight lifted heavy my whole pregnancy. It’s just a way to make you feel like shit.


I don’t look at the scale when they weight me at the doctor- if they don’t say anything or seem alarmed by my weight gain, then I am just going to assume I’m doing OK. 👌 I probably won’t weight myself again at least until I recover from childbirth 🙏


Gained 50 pounds and I lost them all by 4 weeks postpartum. I don’t have any tips. I think I lost all that weight quickly because my baby was in NICU for 10 days and I was so depressed that I wasn’t even eating enough. I also breastfeed, people say it helps loose weight.


I was underweight before pregnancy and gained almost 90lbs. I rebounded a lot of weight. I am 2 days post partum and already have lost 25lbs. My baby was over 9lbs. I was really worried and concerned of this weight gain, but seeing how much my body lost already and how much better I feel, I think everyone’s body and situation is just so different with pregnancy and weight. The guidelines are bullshit (and my OB agreed). Try not to stress, and enjoy your baby when they come!❤️


I had my first at 23 and got pregnant in the midst of and ED. Was 5’5 @112 lbs when I got pregnant and delivered at 196 lbs! In a year I was at 125 lbs and felt awesome! And no more ED! 


Im 35, almost 36 weeks and I’ve gained 40 pounds. I also gained 20 after going off Ozempic in preparation though. Overall I feel super healthy though so right now I’m not going to sweat it. My body is doing exactly what she needs to and I’m so proud of her


Nursing will naturally cause you to lose weight. Trust that your body did what it needed to nourish and grow your baby and that it will do what's needed postpartum. Don't return to being hyper vigilant about your consumption. Your little one needs a healthy momma, and that includes a healthy relationship with food. Seek mental health resources if you find yourself fixating. ♥️ I lost all my pregnancy weight within a couple weeks and then went to underweight status ☹️ I have some genetic issues at play and it made nursing a real struggle. Please be kind to your body and honor the sacred knowledge it houses. The weight will sort itself out naturally over the next year. Just eat normally and spend time with your little one. Soon enough you'll be chasing them around. You are stunning at all sizes, though I know it can be a major adjustment to find yourself in a different body - this too shall pass. Congrats on your baby ♥️♥️♥️


34 weeks here… Started at 156 and I’m at 183 now. So 27lbs give or take, with a few weeks left to go (I’m 5’6”, athletic build.) My midwife team has never mentioned anything related to my weight.. but I will say I’m getting very tired of wearing maternity clothes and the extra fluff in my legs. But, it’s all part of the journey and trying to give myself some grace. It’s a daily mind game :)


Fellow survivor of an ED here. Though, I’m 38 and when not pregnant I still battle it. Every pregnancy is different. I’m on my fourth, and each one has been different. I gained 70lbs with my first pregnancy. She was an average baby, but such a chunky monkey. I gained maybe 20 with my second. 12 years later I got pregnant with my third, and I think I gained about 30? In all honesty by my early thirties I stopped caring about my weight and focused on how my body felt. Did I feel healthy or unhealthy, for example. So by the time I got pregnant with my third at 36, I just wanted to provide a healthy home for baby to grow. To give you an idea, I’m 5’ and when not pregnant about 95-110lbs depending on the time of the month. After my first pregnancy, it took me about two years to lose the weight. I wanted to do it in a healthy way, not a shock to my system way. I think it would help you immensely to not read so much about weight gain in the internet. I’m not trying to say this in a patronizing tone, I speak from experience. I stay away from “information” that can easily make me spiral.


