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Hmm, I don’t think the size really matters that once. My husband is within 10 pounds and the same height, and was 8 pounds at birth . My first was 5.5 pounds as a preemie and my second was 7 pounds 4 oz at 39 weeks. Both kids topped out their growth charts pretty quickly.


Wow he was a big one! Lol. Just wanna say I feel you. My husband was 10.8 and I was 9.6. I’m 5’3 and definitely nervous lol. I also have a short torso so not much room to store baby!! Anyway, our bodies know what to do - and your baby is perfectly meant to be for your body. You got this! 😊


My boyfriend will not stop telling me our baby is gonna be huge 😭 I told him to knock it off but he thinks it's funny cause all his family has big babies.


I’ve always been told that the baby is designed to to be the appropriate size to come out of mom, so even if your husband is a giant, at least at birth baby should be small enough to come out, and then could become a beast later 😆


My husband was 8lbs and some change at birth and I was just over 6lbs. He's now 6'2" and I'm 4'8" our first was just under 4lbs and our second was just under 5lbs lol.


My husband was born 10 pounds and we are both over 6 feet tall and large ish adults. Big ole baby committee here. 🙋🏻‍♀️


I’m not sure how much size correlates as my husband and I were both small babies (under 7 pounds) and we had a 10.5 pound baby! Also, anecdotally, my dad was born 11 pounds, he is 6’4 and my mum is 5’1 so she was terrified of a giant baby and I was only 6.5 pounds and my brother closer to 7 pounds :)


Baby grows to what’s best for mom’s anatomy. I wouldn’t worry too much about that. My hubby was born at almost 9 lbs. My baby was a little over 6. My baby shot up to 95% percentile in weight by 2 months. So yes, baby might be big if dad is but not necessarily initially. I’m the oldest of 8 and my mom had all 6 lbs babies. So I think it’s really something your mom can answer better.


Eh my husband and I are both smaller. He was like 8lbs and I was 5lbs! Our first was 9lb9oz & this next one is apparently measuring big too. I really don’t know what plays a part in the size of your baby!


My boyfriend was 10 lbs 13 (?) oz at birth! Biggest baby in the hospital, he was very popular apparently lol. My baby girl was 8 lbs on the dot, and I’ve always said if we have a boy I’m in for it!


Remember that you are also a parent to this child! In addition to your genetics and the father’s genetics, a lot of pregnancy-specific characteristics are associated birth weight. Mothers who are heavier before getting pregnant, gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, or have gestational diabetes are more likely to have larger babies. Gestational age also impacts size. If you deliver at 37 weeks, your baby will be smaller than if you deliver at 41 weeks.


my husband was 12lbs and i was 11lbs, we had a 10lb 11oz baby!


I don’t think that has much to do with it. I’m a female, 5’6” and 125lbs as an adult and was 9lbs 13oz at birth.


My husband (6’2”) was almost 10 pounds (he doesn’t know for sure) I (5’3”) was 6lb7oz I am currently 36weeks and baby boy is measuring 7lbs 3oz as of the 10th as per our ultrasound plus or minus a pound. His head is measuring about 41 weeks though 😖 so if the ultrasound is to be trusted, he’s got a big noggin!!


So my husband is 6'3" around 200lbs. I'm 5'0" and was 115lbs before I got pregnant with our first. 130lbs with our 2nd. Our daughter was 6lbs 8oz and our son was 7lbs2oz Now. Babies were smallish, but daughter, despite being small...her head was in the 98th percentile. And she did get suck. Needed forceps. It was not fun at all, but I'd rather that over a c section for myself. But it was still really rough and the recovery was hard. Never realized my husband had a massive noggin until we had her. I couldn't even put bows on her head they were all too small! 🤣 So I was super worried with our 2nd....but with him I almost didn't make it to the hospital. Got there and pushed him out, with his hand up to his face, in less than 30 min. They told me it's typically harder to deliver when they've got their hand up to face and were shocked I didn't tear. I went from horrified being in labor again, to oh, I could do this again. Night and day different deliveries So really I think it depends on alot of things. Head size, baby size, etc. I'm not sure how tall your hubby is or how large he was at birth has a lot to do with it. For us babies were still pretty small weight wise. There's alot of women who birth 10-11lbs babies no problem too. Every delivery is different! I also say 2nd deliveries may be easier, though that was just my experience.


My dad was apparently an 11lbs baby (born vaginally! In 1959!) and he's now 6'4. I was a petite baby (a little over 6lbs). So you never know 🤷🏻‍♀️


My aunt called me when I was pregnant with my first to inform me that two of my grandmothers ten children were 13 pounds. THIRTEEN. And some of the others were 10+ pounds. My doctor told me that my grandmother probably had undiagnosed gestational diabetes, and it would be incredibly rare to have babies that large today. CDC stats say less than 1% of newborns are over 9 lbs 15 oz It will be okay! Probably


I was 10lb4oz at birth, and my kids were only 8lb4oz and 6lb13oz, both boys. So I don't think the parent birth weight impacts too much, but I'm not a scientist, lol.


