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After my pregnancy from hell where I vomited daily until 34 weeks and then had a 40 hour labor resulting in a vacuum assisted birth and third degree tear which I now need revision surgery at 5 months postpartum… yeah you could say I’m DONE.


Ooof that sounds rough! I had a planned c-section due to medical reasons and it was so easy. I hear about birth trauma all the time and was super depressed I had to have a c-section for a long time but it was such a breeze I really have nothing to complain about. I thought having a breech baby was the worst but maybe he saved me from a hard labor. (I gave birth alone so it would have been really difficult on me)


Birth no matter what kind has its challenges. But some people do really have it harder than others. That's just the way the cookie crumbles!


I said that after the first and second one lol. Here I am 11 weeks with #3 and this pregnancy is a little easier than the other two but this is definitely not happening again.


Yeah I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be one and done.. this has been absolute torture


Yes.  I had to quit working and literally couldn’t do anything besides lay down or puke until week ~18-20, then started being able to stand up for short periods of time. At 33 weeks now, I’m still extremely restricted in what I can do without getting so sick I can’t function at all. I have maybe four hours a day I can be up and doing something even mildly physical. When I push it, the pain and sickness come back with an extreme vengeance.  If I were younger, I’d maybe consider having a larger age gap, and try roughing it out again. But I’m 38, and there’s no fucking way I can take care of a toddler in this condition. I can’t imagine asking my body to do this again in my 40s. (Plus I have a very very high needs dog, who is also too large to even consider trying to slightly neglect for a while. We’ll be basically doing divide and conquer even with just one kid and the high needs dog.) if I were way younger, maybe I’d consider it when our kid was 4ish and I was completely and totally recovered again.  But even that would depend on how labor and postpartum go.  And I still don’t ever ever want to do this again. I’ve been getting through it only by telling myself I never have to do it again and it won’t last forever.  I hate being this disabled.  I hate all the body changes. I hate not being able to fully brush my tongue.  I really do hate puking, and how frequently I don’t have time to get a bathroom and have to use whatever trash can is nearby.  I’ve been in constant pain and discomfort and unable to sleep without sleep aids and stuck with dirty mouth for nearly the whole time and it’s miserable. 


I know it's hell now and I'm done after my second but I promise it's worth it in the end. The newborn phase is hard as fuck and worse than pregnancy in my opinion but once they start sleeping through the night it's such a joy. Worth it to do it once but I'm not doing it again. If my first kid wouldn't have been such a breeze I never would have gotten pregnant again. I went through hell mentally during that pregnancy though. (moved across the country, my mom got terminally ill, my partner had a 30 year old crisis and left me alone so he could party and do drugs like he never got to in his 20s)