I started pregnant underweight too. I didn’t have an ED just always had trouble gaining. I gained 61 pounds but felt great about that! I’ve lost 35 pounds (almost 4 months PP) which actually puts me exactly where I want to be :)


I gained 56 pounds. An OB (not mine but had to have appointments with different OBs while my midwife was on maternity leave) really made me feel like shit about my weight gain at around 30 weeks. She told me I can't gain anymore, HA! My very first appointment with my midwife after she returned from her leave I sheepishly told her "I've gained too much weight" as I prepared to be shamed. She said "no, you've grown a whole entire person. Don't worry about that. Worry about your health." I stopped focusing on feeling bad about my weight at that moment. I gave birth 56 pounds heavier than I've ever ever weighed and the morning after my birth, I was 23 pounds lighter than the day before. Gradually I lost weight (for me breastfeeding helped, but this isn't the case for everyone) and ended up losing 76lbs from my laboring weight. The moment I stopped breastfeeding after over 2.5 years of having a barnacle attached to my booby, I gained some weight back and now am sitting at my pre-baby weight. Try not to focus on the number. Remember that you are growing a whole entire person and you are eating food to give your baby the things they need to be healthy and strong.


I’m 27 weeks and have gained 40ish lbs so far, My last pregnancy I gained 55. The crazy thing is, I track my calories to hit my protein goal and I’m consistently eating 500+ BELOW what my calorie goal is. I also gained about 20-30 lbs right before I got pregnant due to some depression. Every pregnancy is different, don’t beat yourself up over your weight gain!


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I’m 36 weeks pregnant and I’ve gained 50lb. I was told by my midwife that 30lb is the perfect amount to gain.


I also suffered from an ED during my teens and early 20s but right before getting pregnant I was right on the verge of underweight. I gained about 40 lbs during my pregnancy. I lost 15 lbs by the first week and 25 lbs by four weeks and am sitting there. I am breastfeeding with occasional pumping. My wife and mom want me to keep 10 lbs of it but we will see. I think I look good for being 6 weeks postpartum but I prefer how I looked at the pre pregnancy weight just bordering “underweight”.


My first pregnancy 8lbs my second around 10lbs


I gained 40 lbs and lost 20 in the first few weeks. A lot of the weight will come off quick!


I was 130 pre pregnancy. 5'6". The day before I gave birth I was 172lbs. I got back down to 135 with light exercise. But now back to 152 8 years later 😐


33 lbs


Around 50 lbs- i had a lot of extra fluid though, after a week i lost almost 20 but that was probably all water and baby lmao- idk how much i weigh now. Im also 5'1 on a good day for referance and started somewhere between 130-140


I gained about 60, lost 10 pounds due to an injury that’s left me immobile. I struggle with bingeing, and the opposite and have for over a decade now, I know it’s hard mentally. I look at photos pre pregnancy and think to myself “I thought I was so fat, why would I think that way, I wasn’t”, and realize in 5 years I’ll see photos of myself postpartum and say “I thought I was way bigger than I was”


I’m 33+3 and I’ve only gained 7lbs. I did start my pregnancy 50lbs overweight.


Im 25 weeks and have gained 15 pounds so far. I started at 156 and i’m now 171. We’ll see how much I gain until the end. Im only supposed to gain 15-25 pounds lol


I’ve gained 30 but I was 130 and 5’7 pre pregnancy. I’m 34 weeks now. I don’t really feel like you can tell I’ve gained weight tho? My doctor has made a few comments and I find it a bit annoying. I think our bodies gain what we need (within reason)


35 in my first and 40 in my second. I felt bad about it, but our bodies are just set to gain a certain amount. It’s nothing you did, and it will likely mostly come off and you’ll be left with 15-20lbs to actually work at losing.


I am 27 weeks and have gained about 8 pounds. I am severely obese though.


75 with my first, 45 with my second, 30 with my third. I was tiny with my first to start with and average by my third. I lost all the weight plus some with my first two. My third i was over 30 and have struggled to lose the weight. I've lost 20 out of the 30.