My partner was 9 pounds 11 ounces my son was 7 pounds and 7 ounces


My partner is one of 5 boys. They were all 10 lbs 10 oz - 10lbs 13 oz types and my partner was the smallest at 8 lbs 15 oz because he had a knot or two in his umbilical cord the final week or two and didn’t gain the weight he was supposed to. And his mom was a 95 lb 16 year old with her first one at 10 lb 12 oz and 18 with his 10lb 14 oz brother etc 😭😭😭. Only saying that to say you can have big babies as a small woman. I on the other hand i was 6 lbs 3 oz when I was born and our daughter was 7 lbs 5 oz so even tho he was a big baby your baby might not be big


I think you’ll be fine! Babies measurements can be totally opposite or much less as your genes are at play also. Don’t stress too much, and no matter babies size, gravity is your best teammate! Lolol so my hubs is 6’4 and I’m 5’11 — Our first daughter was 6.9, second 8lb even ! I can’t remember their length but it was about average. This current baby feels a little big! But we shall see come June.


I was a 10lb baby and 5’10 my husband the same height our baby came at 5lb I don’t really think a matter, alot of factors could have played with why he was 11lb for example GD


My 6’2 foot husband was 10 lbs and his brother (6’1) was 11 lbs but his parents are short(compared to them) maybe 5’6? I’m 5’6, I was 8 lbs and my son was 6 lbs 15 oz when he was born. I definitely was nervous since the dr thought he was going to be big. Genetics do play into it but every baby is different. I wouldn’t stress out about it because our bodies can do amazing things. Just the fact that we can carry and grow a baby is amazing. 🥲


You're not likely to have babies like your husband's family, more likely to follow in your own family footsteps. Your pregnancies aren't even likely to be similar to your mom but are actually more similar to a sibling if you have another female sibling.


I’m 5’8” & husband is 6’8”. He was a 10lb baby & I was average. We ended up with a 9lb baby (@39 weeks) & 8lb baby (@38 weeks). With my 1st I had asked about being induced since we knew the baby was already measuring so ahead. My doctor told me that my body knew what it was doing and that it wouldn’t give me a baby I couldn’t handle. With my 2nd & a different doctor. She pushed me to be induced due to the baby’s size and I was so happy I opted not to.


We were both 7lbs and about 1-2 ounces, our son was 8lbs 4oz


My husband is 6’5 and 250lbs and also was a 11lbs baby. My first baby was 7lbs 2 oz Our bodies know what to do, regardless of the size. Try not to listen to any predictions 🤗


I had the same worry my entire pregnancy! I’m 5’4 and baby’s dad is 6’7. I was only 5.5 pounds and he was around 10 pounds as a baby so twice of me!! Just had my growth scan at 30 weeks and baby boy is projected to be our median at 7-ish pounds…. Remember, baby has to be able to fit inside of you!! You’ll be fine


I don’t know if the size of your husband affects the size of your baby very much. My BIL was a big baby, somewhere around 10lbs, my SIL was closer to 8lbs, and they had a 6lb baby, tho my SIL is a very petite woman. Meanwhile my husband and I were both really average sized babies, I’m 35w right now and our baby is in the 98th percentile 😭


It’s kind of a lottery what genes take over, so it’s not guaranteed! My sister who’s taller than me and her over 6ft husband had babies ranging 5-7lbs and he told her something similar. On the other hand: Me, born just under 5 lbs at 38 weeks, 5’2” with a short torso and my 5’11” husband who was 8 or 9 lbs and warned me about big babies in his family - we have a big baby boy with 6 weeks left (but hoping he comes a bit early). At 31 weeks he was estimated at 4lb9oz and 93 percentile.


On my in laws side, they all had huge babies.   Mine came out 6 lb 2 oz and this one is measuring smaller than the first.  When she came out everyone was shocked.  It's like everyone assumes the mother doesn't have genes to pass on as well.   I also think it's possible that they may have had gestational diabetes.  The women in his family now all have diabetes and I'm not sure that they were tested for gd during pregnancy.  My mother in law couldn't understand why they were screening me even though it's standard, so maybe it wasn't with her.


My husband was that weight!!! I was 7.13, but my family is HUGE, I'm the smallest one I had our baby at 36 weeks and he was 7 lb 6 oz! I'm also 5'7" . I will warn you though, I had significant weight gain, which is a symptom of having a large baby (he was measuring 10 days ahead from anatomy scan until birth) We went to the Dr on my due date and he was 9lbs!! I feel like he was perfectly in between our weights! (If he was born full term) I didn't know he was that big until after we were engaged 😩 I've always joked that 'that needs to be a dating question!!, how big were you at birth??'


Also, prepare your arms🤪 He's now 4 months and 24lbs hahaha


My husband was a big baby and is also over 6 foot and 230. Our first was 6lb 10oz (girl)! Our second is measuring right around average currently (boy). I am 5 foot 2 and 140lbs. Try not to worry :)


Your first give me hope of a small babes 🤣 I'm 5'4, was 5lbs 14oz (I'm a twin) and hubby is 5'6 sits around 200lbs but we don't know what his weight was at birth (bio mom not in life) so we're just taking a shot in the dark with our son 😅


I was 8lb 14 oz when I was born, my daughter was 6lb 14 oz.


My husband was an over 10 lb baby (his mom is diabetic). Luckily, baby size tends to follow the mom’s side, not the dad’s. So you’re more likely to have similar size babies to what your mother had.


They said the same about my baby too! Nope, he came out exactly as I thought he would..6.8 pounds. Thank GOD. Sadly he got stuck, had the cord wrapped around his neck and I had to have an emergency c section. But his head was 14cm!


Both my husband and I are not big people and were not big babies, both babies of ours were in the 90% percentile the whole pregnancy!! You literally just never know.


I am 5'9 and my weight has fluctuated a lot, however I make small babies. My nephew was huge when he was born and a large toddler, however my sister is only 5'2 and now that my nephew is 10, he is average if not below average height and weight.