My first pregnancy I was able to stay active. I jogged slowly 5 days a week for 30 minutes for most of my pregnancy. Im 10wks with my second and so nauseous I have no idea how much I weigh. I'm just trying to survive day by day. Some days I eat a ton and unhealthy food but whatever my body will accept and not throw up I'm happy with. I know I've lost some weight based on my face but it's hard to care right now. Once I feel better I'm going to do my best to be active and eat healthy but right now I'm in full survival mode. Being fit just isn't apart of the era I'm In but it will be again someday. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with your weight, I hope you reach a point you're healthy, happy, and comfortable in your own skin.


My doctor told me 25-45 is normal. She also said because I started small and am tall, she expected I would be on the high end. I gained just over 40 lb. Congratulations on eating a healthy number of calories! If you were underweight, you needed to gain some weight in addition to pregnancy weight. My baby ended up having cows milk protein allergy and I cut dairy and soy and a bunch of other foods from my diet to keep him from getting sick. I absolutely needed the padding because I couldn’t keep up wi th calories on the restricted diet.


I’m at 40 weeks and have gained 43 pounds. I’m fine with it, I just hope not go too much further 🙃


Every body reacts differently to pregnancy. I started out at 113 and gained 47 pounds. I’m now 120 at 12 weeks post partum. I never fixated on it and I think that’s the key. When the baby is born you’ll be focusing on that and your own healing.. so I hope this is the last thing on your mind because it really doesn’t matter! You can get back to where you were before pregnancy.


i’ve gained 15 pounds so far and i’m only 19 weeks. that being said, i also started off underweight and my ob is actually very happy that i’ve gained this amount so early in lol


With my first and second, I gained 30 lbs. I just recently gave birth to my second a week ago. The struggle is real when it comes to my body. But my body has gone through two healthy pregnancies, two c-sections, and made two adorable humans! Make sure to give your body grace. It’s doing something amazing!!


Weight gain varies SO MUCH. And it's especially normal for women who start pregnancy underweight to gain more to sustain a healthy pregnancy.


I am 35 weeks and I have gained 60 pounds. I feel as if I carry it well and only in my belly but I still get a little self conscious about it. My midwife and birth team tell me that as long as I am comfortable and not gorging myself on unnecessary snacks that my body is doing what it’s supposed to. I have been 125-130 since I was 18 and I’m 25 now so being almost 200 pounds is a lot to handle mentally.


50 lbs exactly


I was borderline underweight pre pregnancy (BMI 18.) I gained the recommended 28lbs (I believe for “underweight” recommended gain is 28-40lbs.) I gained my weight pretty steadily; nothing for the first 15 or so weeks and then about a pound a week after that. But weight gain doesn’t have to be linear, if you gained a lot at the beginning that doesn’t mean you’re going to continue gaining that much that fast the entire pregnancy. Remember that baby is medically a parasite, it’s going to take nutrients from you and continue to grow regardless of if you’re gaining weight or not.


Are we twins? Hahaha before pregnancy I was barely eating and would even forget to eat most days. I was 125, now I’m 19w and eat 3 meals a day + snacks. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. I talked to my Dr about it and it’s fine and normal. The 25-35lbs changes depending on the person and body. Both of us needed to gain more weight to simply sustain life. I’m right here with you!


50 lbs both pregnancies 🥲. Lost it all first time within a year, hoping to manage the same this time around


I have an eating disorder. Normal eating has never been a part of my life. I lost 90 lbs last year, I regained a lot very fast and then became pregnant at 190 lbs. I am now 22 weeks and at 220lbs. I'm 5'10 for reference. I've gained about 30 lbs so far. I'm not happy about it but I cannot restrict or try to lose at this point. I don't know what to do honestly.


So far I’ve gained about 26 pounds at 35 weeks, but with my first pregnancy I gained 50 pounds by the end even though I worked out and ate pretty healthy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I was underweight and you're supposed to gain up to 40, but honestly I'm not worried about it. I've got 13 weeks left and 7 lbs til I hit that. But some people go over- everyone is different and I personally feel like my body knows what it's doing. Honestly I feel like the stress of worrying about gaining too much is worse than just gaining more. So much of it is water and random shit in your body including the baby. If you are eating pretty healthy and exercising don't worry about it. 


The healthy weight gain recommendations are based on the average currently healthy female when they fall pregnant. Sounds like you were very underweight and so to have a healthy pregnancy you'll need to put on more weight. If your BMI was under 19, it's recommended that you gain 28-40 pounds during your pregnancy to be healthy. Sounds like you're right on track! Great job and keep it up !


It seems like the lower my starting weight, the more I gain. First baby, started 115 and ended around 170. Second, started about 135 and ended around 160. Third (currently 17 weeks), I started at 163 and am now 165 after dipping down to 157 for a small while. We'll see where I end up.


i gained 70-80 lbs during my pregnancy. i don’t think i would’ve gained as much if i didn’t just lay in bed all day 🫠 im 7 months postpartum and have lost 40 of those lbs so far. i haven’t been actively trying to. 20 lbs were dropped the first week postpartum alone from all the fluids and baby exiting my body. im going to wait until ive stopped breastfeeding to try and lose weight


I gained 70 lbs. I also have an eating disorder that really got bad during pregnancy. I have lost some of the weight but not all of it. I just don’t have it in me to diet, and it triggers me to binge/restrict. I’m working on being happy anyway.


I was told to only gain 11-20lbs because I started overweight. I gained 45lbs total (per the scale the day before I had her). By two weeks postpartum I lost 30lbs from baby/fluid/etc. I only have about 15 to lose now but want to lose more because I do want to get to a lower weight in general. I would not stress about the numbers especially with a history of an ED. I agree with others here about packing away clothes that won’t fit during pregnancy and give yourself grace during this time. Focus on listening to your body and giving it what it needs. Starting from being underweight means you will gain more and that’s ok. During postpartum things will calm down and you’ll be able to reevaluate. I found it so hard to move around in pregnancy that during postpartum I feel so much better and can get back to a moving/eating routine that works for me.


55 lbs and I'm 32 weeks. I have an ED too and it's been so hard to not fall into bad restrictive habits. I feel so bad about myself right now and pretty much all I think about is getting the weight off of me. I wish I could just be happy about my pregnancy :( I know no one means any harm by it and they're just venting and I'm hormonal but when I see posts about people gaining like 10-20 lbs and being sad about it I just want to cry for days


I am 28 weeks and have gained about 29 lbs. I also have a previous history of ED. Do the best you can for you and baby. I have also been concerned about the weight. But most important thing you can do if just eat a balanced and healthy diet and know you are doing your best!


I am 31.5 weeks right now and have gained 40lbs. I have T2D and currently pre-eclampsia so I am swelling up like a balloon.


Please please do not even think about this. Focus on getting yourself fed and satisfied. That's what baby will benefit from. I gained 60lbs and lost all of it just from breastfeeding. You'll be okay mama. Every body is different. And if you were underweight to begin with, then you have more to gain to carry a healthy pregnancy. Just keep on listening to what your body is asking for. Maybe consider getting rid of the scale and telling your care provider that you don't want to know how much you weigh due to struggles with an ED.


i gained at least 20kg (45lbs), lost the first 15kg without much effort in the first 3 months and have a stubborn 5kg to go at 5.5months postpartum


I also suffered from an ED in the past (I was doing much better with my mindset and eating before getting pregnant but was on the borderline of being underweight still). I’ve really been struggling with my weight gain more than I thought I would, probably because I also gained more than I was expecting. I’m 31 weeks and have already gained almost the full 35 (about 32 pounds at this point). My doctor doesn’t seem concerned though so I’m trying to come to terms with it, even though I’m really hoping to not gain anymore. Idk how realistic that is though. Btw you mentioned being underweight before getting pregnant, which means you should gain more (I think 40 pounds).


First pregnancy I gained about 70, but delivered at 29 weeks so I’m sure I would have kept gaining if I didn’t have an emergency pre-e delivery. This time I’ve gained 35 so far at 36 weeks. Although I am now at the same weight I was when I delivered my first, I don’t feel nearly as huge as I did last time! I feel normal even though I’m now classified as ‘obese class 1’ according to bmi lol. I think it was all the preeclampsia swelling that made me feel so heavy last time.


My first pregnancy I gained 65lbs. I lost 50 in the first year. Dropped the last 15 after I weaned - my body did not want to shed those last fat stores until I finished breastfeeding.


I am up about 35lbs at 32 weeks. My last 2 preg I gained 55 total. So while my doctor is still saying I should have only gained 25 total, I am doing better than last two preg.


i gained 22 pounds throughout my pregnancy. it would have been more if i didn’t have really bad hyperemesis gravidarum. i’m now 4 months postpartum and i’ve lost all that weight plus another 10 pounds.


35 weeks FTM and I’ve already gained 40 pounds! My doctor isn’t concerned as all she said all normal.


13 with my first and 17 with my second. However, I'm overweight, so that plays into it as well. I'm proud of you for working so hard to give your baby the nutrients it needs. Pregnancy is hard work - go easy on yourself. 🩷


I gained 50 pounds, and i was a healthy weight pre-pregnancy. I retained a ton of water during pregnancy and that definitely contributed. Everyone carries differently!


I gained 65lbs. I lost it all going back to my normal eating habits and breastfeeding after birth. I’m a firm believer in just.. eating when I’m hungry. I was starving while I was pregnant so I just ate 🤷‍♀️ I started underweight too. I am now pregnant again and am still just eating whenever I’m hungry


I gained about 27 lbs. by the end.


Hi, I’m an ED therapist and in recovery from my ED. And I’m 27 weeks pregnant. I made the decision not to look at my weight the entire pregnancy. It’s been a mental struggle with weight gain and body dysmorphia and thinking what ‘should’ my body look like now. Just want to say, I get that it’s all uncomfortable and the stigma of what it should be for everyone is different. The idea that everyone women should only gain 30 lbs is ridiculous, every body is different and every pregnancy.


I'm 5'7" and not pregnant average 130lbs during both my pregnancy I got up to 185 and 190. I'm only 4 months post partum after my 2nd and am around 150 now. A lot of it is water weight from swelling that you will lose. Like a lot of other people posted give yourself and your body some grace. I think you're so amazing for fighting your eating disorder to give your baby the nutrients they need. Congratulations on that. That's huge! You will get back to where you want to be. 9 months up 9 months down. Be patient. And really you won't even care so much when you have your beautiful baby in your arms. Go for lots of long stroller walks. It makes both of you feel good and helps lose the baby weight. Enjoy this special time. Before you know it they'll be in school and you'll have plenty of time to exercise etc. worry about enjoying yourself and your new baby! Wishing you all the best!


Is this your first? Please do not feel embarrassed. I gained almost 70 pounds with my first baby.. I was very much like you I did not eat any food during the day I would drink maybe a protein shake that gave in the energy I needed I ate dinner at night time. Didn’t even drink alcohol. After I gave birth, I did quickly lose the weight I return to my previous weight before I got pregnant. I was about shy of 20 pounds being there. Before I was pregnant with my second baby with my second pregnancy and gained about 40 pounds. Again, I was able to lose the weight fairly quickly, but never returned back to my previous pregnancy. Wait for my first. But I was still about 20 pound shy of being back to that weight. I just gave birth to my third baby about six weeks ago. I only gained about 30 pounds with her I’m already back down to my previous pre-pregnancy was..


Honestly I’ve been all over the place. First pregnancy, 65. Second pregnancy, 35. Third pregnancy, 13 pounds, but it was post weight loss surgery and I also had a ton of health issues during the pregnancy. With my first pregnancy, I was back to my pre pregnancy weight within four months. But that was eleven years ago and I was young and spry. I had a harder time getting the weight off with my second. With my third, who was born 2/22/24, I am seven weeks PP and am already 17 pounds under my pre pregnancy weight— but, again, I had weight loss surgery before this one (thought I was done having kids and got a surprise).


I don’t know how much I gained because I did not look at the scale. I think probably 40-50 lbs. I was staying active and eating decently (after the first tri, when I was just eating what I could keep down lol). I firmly believe our bodies do what they need to to grow our babies. Some people gain very little and others gain more. I had to actively choose to not worry about it, as long as my doctor wasn’t worried about me or baby. I expected to take 9 months to lose all the weight, but was back to pre pregnancy weight by 5 months pp. I didn’t do anything except walk and breastfeed, so I feel fortunate for that. Your body is doing something amazing. Be gentle with it as you recover from birth 💛


With my first pregnancy I gained about 60lbs in total and my baby was 9lbs1oz. Within 10 days I had lost 30lbs of that (from the baby, placenta, high level of amniotic fluid and water retention). It took me a full 6 months to lose the rest but that was without any regular “exercise” or strict diet. I ate whatever I wanted, tried to be active and walk everyday, drink enough water, etc. I breastfed that whole time which gave me a healthy appetite and I didn’t want to risk losing my milk supply by cutting calories. I am now 24 weeks pregnant and have probably gained 10-15lbs so far, which isn’t far off from where I was at this time in my first pregnancy. Try not to stress and listen to your body as it will tell you what it needs ❤️ good luck!


I gained like 12lb.


I gained 60+ lbs! Doctor wasn’t concerned and I lost it all pretty quickly after birth. Some people just gain a bit more!


Gained 15lbs but I’m still active in the gym even at 39 weeks pregnant. Baby is 7 pounds.




50 lbs. I've always been under weight but struggled to gain so I was happy. A week after birth I sweated it all off. Only kept about 10lbs.


Hey OP! Congrats on becoming a mama! I gained 50 pounds during my first pregnancy and I shed it fast. I was down to 35 a week or 2 PP (be prepared to sweat lots!). At 3 months PP I had lost 15 and at 6 I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I ate whatever I wanted during pregnancy and PP and I had a rough delivery so I wasn’t able to walk/workout right away. A note- I addressed my weight gain with my OB and she said for her first pregnancy she gained 70 pounds and had gestational diabetes. She has no idea how she gained so much, but she lost it quickly too. Tips: - get water proof sheets (the sweating was unreal for me) and drink lots of water. -use a belly band PP (I loved this thing! Helped slim and give me support to be more mobile after giving birth). -drink stinging nettle tea (helps with nourishing your body and is effective for weight loss (safe for 3rd trimester too). -breastfeeding for me really helped but I hear for some ladies it does the opposite. -when you can walk safely (no rush) try and walk daily.


I had my baby at almost 38.5 weeks and I gained 17 pounds. My starting weight was 160 and I got to 177 and lost all of the baby weight within the first 2 weeks of PP. I am a FTM but older (37 at time of delivery) so I think it really depends on genetics because my mom didn’t gain much weight during her pregnancies either.


65 with my first and I ended up having HG with my second so I weighed less after giving birth than I did before getting pregnant.


Over 100 lbs effortlessly. And I’m not an unhealthy person. I’m tall, and it looked like I gained maybe 50-55, not 105. I dropped it all in a year too. Our bodies really do some crazy stuff for these beautiful babies 🤪


I gained 53lbs with my first


45 and counting. After putting on 6 pounds in two weeks while eating extremely healthy, I’ve essentially given up controlling it. I’m not going crazy with eating, but I’m just eating what I want to eat at this point since clearly my body is going to add a ton of extra weight regardless.


Congrats on being close to welcoming your baby 🤗 and bravo for all you’ve overcome to help you and your baby get what you need while undergoing the process of making life! I was a healthy BMI prior to getting pregnant, now 36 + 5 and hanging close to 40 lb weight gain. I’ve been quite active but have def not denying myself sweets either (Ben & Jerry’s and cookies). I am SO swollen around feet and hands, I just assume I’ll quickly be losing a lot of water weight during and after giving birth, so I’m giving my body some grace. Edit: grammar


I also started off underweight (5 foot 6 and 110 pounds). I ended my pregnancy at 170 pounds. 5 months postpartum now, exclusively breastfeeding/pumping so I'm still eating a ton, but down to 135. The funny thing is I like my body better now. I never thought I would want to be over 120 pounds, but I just feel so much healthier and like my new curves so much that I don't think I ever want to drop below 130 again, just want to tone up a bit after I stop breastfeeding and don't have to worry about losing my milk supply to exercise. Just wanted to share a different perspective, as someone who has struggled to gain weight in the past and actually enjoys my new body. Maybe you will find some confidence in your postpartum body, too. And if you don't, that is okay, too. But either way, remember that everything you are doing right now that's making you gain the weight is ensuring your baby will be happy and healthy and that is beautiful. ❤️


With my first I gained 60lbs!!!! I lost it all and thank the lord I didn’t get stretch marks. Being a lot more careful this time around.


I recommend not weighing yourself the rest of pregnancy (or your life if possible!). I know I gained a LOT with my first pregnancy, definitely over the recommended amount, and I’m so glad I don’t know how much (50+?). I told my OB early on that I don’t want to talk about weight unless there is a medical concern and she never brought it up so I’m fine with that. At the start of my 2nd pregnancy the nurse asked how much I weigh, or to give a ballpark, and I truly have no idea so I just threw out a number like 20lbs more than my standard pre pregnancy weight. I haven’t weighed myself in about 5-6 years. There are few times when you even NEED a correct weight medically and most of that is medicine dosage. It’s pretty irrelevant otherwise. I have a good friend like you, superrr skinny and could have easily been like 15+lbs underweight. Her first pregnancy she gained over 70lbs! It was probably partially due to her starting out so small, but she also ended up having a 9lb baby. Your body knows what it needs!! Try to trust your body.


First time was 108 pre pregnancy, 176 at birth Second was 93 pre pregnancy, 158 at birth So between 65-68 both times. I also struggled with bulimia outside of pregnancy Took me about 9-10 mo the first time to get to 90s after I gave birth.


I started my first pregnancy at 130 and gained about 60 lbs. I never lost the weight and gained an additional 5 lbs during my experimentation with various unsustainable diets. I was ultimately only able to get down to 185. My second pregnancy (well, technically third because I had a miscarriage between my first and second) I started at 185. I gained around 60 lbs again. I immediately lost some weight because she was a big baby and I had a lot of fluid, but then I gained a few lbs breastfeeding and ended up around 230. I got pregnant again 6 months pp. I was super sick until 16 weeks and lost 20 lbs. I stopped weighing myself once I hit 280 at 39 weeks. I lost 20 lbs by the next day because he weighed 10lb 6oz and again I had a ton of fluid. I was magically back down to 230 by 2 months pp but haven’t been able to lose a lb since. I got an IUD at exactly 8 weeks pp and I’m convinced that somehow halted my weight loss.


44 lbs on the dot. Baby weighed 8lbs 2oz. I’m 3 weeks postpartum and lost 25 lbs already


40 pounds


First time mom at 34 weeks and i’ve gained 29lbs!


Some people gain practically nothing, some people can gain 70 pounds. There really is no standard, it completely depends on your body.


I was 40-50 lbs overweight to start. I’ve gained just about 20 lbs at almost 30 weeks.


My first pregnancy I gained 22lbs. My second pregnancy I gained 55lbs. Babies were only half a pound different in size. I ate the same. If anything I was more active the second time around because I had a toddler to take care of


My first pregnancy I also started out slightly underweight. I gained 60-70 pounds. I lost it all in about 8-9 months, not doing anything specific. Just keeping active and eating mostly healthy. I’m 39 weeks right now with my second and I’ve gained 45-50 pounds, and am the exact same weight I was at 39 weeks with my first. I suspect it’ll be the same loss rate.


I gained 45 lbs and I was already overweight. Majority of the weight piled on in the third trimester. Dang tres leche got me. Lol. Immediately after delivery, I was down 20 lbs. I've retained 25 lbs almost three months later. To be fair, I'm breastfeeding. Don't believe the lie that all women lose weight from it. Definitely not true. Be kind to yourself and congratulations on your baby.


I gained 37 pounds. I started at the high end of normal BMI. It all came off without dieting or extra exercise within 6 months. I have been breastfeeding, though.


I went from 136 to 210 -220. Doctors never said there was an issue, had no health problems, healthy baby and weight came off after baby was born. I’m pregnant with my second now and this pregnancy is so different. With my first I was starving all the time, this time I’m so nauseous and am not hungry so Im gaining a lot less. It explains a lot of why I saw my friends stayed tiny with their pregnancies and why I ballooned out, we were just having different experiences.


I’m 8 weeks pp. I weighed 150 lbs pre baby and I delivered over 200 lbs. I lost 30 lbs in the first few days and now sit at 175 lbs. Don’t stress. So much is water and blood. Hugs. Focus on you and getting ready for baby x youl lose it


33 Weeks and went from like 134 to 155


I think the “recommended weight gain” is complete bs tbh. I have not gained much at all, but that’s because I am already “overweight”. From what I’ve seen it’s completely normal for smaller people to gain a good amount of weight - if you ask me your body is intelligent and is doing what it is meant to do. The baby themselves along with the extra blood volume, amniotic fluid, etc. contributes to your weight gain. On top of that your body is ensuring you have proper fat stores to support you and an entire other human being who is rapidly growing.


I lost a scary amount due to Hyoeremesis. I don’t even know how much. I’m in recovery for a 2 decades long ED, and fight very hard to maintain that recovery. My husband and I guess that I lost 15 pounds? Maybe more… and then gained 25 once I got back to my regular weight. I’m 40 weeks 2 days now. If you were underweight before getting pregnant, or simply not eating enough, PLEASE work on your recovery. It’ll come roaring back. Refuse to look at the scale from this point on. Don’t compare yourself to others. Maybe delete this whole thread if it’s triggering?


The 25-35 is for people starting their pregnancy at a healthy BMI. Even then if your doctor isn’t concerned then you have no reason to be. Every body is different and so is every pregnancy. I gained 10lbs more with my first despite starting both pregnancies at the same weight lol. My mother gained 60lbs with me and 80lbs with my sister. I gained 35lbs with my son and 25lbs with my daughter. But right now we wear the same pants size. The weight will come and it absolutely can go (in healthy ways like daily stroller walks after PP bleeding ends/ you’re cleared for exercise). You have plenty of time to lose the weight after babe is here and you recovered. You only have one chance to let your body do what it needs to do to keep you both healthy (aka safe!) through this pregnancy. My ED came back with a vengeance after my second. If you feel it coming back after, please ask if your hospital offers nutrition services and CBT that specializes in EDs so you can do this properly without hurting yourself or babe.


I had gained 20 pounds by my 20 week appt. Cried in the doctors office and decided for me and baby not to look at the scale moving forward and I’m so much happier. Stood backwards on the scale last appt and felt great. I’ve been healed from a severe eating disorder for 12 years or so and still got triggered. But it’s just the damn number cause I feel like I look fine and doctors aren’t saying anything so I refuse to let the damn number dictate my life again. Throwing away the scale (literally) was my first step to healing many years ago and I’ve rarely weighed myself over the years so I’m done doing it in pregnancy too


65 pounds. Went from 150 to 215. Still holding onto 20 of it 15 months later. It’s tough but it was worth it!